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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest baby_bo



Hahaha you guys are funny.

Yep eventually Yonghwa was able to move his chair closer to Seohyun that happened during the giving of the story book.

As to when he did that, we do not know.. editing guys editing haha

why focus into HOW he moved it, What's important is that.. HE DID MOVE CLOSER TO HIS BUIN.


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Guest fabregas215

pardon me for being too late in spazzing about this lovely couple.

after watching it, now i know:

1. the reason why Yong is so eager in showing his couple ring everywhere he goes

2. why they seems to be enjoying the duet singing LoveLight during the concert (seems like both of them can now sing it by staring into each other eye)

3.how they were so into each other at the sushi shop,even ignoring Ueno Juri

i must say, i love how yong called hyun by "Seo joo hyun" in this epsode. it is exactly how i imagined when i read Jossa fanfic. i realised how Jossa loved to potrayed yong calling hyun with her full name.

(that's the first time he called her by her full name right?) 

Jossa fanfic is now slowly becoming into reality.wub.gif

yong,you are indeed as warm and beautiful as the sun~

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hi village ppl!

*haha, at first i didn't get it when ppl start calling us village ppl,

then i rmbr the photobook that hyun gave yong. there's a photo of them with

fans on the background, and hyun refer the fans as villagers. so that's us, yongseo

fans, the villagers! duh! :rolleyes:

ya, okay, i'm slow, i know* :sweatingbullets:

every moment in last epi is worth mentioning.

so here are the few that i want to add, besides all the lovey dovey scenes.

did anyone notice that there is only one bowl for them to drink the rice wine?

they drank from the same bowl..now THAT, to me is quite intimate

seeing magdal gif of their intertwined hands,

i wish the tree is not there to block our views..

of all places for them to sit, they just had to choose the spot where there's dung!

then wondering where that smell comes from...

while hyun can still look as if she smells roses, just look at yong's expression! :lol:

*off to work now.

Keep The Faith in Yongseo who reminds us to Make Love Not War

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Guest klare84



hello again! :D found a vid of yonghwa...not sure when this was taken but it featured seohyun..well more like he was asked by the mc of the show..the show is called "Star Date" (i am not sure if this was shared already, and if it is..sorry..)

LINK: Star Date with Jung Yong Hwa credit: kbsworld.. (question start at 1:24)

surprisingly this is subbed and the mc asked yonghwa if his wife knew about his photoshoot with the model...and he said she will understand and that she doesn't know about it...he even stuttered answering the question..hahah..i would like to see an episode where we can actually see how jealous seo hyun would be if she sees her "husband" with another girl..such as like this photoshoot..hehehe..(don't hate me :( )


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Guest lovekin


yong should call seo 짜식 (or "jjasik") all the time. wub.gif i think it's totally cute, and it would separate them from all the "honey" pet names and such.  ironically, given seo's personality, she fits the meaning of the word rather well! 


as far as the meaning behind the song, i'm pretty sure that the rap part was created while thinking of seo, but that's about it.  the song melody was created a long time ago, and he wrote the lyrics later.  i read it either here or in the c.n.blue forum or something that ...




... yong wrote the lyrics to "love light" about someone in middle school.





but i think the song as a whole is pretty adorable and romantic in itself, and it wouldn't surprise me if the meaning behind it changed for him.  those are my two cents, though.


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Hi miel_1301, not sure bout sharing the pic.
































































































































i think it's should be ok as long as you put it credit to them...
































































































































hopefully we can get new pic today....

































































































































































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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































@ lenovo : OH MY GOD !  :w00t: that gif, DAEBAK.. Jung Yong Hwa totally will be a HOT DADDY, he's so charming and lovely :wub:
































































































































































































































































i think Hyun will be a so much CARING MOMMY too.. THANK YOU, i look at that gif for maybe 2 minutes without blinking!
































































































































































































































































@ panGG: thank you  :wub: sorry for late reply i've just read your comment by now































































































































































































































































































































































































dear all, i'll be back with lil artwork, HAPPY GOGUMA DAY ^_^

































































































































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hi everyone~!

wanted to spazz with u guys yesterday but i was burned out @_@

miel, genxv, bay_bo, d3, lenovo: thanks for always getting this thread on track! u guys are jjang to push away all negativities! :wub:

just wanna thank everyone in this thread in making it a beautiful place for gogumas to gather & to spazz~ wahahaha why am i saying it in this way :P

miel, thanks so much for that pic!! korean gogumas are sooo generous! lavinn again! >.<

baby_bo, yahhh i noticed that too! haha if >.<

anyways, will spazz with u guys again!

*hugs to ALL* :wub:

edit: lovekin!!! BRILLIANT! i think so too! *thumbs up* xD

acckkk something's wrong with my post today...SOOMPIIIIIII

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EP 27 was an eye-opener for everybody!  As we can see, their relationship was much closer and more meaningful BACK IN JUNE already, making the events at the special stage ‘Love Light’ duet and Chuseok Horror Special more real and believable.



One thing I would like to express my opinion on is Hyun’s questioning & curiosity about ‘Love Light’.   This is no surprise to me that she continues on this line of questioning about Yong’s past relationships and love life.  Her curiosity is to be expected from someone who is experiencing love and relationships with a boy for the first time!



She started this ‘curiosity’ back after the Avatar movie in the cafe, when she asked about his past ‘22’ days.



She brought it up again on the train trip to JeongDongJin when she asked about his past ‘failures’ in love.  This was the episode where Yong said she was ‘too casual’ asking about his past in the backroom interview.  This is what she referred to in her backroom interview in EP27.



Then there was the ‘hint’ of maybe another ‘couple’ account in his past, when they went to the bank to set up their own ‘couple’ account.  Remember how Hyun’s expression got so serious until they found out the account was created when Yong was in pre-school?  Ha-ha!



Then the 2 girls who beat him in pool and made him hate pool forever (although, I think he is over hating pool now that he has so many good times and memories with his Seohyun-ah!) brought another pout to Hyun’s lips.   Seems every time she tries to do something special/memorable with Yong there seems to be another girl who has beaten her to it!



Also, almost all of CNBLUE’s songs are about love relationships, and their 2 biggest hits are about relationships going ‘down the tubes’ and breaking up – I’m a Loner and LOVE.  As Yong says he expresses himself through his songs, Hyun monitors and listens to his songs and has to wonder why he wrote them, who inspired them?  I really think (my opinion) Yong has had his share of heartbreak in past relationships.  He seems to be a guy who would put everything he’s got into a relationship, Therefore, if it doesn’t work out, he gets hurt - burned and burned bad!



I think Hyun has 2 reasons to be this curious about Yong’s past relationships with girls/women.  First, I think she wants to know if the guy she is falling in love with has anybody else on his mind besides her?  Is there someone from his past that he still has strong feelings for?  Is there anybody else he would RATHER be with than her?   She seems to be hurt by any mention of another girl from his past, I really feel she would rest her worried mind if he would just tell her – “Seohyun-ah, there is nobody else I care about but you!”  Because, I believe, there is no one else for Hy~un but Yo~ng!



Second, she doesn’t want to be compared to any other girl he has ever known!  She wanted her ‘22’ day to be different than the one he described from his past.  She wants her experiences and memories with Yong to be special to her and her only.  I think she has finally achieved that with their birthday gifts to each other.  Who else would give her a sweet potato field?!  She says this often in this episode.  It’s important to her that the gift is special and one of a kind, memorable because of its uniqueness.  And who has given Yong a birthday present like Hyun’s?  She put her heart and soul into her ‘Love Light’ song, memory book and new ‘couple’ rings!   Yong says – ‘Your mind is so different (unique) from others!’   I feel that with this episode, Seohyun has achieved the ‘I’m special to Yong and there is no one else as good for/to him as me!’ status that she’s been seeking all along.  And now she has her own song, written by the man who loves her – how great is that?!   I don’t care how much of “Love Light’ he wrote for his first love in middle school, or if he wrote just the ‘rap’ part for Seohyun, WHATEVERHe has by his own admission dedicated this song to her by his statements in this episode – with the whole world as a witness!  Talk about achieving status in a relationship!  Talk about a one of a kind, unique gift!?  WAOH!   She is now on the highest pedestal of Yong’s love, affection and appreciation………I just hope she shows her appreciation back to Yong for his amazing GIFT of a song!





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Guest baby_bo



Good Morning! :)

luvtokki, I AGREE :) love your post kekeke

Mc Jake tweeted, i guess his on his way to WGM studio taping kekeke

btw, stalked dcgall and saw this fan.art.. whoever made this is daebak! so talented!




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Guest lunasol




Good Morning! :)



Mc Jake tweeted, i guess his on his way to WGM studio taping kekeke




btw, stalked dcgall and saw this fan.art.. whoever made this is daebak! so talented!












That drawing was created by a talented person here at soompi!! biggrin.gif It was posted some pages back and said that she took the photo with her cellphone. I bet the artist will get excited that Korean fans also liked her drawing!!!!




What did MC Kim tweeted??


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Guest baby_bo


That drawing was created by a talented person here at soompi!! biggrin.gif It was posted some pages back and said that she took the photo with her cellphone. I bet the artist will get excited that Korean fans also liked her drawing!!!!

What did MC Kim tweeted??

Really? cool! whoever created this one, im guessing the korean yongseo fans loved it! click the link it's the first fan.art you will see amongst all the fan.arts posted on that page! daebak.. i love it.. very creative :D

hmm.. mc jake just said we got married, and something about i don't know.. im sure he will tweet again once the taping ends kekeke


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Guest Kerube-Chan




















































Ok, this is totally random, but I have always loved Rippergirl is fan art for Yongseo... So been crazy today, I have spend the last half hour looking for the place this artist use to upload her beautiful work.












































Guess what? I found it... wahhh there is a drawing for the last episode (27) is damn cute... kekekeke












































The Link: Rippergirl Fan Art












































Please credit the artist (Rippergirl) and do not hotlink her work, please!!!












































Note: She makes drawings for all the WGM couple and they are super cute!





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Guest baby_bo



Wow this person is very creative!!! kyah! love it :)

here are more of her creations.


Just click the link for more! DAEBAK! NICE WORK!! VERY TALENTED! wish i could draw just like this person.







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I've been doing happy dance all day knowing that uri YongSeo have been filming. Thank you slurpee, miel and everyone who shared the news and pictures ^^




Also, boy does this thread move. baby_bo, lovekin and jnj thank you for explaining what happened with the whole Yong tripping over thing. Until you pointed it out I didn't notice that Hyun was leaning closer and closer to him (SO sassy!). Maybe if the cameras weren't around he could have moved closer too eh? ;) Hearing your thoughts I'm convinced Yong was strongly affected by that moment, as if he was drowning in her eyes.




Thanks miel for sharing those pictures of fan gifts here. By the way I always enjoy reading your posts, I look forward to them a lot! DCGallery fans really are generous. I'm so happy YongSoe receive so much love.




Which reminds me, let me plug again our YongSeo 300-day Anniversary Project




There are many ways you can join in:




1) Add your thoughts about why you love the YongSeo couple. As bezbezbez mentioned we are trying to collect 300 entries which will be compiled in a special booklet. All you need to do is fill in "I LOVE YONGSEO BECAUSE.... " in 15-20 words if possible and send to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the subject 3rd Project - I Love YongSeo




2) Take a photo or short video of yourself holding the Official Project logo. We recommend including your country's flag or posing near a landmark from where you are. Represent!




Send submissions to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the subject 3rd Project - Picture or 3rd Project - Video (for videos send us the link to where your file is uploaded)








3) Donate to our Project Fund! You can send donations using Paypal to seohwa.project@gmail.com




which will be used for gifts, printing and shipping. Anything left over will be donated to a good cause.




For full hi-res version of the logo and full details of the project please check out the Official SeoHwa Project site





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Guest baby_bo



hello genxv :)

Yep im guessing that pic where seohyun was wearing a dress is the next episode.. and silis mentioned that before that park shooting, YongSeo already shot episodes day before that, the park trip was just an additional footage. That's also after the CNBLUE concert. So if we are all lucky, we will see Seohyun at CNBLUE concert, the filming before and after that and that park trip :)

because I topped the page, mianhe.. i will repost this again :P





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i was bored and waiting for sat. to come so i made these banners and icons...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and i want to thank all the wonderful gogumas out there that make this thread hilariously fun!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if taking out or using
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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^just for fun...

































































































































































































































































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I watched Ep 27 for the nth time and would especially watch it again before I go to sleep. I've been reading and savouring all of your posts and would like to say that Soompi Gogumas are one of a kind! (Well, I guess I'm biased since this is the ONLY Gogumaland I visit, kekekeke). Thank you everyone (from across the spectrum of translators and subbers to spazzers).









I'm curious about one thing though, and I don't think this has been brought up. (If it has, forgive this ahjumma for forgetting!)









The thing is from what I understand, "Love Light" is a song about "first love", right? I mean it WAS, before Yong announced it to the whole world that the song is dedicated to Hyun. So now after 29th June 2010, it is Hyun's song. Okay, where was I before I got all mushy...? Alrighty... Hyun understood that Love Light was a song about first love. She even mentioned it to Yong.









Now, my question (and curiousity) is... so when Hyun was singing Love Light to Yong, IS SHE TELLING YONG THAT SHE LOVES HIM?? I think she was doing a confession, but she disguised the direct significance of it by hiding behind the "gagman's" mask.









I'm just speculating, as the only person who could answer my question is Seo Joo Hyun! But but but I would like to think that it's her confession, because I'm putting myself in her shoes, and it would be something which I would do.


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Guest i.said.hi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^ haha..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i believe Yonghwa said that the song was ORIGINALLY about his first love..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but the thing is, he hadn't written the lyrics for the rap part..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and he said that he began writing the lyrics again when on the day when yonseo did the whole ring showing at music bank...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He said that's when he began writing the lyrics... and as time went by and they spent more time together, he thought why not write the rap about seohyun...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and then he thought of genie and BAM. hahahah <3

































































































































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baby_bo those fanarts are soooooo cute!!! Kya~




Thank you for sharing them and the artist's link. rippergirl is so talented right?




As for the handdrawn images, I think that's by viktorialouise another very talented goguma on soompi ^^




juhee I LOVE your work. Wow, those icons and banners are daebak! Thank you for sharing them.




I decided to edit out most of my previous post since it was getting to be such a hot mess. But becasue it was mentioned, let me just repost the picture of Hyun in a dress:








This is her outfit from the August 3rd filming date where Yong and Hyun were seen filming in a park. It would have been over a month since their June 29 filming unless there are other filmings fan don't know about (entirely possible). She looks so pretty. Too bad I can't zoom in to her necklace but I have a feeling its the butterfly one ;)




After filming SeoHyun made a surprise appearance at a Make a Wish event the CNBLUE boys were attending. I don't believe this event was filmed for WGM.





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