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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest mochiling






They will be airing the Japan Trip on October 9th (as per yongseofacts kekeke)..




Aigoo that means after the Bday trip they will skip the already filmed epis then go directly to the Japan trip..




I guess this is the same with the Ueno Juri special.. this will be YOngSeo Japan Trip special kekke (i hope so though, they shouldn't waste all those already filmed epis)







Blueshoes: thank for the post of japan trip, really looking forward to it




Baby_bo Thanks for translating the text in korean.




can't wait for sat to come



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Guest toomuchsmiling
























i find this clip of yong very funny. just realized that he's extremely good at imitating ppl LOL~!











dreamyboo- whoa ur so right! he's amazing at imitations!! i've only seen the Fly to the Sky one with shiwon before, the others are new to me!
























They will be airing the Japan Trip on October 9th (as per yongseofacts kekeke)..








Aigoo that means after the Bday trip they will skip the already filmed epis then go directly to the Japan trip..
















I guess this is the same with the Ueno Juri special.. this will be YOngSeo Japan Trip special kekke (i hope so though, they shouldn't waste all those already filmed epis)



























that's fine with me!! :w00t: i was thinking i'd have to wait longer. which really makes no sense cuz with all the exciting reports out about them in japan, why would everyone be spazzing about it if it weren't airing soon u know?
























The episode is scheduled to be broadcast in November.
















Source: Hankyung.com (cr:allkpop)








I just found this on allkpop! I think it's so awesome but I hope it's more than just one day. Weekly visits to japan by yong would be THE BOMB!



























wait a sec, according to Yongseo facts it's Oct 9th, and according to allkpop it's in November?? :blink: but i'm sooooooo glad no matter wen it airs becuz...!
















i'm glad for their separation for a month (well not so much, cuz they coulda gotten a little distant...or naah, they probably stayed in touch thru phones xD) but it meant no falling behind in airings (i guess wgm staff planned this cuz a month was enuff time of NO filming FOR US TO FINALLY CATCH UP ON THE OLDIES AND FINALLY BE CAUGHT UP so they needed more material???? :w00t: (hopeful thinking, cuz i REALLY wanna be up-to-date) so the whole month separation probably helped us. AND AND AND, wen they see each other in Japan, will they be smitten?? :wub: will they run to each other and have HUGE smiles on their faces just b/c they get to SEE each other at long last??? (probably 2nd option xP) ahhhhhh!!
















ya know i'm really obsessed with this thread. ._. i check it more than the kpop threads these days. O_O
















_d3seohyun- love ur super long post!!! ~__^









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hi gogumas~ *waves to all* ^_^

hey. I was never really into Twitter. but because of YongSeo, I created an account and following YongSeofacts. and this is what I read just now็Have you ever thought about getting closer to any girl celebrities?....JYH : Seohyun -CPOP magazine Aug- (via/꿈꾸는 다락방) Guess Yong really is falling slowly to Hyun. or he has already fallen. :)

whoa... when did this happen, heartbreak???! if it was much earlier, i believe it was outta courtesy & respect to answer her name.

The couch conversation at the end was so….touching.  My heart melted with their warm conversation and meaningful stares.  Yo~ng’s confession about what an ’ideal type’ and a ‘buin’ meant to him made me actually ‘tear up’ (cry).  And his bold comment about how well he knew Hy~un means to me that they are sharing thoughts and feelings between each other that we don’t see on W*G*M or that Hy~un doesn’t even share with her unnies!  I think they are so much closer than they are letting on in W*G*M or in interviews.  I think secretly they are in a real relationship, but are afraid to say it out loud because they are afraid of their fans reactions and also what their management companies might do, and that W*G*M would cease to give them time together because W*G*M  would quit filming because they are in a ‘real’ relationship.  Just my opinion, that’s all.  Only these 2 know for sure.·   

luvtokki, i luv ur post~!!! especially the one that i quoted. sorry for cutting it -.-" my mom has the exact thoughts as urs! she also thinks that they're actually already in a relationship! she said that it's impossible for them not to have one especially after watching WGM's horror eps. i dunno... i hope u & my mom are right~! :D

omo... i'm sorry i forgot which gogumas went for blood donation, but deng... after hearing u guys' experiences, hyun must be one tough person for being able to do lotsa activities with hubby! she even ran a race with hubby! LOL... hubby must've forgotten that she just donated blood! owh, i think she also forgot about that since her other source of energy is already there keekekek xD (ohya thanks for sharing yah, u goguma-blood-donaters :) )

d3, shml those caps are jjang!!! thanks so much for them :D d3, urs made me realize the missing bits that i didn't get to chew on immediately. and for that, kamsahamnida~! haha hyun can really bite! so pls be careful with her yong! xD

thanks magdal & shane for the gifs~! :wub:

baby_bo i didn't know the BOICE & SONES had it rough between them after last sat's eps... but u're right, it may just be something bogus. <_<

anne... omo! i thought ur SPOILER was a real spoiler that i didn't dare to read it LOL! but thanks to crystal's post... i read it & deng, i luv how u analyse uri yongseo! thanks for the SPOILER kekeek :D

edit: toomuchsmiling yahhh i know! kekekeke no wonder hyun luvs him a lot! he's deng funny & cute!! :wub:

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Guest alucard81




























my guess??




















Yong will plant a major "ja jiang!! I am here to see you!!!" surprise on Hyun.




















There will be tears... the situation calls for them. To Seobb, nothing like your nampyeon showing up when you are in a new country speaking a new language and trying to get new fans to make your day.




















btw Sica should be hinting that something went down in Japan... Hyun might have even dropped whatever else they were doing and ran off with her nampyeon... wub.gif




















let's go "AWWWWWWWWW" together w00t.gif





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Guest .:love_ya:.

ahhh I'm excited for the Japan episode!! did something happen to make Yong~ say "if i dont wear it (the ring), i'll be scolded by SOMEONE!" ?? hehe ^^

You know, I just hope this couple is real! or going to be, soon! not only cuz they look good together but also cuz Seohyun seems like she's falling for uri yong~ already hehe just consider how she anticipated his text message and getting mad and jealous with her idol hehe if they're not real, Hyun baby is gonna end up with a one-sided love after they finish with this show :( I just dont want Yong~ to be the one to "put dirt on her" hahaha first love is always hard to forget................(sometimes haha)

But however it might turn out, as long as they're together now and I can watch their happiness being together, I can survive my stressful university life hahaha

thanks for all the info and gif. guys!! ^^

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I'll be away for more than a week. I asked my friend to bring her notebook with her so I could check this thread at night and I dont want to miss the next ep of WGM. I want to know what Yong surprise to her buin.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Time is so slow, 5 more days...long wait....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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loveya... i can't help to reply to ur post. :) yeah, i kinda get what u're trying to say. it's true that her feelings for yong can be very easily detected. it seems like she luvs yong more. gosh... i hope this will not be felt as a burden to yong in long term. i mean... from what i know, some guys will think that it's gonna be quite burdensome in the long run. especially when the girl gets jealous easily or is very demanding. i hope hyun won't turn out like that. she seems to follow some trends in a relationship. for example, the 22 Day... she wanted hers to be more special than yong's previous ones. and guys are very simple-minded beings. ugh, i'm stuck... sorry, brain is suddenly dead :P but what i wanna say is that... the probability of hyun having a broken heart is much higher than yong. although yong seems to like her a lot, he has the ability to shift his mode of focus. but will hyun be able to do so since it's her first? she may be the perfect angel, but she's still human. sorry guys... pls bear in mind that this is only for the eventualities. it may or may not happen. :phew:

and yes... whatever happens, it's their life. we're just the ones that watch them. for now, what we can do is be happy & enjoy the fact that they take care of each other very well & like each other a lot apparently.

oh, i wish u all the best in ur uni life ;)

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loveya... i can't help to reply to ur post. :) yeah, i kinda get what u're trying to say. it's true that her feelings for yong can be very easily detected. it seems like she luvs yong more. gosh... i hope this will not be felt as a burden to yong in long term. i mean... from what i know, some guys will think that it's gonna be quite burdensome in the long run. especially when the girl gets jealous easily or is very demanding. i hope hyun won't turn out like that. she seems to follow some trends in a relationship. for example, the 22 Day... she wanted hers to be more special than yong's previous ones. and guys are very simple-minded beings. ugh, i'm stuck... sorry, brain is suddenly dead :P but what i wanna say is that... the probability of hyun having a broken heart is much higher than yong. although yong seems to like her a lot, he has the ability to shift his mode of focus. but will hyun be able to do so since it's her first? she may be the perfect angel, but she's still human. sorry guys... pls bear in mind that this is only for the eventualities. it may or may not happen.  :phew:






funny that you mention that because this kind of thing is always in the back of my mind!  i mean, i think seo is doing a good job so far in trying not to suffocate him with things that are common deal-breakers for relationships, but she does follow certain milestones that can weigh heavily on a guy.  this isn't taking into account cultural differences, though.




i know that here in the U.S., it's a bit difficult to find guys who welcome the celebration of every "important" day in a couple's relationship, no matter how insignificant.  however, i know there are countries where its citizens enjoy doing everything with their partner if there's a holiday for it.




anyway, i think they're safe! happy.gif  if anything, i feel like yong is expecting a little more.  still, i hope whatever feelings exist between them is not one-sided.  a relationship would degenerate rather quickly otherwise in the sense it would get progressively awkward and tense. vicx.gif


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Guest .:love_ya:.

I guess I don't mind it being one-sided if they both have feelings for each other hehehe

you know, the one thing that's been bugging me is this one moment in the horror episode, after YongSeo accomplished their mission and returned to the room, they were holding hands and you can see clearly how Yong's facial expression changed when Jokwon said "oh they're really holding hands!" I wonder why the sudden change? What do you think the reason is?

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I guess I don't mind it being one-sided if they both have feelings for each other hehehe












you know, the one thing that's been bugging me is this one moment in the horror episode, after YongSeo accomplished their mission and returned to the room, they were holding hands and you can see clearly how Yong's facial expression changed when Jokwon said "oh they're really holding hands!" I wonder why the sudden change? What do you think the reason is?












because after Jokwon said it outloud he have to let go of her hand......just my interpretation...........love this couple.....












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loveya, dreamyboo, lovekin:








































































Can I join you in giving my opinion, for whatever it's worth? Yong is only 22 years old (Western age: 21) and yet he has to toe a very fine line because his partner is a "national fairy". Talk about pressure! I'll bet he had many sleepless nights! However, thus far, he is doing a good job of wooing Hyun. I would like my sons to grow up to be like him. This boy has put a lot of effort in his wooing... and because he has invested so much effort, I believe that he IS emotionally involved. I do sense that he has taken precautions in protecting himself against really falling for Hyun but I think Hyun has disarmed them.








































































So... in my own humble opinion, this is not a one-sided love affair. Both have invested their true self in this which would lead to feelings of love and affection. However, whether both would fall in love with each other is another matter altogether. For this, we have to look to their eyes to see what is reflected in them when they look at each other.








































































A special shout out to dreamyboo... I'm from the Land of the Hornbills too! :P (I hope my memory serves me well... I think you posted that info waaaay back, otherwise dreamyboo, sorry if it's not!) :sweatingbullets:
















































































































































I just want to say that Yong is very attuned to Hyun. Look at his immediate response when Hyun asked him to help her with the kimchi pancake.









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you know, the one thing that's been bugging me is this one moment in the horror episode, after YongSeo accomplished their mission and returned to the room, they were holding hands and you can see clearly how Yong's facial expression changed when Jokwon said "oh they're really holding hands!" I wonder why the sudden change? What do you think the reason is?

because after Jokwon said it outloud he have to let go of her hand......just my interpretation...........love this couple.....











in my opinion the reason why yong suddenly released hyun's hand when gain and jo kwon commented that they were holding hands is that yong himself didn't realize about it even after they have accomplished their mission. people tend to act subconsciously when they are scared. after all they were depending in each other to comfort their anxiety in accomplishing the horror mission. i think both couple were surprised that they were still holding hands till adam couple mentioned on it.



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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































`용서부부` 정용화-서현, 일본 데이트 `딱걸렸네` [스타뉴스]































































































































































































































































































































































































`용서커플` 정용화와 서현이 일본 데이트를 즐겼다.
































































































































































































































































28일 관계자에 따르면 정용화와 서현은 최근 일본에서 만나 오랜만에 즐거운 시간을 보냈다.
































































































































































































































































서현이 소속된 소녀시대가 일본에서 본격적인 활동에 들어간데다 정용화 또한 씨엔블로 활동으로 바빠 9월 들어 한 차례도 만남을 갖지 못했던 두 사람은 일본에서 만나 색다른 데이트를 만끽했다.
































































































































































































































































두 사람의 데이트 소식은 현장을 포착한 한 네티즌을 통해 직후에 한국에까지 알려졌다. 사진 속 두 사람은 `우결` 촬영진에게 둘러싸인 채 편안한 복장으로 벤치에 나란히 앉아 수줍은 미소를 띠고 있다.
































































































































































































































































녹화분의 방송일은 아직 결정되지 않았으며 오는 11월께 방송될 예정이다.































































































































스타일, 그 이상을 창조하는 신개념 패션미디어 `스타일M`
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[김현록기자 roky@mtstarnews.com]

































































































































































































































































































































































































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lovekin... annyeong~! my dearest artistic goguma! :D gahhh so sorry for inputting negativity in the thread. was just thinking otherwise... as my hope on them is rising at a very uncontrollable rate. i just wanna prepare myself for "JUST IN CASE"? fragile heart ya know... LOL! oh, yeah! come to think of it, u may be right... yong may be expecting something more as per his song, I DON'T KNOW WHY. it seems like he's the one who's controlling his emotion in front of the media. it's like he's messing with the media & us netizens, trying to trick everyone into thinking otherwise about him so as to protect hyun, since hyun isn't good at hiding her emotions yet. if it's that, i'm veryyy proud of him! :wub:

love_ya (gosh u and lovekin must be a distant relative :P ), i think that has been discussed many pages back LOL... IMO, the reason why yong's facial expression took a rapid turn was 'cause he was enjoying his holding hands moment with buin but the adam couple just had to burst his bubble. who won't be annoyed. i would. any guy would too if they seldom meet with their other pair. but kubih's POV may be right too ;)

winnieho, if ur sons end up like yong... how i wish that i'm younger so that *coughs* i can get the chance to know ur sons LOL! xD btw, i agree with everything u said in this quote of mine.

Can I join you in giving my opinion, for whatever it's worth? Yong is only 22 years old (Western age: 21) and yet he has to toe a very fine line because his partner is a "national fairy". Talk about pressure! I'll bet he had many sleepless nights! However, thus far, he is doing a good job of wooing Hyun. I would like my sons to grow up to be like him. This boy has put a lot of effort in his wooing... and because he has invested so much effort, I believe that he IS emotionally involved. I do sense that he has taken precautions in protecting himself against really falling for Hyun but I think Hyun has disarmed them.

and i'd like to believe that hyun has really disarmed all his protection kekekeke!

oh ya... *hi-5 yongseo style* i hope we can meet each other one day~! :wub:(i'm from kuching and u?)

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loveya, dreamyboo, lovekin:




Can I join you in giving my opinion, for whatever it's worth? Yong is only 22 years old (Western age: 21) and yet he has to toe a very fine line because his partner is a "national fairy". Talk about pressure! I'll bet he had many sleepless nights! However, thus far, he is doing a good job of wooing Hyun. I would like my sons to grow up to be like him. This boy has put a lot of effort in his wooing... and because he has invested so much effort, I believe that he IS emotionally involved. I do sense that he has taken precautions in protecting himself against really falling for Hyun but I think Hyun has disarmed them.




So... in my own humble opinion, this is not a one-sided love affair. Both have invested their true self in this which would lead to feelings of love and affection. However, whether both would fall in love with each other is another matter altogether. For this, we have to look to their eyes to see what is reflected in them when they look at each other.








going to throw realism in here, sorry~








i don't know about love and affection.  i feel like those words hold a heavy implication that the two have deep-rooted feelings for one another.  at this point, i don't get that from them.  that's not to say that, on some level, the two don't feel some attraction for one another because i believe they do!  but being attracted to someone has far different connotations than saying they harbor love and affection for one another.  i think it's in due part to the reality that WGM is, first and foremost, a reality show.  the attraction between participants is merely a byproduct.  sure, some couples have been lucky, but it's too early to tell with these two.





but i agree that the two have shown their true selves and that their staring contests are occasionally intense and meaningful.




love_ya:  i thought of that too when i saw that part of the episode.  if you want to look at it positively, you could say that he let go of her hand as a result of being "caught."  i've had friends tease me in a similar situation, and i immediately let go.  though i was comfortable with the guy, it was embarrassing to have it announced so brazenly.  also, you could say that it was a reminder that they didn't really need to hold hands anymore, so that's another reason why he let go.  we'll never know.  if it eases your mind, just think of the situation as pure coincidence.








dreamyboo:  hahaha!  i think we need more people to worry about these things so that we have others like you to contradict us and make us feel better.  wub.gif


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Hello there blueshoes! Thank you for the news! I used good old Google translator and it said something about Yong and Hyun meeting in Japan. The bolded parts said that nothing's been confirmed on air dates, but high probability in November. Don't take my word for it, since you all know how Google translator works (or not!)









































































Hey! I'm from Kuching too! Hah, what a good and funny coincidence! Hi5 YongSeo style!
















































































































































Lovekin, I would respectfully disagree with you on the love and affection part. I don't know about their feelings in June, but in the UJ timeline, these 2 are at the very least, good friends. Good friends love each other. Whether they are attracted to each other is another story. :)









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as follows is a fan account of the recent sone fanmeet, seohyun parts:













































credits to: itnw0628@twitter

5. Rank 1,2,3 with your own topic!

After citation, staffs arranged chairs for SNSD(seat order was like this: From left to right, KSY-Sunny-Hyo-Sooyoung-Taeng-Yuri-Seohyun-Jess-Yoona-Tiff) and the real fan meeting started.























Seventh topic was “When I feel being old”. Guess who wrote it? Without a second, I could figure it out lol























KSY: What’s this? “When I feel being old”? Ah, well here comes the elder. (fans laugh) Give me a guess. (fans yelled “Seohyun!”)























KSY: OK, let’s go to number 3 first. “After I became 20 years old, when I saw students who wear school uniforms, I was shocked that I cannot wear it anymore.” (it was really a long piece lol)























Yuri: (to Seohyun) You wrote that long?























KSY: Well, Seohyun?























Seohyun: (tried to speak but her mike was off, so she borrowed Yuri’s and said) My mike is off.























KSY: So, when you see students with school uniforms and thought they’re all younger than you, you feel like being an old woman?























Seohyun: Yes, I was shocked.























KSY: Like, can’t stand the reality?























Seohyun: Yes, a bit. When I was in the car and saw students with school uniforms, I thought now I am too old to wear school uniform, which means all the students out there are younger than me. I couldn’t get the reality at first.























KSY: Well, it seems you’re too old. (sigh) (fans laugh) Let’s move to number 2. “When unnies drink, they don’t make me an exception anymore.” (fans cried)























Seohyun: Please, unnies (laugh)























KSY: So you guys don’t let her go when you drink?























Yuri: No way! (laugh)























Hyo: Well, she always ran away when she had to drink. (laugh)























Jess: Hey girls, we have parents here. We need to be more cautious. (laugh)























KSY: Ah, is your mother here, Seohyun?























Seohyun: Yes.























KSY: (to Seohyun’s mom) It’s just a joke, mom. (laugh) She doesn’t drink a lot.























Seohyun: (Seriously) Well, it’s true! I really didn’t drink much. (fans laugh)























KSY: OK, let’s find out what number 1 is. “3 years have already gone by since we debut. Sones, who have spent time with us together got 3 years older, too.” (fans cried)























Sooyoung: Well, Maknae is the one who cares sones.























Seohyun: We’re getting older together. It’s a happy thing. We’re sharing time together.























KSY: She wrote “I know it’s hard for you to support us. Thank you.” to Sones. (fans cried) Well, though she is the youngest, it seems she got matured fastest.














































KSY: OK. Let’s find out the number 1. It’s Yuri. (actually, she wrote “Kuneo Yuri”, which became one of her nicknames)























Tiff: Last night, we had some on-line chats with each other. Suddenly, Yuri typed “You guys look so lovely to me.” (fans cried) She is so natural on that part, and I wanted to let everyone knows. Yuri, you are very cheesy! (fans laugh)























Seohyun: Yuri unnie monitors my program very hard. Couple days ago, there was an episode which shows “Kimchi Jeon” (Korean traditional food). Then she sent a text message to me, which said “I monitored your program, and made this Kimchi Jeon while thinking of you.” with picture. (fans cried) (to Yuri) Thank you. (laugh)













































click for the complete post:

Beware before you read this fan account!

-My English is not so great. I’ll try my best but there is a possibility of miss-translation.























-This is based on my imperfect memory, basically. However, this time the show was long and girls talked a lot. So to refresh my memory and give readers more accurate picture, I refer to other sources a bit. Still, there can be wrong information.























-This is not a translation of other fan account. It is my original, and I’m writing down in English.























-I’ll put this via my twitter account, but if you like to put this somewhere else, I don’t mind. However, please make sure where the source is.























-It is VERY long. So I’ll put part I of my fan account first and II will be posted later on.























-Fan account for SNSD’s 1st official fan meeting on 10/09/26-























1. Before entrance























Fan meeting was held in Hwajung Gymnasium in Korea University. Seat was already decided by order of deposit, so there wasn’t any long line for getting finer seats this time.























With ticket, participants received special lightstick for fan meeting, Sone balloon, and some mini-sized posters.























2. First stage: Oh!























About 5:20 pm, lights were out and girls came out. They sang “Oh!”. Funny things were, Yuri changed her choreography to show love for Sones, and when Jess sang “tell me boy boy love it it it it it it it ah!” part, other girls pinched Jess so hard that Sica yelled at them “It hurts!” during the performance lol























3. MC introduction: Kim, Shin Young























After the stage, girls greeted to fans and introduced MC of the fan meeting. It was Kim, Shin Young, who probably knows all 9 girls better than any person outside girls themselves. Girls said they worried because she knows too much of them lol























4. Recognition of SM supporters’ hard work























First part of the fan meeting was giving citations to SM supporters who work hard for SNSD and Sones in various activities. They were all familiar faces for sones who have a lot of experiences at open broadcast stage or girls’ official birthday party, etc. Representative of supporters is resemble to famous Korean female comedian “Park Ji Sun”, so Kim Shin Young (from now on, I’ll call her KSY) made jokes about it lol























When KSY asked fans to give applaud to them first, it was a bit small. Tiffany asked fans to give bigger applaud, and fans did that. You know, Tiffany is always the one who ask fans to give more credits to the staffs. Such a nice girl. No exception this time.























5. Rank 1,2,3 with your own topic!




































































After citation, staffs arranged chairs for SNSD(seat order was like this: From left to right, KSY-Sunny-Hyo-Sooyoung-Taeng-Yuri-Seohyun-Jess-Yoona-Tiff) and the real fan meeting started. Fans chanted each member’s name too loud, so Sooyoung told fans “Everybody please promise each other to not chant members’ name when they speak cause if you do it, we can barely hear what members say.” God, Sooyoung was great as usual. She knows many fans want to hear what girls say, not what fans yell lol























First part was “Rank 1,2,3 with your own topic!”. Girls can choose whatever topic they like, and rank 1st~3rd on it. KSY selected the board randomly, and it doesn’t contain members’ name so that nobody knows who chooses which topic. (at least theoretically lol)














































First topic was “male singers whom I want to sing together”. Taeyeon admitted right after the topic was exposed that it’s hers lol























KSY: OK, number 3 is…..Dongjun from Ze:A!























Sooyoung: Wow I didn’t know she really picked him!























KSY: Taeng, why?























Yuri: He is Taeng’s cuty boy.























Taeng: Don’t make the atmosphere awkward!























KSY: OK, tell me why you picked him.























Taeng: He always gives his all to anything.























Sooyoung: I don’t think it’s the only reason you picked him, Taeng….























Taeng: OK, I think he does workout pretty hard so that he has wide shoulders. (fans cried)























Taeng: And he sings well. He also has very passionate eyes.























KSY: OK, how about number 2? It’s….Kyunhyun from Super Junior!























Girls: No way, he already sang with Seohyun.























Hyoyeon: (to KSY) In SMtown concert, Seohyun sang with Kyuhyun.























KSY: Ha, I got it. So you envy her?























Taeng: Ah……yes. (laugh) Actually, it’s not like that. He has very soft voice. I like that kind of soft voice.























KSY: Good. Then, who is number 1? Sooyoung, can you give me a guess?























Sooyoung: Um, well…..























KSY: Don’t be absentminded! (fans laugh)























Sooyoung: I think she picked foreign singer this time.























KSY: OK, let’s find out. (It was Justin Bieber. Sooyoung high-fived with Taeyeon)























Sooyoung: Is he younger than you, Taeng?























Taeng: He was born in 1994. (fans cried)























Girls: You thief!!! (fans laugh)























Taeng: Why? He has great voice.























KSY: Is it the only reason you like to sing with him?























Taeng: Um, and he has styles. (laugh)























Sooyoung: If you meet him, can you talk to him?























Taeng: Yes, through my eyes! (laugh) It’s so strange to see many youngsters sing so well.























Yuri: Hey, you’re young, too!























KSY: Taeng, you speak like you’re 1978-born person. (fans laugh)























Second topic was “my prominent concerns recently”.























KSY: Well, let’s see what number 3 is. Um, it says “Singing & Japanese”. Who is it?























Yoona: It’s me!























KSY: Why did you pick those two?























Yoona: Um, singing is always my concern, and….























Yuri: Why? Your solo song was released recently, wasn’t it? (fans laugh)























Tiff: I was very impressed when I listen to the song. Her vocal has improved a lot.























KSY: Then, what about Japanese?























Yoona: You know, we started Japan promotion recently. Being not good at Japanese makes me feel a bit frustrating, so I thought of studying it but I couldn’t.























KSY: Hopefully you can. Let’s see number 2! Ah, it’s “health”. I think you’re too young to worry about your health. And you take some kind of herb medicine, don’t you?























Yoona: Yes, I do.























Taeng: She takes a sort of pill, which includes enriched nutrients.























Yoona: I do, but I don’t take it regularly so it doesn’t work.























Hyo: When she takes it, we are in trouble because of the smell! (fans laugh)























Tiffany: It’s too distressful, especially for me.























KSY: I understand. How about number 1? It says “excessive vigorousness”! She wrote “It is called kkap” in brackets.























Taeng: Why? It’s good!























KSY: Yeah, I think so.























Taeng: But, it would be better if she suppresses a liiiiitle bit. A liiiiiiitle. (fans laugh)























Yoona: Yeah, I’m getting too vigorous so that sometimes I even forget they are my unnies (laugh)























Sunny: Wait, wait. You really know it? (fans laugh)























Yoona: Of course I do! It (kkap) came out without realizing so it almost makes me surprised. Sometimes I think “Is it okay to act like this to unnies?” but I couldn’t say sorry to them because the situation already got out of hands. (laugh)























KSY: Yes, it’s very hard to go from kkap to apology. (girls laugh) So, how exactly is your kkap?























Yoona: Well, recently someone told me “Are you drunk?” cause my kkap was gone too far. I don’t know why I became like this. (laugh)























KSY: Haha. Who was the most frequent victim of Yoona’s kkap? (fans cried, and their favorite choice was Tiffany lol)























Hyo: No, it’s not Tiffany. It’s me. Though normally Yoona didn’t do kkap to me, when she did to others, they say it’s because she hangs out with me too much. (fans laugh)























Yoona: I really think so!























Girls: Yeah, it is!























Yoona: My kkap is very similar to Hyoyeon’s.























KSY: Ah, is it?























Hyo: Well, it’s very cute and I like Yoona’s kkap. (fans laugh)























Third topic was “I want these songs to be mine!”























KSY: Whose is this?























Sunny: It’s mine. (and she made typical Sunkyu aegyo expression. Fans laugh.)























Taeng: Sunny is a natural born idol!























KSY: Ah, is she? Thank you for your profound words, ma’am. (fans laugh)























KSY: Ok, let’s see number 3. Marshmallow by IU!























Sooyoung: Wait wait. It means you want us to make you sing this song here, right? (fans cried)























KSY: Good point. (to fans) Wanna see it? (fans said “yeeees!”)























KSY: OK. Marshmallow by Sunny! (Sunny sang Marshmallow a bit, and fans cried)























Yoona: It seems this song is for IU, after all. (laugh)























KSY: Wait, it means you don’t consider it as kkap?























Yoona: No way. It’s rather cuteness.























KSY: Well, then how about your version of kkap? (fans cried)























Sooyoung: Do it with Hyoyeon!























KSY: Good. Yoona & Hyoyeon, please come out and show us your kkap!























(Yoona & Hyoyeon sang Marshmallow with vigorous dance performance lol everyone laugh)























Sunny: Wait. When Hyoyeon came back to the seat, Taeng pulled her pants! (fans laugh)























Taeng: (giggling) You’re being too picky! (laugh)























KSY: Now I can understand why they made Yoona & Hyoyeon sit far from each other.























(fans laugh and Yoong & Hyo point their fingers to each other)























KSY: OK. So what’s number 2? NU ABO! (fans cried)























Tiff: It’s the one we always listen when we’re at the car, and every single member love to have this song ours. (fans cried)























KSY: I see. Sunny, why do you want this song?























Sunny: Well, they(fx) did very well of course, but I think I can make it a little bit better. (fans cried)























KSY: Haha. If you can be cuter than f(x), then go ahead!























Sunny: (giggling) As a point of visual performance, it was perfect. What I want to improve is a sound part. (laugh)























KSY: Let’s see, then!























(Sunny sang NU ABO with her cute voice. Remember the intro of SJ’s “Cooking? Cooking!”? Her voice was just like that!)























Sooyoung: Now I see why our company gave the song to f(x), not us! (laugh)























KSY: Yeah, I guess so. How about number 1? What? “Invitation” by Um Jung Hwa? (fans cried)























Girls: Now Sunny shows her real self. It suits her best. (laugh)























KSY: Invitation? You really mean Invitation? I’m speechless. Why?























Sunny: Well, other 2 songs might suit well to the image which fans think of me, and this one suits well to the image that I think of myself.























Hyo: Yes, it fits well to the image which we think of her. (laugh)























Sunny: Yes, especially at home. (fans cried)























Sooyoung: Well, then are you going to show us with the proper costume? (fans cried)























Sunny: No, you’ve gone too far! (laugh)























KSY: OK, so your image at home is more like Invitation. Let’s see how it is.























(Sunny sang “Invitation” with dance, and fans laugh)























Yuri: I think you can go to Gag Concert with that step right now. (laugh)























Sunny: Why can’t I be sexy?























KSY: Yes, you’re sexy. She was sexy, wasn’t she? (fans said “yes!”)























KSY: OK. Let’s assume she was and wrap it up. (fans laugh) Well, someday you’ll have a chance to sing a song like that.























Sunny: I hope SNSD will.























KSY: Yes, especially Sunny, she has a nice body. (fans laugh)























Hyo: Yes, she does, but her height failed her. (fans laugh)























KSY: (giggling) Hyoyeon, you’re good. You’re more like “yeneung-dol” (entertainment idol)























Fourth topic was “Do not make fun of me anymore-Reason I walk splay-footed.” As soon as KSY read this, fans started to laugh. Virtually everyone knows who that is lol























KSY: Who is this? (fans yelled “Jessica!”)























KSY: Well, Jess. Do you walk splay-footed?























Jess: No, I fixed it. (fans yelled “no way~” lol)























Jess: If I said so, you gotta believe me! (fans laugh)























KSY: OK, let’s see number 3. “Because I got tired of walking, so I walked relaxed.” (fans yelled “no way!”)























Tiff: She misspelled the word.























Sunny: Wow, Tiffany points out misspelled word?























Jess: I know the correct one. (and she explained the correct spelling to KSY)























KSY: What, then you wrote like this because you got tired of it? (fans laugh)























Jess: Yes.























KSY: I see. So you walk like that because you got tired of walking?























Jess: Yes. You can try to walk relaxed, and you will understand.























KSY: Really? Sooyoung, come out and show your relaxed walking.























(Sooyoung came out and walked awkwardly. Fans laughed.)























KSY: So, what’s number 2? It’s “Because I did ballet for 6 years.” (fans cried)























Sooyoung: What? You did ballet for 6 years and still you’re that stiff? (fans laugh)























Jess: Wait wait. I did ballet until I came to Korea. And I quit it here because I didn’t have time to do it. (fans yelled “Show us! Show us!”)























Girls: How about stretching?























Jess: I can’t do it because my body is stiff now. Though I played a role in “Nutcracker” when I was a kid. (fans cried)























KSY: Can you show us a bit?























Jess: Argh, should I?























KSY: Don’t worry, you can do it.























Jess: Well, what exactly should I do?























KSY: Any ballet movement, like this. (KSY showed turning move when you can see frequently at ballet. Jess did the same thing and greeted to fans. Fans cried.)























Jess: Well, I actually did much harder thing. Like jumping after I made a turning move. I was almost flying. (fans cried)























KSY: Then show us how you fly!























(Jess showed some jumping move, but it was far from flying lol)























KSY: Is that it?























Jess: Yes, it is!























KSY: (giggling) I see. So since the day you did ballet, you started to walk like that.























Sunny: I guess only things Jess got from her ballet experience are splay-footed walking and cramp. (fans laugh)























KSY: OK. Let’s see number 1. “Because my splay-footed waking is adorable.” (fans yelled)























Jess: See, see. I know. I’m sorry, but I can’t think of anything to put at number 1.























KSY: Well, other members just showed how I should do. When they heard this, they said “Next, next!” (laugh)























Jess: Hey, how about you guys’ topic! (laugh)























KSY: Haha, Jess lost her temper. Um, she said because it’s adorable….(at this time, Sunny threw away the board of Sica’s topic lol)























Jess: Hey, Sunny!























KSY: Ah, well throw it away. (fans laugh)























Fifth topic was “Reason my legs are long”. It’s not hard to find who this is, right? Lol























Sunny: What are you all doing??























KSY: “Reason my legs are long.” OK, throw it away, too. (fans laugh)























KSY: OK. Let’s see whose this is. (to fans) Any guess? (fans yelled “Sooyoung!”)























KSY: Sooyoung. What’s number 3? Ah, “blessed gene”! So, do your parents all have long legs?























Sooyoung: Ah, my father does.























Sunny: Hey, your mother is here and you said it’s because of your father? (fans laugh)























KSY: (to Sooyoung’s mom) I’m sorry mom. OK, let’s see number 2! “Only thing I can give to SNSD was my long legs”. Please explain.























Sooyoung: Well, because our members are all outstanding. They can sing well, dance well, look pretty, sexy, innocent, lively, cute…they have everything but long legs. That’s why I positioned myself to it. (laugh)























KSY: Usually idol star says “I have a nice body”, but you said “I have long legs” (laugh)























Sooyoung: Well, my body shape is not that good. I’m just long.























KSY: Yours are good enough. OK, let’s move to number 1. “My legs are not that long, it’s just other members’ are too short.” (fans cried, and other girls stood up)























KSY: Haha, see Taeng and Hyo cannot stand up. (fans laugh) This is a joke, isn’t it?























Sooyoung: No, I’m serious. (fans laugh)























KSY: You’re not targeting Sunny, aren’t you? (laugh)























Sooyoung: (giggling) No. I had chances to go to movie festivals and fashion shows, and I felt like I was in the forest. Lots of tall people there, so I thought “I’ve been too proud of myself. It’s not that I’m tall, it’s more with other girls are short.”























KSY: Taeng, Jess, Sunny, and Hyoyeon cannot laugh loudly. (fans laugh)























Yuri: Wait. Look at Tiffany. She sneaked into our(tall) side, and laughed very loudly. (fans laugh)























Tiffany: Well, I’m fifth. I’m in the middle. (and she laughed hard intentionally)























KSY: OK. Hope you guys become taller.























Sixth topic was “Reason I’m not good at Korean”. I thought it’s Tiffany’s at first, but I was wrong.























Taeng: Isn’t it Hyoyeon’s? (laugh) (some fans yelled Tiffany’s name)























Tiffany: It’s not mine.























Sooyoung: Tiffany is better at Korean than Hyoyeon. (fans laugh)























Tiffany: I’m good.























KSY: Well, Hyoyeon. Is it yours? (Hyoyeon cleared her voice and didn’t answer. Fans laugh)























KSY: I see. Let’s see number 3. “Because I am a big thinker.” (fans laugh)























KSY: Well, I heard what Taeng said when I opened this. She said “What? Does Hyoyeon ever think?” (laugh)























Taeng: No, I didn’t. (laugh) I thought it was for Hyoyeon, and she really thinks a lot in usual. When she thinks, she cannot see other things. She has great concentration.























Hyo: I have plenty of thinking in my mind, but it is not arranged well so it cannot come out.























KSY: Ah, so this topic is yours after all, right? (fans laugh and Hyoyeon nodded)























KSY: Haha, I guess so. How about number 2? “Foreign student concept?” (actually, Hyo wrote in a strange style so KSY couldn’t understand what that is at first.) So, you want to look like a foreign student?























Hyo: Yes, I do.























Girls: She studied abroad in China.























KSY: Ah, she did?























Hyo: Well, I did and I tried to be shown like that but it didn’t pan out well. (laugh)























KSY: I see. Let’s move to number 1. “Because I have short temper.”























Girls: Yeah, that one is spot on.























Yuri: (giggling) Today, when we came out, there was a market which sells stuffs like necessaries, etc. So I asked members “What do we call that kind of market normally?” and Hyoyeon quickly said “Jabahoi.” (it’s Korean) You know, it is “Bajahoi” but she reversed the order of a word. (laugh) I thought she made a joke, but she did not.























Sooyoung: Well, when Hyo said “Jabahoi”, Taeng quickly said “Ah, you’re right.” (fans laugh)























Hyo: When I heard something I know, I always try to speak quickly. That’s why I made that kind of mistakes.























KSY: You really have short temper. But if you sort it out, you can make it a good MC. Hopefully you can be better at Korean soon.























Seventh topic was “When I feel being old”. Guess who wrote it? Without a second, I could figure it out lol




































































KSY: What’s this? “When I feel being old”? Ah, well here comes the elder. (fans laugh) Give me a guess. (fans yelled “Seohyun!”)




































































KSY: OK, let’s go to number 3 first. “After I became 20 years old, when I saw students who wear school uniforms, I was shocked that I cannot wear it anymore.” (it was really a long piece lol)




































































Yuri: (to Seohyun) You wrote that long?




































































KSY: Well, Seohyun?




































































Seohyun: (tried to speak but her mike was off, so she borrowed Yuri’s and said) My mike is off.




































































KSY: So, when you see students with school uniforms and thought they’re all younger than you, you feel like being an old woman?




































































Seohyun: Yes, I was shocked.




































































KSY: Like, can’t stand the reality?




































































Seohyun: Yes, a bit. When I was in the car and saw students with school uniforms, I thought now I am too old to wear school uniform, which means all the students out there are younger than me. I couldn’t get the reality at first.




































































KSY: Well, it seems you’re too old. (sigh) (fans laugh) Let’s move to number 2. “When unnies drink, they don’t make me an exception anymore.” (fans cried)




































































Seohyun: Please, unnies (laugh)




































































KSY: So you guys don’t let her go when you drink?




































































Yuri: No way! (laugh)




































































Hyo: Well, she always ran away when she had to drink. (laugh)




































































Jess: Hey girls, we have parents here. We need to be more cautious. (laugh)




































































KSY: Ah, is your mother here, Seohyun?




































































Seohyun: Yes.




































































KSY: (to Seohyun’s mom) It’s just a joke, mom. (laugh) She doesn’t drink a lot.




































































Seohyun: (Seriously) Well, it’s true! I really didn’t drink much. (fans laugh)




































































KSY: OK, let’s find out what number 1 is. “3 years have already gone by since we debut. Sones, who have spent time with us together got 3 years older, too.” (fans cried)




































































Sooyoung: Well, Maknae is the one who cares sones.




































































Seohyun: We’re getting older together. It’s a happy thing. We’re sharing time together.




































































KSY: She wrote “I know it’s hard for you to support us. Thank you.” to Sones. (fans cried) Well, though she is the youngest, it seems she got matured fastest.























Eighth topic was “Reason I can’t do kkap recently”. No doubt it’s Yuri’s lol























KSY: When you say kkap, you can’t help but thinking this member. Yulkkap!























Girls: No, it’s Kkapyul!























KSY: Ah, sorry about that. Kkapyul!























Yuri: Well, Yulkkap is kind of new. I like it. (laugh)























KSY: It’s similar to “Jabahoi”. (laugh) Let’s see number 3. “There are many people who do kkap better than me.” (fans cried)























Yuri: Recently, many newcomers have arrived in the field of kkap. (laugh) They are so funny, and I’m getting used to watching and enjoying them doing kkap.























KSY: So you’re being upgraded. Now you’re watching kkap! (laugh) OK, let’s move to number 2. “If I do kkap too frequently, it’ll get boring.” (fans cried)























KSY: Actually, I agree with it.























Yuri: I want to keep it.























KSY: So do you want to keep kkaps for good?























Yuri: Yes























KSY: Good. How about today then? Are you going to show us?























Yuri: Of course, I’ll show you the real one today. (fans cried)























KSY: Well, expect her to show her kkap at the stage. Let’s move to number 1. “There are too many disastrous photos out there because of my kkap” (fans laugh)























Yuri: This is the real reason.























Sooyoung: Well, but it gives us a lot of fun. I wanna put those photos on the wall of my room. (fans laugh)























Tiff: When you come to our dorm, you can see there are many photos on the fridge. I put them on. Usually there are photos with couple members on it, but there is a lone exception, and it’s Yuri’s that photo. (laugh) (You guys probably know which photo it is. It is perhaps the most famous Yuri photo in a not so pretty way.)























Girls: We all love that photo!























Yuri: They put the photo inside the book like a bookmark! (sigh)























Tiff: I put it inside my bible. (laugh)























KSY: Well, are you going to show us that expression here? (fans cried)























Yuri: How can I do it here?























KSY: Just show us a bit. (to fans) Do not take picture!























Sooyoung: It’s only for the fans who came today.























(Yuri made an expression.)























Yuri: It’s a secret, right? You’re not supposed to put this on the web, ok?























KSY: (to fans) Can you keep the secret? (fans said “yes”)























KSY: Well, you guys might have nightmares tonight. (laugh)























Last topic was “Members who are cheesier than I am”.























KSY: Last member is Tiffany!























Tiff: Mine is not funny. I’m concerned.























KSY: It’s OK. Let’s see who is at number 3. It’s Yoona! According to Tiffany, Yoona says “I love you” with that wicked voice too frequently. (fans laugh) Ah, that Yoona voice! (at this time, Yoona turn her head to Tiff and tried to said something.)























Tiff: No, not anymore!























KSY: Consider it’s a last time, and allow her to do it.























Tiff: Well, today’s for fans so I think she’d better express her love to fans, and don’t do it again at home!























Yoona: Um, I already did this to Sones. Anybody heard it here? (fans yelled)























Tiff: Today is an important day, so do it again.























Yoona: (with wicked voice) I love you, Sones~ (fans cried) (Yoona turned her head to Tiff, and said) You, too unnie! (fans laugh)























Sooyoung: She actually has a new one. Say “Cutie Sones” to our fans, Yoona.























Tiff: I bet you’ll like it.























Yoona: (with wicked voice) “Cutie Sones!” (fans cried)























Tiff: She’s getting stranger because we’re staying at home a lot.























Yoona: See, I missed my note even at this stuff. (sigh) It should be like this. (and she said “Cutie Sones” once more, with prettier voice. Fans cried.)























KSY: OK, I see. Let’s move to number 2. It’s Taeyeon!























Tiff: (giggling) I misspelled it. I didn’t know it, but they said it’s wrong.























KSY: Ah, I see. She wrote “Taeyeon, who quietly cares for all 9 members a lot. Express your feeling this time!” (fans cried)























Tiff: Taeng lacks expression. She cannot show her feeling in front of many people, I hope she can.























KSY: OK, Taeng. Tell something what you couldn’t talk. (fans cried)























Taeng: Well, I did say a lot to them recently!























KSY: Then, tell Sones something.























Taeng: (sigh)























KSY: Do it, please~























Taeng: Ah, it’s quite a burden. (sigh) What should I do? Well, I had something to say to our fans, and I already said it through interviews. I hope we don’t feel ashamed of each other. (fans cried) We’ll try harder for Sones, and I hope Sones can give us more support, too. (fans cried) Ah, I don’t know why but when I say something, it makes the atmosphere too serious.























KSY: It’s okay. (to fans) Isn’t Taeng great? (fans said “yes!”)























KSY: OK. Let’s find out the number 1. It’s Yuri. (actually, she wrote “Kuneo Yuri”, which became one of her nicknames)























Tiff: Last night, we had some on-line chats with each other. Suddenly, Yuri typed “You guys look so lovely to me.” (fans cried) She is so natural on that part, and I wanted to let everyone knows. Yuri, you are very cheesy! (fans laugh)























Seohyun: Yuri unnie monitors my program very hard. Couple days ago, there was an episode which shows “Kimchi Jeon” (Korean traditional food). Then she sent a text message to me, which said “I monitored your program, and made this Kimchi Jeon while thinking of you.” with picture. (fans cried) (to Yuri) Thank you. (laugh)























KSY: Are you guys dating? (laugh)























Yuri: I usually express my emotion well, and I feel thankful to members a lot of time. So when I want to say thank you to them, I consider today is the last day to do it, and it helps me express my feeling naturally.























Tiff: (to fans) You didn’t know it, did you?























KSY: Yuri has beautiful mind. When she filmed Invincible Youth with me, sometimes she knee-kicked my butt. (laugh)























6. Second Stage: Into the new world (piano arranged version) + 꼭(kkok)























When Tiffany said they’re gonna perform ITNW, I was thrilled. When she said they’re gonna sing a different version, I was more than thrilled. When she said it is arranged by Seohyun, and Seohyun started piano intro, I was out of my mind.























Personally, I prefer the original version. But you might not hear this piano version anywhere except at the fan meeting. That’s what makes it precious.























Also, there were some changes of the singing parts. See follows. (left is original, right is piano version)























전해주고 싶어 슬픈 시간이 다 흩어진 후에야 들리지만 (Taeng->Taeng)























눈을 감고 느껴봐 움직이는 마음 너를 향한 내 눈빛을 (Seohyun->Seohyun)























특별한 기적을 기다리지마 눈앞에선 우리의 거친 길은 (Jessica->Yoona)























알 수 없는 미래와 벽 바꾸지 않아 포기할 수 없어 (Yuri->Yuri)























변치않을 사랑으로 지켜줘 상처입은 내 마음까지 (Tiffany->Sooyoung)























시선 속에서 말은 필요없으 멈춰져버린 이 시간 (Sunny->Sunny)























사랑해 널 이 느낌 이대로 그려왔던 헤매임의 끝 (All->Jessica)























이 세상 속에서 반복되는 슬픔 이젠 안녕 (All->Hyoyeon)























수많은 알 수 없는 길 속에 희미한 빛을 난 쫓아가























언제까지라도 함께하는거야 다시 만난 나의 세계 (All->Tiffany)























(At this time, girls gathered around Seohyun who played the piano and sang)























이렇게 까만 밤 홀로 느끼는 (Seohyun->Seohyun)























그대의 부드러운 숨결이 (Jessica->Jessica)























이 순간 따스하게 감겨오는 모든 나의 떨림 전할래~(Taeyeon->Taeyeon)























사랑해 널 이 느낌 이대로 그려왔던 헤매임의 끝























이 세상 속에서 반복되는 슬픔 이젠 안녕























널 생각만해도 난 강해져 울지 않게 나를 도와줘























이 순간의 느낌 함께하는거야 다시 만난 우리의 (All->All)























Right after the song is finished, intro of 꼭(Sooyoung & Yuri’s duet song) came out and Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, Seohyun, and Taeyeon came out with glittering suits on. This song is originally for 2 singers, but this time they divided the song to 5 parts so that 5 members could sing. During the performance, Yuri and Yoona made really interesting expression on their faces. I couldn’t stop laughing lol























7. First Intermission: Tokyo show case performance film























After the stages, girls were all gone to change their dresses, and performance film was on the screen. It was from Tokyo show case. It’s been just a month from then, but seems to me like a long long time ago.














































Part II will be continued……..













































sorry if it's a repost!























welcome to all new shippers!!! :):wub:


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Guest blueswim_boo




























Hi,guys..Me too..^_^  can i join you guys loveya,dreamyboo,lovekin,winnieho. It caught my attention. Just sharing my thots.I'm sorry if anybody couldnt agree with my points.This is just merely a humble thots from me.I just need to say this for those who feel the need to protect her from anything in this world.Who will cry along if they thots she is being hurt.Honestly,I'm actually not worry about Seohyun  if what you assume is true.I mean about "what if she fall for him more than he is and this is more to one sided love'.Lets assume,what you said is happening.As some of you said,this is her first love if it happened,she is bound to get major heartbroken downfall.But we are talking about Seohyun here.She is no ordinary girl.She may look fragile outside,but she in one strong girl inside,no doubt about it,Yes,she is bound to get hurt if it happened.She will go through the same phase of heartbroken period like everyone else does.For weeks or maybe months.She will feel a constant aching in the pit of her stomach,not feeling like eating but eventually she will have to force herself to eat,afterall she is a  Korean health ambassador.She cant be looking thin, fragile and sickly in front of publics representing Health Ministry of Korean.Young people idolized her.She will feel a tinge of loneliness in the middle of the cheering crowd but eventually she has to smile happily excitedly sincerely for the sake of fans who counting on her and her unnies to uplifted their spirits from daily stress.Afterall,she is in the group known as nation cheerleader.She might cries silently in the middle of the night but eventually she will force herself to sleep for she had school to attended or schedule activities to fill the next day.Afterall,she cant go out in public with eyebag and red eyes from crying.It might jeopardized her CF endorsement if she look less pretty than she is.My point is,she is Seohyun.She is too responsible for her life and future,with many people depend on her,she will not let people down.For Godsake she is the girl who said she want to be Korean Ambassador in the age of 30.And we are talking about a girl who applied SELF REFLECTION method every morning.Nothing can go major  wrong in the life of people who keep  their sense of self awareness in check everyday.This amazing girl reflect herself everyday in her life.Trust me it is not an easy things to do.My CEO taught us this method two years ago, and instilled that we practiced this for our dear life.Still i barely cant make it habitual because of the lack of discipline in myself.He claimed that it is his secret of success to be 'self made millionare' at early age since practicing it 10 years ago.Seohyun will get over that phase,faster,better than anyone else.Everyone does.When we do,we CHANGED.And i'm eagerly looking forward to that new Seohyun.Falling in love is the faster way to growth.And normally,after that heartbroken phase is over,we tend to found new found spirit,new found confident .I'm anticipate for that Hotter,Sexier,Smarter,Adult Seohyun ready to take over the world and whole new level of career. I've been there,done that.And i'm sure if any of u had fall deeply in love or get your heart broken and still living until today,u will understand what i mean.So,yes i'm anticipating for her to fall in love and i'm thankful for any guy who introduced her about love and in this case,it  is Yong,even if it mean she will get heartbroken,i will not worry about her whatever happened at the end.One sided or a happily ever after love story.In a long run,it will still a win win situation for her..I believe in this girl courage and strength so much that it will be a shame to pity her.As i said before in my previous post,the reason i love watching Yongseo is that i'm more interested to see their inividual growth more than anything else and i still do.I'll just enjoy their present relationship and will not worry about how it will end in the future.;)





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Guest constantia11


Please look at the last picture. No RingDingDong??

Where has the ring gone???

Oh my God. I'm so sad.

(Sorry for giving only the link. I don't know how to import picture to this post)

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