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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































































































































































































































Stream links. Not sure if these works though. Anyway i'll update on my twitter @yangyoseob for those who can't stream.
































































































































































































cr: snsdgifs@tumblr

































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Guest Caliope

Only 15 minutes for the chaos in this thread.

I can't see in livestream... I will wait to Youtube link :-(


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Guest slurpeeslurp-






goshh the ads are soooo annoying now ! hurry wgm start :DDDDDDDD


im so damn excited !



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Guest lanladay
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong gave the necklace for Hyun as a present ... the daum keeps beffer so much now they're fishing!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think I have to wait for youtube TT TT because of too much buffer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now Hyun did rap to Yong 'I'm genie for you boy!' arkkk She wore that mask of a guy who was in Gak concert.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's their house which Yong said 'Hyun's friend to Ueno Juri. I saw she hold the little pink guitar.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahhh It's too much buffer TT TT

































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Guest _d3seohyun
















































OMG!!! the necklace is more meaningful than i thought kya!!!!








































from yong's mom













































































































































seobaby's first event!!! one of our fellow goguma guessed it right! pink guitar and mask... bwahahhahahha!













































































































































AND MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



















































































































































































































































LOL seobaby made me cry. her first event so meaningful and awesome!

































































































































































































































































































































most awesome and heartwarming WGM episode ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
































@trent and heartbreak. you guys were right kekkeke
































































i lost my sanity somewhere in the middle of the episode..can someone enlighten me about love light please?
































I"m crying and shaking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! YONGSEO :wub:
































Seobaby...you are not a baby anymore. I'm happy you have your Yong. awwwwwwwww! LOL tears keep falling hahahhaa









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Guest piru1804












LOL...it's on right now...but our soshi's maknae made me laugh so hard that I have to comment.




Do you remember the gag concert which there was a big girl turn into seohyun to tease yonghwa?




Seobaby wear the his mask to tease Yonghwa and she also bring the pink guitar toy. And she sang "Love light" for him. (Honestly, I love that version more than original).








He ask her to sing it again. Her rap is cute




She made a book "Yong and Hyun story"




They have new couple rings which were bought by Hyun. It is Yonghwa's birthday present




Yonghwa is totally happy. hahha








OMG!!! They hold hand. :tears: My maknae grow up already.





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








wahahahahaha trent and I are correct!!!!!! Seohyun gave the new couple ring!!!!! she was so awesome. she was absolutely adorable!!!!! she is really daebak!!!!! she prepared a lot for Yong!!!! she really is amazing!!!! waiting for someone to upload the episode later!!!! weeeeee



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OMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! This is the sweetest episode... I can't wait until the translations are out.. but it was so sweet... they held hands...

















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It's so sweet, I'm melting..

My brain can't comprehend anything, will edit the post after a few minutes! AHAHAHA.

Best episode ever! Daebak! <3

Yong's necklace, the letter to his mother-in-law, Hyun singing Love Light,

The photo book Hyun made, the couple rings, Yong's confession about Love Light, and of course..

The holding hands! <3<3<3

Aigoo. I was squealing with the MC's, and I was smiling from ear to ear while watching!

MC Kim was right! Hahaha.

Ahh, we're all happy sweet potatoes today! <3



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this epi is true love.

daebak! daebalk! daebak!

my hands shaking gogumas!!!

hyun got the chain form mom-in-law

yong kept saying jashik jashik jashik

heartbreak! rmbr what jashik is?

i love it!!!

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Guest crinkle_twinkle
































































OMFG!!! This episode is major major DAEBAK!!! :wub:






















































































































































This has got to be my fave episode ever!!!






















































































































































The necklace...































































































the ring..































































































Hyun singing love light...































































































the holding hands at the end... :wub:






















































































































































Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :w00t:






















































































































































I need translations...









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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































Omg! GOGUMAS!! TODAYS EPISODE WAS THE BEST EPISODE IN ALL OF WGM HISTORY! Am I the only one who is crying?! Please tell me someone else is crying?! I feel so pathetic, but I can't help but cry after seeing that! Omg.. I'm completely at a lost for words. This is definitely the episode where their relationship went to the next level! So happy! ;~;

































































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Guest .:love_ya:.







ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh omg omg omg ahhhhhhhhhhhh





lol i'm sooo sorry, I can't control myself lolz





this is too much to handle! lolz





I have nothing else to say, gogumas!





this episode was daebak DAEBAK DAEBAK!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh lol





I wish there's a youtube version of this so i can re-watch! ahhhhh it's 2:44am and I can't sleep!!!





let me just say this one more time even if it annoys you but.....







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Guest slurpeeslurp-
















































omgggg im so EFFING HAPPY NOW

















































































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Guest blueblek
































waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....icant keep quiet anymore..........
















this episode is DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
















i think in few minutes this thread will jump like crazyly fast.......
















what every one wish is granted....... GOGUMA the best!!!!!!!!!!









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Guest DJHinata

OMG !! THIS EPISODE WAS DAAAAAAAAEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK !!!! omg so sweet our couple !! Hyun ~ Yong~ everything was perfect !! the best birthday celebration eveeeeeeeeeeer ! *o* i can't wait for the translations about the song *o*

all the thread is full of omg omg omg and Daaaaebak !!! YONGSEO COUPLE FIGHTIIING !!!

MCKIM Was the best !! for that END ! omg *o* Hyun looks like my little sister !! 

Right now for me is 3:45 am XD DAAAAEEEEEEEEEBAK !! Daaaebak !!!

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Prepare for a day filled of uber spazzing gogumas. Yongse really doesn't disappopint :) Probably the best episode yet XD I'm in looove XDD









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