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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Who ? in hyun's cellphone
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































today's episode was short  fury.gif i feel like it's reduce because uri yongseo has more minutes last week  :ph34r:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i want to thank everyone (i wish i could mention each one of you but lazy me i have to go back 5 pages)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so i just thank EVERYONE of you  :wub: sinchaa, jongmal kamsaheo  :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































* yong washing hyun's hair is adorable, it's so romantic and heartwarming...this kind of action is so LOVEY DOVEY, so husband and wife thing..well, it's a month they don't have any contact then *BANG*, he wash hyun's hair, i can totally understand that hyun shocked when she heard yong's voice (hyun's mind: am i starting to have illusion of yong? oh my god, i haven't seen him for a long time i start to have crazy imagination). *
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































~ in the little room, hyun really look annoyed because yong said that he wants her to miss him, hyun look is like "really you do that just because you want me to miss you? just that?" it's look like hyun is really tortured because of no contact from yong, she really is thinking that maybe something bad happen to yong because a month is just too long to play are-you-miss-me-tug-war :angry: too bad yong, you should play that only for 3 days fury.gif ~ as i'm a girl too,  i'm totally understand why she was upset -_-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































~ yong headbang hmmmm, if you hug her, you're forgiven..well that headbang, you need to do it 5 times and longer..then you're forgiven :phew: ~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































~ at the preview yong and hyun holding matching umbrella as mic when practising the song, and it's look like hyun is excited watching cn blue rehearsal at the end of preview ~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































~ rumour that yong is going to watch SNSD concert *me crossed my fingers, my toes, my hair* i hope it's true  :wub: remember when hyun upset because yong's not coming to her concert where she's done solo of 16 going 17, yong asked her to sing that song again for him, but hyun rejected it...then they make a deal, she'll sing if yong promise her to come to both thailand and china to watch her concert ~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'll be patiently waiting for translation from uri angels  :wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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BluMist i think seohyun was refering more to text and phone calls outside filming more than meeting each other for filming or not. Yonghwa himself admitted before that he texted her and stuff, and for him to completely stop doing it for a month at the same time when they didnt have any filming together... i can totally understand why seohyun was worried and upset after finding out his reason.
































































Had yonghwa texted her at least once throughout the month, i doubt her reaction would be like that.
































































magdal, I agree with some of the stuff you wrote. the way i see it, he's probably being protective of her. He should have been reading netizens and fans reaction towards their marriage/relationship hence his efforts to perhaps cover up by changing ideal girl and all other contradicting comments.
































































I've got to stop analysing and just enjoy the couple while hoping for the best... i dont know the two of them personally and i cant read mind so assumptions wont do me any good cause then i probably will be affected by it if im thinking more negative than positve.
































































back to lurk mode.
































































































































Blueshoes, thanks for sharing the cap. gosh k-netizens have sharp eyes!
































































i dont think its seohyun or any of the girls picture..... it does look like yonghwa!!!

































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Guest pollykpy








Yes, Ingikayo was not air last week because of the baseball game but they did recorded last sunday, I saw a fantaken photo of the 3 MCs during the recording at a Chinese website.








And from unconfirmed fan acct, Sulli and JK asked the fans whether they watched WGM yesterday (last week episode, and the fans start singing and shouting LOVE LIGHT, which made Yonghwa smile shyly. This was written by a fan at baidu, I don't know whether it's true.








@Jastubee : For me, actually this episode really answer a question that I was wondering all this while - why sunddely Yong hubby so show off his ring, he is no more low profile since August, he really show off his ring during the Asia tour, and openly talk and answering questions about his buin. I think I got the answer today .... :wub::w00t:








EDIT : Ingikayo recorded 101010













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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































I really hope yongg is in taiwan right now, attending SNSD concert
































































































































































I think it will be really sweet for the couple since hyun went to CNBLUE's concert. Also i think it also shows both of them how much they support and really care about each other
































































































































































Wished this episode could have been better but i agree and believe that "I dont know why" is dedicated to seohyun also. We all thought that Love light was for hyun before last weeks episode and we were all correct. So i believe our instincts of "I dont know why" is also correct
































































































































































Especially the parts where he is like "I know you situation backwards too" i.e. he knows how hard it is to have a relationship as a celebrity, "She is popular", hyun is not only popular amongst other guys but to her fans as well
































































































































































And  maybe the one month he didnt contact her made him think about how much he really cared about her. He even said he had to control himself from not contacting her. Hence why he doesnt know why he loves her so much
































































































































































As a dedicated yongseo couple fan i really hope this couple grows into something really special in the future.
































































































































































I think they are really good together. and that since they both have musical interests, that they can support and strengthen each other
































































































































































@pollykpie: i agree. It really made me udnerstand why yong kept on showing his ring off during CNBLUE's concert and kept on mentioning it. It is because he knows that seohyun watches him and if he doesnt wear it, she'll be mad again
































































































































































@magdal: yess, he indeed wore the couple ring in his album cover and i happen to have just found a clear image of it. I think this is also a kinda signal to soehyun because since he loves rings, why wouldnt he wear other rings as well but in this "I dont know why" album image, wear only his couple ring with hyyunn???? kekeke this makes me soo happy knowing that there is this possibility:wub: 

































































































































































































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i thought the set up dineer or lunch was made during the 'MBC strike period?'


well, ignore me then.

maybe i'm getting confused with the timeline too..

did anyone notice that when yong was looking at hyun's 'wedding pic' with JM,

the bg music suddenly turns sad...hehe

and he kept mentioning their perf date.

so...he IS feeling the anxiety too when buin doesn't show her reactions?

2 can play the game, yong :P:lol:

can't wait to see hyun surprising him with gitfs and

what yong will do to redeem back all those gogumas.. ^_^

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I am puzzled??? is it really because he wants Hyun to think about him more often? but girls are not like that... after a good time spending together girls wants a follow up (c0nsistency) like calling and texting more often.. Hyun started to open up... Yong wrong move, our maknae is now dissapointed. If I am a guy (this is gonna be my POV), i think Yong is trying to hold back because he fell head over heads to Hyun now and he is restraining himself to fall more. I can understand because the life that they have is really difficult to have a normal relationship... but other kpop couple they pulled it off so they can too if they really wanted.






































































































Yong that is why there is a word "kiss and make up"... you can still make up and double your effort to regain the lost goguma






































































































I am a Yongseo fan and whatever happen I'll be happy for them....









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Guest Kerube-Chan












i thought the set up dineer or lunch was made during the 'MBC strike period?'










































well, ignore me then.





















maybe i'm getting confused with the timeline too..











































did anyone notice that when yong was looking at hyun's 'wedding pic' with JM,





















the bg music suddenly turns sad...hehe





















and he kept mentioning their perf date.











































Hello! Yes, the interview with the WGM PD was after the MBC Strike Period, so they take them to dinner during the MBC Strike, not in July. It is important to keep the facts so we dont confuse ourselve.











About the Wedding PIC, that have me laughing I cant stop watching YH is reaction, he was trying to keep it cool, but in the end you can see he is not happy about it. :phew::rolleyes: Good thing SH told him before the release of the video.











On another matter:











You know what I think happened, I think she really went to CNBLUE is concert, but as we know she got there late and got out early to avoid the crowd and upsetting anyone... Maybe she did it on her own, not everything have to be filmed by WGM.











I remember how bad the critics were in the first season because the Solbi thing in the Shinwa concert, the fans were really mad, and blame everything on Solbi and it was a WGM mission for them, not her fault.











For me it is best this way, nobody knows anything you are left wondering what happened and you cant blame anyone because you dont know if it is true.











I choose to believe she went to the concert. Not backstage, because I really found that impossible, but I think she attended the concert to listen to their music as any other fan.


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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we are at page 1200 !!  :ph34r:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































such a great achievement.. HAPPY 1200 pages!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love my goguma family :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest chocolateanh




























1st post here




















well, our yongseo couple is really make us crazy kkk




















like many of you guys think the song " I don't know why " is dedicated to Seo Hyun...I think so too!! OMG I just listen to that song again and its lyric is pretty much like Seo Hyun




















" Long time no see anything new down your way, can you hear this




















She is not fussed about my news, would you mind look at me too




















I think about you a lot to take care, I wanna do and I wish




















Don't be silly she is popular"








































credit chairsup





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Guest BluMistLaydee










Uhm Kerube-Chan. The MBC strike lasted from March until around May but both YongSeo and the Adam Couple still filmed during that time of the strike. They didn't broadcast anything until towards the end of May which is one of the reasons we're so far behind with these two. The only time YongSeo didn't film was during the month of July. And the article from the staff saying they arranged lunch and dinner meets for the couple to avoid them becoming awkward again was around August.






ETA: thanks Moonie for the correction about the dinner and lunch meets. I guess I was wrong



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If yong really goes to the taiwan concert,, all his lost gogumas will come back for sure!!

































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Guest wallpaperfood

Hmm after rewatching multiple times (as usual), I realise my first post pages ago (regarding this ep) was a little rash...like the mad fan, I sided with Hyun...

I agree with various ppl so far who have said that Yong might be feeling insecure about his feelings for Hyun, and wanting to test out how much she cares. You could see he was even looking tentatively/insecure in part 1, when Hyun brought it up. Anyway, as of now, I'm dead tired and would love to write more on this, but lots of others have already done it (better than me too) here, so I'll leave it at that.

I want to spazz a little about the sweeter things in this ep:

- after not seeing for a month, coming in and washing her hair is so intimate :). He even sprayed the water in a nice line across her scalp, and was really gentle. 

- During the head nudge, he looked like he wanted to hug her. But intsead settled for a second headnudge ehehe. And ofc she didn't pull away, but leaned in and smile even.

- the fierce eye contact Hyun initiates ... even I wouldn't be able to look straight on ahaha. 

- there was a moment in Part 3, where after Hyun puts her elbow on Yong's shoulder in a pose, and turns to look at him, did i sense some electrifying intensity/interaction?! ahaha Yong was the on eto get embarrassed this time. 

- He DID look jealous and regretful that he was not the first to have wedding photos with Hyun. 

- also to mention he looked sad that Hyun "forgot" what 29th was...he was so surprised that he kept on repeating 29! 29! 29!...29! to Hyun

- When he gets the first steady glimpse of Hyun in a wedding dress, he instantaneously smiles (probs b/c she is so pretty) for a moment, then it disappears cos he realises it's with Trax

PS wasn't it cute of him to play with a toy in the salon? (the toy car - I thought it was a video camera at first lol)

oh yeah and did u see MC Kim's expression at around 3:05 in part 3? He's taking this just as seriously as we are hehehe (i don't understand the question Yong asked yet though)

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Guest monie1909

i just want to reconfirm jnj and kerube chan,u guys are right about that dinner meeting.The news was release on july but it happened around april( during mbc strike) before the morning exercise at the badminton court episode and just after fail cooking episode.I'm 100% sure about that because we are spazzing how they gonna react after month not filming (then,the pd release the news about pd's took out both of them for dinner during the strike to avoid awkwardness) and they did look comfortable in the morning exercise episode.

Edit:bluemyst.np ^_^ .you can refer here if you like..


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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo












long time that i did't post anything but i don't know what happen to me before my work-time i have to open this thread rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif




actually i know where the lyrics of I DON'T KNOW WHY from keke 




jachikkk YONG~~~




@ everyone thanks for all your kind when we shared everything i feel really touch *hug*








YONGSEO it's real







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Cont from previous



They started discussing about who to sing which lines of the songs. Seohyun "insisted" Yonghwa to sing some of the not so good lines in RDR. Yonghwa changed the lyrics to asked her for forgiveness. (Quite a interesting exchange, have to read the full conversation to understand that it was definitely daebak)



Seohyun wanted to show him some photos and she had some regrets that she already wore a wedding dress for the MV. Yonghwa felt no matter what was the content, there was no need for a wedding dress. Seohyun only liked the part that she got to wear a wedding dress. She couldn't tell him about the MV in advance cos it was during the time that they did not contact each other. Yonghwa said it was ok as they are very close now and they started "bickering" on whether they are close.



The end


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i think yonghwa need to attend the concert tomoroww if he doesnt want seohyun upset / keep his promise to
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Rumour: Taiwan might be the last stop for ITNW concert
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so no concert again until maybe next year

































































































































































































































































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Guest cole.cole










lurker no more here!!!! so the episode today is short........ boy, this thread is a bullet train!!!! weehoo, :lol: is there a subbed episode already? :w00t: where can i watch it? i am so excited to watch the latest episode of the goguma couple with all your blahblah,, yadahyadah... thanks to all who are very generous enough to share about the latest ep, you are all the BEST!!!!! woohoo!!! i love the GOGUMA COUPLE! I LOVE YONGSEO! WIIII TO THEM! WIIII TO ALL OF YOU! AH! whatever happens, whatever comes out, yongseo will live forever! viva yongseo! viva yongseo lovers (viva me... haha) say what?! hahaha. i really can't contain my happines, hahaha.



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Guest Hikari1309




 Happy 1200 pages, all :wub:




Kyaa... I felt Yong~'s very handsome for this epidose








sorry,, Happy 1201 page!!:w00t:



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One month is a long time but as a guy I somewhat understand. Whenever a guy does and acts "emotional" and outside the stereotypical macho guy attributes society expects of us, we would want the girl to contact us first. Had Seohyun contacted him, Yong would've felt she approved of his emotional and romantic side of him that he showed her in the last episode. He put himself in a vulnerable situation and his wanting "a slap on the back" and a "good job" and a first contact phone call is understandable. And it seems like Hyun expects him to always make first contact, I think this might be a bad habit on her part, and this must be very annoying to Yong. Remember Yong contacted her to let her know his birthday was coming up, she responded though he didn't get her text message. I don't remember any episode where we have knowledge of Hyun making contact first?

I really wish Hyoyeon had JungShin's phone number too because this wouldn't happen in a non celebrity situation, a friend would have called a friend within three days to find what's up.

But really we don't and probably will never know the whole background story... Because in my gut I suspect Yong probably had his cell phone privileges taken away. It could of been taken away to prepare for concerts and songwriting, or Yong was late or did something management wasn't happy about. Korean celebrities and idols are treated like toddlers by their management and we international fans sometimes forget just how odd korean management of celebrities can be sometimes.

Edit: lulu2 and BluMistLaydee - I agree something is fishy, that's why I was suspecting korean management taking Yong's phone away. It could easily be image control on their parts too. Some good ideas, girls!

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