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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kamsahamnida miel and sassysnsd
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i really think that when SeoHyun is in school, she really is SeoHyun the normal student and not as snsd :) and reading that translations looks like she really is a nice girl, down to earth girl ( the more i luv her :) ) and she really beautiful inside and out. I wish someday i will see SeoHyun in person :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest DJHinata

hey DJHinata. I really like the pictures you posted. the ones that reminded me of YongSeo was the following:  *the guy gave the jacket (episode 10,  Yong gave Hyun his scarf) *the guy waiting at the bus stop (episode 9 and episode 25) *courage (episode 3 and Chuseok horror special) Yong was scared at the amusement park but was really couragous in the Chuseok special. *the picture where the girl was sitting on the couch watching TV. (maybe Yong is like this on the inside but is having trouble suppressing his feelings) * the guy is in bed (maybe he thinks about Hyun before sleeping) * the guy marking the calendar (he is always waiting for the next time they would see each other of film WGM)

Yes is true everything  you said !! *W* if you visit the gallery the boy who made the artwork name is "HJstory " funny right? and he is from SouthKorea 2. I'm really happy to be here with all the YongSeo Love ! i can't wait for this saturday T_T the all week is so SLOW >,< !! saturday become in to my Special Day !! 

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Hello everyone! It's me again with my second post in this thread. 








Seo Hyun is really getting more beautiful by the minute. Oh my God, so pretty! Maybe after a year she'll really become a goddess. I love her especially with wavy hair. 








I finally watched ep. 25 with subs. And I really super love their bickering scene. Wow Seo Hyun can speak so fast! LOL. Is that rapper Hyun in action? She was like a girlfriend giving a hard scolding to her BF. And Yong Hwa was like, just accepting the blow. Hahaha. I find it suspicious how he rarely look into her eyes during that conversation. 








I'm amazed how they look so comfortable here. Hyun was attacking him like it's the most common thing in the world. 








I remember I was so shocked when I watched the pool episode. When they first played together, not with CN Blue. In my eyes they suddenly got so close together. I think the episode before that was the driving license one. Where they were sweet to each other but not that close. And then suddenly in the pool episode they bumped shoulders on the street, eat on a restaurant and shares food (which I think is very intimate and very couple-like). I wonder, what happened? 








I have a feeling that something must have happened to them before the pool episode. I have a feeling that they were already together by then. I was theorizing that maybe after Hyun gave him honey for his throat (if I'm not mistaken) something happened. I mean, she showed she really cares and maybe he confessed to her then? 








But maybe I was wrong. Maybe they were together after this part of Hyun's birthday? I just have this very strong feeling that something happened not long before the pool episode. If someone could tell me the exact time line, I will be really happy. 








Now that I'm writing this I realize I really believe they are together. *prays hard*








So I have a question, does anybody here have a theory of when did they get together for real? 








Thank you so much for all the goodies here. It's all beautiful. Actually thank you everyone for posting here at all, and making this thread a really favorite internet reading for me. I read everything like a greedy kid. Thank you thank you you're all amazing!








And I just updated my Seohwa ABC Series Fanfiction. I hope I could make any of you as happy reading it as you all make me happy reading your posts. 
























Oh yes, thank God I didn't forget. I really want to follow you all on twitter. Can I? I'm @Inazyelia by the way. 


















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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































whoah. i just finished watching the recent episodes with subs though ive read the transcript in advance, it is only an excuse to watch it again. heheheh. :))
































































anyways. now i am glad that our couple is really comfortable with each other. i mean, now, we can finally close the chapter of akwardness. (oh well i believe it was closed long ago, but the wy seohyun expresses her feelings to yong boldly is a big big big leap! i mean, at first normally girls would build impressions with their guys that im like this, im cool even if you dont reply. ahahah :) )
































































 about hyun falling to yong and she might get hurt. hmm. remember what yong said to hyun during their billiard game against CNBLUE? "YONG MIDDEO" (believe yong) even though he said it because of the competition, but i dont know but i really hold on to what he said. lol. i think they have mutual understanding towards each other. both love the feeling of being together, so most likely yong won't abandon seohyun after they divorce. hahahaha. :D  i mean, he won't ignore her or not think of her and i believe yong will be careful with her, since he knows that hyun immediately got married without even having a boyfriend and he will be facing 8 fierce ladies if he will hurt seohyun. hahaha:DD.and i even imagine yong telling himself
































































"I HOPE THIS WON'T END." im just waiting for that to be mentioned in the black room.
































































im excited for this saturday's episode. im excited to see seohyun's facial expression that moment she knows that yong did not greet him on purpose(i supposed) oh well.
































































they are really a stress reliever. what a great blessing! :)

















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it's quiet here. no filming in seoul this tuesday ?

about the couple ring. i have an idea flashing across my mind. would it be yong's mother giving the rings to this little couple ? yong's mother likes hyun and knows yong cares very much about the couple ring. knowing that the previuos couple rings are no longer in good condition. so she bought a pair of new couple rings for yong and hyun. am i crazy enough ?

i also keep on thinking whether yong lied about not receiving hyun's birthday message or was there really something wrong to make hyun's message not reaching yong's phone. one thing i am sure hyun would not tell lies. she surely sent yong birthday message. would yong purposedly make hyun angry ? but hyun was already angry enough about birthday message matter. how come yong wanted to make her more angry. it does not make sense. their argument already made me mad, wanting to know exactly what had happened.

would yong misunderstand hyun that she did not care about his birthday. so she did not reply to yong's "it's my birthday" message. the same, yong did not want to show that he cared about hyun's birthday, but anyway the shooting was close to hyun's birthday and yong thought he must do something about hyun's birthday so he decided to give her a surprise. but in the bus, he finally knew the truth and was shocked about the fact tbat hyun actally sent him bd message. also he was surprised that he misunderstood hyun. hyun was not the one who did not care birthday message, but it's the one who concerned birthday message (no matter to herself or to yong) the most. so he thought he hurt her feelings.

crazy enough...cracy enough...going to get mad... they surely have to give answers this saturday ...otherwise mad again...

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hi eevryone... :D thanks for the pics, vids, & infos... sorry can't thank everyone... there seem to be manyyyyyy gogumas giving up on their position as silent lurkers lately kekekeke. well, glad that u guys came out! and WELCOME TO GOGUMA WORLD! muwahhh~!

blueswim_boo... sorry for the late reply... i wanted to reply u earlier on but was too busy with personal stuffs that i'd forgotten what i wanted to reply u....so umm... pls forgimme.... :sweatingbullets: here's a big hug for ya *HUGGGGGLES TIGHT* :D

thanks so much for the juicy news, baby_bo~! ^_^ even the staffs are mentioning the word LOVE... "they are able to express LOVE more naturally" uh something like that. if they did translate it correctly, then i'm on cloud infinity! :wub:

DJHinata, omigosh... what cute icons u made! so cuteeee that i'm saving them too! thanks so much for sharing all the pics yah~! btw, i also luv the ones that u shared from deviantart. that place seems to gather lotsa gifted ppl too eh :)

GeumJanDi, thanks for the twit... whoever the manager oppa is, he must be very fortunate to be with hyun for so many hours everyday.

miel_1301 & sassysnsd, thanks so much for the scoop~! :D yong must be very proud to have such a beauty as hyun! it will be such a waste if yong lets her go.

ladylia257, u're not the only one who thinks so. *hands up* ;) hmm... u may be right. i always thought that they could have gotten together somewhere in June... before WGM Horror but wasn't sure when. omo... u just made my heart squeals like mad at the thought of them getting together....muahahahaha xD *in goguma world already*

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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo






kekeke! i luv this YongSeo IT'S REAL DAEBAK hehehe! i luv it.




can't wait for saturday. Wgm should be Monday to saturday :) not enough if it's only saturday 20mins sometimes less :( 




YongSeo It's real Daebak wub.gifwub.gif







i really agree with you it not enough for waiting in hole week but we can watch just 20 mins ....dry.gif




and not only YonSeo real but SNSD and CNBLUE member also real hehe







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I have a question - it just occured to me while skimming through the thread. Has there -ever- been any comment by Seohyun as to the rap in Love Light? I mean, the current time line of the filming is their birthdays, which means it's June, while Love Light was released in May. Does anyone know anything? Was she flattered? Did she comment?

Best regards,


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I got this from the SNSD thread @ soompi and all credit goes to sillis7noy2 for the translation :)
































































































































































































































































Seohyun was at school today. This account is from April though, anyway here's the translation~






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was dining at a restaurant near school and Seohyun was also there dining at the next table..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Um... At school I've seen quite a few celebrities but she was really  really pretty.. I saw her up close like 50cm away. Her skin was  radiating light.. *tremble*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And looks like Seohyun doesn't hang around with boys too much.. All her school friends there were girls..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun's friends were all looking cute and nice but Seohyun alone stood out like young noble lady..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway unlike other celebrities she comes to school regularly and she  smiles and happily obliges to autograph and picture requests, people at  school compliment her greatly..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I got an autograph too..^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And being able to earn money Seohyun was paying for the bill.. Yeah I wanted to become her friend.^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway going to this school I have little happiness like this.                                                 
































































































































































































































































:D So proud of her!
































































































































































































































































edit ____
































































































































































































































































sorry just as I posted this I saw it was posted just before me! Must have been at the same time.. I don't know how to delete this whole post (so sorry im a newbie!!!!)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she is very lucky to get close to seohyun at school,well we can see seo hyun only hang with
































































































































































































































































female friends in wgm .seems like she is very close with that friends.
































































































































































































































































also maybe i can counting with fingers boys/man that close to her
































































































































































































































































1.Her father (seohyun is very close to his parents)
































































































































































































































































2.Manager Oppa,manager oppa always follow her if seohyun have individual schedule like go to school or shooting cf/wgm.
































































































































































































































































3.Yongggg ,her naempyon :D ????

































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Guest sassysnsd

I can't stop refreshing this page! It is the only thing keeping me going until Saturday. I wish episodes came out more often.

I just re-watched the latest episode and it left all of us gogumas hanging so much.. :unsure:

I hope the upcoming episode has a lot of black room interview footage where Yong explains himself and same with Seohyun.

The black room interview parts are seriously my favourite parts. In the Khuntoria couples episodes you see so much footage from the interviews but I honestly wish we saw just as much for our YongSeo couple.

I think the interviews give such good insight. It would help a lot with all of the analyzing that goes on amongst us. It must be hard for both of them especially Yong, to talk openly for obvious reasons but I really want him to speak honestly, not that he isn't- I just think he is cautious. excl.gif I want to hear them talk a lot about their feelings for each other etc in the interviews so I don't have to assume.

In terms of one sided love- If your worried about Seobb getting hurt.. I wouldn't worry. If it does happen she is smart enough to take it as a life lesson and she is very strong and has her 8 unnies to support her!

However I don't see a case of one sided love anyway. As Yong said he knows Hyun well, so I think they both have a clear understanding of each other.

Yesterday I also watched the episodes where Hyun visits the boys dorm and plays pool with them. It was interesting to see how much of an issue age is for Hyun. And if you watch the black room interview Yong says something like "Age is the biggest thing for Hyun... If only I was born 2 years later." That was so cute.. See!! We need more black room interviews!!!!!

Yong was upset also because he felt like it was easier for Hyun to get closer to his brothers faster because they were the same age. Yong really wants to have a comfortable relationship. I hope they get even closer in the upcoming episodes.

I love re-watching episodes after others have come out because in a way it makes you see things differently and see things you didn't see before sometimes.

Also everyone do you think our couples skinship will continue now? (after the horror special) I am hoping they will be more naturally affectionate :) Do you think they will ever come close to the Adam couple?

BTW I am anticipating the Japan episode so much!! Maybe Hyoyeon will make an appearance :wub: As she was in that pic w/ the umbrellas.. unless they all met up out side of WGM.. even more :wub::wub: Haha. I want more episodes with Hyun's unnies!

Sorry for my essay! But I am sooooooo bored waiting for the new episode. Thanks for reading! & thanks to all those who are posting :D Keep it up!!

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Hello to the lovely gogumas! :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Super love the last episode. Yong's and Hyun's expressions while bickering on the bus made me crack up. Like what her unnies said, when Hyun gets mad, she keeps silent and breathes through her nose. Haha, well, apparently she's not being silent on that moment any longer and we can all clearly see her nostrils flare. :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It had been previously posted and discussed that it seemed Yong acknowledged that he is partly guilty for not texting her on her birthday, considering he can't look at Hyun straight in the eyes and he's wearing a slightly teasing smile despite Hyun's tirade (I guess because he knows he's got a surprise for her later), but he seemed to be genuinely surprised about Hyun telling him she texted him on his birthday when he says she didn't. I seem to agree on this one. I can see that Yong's eyes are so wide the whole time or more like shocked while they were arguing about it, and his body faces Hyun, openly looking at her face. He's not avoiding her gaze here. Well, we'll see what happens this Saturday. :phew:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I believe @clumsy already posted about Hyun's fan meeting details here. There's another interesting info I read about our lovely talented Hyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm not sure if this was shared before but SNSD sang Into the New World in piano version.
































































































































































































































































































































































































According to the fanaccount:
































































































































































































































































































































































































When Tiffany said they’re gonna perform ITNW, I was thrilled. When she said they’re gonna sing a different version, I was more than thrilled. When she said it is arranged by Seohyun, and Seohyun started piano intro, I was out of my mind.
































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD 1st Official Fanmeet ITNW piano version
































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: itnw0628@twitter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I just look around in Soshified Web and saw topic " 3rd Anniversary Gifts" There is a lot of gifts that they gave for nine girls...if you wanna see all here. ,  I found this small gift so cute^^...and I think it's for Hyun.


Hot Pink Guitar...in Ep. 4 that Yong said it's suit for Hyun.


Sorry if it already share here..(",)


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Guest DJHinata

omg i'm listening songs of CNBLUE and suddenly .. OMG if yonghwa sang to hyun for her birthday?! omg wich song he prepared? omg omg i can't wait ! i hope so >_> and flowers too !! YongWha this birthday was so important not only for hyun , for all the fans too


This saturday we all should pretend  is HyunBirthday




I Really can't wait for my 20minutes of YongSeo Couple , WGM should to have 2 Hours of Show blush.gif

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I have a question - it just occured to me while skimming through the thread. Has there -ever- been any comment by Seohyun as to the rap in Love Light? I mean, the current time line of the filming is their birthdays, which means it's June, while Love Light was released in May. Does anyone know anything? Was she flattered? Did she comment?




Best regards,











As far as I know, there were no comments/reactions from Seohyun (outside WGM that is) about LOVE LIGHT'S rap part. :)




btw trent, you wrote Potato Crisis right? keekeke it's just that im waiting for your update :P no pressures though.. i just like the story keke




Also, clumsy's update for COMPLETE is simple and sweet. kekekke





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No comment at all? That's a shame, really. Maybe it was too much reality for their respective managements. I really hope he will sing for her once, but I don't have much hope for next weekend's upcoming episode for that to happen, as since he didn't bring his guitar.

And yeah, I wrote "Potato Crisis". I've read you comment (and already replied) - thank you very much, Baby_Bo. I hope to update Friday or the following weekend. :)

Best regards,


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When I first posted in this blog, I stated that I became interested in SNSD first through my daughter who loved their songs and especially their dance routines.  I also became hooked on the awesomeness of SNSD’s talent.   Then came W*G*M and ‘Seohyun and Yong Hwa’ and CNBLUE. More awesomeness, more love for these wonderfully talented and lovely (inside and out) young people.



I totally got hooked on this relationship in W*G*M between Seohyun and Yong Hwa.  I’m a guy, I don’t normally get hooked on ‘soap operas’ and girly romance dramas.  What’s up with this, why am I so enamored/obsessed with these two people who live in a foreign country that - up until now - I knew little about or even cared about?   When I first posted in this blog, I mentioned that yongseo reminded me of FIRST LOVE.   That slow, somewhat painful yet thrilling trip of mutual admiration and discovery we have all gone on when we met and dated that first special person.   Not the short crushes or summer flings that came and went quickly, but the first relationship that you were in with someone extraordinary that you thought could be ‘the one’ the one you first got that thought that he/she could be the one you wanted to marry and go through life’s journey with, the first really serious relationship, the one that consumed your every thought and every action and that at that time and place, you lived your life for and couldn’t live without.



But why me?  My family thinks I’ve gone a little crazy.  Even my daughter thinks I’ve gone a little over the edge.  But this feeling I get watching yongseo means something to me, I’ve felt the way they feel, I’ve been there and that’s why I connect to them so willingly.



My first love was also a girl who was very much like Seohyun.   Pretty - in a plain, classic way - not flashy.  Wore very little makeup.  Smart, multi-talented (piano, guitar & could sing) passionate about her beliefs about peace and love and caring for the environment.  Religious. Kind and caring to everyone.  Driven in her goals in life and dedicated to being the best person she could be.  She also hadn’t had much experience in ‘dating’ or with ‘boys’.



I was bouncing off of a summer fling that had ended when the girl moved to another state.  This girl, ‘the one’ came over during a party to comfort me, because I was feeling down about the girl who had moved away.  Never paid much attention to her before, but after this short talk, began to feel something for her.



I was in my high school senior summer, not really interested in school or with any real direction in my life, more interested in my small garage band that was starting to come together.  I played bass. We had actually done a local ‘band competition’ that summer in a local park and sounded pretty good, had actually got the attention of some local girls and notoriety as a ‘cool group’.   I didn’t know what I wanted to be or how to get there.  I was just floundering through life, looking for direction.



She ‘the one’ gave it to me.  We flirted from a distance, began dating, fell in love.  It was slow going with her.   First came trust, then came hand holding, hugs and kisses all with a large dose of time.  I treated her like the awesome person she was, put her on a pedestal.  She somehow believed in me, saw something in me that I didn’t even see.  She took interest in me, supported my every effort, got me back on track in school and in my direction in life.  Everything I did during that time I did for her and her approval, she did the same for me.  She grew into a confident and beautiful woman, fed by my love and adoration.   I became a confident and responsible man.  She taught me what was important in life and how to love someone fully and unconditionally.



 We loved each other all through our college years.  After college, I enlisted in the Army.  During the 4 years I was away, we lost contact.  She fell in love with someone else and got married.  But we are still good friends, and we still talk about those wonderful times when we were young and in love, the world was ours, and how much our relationship at that time changed both of us for the better.



I married another beautiful woman that I was lucky enough to find who is very much like ‘the one’.  I love her more and more each day, our marriage is good and wonderful.  She has more than surpassed ‘the one’ in my eyes in everything that matters.  She is now my ‘the perfect one’.



 But it was that early relationship with ‘the one’ that set my values and ideals on what qualities to look for later in life when I was searching for my life’s partner, a wife.  She ‘the one’ changed my life and I changed hers.



 This is what I hope for our young yongseo couple.  I hope that they each become ‘the one’ to each other.  I hope their relationship changes them both for the better.  I hope this is a journey of discovery and personal growth and hopefully, love.  We can already see that happening to both of them in just 7 months.   I hope they will continue their relationship after W*G*M ends, at least as very good friends who shared an amazing journey.  I wish them all the happiness and love in the world and God’s good blessings!            


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Guest Crystal392






Hi my dear Gogumas!!! So I think it is 90% confirmed (imo) that Yong prepared a special surprrise to his Hyun right? :)


Because the thread has been quite recently let's all go to Gogumadreamland and post what we think he did for her.


I think he sang to her and prepared a very romantic dinner :wub: I think it had something to be indoors because he said the weather didn't matter much (right? I'm not sure xD).


Sooo what do you think he prepare for her? And do you think she prepared sth for him too? I think she brought food!!! Maybe she woke up early just to cook for her hubby :wub::)


When I first posted in this blog, I stated that I became interested in SNSD first through my daughter who loved their songs and especially their dance routines.  I also became hooked on the awesomeness of SNSD’s talent.   Then came W*G*M and ‘Seohyun and Yong Hwa’ and CNBLUE. More awesomeness, more love for these wonderfully talented and lovely (inside and out) young people.


I totally got hooked on this relationship in W*G*M between Seohyun and Yong Hwa.  I’m a guy, I don’t normally get hooked on ‘soap operas’ and girly romance dramas.  What’s up with this, why am I so enamored/obsessed with these two people who live in a foreign country that - up until now - I knew little about or even cared about?   When I first posted in this blog, I mentioned that yongseo reminded me of FIRST LOVE.   That slow, somewhat painful yet thrilling trip of mutual admiration and discovery we have all gone on when we met and dated that first special person.   Not the short crushes or summer flings that came and went quickly, but the first relationship that you were in with someone extraordinary that you thought could be ‘the one’ the one you first got that thought that he/she could be the one you wanted to marry and go through life’s journey with, the first really serious relationship, the one that consumed your every thought and every action and that at that time and place, you lived your life for and couldn’t live without.


But why me?  My family thinks I’ve gone a little crazy.  Even my daughter thinks I’ve gone a little over the edge.  But this feeling I get watching yongseo means something to me, I’ve felt the way they feel, I’ve been there and that’s why I connect to them so willingly.


My first love was also a girl who was very much like Seohyun.   Pretty - in a plain, classic way - not flashy.  Wore very little makeup.  Smart, multi-talented (piano, guitar & could sing) passionate about her beliefs about peace and love and caring for the environment.  Religious. Kind and caring to everyone.  Driven in her goals in life and dedicated to being the best person she could be.  She also hadn’t had much experience in ‘dating’ or with ‘boys’.


I was bouncing off of a summer fling that had ended when the girl moved to another state.  This girl, ‘the one’ came over during a party to comfort me, because I was feeling down about the girl who had moved away.  Never paid much attention to her before, but after this short talk, began to feel something for her.


I was in my high school senior summer, not really interested in school or with any real direction in my life, more interested in my small garage band that was starting to come together.  I played bass. We had actually done a local ‘band competition’ that summer in a local park and sounded pretty good, had actually got the attention of some local girls and notoriety as a ‘cool group’.   I didn’t know what I wanted to be or how to get there.  I was just floundering through life, looking for direction.


She ‘the one’ gave it to me.  We flirted from a distance, began dating, fell in love.  It was slow going with her.   First came trust, then came hand holding, hugs and kisses all with a large dose of time.  I treated her like the awesome person she was, put her on a pedestal.  She somehow believed in me, saw something in me that I didn’t even see.  She took interest in me, supported my every effort, got me back on track in school and in my direction in life.  Everything I did during that time I did for her and her approval, she did the same for me.  She grew into a confident and beautiful woman, fed by my love and adoration.   I became a confident and responsible man.  She taught me what was important in life and how to love someone fully and unconditionally.


 We loved each other all through our college years.  After college, I enlisted in the Army.  During the 4 years I was away, we lost contact.  She fell in love with someone else and got married.  But we are still good friends, and we still talk about those wonderful times when we were young and in love, the world was ours, and how much our relationship at that time changed both of us for the better.


I married another beautiful woman that I was lucky enough to find who is very much like ‘the one’.  I love her more and more each day, our marriage is good and wonderful.  She has more than surpassed ‘the one’ in my eyes in everything that matters.  She is now my ‘the perfect one’.


 But it was that early relationship with ‘the one’ that set my values and ideals on what qualities to look for later in life when I was searching for my life’s partner, a wife.  She ‘the one’ changed my life and I changed hers.


 This is what I hope for our young yongseo couple.  I hope that they each become ‘the one’ to each other.  I hope their relationship changes them both for the better.  I hope this is a journey of discovery and personal growth and hopefully, love.  We can already see that happening to both of them in just 7 months.   I hope they will continue their relationship after W*G*M ends, at least as very good friends who shared an amazing journey.  I wish them all the happiness and love in the world and God’s good blessings!            


Luvtokki your story is <3 thanks so much for sharing that here. It is somehow similar to uri YongSeo story. I guess one of the reason some people (me included) love our YongSeo so much is because they remind us of our past, of who we used to be or what experiences we went through ^_^ thanks so much for sharing your story here! *hugs*



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Guest Wilhelm1066








It's so akward... or not?








This is Hyun’s way of greeting, the quick bow, while moving:




















This is their earlier type of greeting:




































And now we’re done with that!




















Now it has already evolved to the shoulder to shoulder-hug:
































And now we’re done with that!




















When I meet a female and she's a friend from work, or a mates girlfriend or even a semiclose friend: I embrace her, or so to speak, I HUG HER! Because I like to hug females, simple as that. But I have to stress this: it ends there, I have no viscious dark agenda by embracing, it just feels good (and it's a kind of proof that I recognize them as something more, something special, besides that their scent are nice and they don’t try to flex muscles on you).




Do I then Hug a male friend? Yes some of them, often relatives, but seldom like this: from open arms to a full close frontal embrace with-both-arms-kind-of-hugging a female. No, it is more like that boys of tha’ hood-type of hug that Hyun and Yong is performing – shoulder to shoulder, or even the swift High Five, or a short but hard ritual handshake.








Yong is a smart guy! To not embarrass Hyun, he invents this kind of greeting to make her more relaxed… and wow! he succeds!




She can’t really say no to this kind of hugging or skinship, because it is so outspoken asexual camaraderie-made (they are mates in spite of gender). Slowly she will open up to Yong’s manipulation and suddenly she forget what it was all about, soon she may even be doing a type of French-kiss-on-the-cheek-hugging.




Because we must not forget that Yong is a rather good actor, and is versed in reading people and their behavior. That is why he so self confident to brag about knowing Seohyun more than anybody else; he’s already analyzed and categorized her and now has a fixed plan to seduce her.




I Hope!








AIIIEEEHH! she screams out her apology for being late, signaling her appearence (and happiness) She's so cute that I would've hugged her for ever.



Full frontal!













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Hi my dear Gogumas!!! So I think it is 90% confirmed (imo) that Yong prepared a special surprrise to his Hyun right? :)
























Because the thread has been quite recently let's all go to Gogumadreamland and post what we think he did for her.
























I think he sang to her and prepared a very romantic dinner :wub: I think it had something to be indoors because he said the weather didn't matter much (right? I'm not sure xD).
























Sooo what do you think he prepare for her? And do you think she prepared sth for him too? I think she brought food!!! Maybe she woke up early just to cook for her hubby :wub::)















































Well this is quite hard since they are unpredictables ^^... but lets try... I remember something about Sweet potato field so I think they will have a picnic or dinner in a sweet potato field ^^. I´m so hopping for Yong to sing Love light to her :wub:, I think I may die if he sings that song to her  haha. About the rings, I think this is the time they will get the new ones, and I think they come from Yong (He was the one who stoped wearing it, so I assume he did it to make new rings). And Hyun... ahh... I will not dare to guess hahaha :w00t:
























Thank U all gogumas for pics, MV, links, art and everything else ^^, thanks Gogumas! you are the best...









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