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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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redtulip, genxv - I'm sorry - I didn't follow the rules~!     My I LOVE YONGSEO posts were both too long and I didn't do the name, age, country thingy (mainly because I'm a liitle embarassed about the AGE!)  Anyway - I put 2 rather long replies for this in this blog - I give you full 'goguma power' to edit them and use whatever pieces or parts you want to use to make 'em fit!

John, 46, USA

'guma oppa or guma appa' - depending on your age!     

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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kekek I've read all your posts "Why I love YongSeo"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even though, I've answered it, but still I want to answer this question again!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why I love YongSeo?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Their slow progress makes me smile whatever they do. They're young, but mature. They give off the warm feeling, that makes me happy. And yet, the memories, they've built together, are beautifully precious
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hihi_hehe, 17, Vietnam

































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun































































































































































































































































































































*big wave* to everyone!!!! thank you for you know what :D





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































spazzing again while posting some caps....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh YONGSEO, you're too obvious that watching you guys is getting pretty hilarious, especially you Seobaby!































































































































































































































































I do believe you were upset and disappointed (who wouldn't be?!) but maknae































































































































































































































































your body language, smiles, stares and giggles towards Yonghwa are screaming































































































































































































































































that someone had already been forgiven :P and you're just
































































































































playing hard to get, setting your revenge into action :D
































































































































That's why gogumas, I do believe they met at the concert and maybe even filmed.
































































































































Who knows..maybe wgm decided not to air the footages to avoid angry fans? *shrugs* oh well...
































































































































Now this is an angry Seobaby!
































































































































Sharp gazes, sarcastic smiles/pouts, raised eyebrows..rapper Hyun who wouldn't buy any
































































































































of her flushed Yong seobang's excuses.
































































































































































































































































Yong seobang leaning towards Seobaby..wanting to appease her...but too scared to even
































































































































give her a light nudge






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just compare these caps to the caps of the bus ride from episode 25 at the spoiler above.
































































































































This is not Yongseo during a Lover's quarrel..more like Yongseo after a Lover's quarrel <3
































































































































































































































































First 2 caps,,,why does it look like they're trying not to laugh? Or just feeling giddy perhaps? <3
































































































































LOL Yonghwa, you should have known what she was about to ask you the minute she held that phone up (:
































































































































































































































































Aigoo Yongseo! Just compare Seobaby's gaze here to the ones I posted above from episode 25.
































































































































I see hearts coming out from those eyes not flames. kkekee
































































































































































































































































Body language and smiles say it all! These two definitely met after that one month of no convo.
































































































































ahemATtheConcertahem <3
































































































































Love the last cap...Seobaby doesn't look innocent...Yonghwa does (:
































































































































































































































































Even I had to replay this scene because Yonghwa was accccccccck *spazzing* LOL
































































































































so I bet Seobaby was feeling deugeun degeun a trillion times more kkeke
































































































































Seobaby you're supposed to be mad remember? why were you nodding and looking so lost at the moment
































































































































when Yong was explaining :P
































































































































































































































































She's so cute!
































































































































Seobaby welcome to the world where the opposite sex exists
































































































































































































































































accccccccckk! She was totally blushing when Yonghwa kept asking her if she had missed him <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































hahaha she's so feeling giddy. just look at her trying not to smile.
































































































































3rd cap OH MY SEOGODDESS indeed! seductive kekkeke
































































































































































































































































OMG! Seobaby the way you were sitting at that couch and the stares you were giving Yong..is it part of your
































































































































Let's Teach Yong Oppa A Lesson plan? Trying to make him want something he can't have woot! woot! LOL
































































































































LOL@ the way she said she was still mad...why so loving?
































































































































































































































































LOL. too obvious there Seobaby! Yong Seobang succeeded on this scene.
































































































































His buin giggled the moment he did his head bang teeeheeee
































































































































compare it to the other set of caps I had on my spoiler above (:
































































































































































































































































Replayed this scene too many times because of their adorable WhoaS and Whats <3
































































































































































































































































Ahhhhhh the joy I get from making these caps.
































































































































Is someone taking a glance at someone's lips again? <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































I rest my case (?) :wub:
































































































































































































































































Can someone please make a gif ot these two scenes please? thank you!
































































































































Love the way he said he was really touched..even closing his eyes <3
































































































































































































































































Replay-worthy! too cute!
































































































































































































































































Self Intro
































































































































Seobaby SOLO 16 going on 17
































































































































Oh + Pink Ribbons surprise
































































































































































































































































Kissing You
































































































































































































































































Chocolate Love
































































































































Into the New World
































































































































see uploaders for credits
































































































































































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Guest xolemonmeringuexo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this couple lights me up!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if you think back to the first time they met, total ROLE REVERSAL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong always lead the way and now, seohyun is in the driver's seat :] :]

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest seveneightnine














1. they're so natural.






2. i love they awkwardness.






3. i love they caring each other.






4. they like my first LOVE.






5. they make my heart dugen dugen waiting for saturday.






6. they makes me smiling like crazy.






7. they are so REAL.






tya, 21, Indonesia


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Guest Crystal392




All your answers are ♥



To all lurkers Goguma ninjas who haven't answered yet, please answer! :) Let's give a big surprise to uri Yong~ and uri Hyun~ for their 300 day anniversary!


_d3seohyun: OMG Those screencaps are :wub: When they look at each other.. blush.gif:wub:;):):lol:w00t.gif


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Guest yongseo_fighting


I love Yongseo...


Because Hyun is a girl that I wish I could be and Yong is a man that I wish I could marry.




suet, 29, malaysia




Hmm... I found that a lot of replies stating they are from malaysia. Hey there, Malaysia goguma fans...:rolleyes:


I seriously have to say Hyun has transformed into a very beautiful lady currently. Even her fashion sense has improved a great deal. She looks so beautiful in Taiwan photos...


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Guest pseudonykkaii

_d3seohyun---awesome caps and even more awesomer interpretation. ILOVES!!!!!<3

anyway, after looking at those intently.. I get the feeling of secrecy, giddiness and fluff--yongseo style. Id love to think that theyre 'knowing' looks on each other are more than just what it appears.

Ps. Goguma villagers, i henceforth declare, that i, Nykkaii-- an Ex-lurker-- would hereby participate in anyway i can to spread goguma love worthy of the sweetpotatoes that uri yongseo planted(and will plant) on their lovenest, their precious two row field; share the villagers passion of ogling and spazzing, and aim to be just like the finest goguma detectives who dedicates their homeworks, sleep and precious, precious spare time(that they couldve spent on another round of yongseo episodes) on finding the truth and nothing but the truth about anything gogu-related; I shall also continue believing that it is real and turn every negatives into positives...just as countless villagers have said before me: make love not war.

May I be shot by hyun's feistyglares, be fed tons of salty kimchee and get endless nightmares of the 'other' seohyun.

So help me God.

That is my poor attempt at an ex-lurker's goguma oath.


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Guest CheriMerci








Hi all goguma lovers! :)








This is English translation of the lyrics of  "Ring" Ost. Haru.




This song is the one that Tiffany mentioned that really suits to YongSeo Couple. It touches my heart and when I listen to this song, I can see YongSeo scene putting on their couple rings at the fishing spot. :wub:




Hope all of u guys enjoy it as well as me.








Song: 반지 (Ring) (Haru OST)




Singer: SNSD Tiffany (티파니)








Hangeul (한글)








눈이 부셨었죠




아름다웠던 날




우리의 사랑을








난 목이 매어와




아무 말 못 한 채




끼워 준 반지에




눈물만 떨궜죠








어둠 속 외로운




빛을 잃은 별처럼




그런 내게 그댄 내게




빛이 돼 주었죠








내 손에 새겨진




그대와의 약속




지지 않은 꽃이 되어




변치 않은 거예요








My love




지금 순간이 천국인 거죠




바보처럼 자꾸 행복한 눈물이 흘러요




오늘 또 내일 시간이 간데도




그댄 영원한 내 안의 보석이죠








눈물을 머금은




향기 잃은 꽃 같은




그런 내게 그댄 내게




향기를 주었죠








내 손에 빛나는




그대와의 약속




끝이 없는 빛이 되어




눈이 부실 거예요








My love




지금 순간이 천국인 거죠




바보처럼 자꾸 행복한




눈물이 흘러요




오늘 또 내일 시간이 간데도




그대 영원한




내 안의 보석이죠












내 심장은 그대라는 것




난 그대 밖에 알지 못 하는 바보이지만




가슴이 아는 한 가지가 있죠




그대 없는 난




내가 될 수 없음은




그대 없는 난




내가 될 수 없음은
















Nun i bu syeo sseot jyo




A reum da wot deon nal




U ri ye sa rang eul




Yak sok haet jyo




Nan mo gi mae eo wa




A mu mal mot han chae




Ggi wo jun ban ji e




Nun mul man ddeol gwot jyo








Eo dum sok wae ro un




Bi cheul i reun byeol cheo reom




Geu reon nae ge geu daen nae ge




Bi chi dwae ju eot jyo








Nae son e sae gyeo jin




Geu dae wa ye yak sok




Ji ji an eun ggo chi dwae eo




Byeon chi an eun geo ye yo








My love




Ji geum sun gan i cheon gu gin geo jyo




Ba bo cheo reom ja ggu haeng bok han nun mu ri heul leo yo




O neul ddo nae il shi gan i gan de do




Geu daen yeong won han nae an ye bo seo gi jyo








Nun mul man meo geum eun




Hyang gi i reun ggot ga teun




Geu reon nae ge geu daen nae ge




Hyang gi reul ju eot jyo








Nae son e bin na neun




Geu dae wa ye yak sok




Ggeu chi eom neun bi chi dwae eo




Nun i bu shil geo ye yo








My love




Ji geum sun gan i cheon gu gin geo jyo




Ba bo cheo reom ja ggu haeng bok han nun mu ri heul leo yo




O neul ddo nae il shi gan i gan de do




Geu daen yeong won han nae an ye bo seo gi jyo








A na yo




Nae shim jang eun geu dae ra neun geot




Nan geu dae bak ge al ji mot ha neun ba bo i ji man




Ga seum i a neun han ga ji ga it jyo




Geu dae eom neun nan




Nae ga dwael su eob seom eun




Geu dae eom neun nan




Nae ga dwael su eob seom eun












English Translation








How sparkling it was




The beautiful day




When we made the promise of our love




I couldn’t breathe




Couldn’t say a word




At the ring you put on for me




Only tears were dropping








I was like the lonely star that lost its light in the dark




You’ve become my light








The promise with you that is engraved on my hand




Becomes the best flower




It will never change








My love




This moment is heaven




Happy tears keep flowing like a fool




Today, then tomorrow, even when time goes by




Forever you are the gem in me








I was like a flower that lost its scent, full of tears




You’ve become my scent








The promise with you that is sparkling on my hand




Becomes the eternal light




It will keep shining








My love




This moment is heaven




Happy tears keep flowing like a fool




Today, then tomorrow, even when time goes by




Forever you are the gem in me








Do you know?




You in my heart




Though I’m a fool that knows nothing but you




But there’s this one thing that my heart knows




That without you




I can’t become me




That without you




I can’t become me
















Hangeul lyrics in the MV ^^




Romanized & translated by me












Cr : nickzkuso0@YT








Ring Ost. Haru MV






I love YongSeo because they're so real, their stares and actions are quite slow but so sweet.



In my opinion, YongSeo are meant for each other. But actually there's no exactly reason for my love to YongSeo, I just feel happy and smile everytime when i see or think of them. :lol: Thank you so much YongSeo for making me so happy everyday. YongSeo (CNBLUE&SNSD) Fighting!!!






Cheri, 29, Bangkok, Thailand








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Guest shinbie





I love Yongseo because their every action, their every stare, their every word exude sincerity. I am thankful to Yongseo for making me smile everyday.



Merci! Je vous aime :)



Christine, 33, Montréal, Canada


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Guest Goguma06



_d3seohyun: thanks for all your caps!!they are awesome!! It 's so obvious that Seohyun was not angry anymore! I guess that at the moment that she saw Yong, her anger vanished and she could only TRY to look angry (sorry Hyun it didn't really work! :P )

shinbie: you're a french-canadian too!! i guess i am not the only french-canadian who support Yongseo couple!XD

I can't wait for next episode! I feel that their duet will be daebak! I can't wait to see their interactions before and after the performance!


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aallyyaa, I would like to welcome you back in the thread. Darn, I enjoyed reading your 4th post. Don't be a lurker anymore. Language has never ever been a hindrance for all of us here to communicate. Keep sharing your thoughts. Perfect, good, bad English have never ever been of prime importance for all of us here in the thread for as long as you are able to convey your thoughts only with respect, tact and tolerance for the differences and diversities of all people here. I shall be looking forward to you leaving your marks as often as you can in the thread from now on.

miel_1301,sorry for cutting an awesome lovely post of you ;)
















Thanks for your warm welcome. aww..you read my post?you understand what im trying to say? i couldnt believe it  :lol: . it such a great honour for me. i personally enjoy reading all your analytical POV and amazing posts. Everytime i read your post, i just  :wub: , you such a great writer.i know,you are so right. that is why i started post in this thread a few hundred pages back (actually, i  signing up at soompi,just to post here phew.gif )..  . At first I was hesitated, but after knowing how lovely and supportive our gogumas here i am not scared anymore(even it was nothing much then, i've put a lot of thought before posting) sweatingbullets.gif . I believe that my love for yongseo is strong enough that language barrier shouldnt be a problem anymore blush.gif . To tell you the thruth, i've always wanted to post often, it just that I dont know how to express myself, how much i enjoy watching yongseo, how much i love this thread. All i can say is,you guys (yongseo and gogumas) are DEABAK!JANGG!LOVE!...  :P ...thats all. After all,the gogumas here have express their opinions and all of them are pretty much the same with me :D . Thanks again for your encouragement. I will try my best to post here as often possible. I just need little bit of courage and something to share. :) .
















Btw, I love your the butterfly symbolsm article you shared. it is indeed a good obsevation/finding .BRAVO!!(MC Kim style)





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Guest shinbie





Goguma06 hé oui :) I just had to come out of lurker mode at least once so our couple knows they've got supporters from all over the world.


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Guest duckduckduck






i wanna download every YongSeo CUT 1080i(no sub)


but i can't find any link on internet / the link is not workwacko.gif


    Please help metears.gif








i wanna download every YongSeo CUT 1080i(no sub)


but i can't find any link on internet / the link is not workwacko.gif


    Please help metears.gif




or full version (tp / ts are the best)


thank you very much




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Guest Goguma06



duckduckduck: Just go to the sweetpotato site for episode 1-8 i think

and after Run devil run subs are releasing subs for Yongseo cuts each weeks. Just go there : run devil run subs

I can't wait to know if MC Kim will have tweeted about his WGM filming! Here it's almost time for me to go to bed...so when i'll wake up i guess there will be informations here!

Thanks in advance for them :)

EDIT: Oh i topped the page...first time i ever do it! Don't know want to do! I am not good with sharing things and all... i might just end up srewing all my post if i try to put pictures here XD,,,,sorry i will try to learn how to do it for next time! :)


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Guest deep _sea
















































































































sorry for being a silent lurker and late to give my "why i love yongseo",..
















































































i love yongseo couple because...
















































































watching them make my heart goes duguen-duguen and get "butterfly effect" in my tummy. they are so pure, cute and innocent. and because yongseo, i hope everyday is saturday.. kekeke :)
































































































































































i love you all goguma lovers and yongseo fighting!!!

















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DJHinata dearie~!!! again, thanks so much for the wonderful fanart~ u know i love them xD *saves*

I just read a post saying seohyun had the same clothes in the salon and also visit the cancer kidsso does it mean hyun and yong go together after the salon filming?so arent hyun suppose to be mad....but she still went to visit the cancer kids with yong???or is it...hyun is not really "that" mad from what we saw in that ep...

yes, yongseo went to visit the kid after their salon meeting. i don't think hyun is that mad at yong. she's just dissatisfied with his actions. even if she's mad, she's a professional remember. besides, according to the timeline, she also didn't wear the couple ring in the start of july, not till yong wore his on the 22nd of july, only then, hyun wore hers on the 24th july. so i think hyun isn't as mad as she was at yong in this ep. even d3's caps show how her eyes are filled with happiness just to have yong around her. haha u'll hafta backtrack some pages in order to understand the timeline though...d_???? did post the timeline pics of hyun. moreover, WGM did some magic show in this ep... so, don't be trapped by their gimmick.

I don't have much to share, but I just wanted to say that episode 28 was not terrible at all.  In fact, it showed the growth of the two as a couple.  Hyu~n has really transformed into the pretty butterfly she is, and Yonghwa is doing what men do best; acting like a child to get the attention of the girl he likes! It has to be love.wub.gif  

haha i like what u posted here~! especially the hi-lighted ones :D

edit: genxv... kyaaaaaa where did u get that cute cartoon pic of hyun & her 2 unnies?! sooo adorable! xD hhaaha! oh, at this rate... i'm sure u guys' project are gonna be a success! just look at all the I LOVE YONGSEO BECAUSE posts :w00t:

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Guest ryeo_hyun_yong_7
































































I Love YongSeo because they have a charm that is very unique to them. Their personalities really complement one another. They really look good together and their small sweet actions towards each other are enough to make me happy not only throughout the day, but even also throughout the week. I can sense that the relationship they have is real and they are really meant for each other.




























ryeo_hyun_yong_7, 18 , Philippines





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Guest bintangkalerbiru



i love yongseo because this two different yet amazing person, when they are paired together, they create a beautiful and natural love story that can make me smile foolishly out of nowhere just by thinking of them.

stella,23, malaysia

i was absent for three days and i've been threated by 30 pages!!! how am i gonna finish backpagging?? hahahaha..

thanks everyone. these few days have been miserable lately. but coming here makes my days bearable again.


just some late spazzing from me.

i really love their lover's quarrel. and yonghwa has definitely being defeated by his buin. poor yong. hahaha.. seohyun, as a noob in this couple thing, is definitely a genius because being a noob herself, she managed to make his nampyeon squirm by her words and action of revenge. haha.. u go girl!! yong~, make sure u earn ur goguma back from ur buin ok? if not then u'll be in big trouble. i am ur fan but this time i'm on hyun's side as a girl myself. hahahaha!!! this is definitely fun. calm and peaceful relationship is so overated. ^_^

oh how i love their conversation and quarrelling in the practice room. yonghwa is so adorable and seohyun is cute,showing her dark side of personality by being angry and revenge and everything. haha.. this week's episode is super daebak!!! ^_^


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Wednesday 27th October... New Mini Album SNSD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Sunday 31th October... SBS Inkigayo??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love to see that scene to see how they react :wub::lol::P































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































【 Girls' Generation 】The comeback stage of 3rd Mini Album『Hoot』will be on KBS 2TV 『Music Bank』 on Oct. 29th. #SNSD #sone
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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so maybe on 31 they will comeback in inkigayo and usually new comeback artist have special interview before performed with MC which is jokwon,sulli and YONGHWA
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mhmm if thats true i thinks seems there will be a tons of teased words/action from snsd unnies because all of snsd are prankster and wanna make funny both of them (i wonder how yongseo gonna react):lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and its the first time all snsd meet again yonghwa,last time is when oh! promotion.

































































































































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