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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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tks catkat. hugs.


yayyyy!! Sat is here again, even tho its only 1230am, 16 hrs more to go...


so, while waiting for another daebak episode,


just something to share






cr dc


see how tight their grasp is? i love how they were holding onto each other.


if this is what a horror show is all abt..i'd say..bring it on!! :lol:




lovekim, your amended translation is more daebak!! :w00t:


yong uses that land as a prop.....to bury the new rings!!


immensely touched = tears of joy = hugs?




zealous, we are allowed to over think when it comes


to yongseo's sweet moments ;)


aah..how can i sleep now... ^_^



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@lovekim: its ok. but at least we know that Yong had a present prepared and it involved the land. more importantly, Seohyun was touched by it. :)

































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kekeke! maybe hubby Yong will pull wifey Hyun legs saying that he own the goguma land or that land  will be his gift to her since she is goguma fanatic hahaha! Anyway thanks for the translations. Really excited what will happen tomorrow's episode. I'm hoping that the new ring or necklace will be included in tomorrows bday surprise for both of them still really nice to know what is the history of the lovely (new) RING coz the old ring we know the story of that. So i'm really hoping we will see the new story of new ring :) when we talk about YongSeo it's the lovely RING kekeke! when we're looking for YongSeo we want to see the ring kekeke! so i hope sooner or later we will found out about the new ring AND OF COURSE I WANT MORE SWEETNESS TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL MORE SKINSHIPS :) 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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dear lovekim, no biggie...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i think if they really... really in relationship,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong will not hesitate to present hyun with field full of goguma... for the rest of their life...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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from his hard-working schedule...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































of course, with support from mother-in-law also.. since she's also a big fans of hyun...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe as a dowry to her soon-become-daughter-in-law... hehe...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































who knows, right...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































don't you guys have the same thinking as me...hehhe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































or maybe i over-thinking again.. hahhaa...

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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cr dc


don't they just look so sweet? :wub:


the more i see this, the more i want that wedding photoshoot.



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Guest lovekim







I just saw the clips and photos of CNBlue's arrival in Shanghai.





And believe me...when I say it's chaos and crowds...it's really chaotic and crowded.





I've been to Shanghai numerous times and seen how big their two airports are. But to see that number of people, with no floor uncovered...it's phenomenal....





Hwaiting CNBlue!! Hwaiting Yong!!





*winks* i see the ring ding dong~~





Uri Hyun also was at the seoul airport...setting off to Nihon~~





Ganbatte Hyun!! Aza aza!


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Guest miel_1301


Uri Hyun also was at the seoul airport...setting off to Nihon~~

Ganbatte Hyun!! Aza aza!

Yeah, Seobaby and her unnies left Korea for Japan today, 01 October 2010.


cr: On pic+mat_hi@snsd thread

Geez! Hyun and her Unnies have a crazy schedule this October---flying to and fro Korea and Japan; Then flying to Taiwan for their ITNW concert then back to Korea, then to Japan again and then later flying to Singapore.


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  lovekim and aneng thank you very much! OMG I was screaming like a real fangirl when I read the preview! I can´t wait for this saturday, for me will be another 4:00 am live stream XD! but who cares, I will be so happy ^^...































































































































































































I want my very own Yong Hwa haha, Hyun is a lucky girl, she must to know this!, so please to the goguma who is thinking to fly to S. korea to say this to her, please let me join you haha. Yong is a very good first (ever lasting) love...
































































































And Hyun, I also want to see her touched. At least in the black room, her smile when she said he was mean was really affected? (in a good way), and in the bus she was being emotional too so I think we are lucky cause we have the Emo Hyun in this ep XD!
































































































I´m totally crazy about the ep, thank U all gogumas for everything!!!:wub:
































































































Edit: jnj and miel thanks for the pics ^^ and  digidigibob, DJHinata and Sun_sun too.































































































































































































And thanks for the links to RDR subs! ^^ and for sharing your thoughts































































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















this got me confused. there were picture if them fishing but seems next episode would be on a field. I have this feeling that its gonna be a "birthday tour" for both of them. they first go to the field then go fishing next. the bus they are riding has names of places plus arrows. like a schedule of the next destination. I don't know. we'll see it on the next episode. :)





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So the goguma field is going to be the centre of the action while the fishing trip will be secondary.
























If all of us are already so touched by his action by justing reading the preview, I will think Seohyun will be even more "affected" than us. I definitely think that she is going to cry. Why do I say so?
























1) In Hello Baby when her unnies tricked her on her birthday, she cried
























2) She thought Yonghwa was not very concern about her birthday when he never texted her. At the start of a relationship, most girls will hope that the guy do something special but at the same time do not dare to have high expectations in order to avoid disappointment. Hence, she was at a "low" level and Yonghwa succeeded to bring her up to a "high" emotional level
























3) I went back and read the fan acounts of her birthday celebrations with her unnies and fans in this thread. She was so touched by them and the things they spoke about her that she cried. However, in the last episode black room interview she just said that she had a schedule and celebrated with the fans as if nothing major happened. I will think that what Yonghwa did left a deeper impression. 
























Edit: Heartbreak_warfare22, i read a something when I was reading those postings around that few days of the filming of this episode that a korean saw them and shared that they went to the sweet potatoes field first before proceeding to the fishing pond. 









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pic seo hyun fantaken for everysing








































































































































































































































































re-upload: tetecaca@soshified
























































































SeoHyun Identification photo?
















































































































































































credits:as tagged snsdchina and reupload by lolly88@SSF









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Guest CheriMerci











Cr : Uploader


















Hi all




My friend found this clip. It's kinda like the scoop of idol lovers?? Maybe yes Maybe nosweatingbullets.gif




It's a Japanese program. Is there anyone here can understand Japanese?




Please translate to us. I really want to know what does it mean about YongSeo.




Thank you in advance. Our couple is shown on 1.23 Enjoy watching!!! rolleyes.gif





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Guest joelyne




Cr : Uploader




Hi all


My friend found this clip. It's kinda like the scoop of idol lovers?? Maybe yes Maybe nosweatingbullets.gif


It's a Japanese program. Is there anyone here can understand Japanese?


Please translate to us. I really want to know what does it mean about YongSeo.


Thank you in advance. Our couple is shown on 1.23 Enjoy watching!!! rolleyes.gif





it is originally a korean tv program, mnet's entertaiment news show.


i think this was the one they ranked popular celebrity couples.


JangKeunSuk & ParkShinHye (main actors of drama YAB) was 24th,


yongseo 18th, adam 10th. it's not showed but, kuhntoria took 2nd.



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Guest Dinatale

hi guys!!! Sory but what time is WGM Live? I mean Korea time ? Thanks cant whait to see the present Yong give Hyun, this is a very romantic boy, comon he even keap the movie tikets .. i am sure he prepared someting amazing ..

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Guest ruzane18




I am so excited for tomorrow's episode.




However, does anyone can help me where can I find the Ep.1 to Ep. 7 with Emglish translation. I've been searching for days already and couldnt find anywhere.  Advance thank you guys!



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Guest syraleo








try soshified or rdr(not sure if they have the older ones) , i have alot of wgm vids from s1 and s2 but i cant upload since they are all subbed by fan groups , i'm not interested in messing with crazy fans...



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Guest MaeDang
































I am so excited for tomorrow's episode.
















However, does anyone can help me where can I find the Ep.1 to Ep. 7 with Emglish translation. I've been searching for days already and couldnt find anywhere.  Advance thank you guys!































You can find here. They have only ep 1~ 7. Glad if it could help.

















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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good MOrning everyone!!!
































































































































































































































































Today is the day :) Can't wait for today's episode.
































































































































































































































































Still wishing today is the day the NEW RINGS appear hahahha
































































































































































































































































btw, about the necklace. I am hoping that it's indeed Yonghwa's gift.
































































































































































































































































AFter watching last saturday's sub by RDR, and saw the quote "from a girl to a woman" i suddenly remember.. If im correct, in Korea if a girl celebrates their 20th bday(not sure about this), they will be given 3 things to celebrate adulthood.
































































































































































































































































A necklace
































































































































































































































































A kiss
































































































































































































































































and the last one i forgot.
































































































































































































































































so i hope yonghwa gave that necklace keke if i remember it right, TAecyon gave yoona a necklace on her bday as well kekekke
































































































































































































































































WEll anyway, whatever it is that YOng prepared im sure seobaby is happy :) I really have a good feeling, this event/trip made them much much closer than before.
































































































































































































































































Here are RDR Sub vids from last saturday's episode.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit yongseofacts twitter + 눈팅개러*DC married gall + as tagged

































































































































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you mean adult ceremony in korea (from age 20 to 21),well 3 gift that woman get is
















































































































































































1.parfume (taecyeon give yoona parfume on family outing 2 for celebrate her adult ceremony and necklace for her birthday)
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i dont think seohyun get this year,maybe next year because seohyun is only turned 20 this year (and
















































































































































































if anyone consider that her international age only 19 years old :D)

















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