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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Sorry for not making myself clear, I meant the vid is not very good cos some parts were block by a black object. Not meant to create bad feelings regarding anyone in the thread. Just want to point out that Yonghwa appeared to be "stoned" or "uninterested" when other performances were going on. However, the moment Trax started (Seohyun's pictures appeared) he seem to be more "happy" or "full of energy". Yonghwa even pretended to play the guitar and sing along. Maybe it is the catchy tune. Hee hee please ignore.


tks red. now i can go and watch it w/out any worries of seeing


something i don't like... ;)


About the "Hurting Your Girlfriend"-issue. We don't *hurt* our girlfriends consciously - you just have a plan and you go through it, no prisoners taken. And afterwards, when she tells you: "I like it, but I was really hurt because you were like this and this.", I'm mostly surprised. "You were? But look at the event I made!" "Yes, but BEFORE that, I was hurt."


I remember my first girlfriend - I was so surprised when she didn't forgave me instantly, because I went through a lot of trouble, you see. (That's called inexperience and naivity, I suppose). Nowadays, I try to be more careful, but there's always something you can do wrongly. Yonghwa is like that; inexperienced, not exactly subtle and really bulldog-y. It'll grow out, if he chooses to use his brain a bit and overcomes his Tripple-A personality.




Best regards,




PS. There are some new updates at Goguma fics over at livejournal (*cough* including an update by me *cough*)



u guys DO feel guilty for that unitentional 'hurt' right, since


i see yong looking remorseful/regretful, sad even..


but since he has something lovely up his sleeve, he just had to let it pass.


and it will be cute to see hyun whining abt getting hurt earlier on..


we girls are like that..


aah, i can just imagine these 2 having a heart to heart talk, sitting on the


middle of the goguma field, having a nice picnic. :)



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Even his last comment before the end is meaningful ‘Where are we going?’  Is he talking about the direction of the trip, or the direction of their relationship?






sorry to cut your post, which I also agreed with, but to say thank you for confirming this-- I have been anxious to confirm it. ^_^ I saw this on the caption on the subbed episode but I wasn't sure if it was what Yong said or something that WGM just put up there. The way he said it, since he knows where they're headed, I take it to mean the end result of their argument/conversation. He really looked a little shocked and concerned at her outburst; which honestly you can't blame him since he's never seen it or been on the receiving end of her wrath before. But it was good for them and will help them to grow.


This episode was one that certainly shook things up a little... and has given us so much more to analyze. :D


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@trent hihi_hehe, purestupidity LOL you guys i was looking around my cafeteria for Yong to show up and be my cup holder!!
































































and just for laughs i found two pics of Yong when he looks like a duckie!
































his lips! X_X

















































































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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































im in student council and im helping organize a blood drive
































im definitely doing it because yongseo  influenced me(:
































i really hate needles i hope i can be brave enough to do it.

































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@jnj: Of course we feel remorseful - but we don't show it, because in the heat or the argument we may not feel appreciated despite the fact that we put so much work into ... whatever romantic stuff was planned. And that's where things can get ugly ... :(  But we always feel guilty.

I will break Yonghwa's kneecaps personally, if he doesn't make it up to her. Seriously.

Best regards,


@dbskisluv2: Do it. Really. Just drink enough and if you have low blood pressure (it's common among females under 30), just tell them and they give you something. It doesn't even take five minutes - and they check your blood for unusual stuff, too, and inform you if something's wrong.

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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hahah .. that's really YongSeo-ish to donate blood, isn't it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Btw .. I find it really cute when Seohyun referred "someone" to Yonghwa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"I'm not like that SOMEONE
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I often see some couples taking like that when they're bickering ... really cute indeed !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've been trying to imagine what kind of "romance" Yonghwa will do to Seohyun ... but just one thing came up on my mind that maybe Yonghwa gave the new couple rings as a b-day for Seohyun, and it's possible that Seohyun will cry.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If "my theory" is right ... I'm gonna try to donate blood the next semester at my school if I meet the requirement !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I promise !

































































































































































































































































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I like the part when Ueno Juri left.




The part after Yonghwa said "Hey, you are nt jealous aren't you?" and SEohyun answered "no, im not like someone"




The eye contact that they made is just epic... someone should make a gif on that part.. YOnghwa was sure seohyun was jealous, even though Seohyun was saying no and her head was turning saying no, her eyes says it all.. I guess that's the reason why Yonghwa said seohyun should meet chiaki senpai hahahha





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I like the part when they were in the bus. The moment Hyun opened the topic about MinHyuk's birthday, that's when Yong started acting funny. He started avoiding her gaze and just stared at whatever car comes his view. Hyun even leaned forward to see what's so interesting outside that he won't even spare a second to look at her.




She was either wondering why he wasn't looking at her (when she finally wore something that she can show off her shiny, smooth... LONG! legs...) or if the cars/girls outside are more entertaining to watch.




At that moment, I figured out that he's got something up his sleeves. :] He kept saying sorry too, and guys take a VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY long time to apologize or even acknowledge that it was their fault (most of the time they just try to erase it from their woman's mind by wooing her). He knew she would react that way. But what he did not expect was the text message that did not get sent to him. His reaction and gesture tell it all. He actually looked at her at that moment, both in disbelief and surprise.




Also........ I liked the MC's reaction when they thought Yong would even dare to ignore Hyun's reply. Her face was like "YOU IGNORED HER!?!?! Wfhsofijnwlefh!!"






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Guest bananaleaf
















Yonghwa and Seohyun should totally meet Chiaki senpaiiiii. I can already see Yonghwa's jealous face lol








who could resist this face?
















except...Tamaki Hiroshi is really frail now :tears:








Loveee this pic. Eyes that talk :wub:













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Guest Crystal392
















































luvtokki: I loved your post!!






























































juhee: Aww that was so sweet of you :) I've always wanted to donate blood but I have a trauma, when I was 16 I was going to donate blood and then a girl who had donated blood a few minutes ago fainted next to me! I was soo scared and for a sec thought she was dead... I got really scared and since then I have a slight phobia towards donating blood, don't know why... just thinking about it makes me nervous and all my body itches. I am a proud Goguma that you donated blood; hopefully someday I will find the courage to overcome my silly fears and donate blood too. It is a really noble act. Uri YongSeo would be so proud. It makes me remember of some Korean Yong's fans, who donated blood in his honor because he couldn't donate blood when he went with Hyun~. Btw, those pics are :wub::lol:






























































hihi_hehe: I find it cute that both refer to each other as 'someone'. Hyun~ said 'I'm not jealous like SOMEONE'; and didn't Yong~ said recently 'If I don't wear the ring SOMEONE will scold me' or sth like that :P






























































d3j1k0: I agree with you 100% . That part was amazing.






























































bananaleaf: It would be amazing if they meet Chiaki/Tamaki. hahahaha I want to see uri YongSeo take a pic like the first you posted! ^_^

















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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































용서커플, 엔화벌이 하며 일본 데이트
































































































































































































































































'용서커플'이 엔화벌이를 하며 일본서 데이트를 즐겼다.
































































































































































































































































MBC '우리결혼했어요'에 가상부부로 출연하며 인기를 얻고 있는 소녀시대 서현과 씨엔블루 정용화가 지난 추석연휴 동안 일본 도쿄도 사이타마현에서 랑데부했다. 소녀시대와 씨엔블루의 음반 홍보와 콘서트 일정이 공교롭게 겹치면서 '용서커플'의 일본 데이트가 이뤄진 것.
































































































































































































































































소녀시대는 지난주 일본에서 첫 싱글 '지니(Genie)' 프로모션 행사를 가졌다. 씨엔블루는 지난 15일부터 나고야·오사카·도쿄 등지의 클럽을 돌며 데뷔 1주년 기념 공연을 펼쳤다.
































































































































































































































































'용서커플'의 다정한 일본 데이트 장면은 현지 팬들의 카메라에 포착돼 포털 사이트 사진이 올라오며 눈길을 끌고 있다.
































































































































































































































































한 관계자는 "서현의 일본어 실력에 모두 놀랐다. 여행을 하는데 전혀 불편이 없을만큼 능숙하게 일본어를 구사했다"면서 "해외 촬영이라 국내에서 데이트할 때보다 편안하고 여유로운 모습을 보였다. 애정표현도 한결 자연스러워 보였다"고 전했다.
































































































































































































































































'용서커플'의 일본 데이트 장면은 내달 9일 방송 예정이다.
































































































































































































































































이경란 기자 [ran@joongang.co.kr]
































































































































































































































































source :: http://bit.ly/d8px2v

































































































































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용서커플, 엔화벌이 하며 일본 데이트




'용서커플'이 엔화벌이를 하며 일본서 데이트를 즐겼다.




MBC '우리결혼했어요'에 가상부부로 출연하며 인기를 얻고 있는 소녀시대 서현과 씨엔블루 정용화가 지난 추석연휴 동안 일본 도쿄도 사이타마현에서 랑데부했다. 소녀시대와 씨엔블루의 음반 홍보와 콘서트 일정이 공교롭게 겹치면서 '용서커플'의 일본 데이트가 이뤄진 것.




소녀시대는 지난주 일본에서 첫 싱글 '지니(Genie)' 프로모션 행사를 가졌다. 씨엔블루는 지난 15일부터 나고야·오사카·도쿄 등지의 클럽을 돌며 데뷔 1주년 기념 공연을 펼쳤다.




'용서커플'의 다정한 일본 데이트 장면은 현지 팬들의 카메라에 포착돼 포털 사이트 사진이 올라오며 눈길을 끌고 있다.




한 관계자는 "서현의 일본어 실력에 모두 놀랐다. 여행을 하는데 전혀 불편이 없을만큼 능숙하게 일본어를 구사했다"면서 "해외 촬영이라 국내에서 데이트할 때보다 편안하고 여유로운 모습을 보였다. 애정표현도 한결 자연스러워 보였다"고 전했다.




'용서커플'의 일본 데이트 장면은 내달 9일 방송 예정이다.




이경란 기자 [ran@joongang.co.kr]




source :: http://bit.ly/d8px2v







They will be airing the Japan Trip on October 9th (as per yongseofacts kekeke)..




Aigoo that means after the Bday trip they will skip the already filmed epis then go directly to the Japan trip..




I guess this is the same with the Ueno Juri special.. this will be YOngSeo Japan Trip special kekke (i hope so though, they shouldn't waste all those already filmed epis)





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Guest _d3seohyun

WARNING: Long post and Image heavy.

Let's see if this will work....

:w00t: Go Seobaby go! You let him hear it, all of it! Even with a big event planned, any man who puts their woman through agony like that deserves an earful (and a beating if there's no event afterall) :P

Seobaby's eyes...whoa! They were sparkling alright...with anger and frustration! Did you see the way she nodded while he was giving excuses? LOL The tone of her voice while talking to him...oohhh so direct and even had a touch of sarcasm eh? Those eyebrows...you bet ya they were raising! When she turned to give him the look...it almost seemed like you can hear her neck cracking hahahha. And don't forget those heavy sighs she was letting out. Seobaby was mad...fuming mad and she had every right to be.

For those people who had always complained about Seobaby having the same facial expression, well this is an episode you have to see :P

And Yonghwa? LMAO. The boy was shocked and flustered. His smiles and nervous laughs were screaming "I'm sorry. I'm sorry" and "Omma, help!!!" hahahha The fact that he was guilty is what made him adorable throughout the whole bus ride...like a hushed little puppy wanting to hide in the corner of a room.

Aigoo Yong, I hope your surprise for your buin was really something special. Something that went beyond making up for your naughty little action. (:

On with some caps and my usual blahblashs ......

They've ridden a bus quite often before but this is the first time Yong is sitting by the window.

Aigoo poor boy fell for his buin's trap the minute he got into that bus LOL

He was cornered and had nowhere to go.


Seobaby's eyes were fierced even when she was just checking her phone. She was probably making sure there really wasn't any text from him

before she starts the interrogation hahaha. Her gaze when she sensed he was looking at her LOL

Yonghwa's smile = WORRIED/scared!!! He knew damn well what was coming kekekek


Y: I saw you at the autograph event.

H: The autograph event?

Y: I saw it in the news…

Y: I’m always monitoring you.

H: Oh~ is that so?

Y: Always

His wife was pleased but surely not enough to get him off the hook.

Yonghwa kept playing with his wrist/watch hahha nervous?


H: By the way, yesterday was MinHyuk’s birthday, right?

Y: Yes (keeps looking outside).

Y: We had a schedule.

H: Is that so?

Y: So we bought the cake late in the night to congratulate him.


Smart move boy. If you had kept on looking at your lovely cute wife and kept meeting her gaze, you know you would cracked and spilled the beans about the surprise. Those sparkling eyes are your weakness afterall kekekke


H: MinHyuk and I have the same birth year, month, and date. You know that already, don’t you?

Y: Yes. It’s 18th of June

Love this! the emphasis on "the same year, month and day" hahha

You go girl!



Y: …Why?!

Our rocker's sexy manly voice. Our Yong choding's high pitch tone. Boy did his voice suddenly went all soft during this bus ride hahaha

His laugh while asking her "why" is too cute! Guilty but cute! <3


H: You are really….mean!

MC Park: She said he’s mean!

Y: Why?

H: You didn’t even send me a text wishing me happy birthday.

JW: Really?

NY: She must feel let down…

Awwww! I think Seobaby was getting teary eyed here. :(

I think it took a lot from her to confront him about not receiving a birthday greeting.

Her voice was a little shaky too. (Grrr @Yong at that moment huhu but can't hate him coz guilty and

sorry yong is kyupta!)


H: I’m really disappointed in you!

SO: Didn’t he really…?

Y: I’ve got my reasons.

NY: He’s got reasons!

LOL Just look at Seobaby's posture at the 4th cap


Y: To be honest…

H: Yes.

Y: No, nothing.

H: Hmm…..

Y: I’m sorry.


Her reaction..


Y: I was going to send you a text at midnight on the dot.

H: Were you?

Y: I was waiting for the moment, but after the schedule it was past midnight.

H: Hmm….

H: But, so many people have tried the same thing.

H: They say ‘I was going to text you on 12 o’clock, but am 1min late, sorry!’

Yong Hubby didn’t even do that…

oohh! Seobaby you should have dropped a couple names of boys who greeted you

even if it was past midnight kekkee..no. that would be too cruel blush.gif


Y: I wasn’t just 1 min late.

H: Really…?

Y: It was so late, I wasn’t sure whether to text you so that you could see it when you woke up.

H: Hmm….I see…

MC Park: He didn’t do anything on her birthday, she must have been disappointed.


H: It’s oka….oka… No, it’s not okay.

Y: …!

JW: She’s not okay!

MC Park: She’s pretty clear about how she feels.

LOL Yong was caught off guard there

The way she raised her eyebrow when she said she wasn't okay harhar!!!


I think this was one of my favorites :wub: we all know how touch touchy Yonghwa is woot woot kekeke

I find it adorable how he couldn't even give his buin a little nudge or tap during this scene. He looked scared/worried on how upset she really was. All he could do was tilt his head a little towards her...like "Come on Buina..sorry..please...." <3

Too bad arm-folded Seobaby had her gaze directly to the front kkekekek


Y: I’m sorry….

H: No.

Y: I’m ashamed…

H: No, it’s okay.

Y: No, I’m ashamed…

H: Hmm… (not saying that he shouldn’t be, though)

Seobaby's YouShouldBeAshamed look...lol


Y (shouting through the window): I’m sorry! I’m feeling so guilty!!!

H: Haha, it’s alright!

Y: I’m really sorry….

H: No…

Yonghwa, you know that's one of the reasons she wubs you right?

You always have this magical way of making her laugh regardless of the situation:wub:


Y: You didn’t send me a text either, did you?

H: I did! You didn’t even reply to my text!

Aigoo, I feel like bopping their heads together. It took them more than a week to find out they didn't get each other's text?!

And hmmm...I wonder if Yong choding mass texted everyone on his contacts with his "It's my birthday message." LOL

because he didn't seem to remember that he texted her that morning :P


H: You’re just too much! I’m not going to text you from now on.

Y: No, I haven’t received any.

Seobaby's was now really boiling at this point. :(


H: I really sent you a text.

Y: No, you didn’t.

H: Yes, I did.

H: You’re lying!

Y: No, really!

H: You’re a liar.

Y: I swear that you didn’t text me.

H: I swear that I sent you a text.


She's so frustrated. Just look at the way she was holding onto her seat


H: In the morning…

Y: Yes?

H: You texted me saying ‘It’s my birthday’.

Y: I did.

H: I was texting you when I had got that message.

The way she told him what he texted her kekkekeke


Y: No, it didn’t come! After I sent you a text….

H: I did text you!

Y: Really?

H: Yes.

Y: You’re saying that I ignored your text?

H: Yes.

Y: No, it’s not possible.

H: Humph!

Y: I was holding my phone in my hand all day.

H: It doesn’t make sense.

H: I sent you a text.

Y: No, after I texted you saying ‘it’s my birthday’…

H: That’s the moment when I was sending you a text. So I said in the text ‘I’m about to text you…’

Y: Really? Why didn’t I see that one?

H: Where’s the text gone?


It seemed like the MCs taped for this episode the same time they did for the horror special.

Poor Jiwonnie, hit by the skinship then a confession.

Love these caps. On fanboy Jinwon...

First he looked like he was feeling giddy (probably finding this side of Seobaby too cute)..

Then he had the ohmygoodnessdfhgjkl;jhg reaction. And look at him at the next cap...looking so curious and

anticpating what's coming up next. :lol: That, combined with his still icantbelievethatjusthappened look

Now Yong: Look at his expression when he heard she was saddened when he didn't reply to her...<3333333

Shocked? Pleased? IWUBYOU2 look? kekkeke I say all of the above hahahha


Y: So I was sad (not receiving a text from her).

H: You must be joking, I was sad because you didn’t reply to me.

MC Park: Today our couple is fun to watch!

H: So, where did the text go?

H: What’s happened to the text…

Now this is pure love <3 While Seobaby is still thinking of what could have happened with the texts,

Yonghwa, I believe, is still in shock after hearing a confession.

He was probably thinking...."O M G! Did she just really say that?"

Snap boy! Yup! She really really likes you! <3

And rapper Hyun does exists hahah


that took out a lot of my patience :sweatingbullets: but fun <33333

trans courtesy of our amazing j2dlee! *hugZ*

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The Seohyun-Yonghwa couple are apparently spending time together in Japan.
































































































“We Got Married” staff revealed today that because SNSD is preparing for their Japanese debut, the two were unable to meet for the past month. Despite his busy schedule, Yonghwa decided to visit Seohyun after the producers arranged the meeting.
































































































The producers also reported that the lovely couple had a good time. They stated, “Apparently, the two have not been on a vacation out of the country without their parents before.”
































































































With Jokwon and Gain spending time in Bali for their wedding pictorial and Victoria and Nichkhun visiting Thailand, it seems inevitable that Seohyun and Yonghwa will follow suit.
































































































The episode is scheduled to be broadcast in November.
































































































Source: Hankyung.com (cr:allkpop)
































































































I just found this on allkpop! I think it's so awesome but I hope it's more than just one day. Weekly visits to japan by yong would be THE BOMB!
































































































I can live with that.

















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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kamsahamnida blueshoes and baby_bo. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































If wgm will air Japan episode this  coming 9th october what will happen to the remaining scenes that they filmed already? Although i'm excited about this Japan trip but still i want to see the remaining episode that they already shoot their is still lot more in July,Aug. So the YongSeo wgm episode keep on jumping aigoo! Oh! well i guess we need to wait what will happen every saturday to our YongSeo couple episodes. And i'm wishing also that they will be together this coming Christmas and New Year. It will be 1st Christmas and New Year for the lovely YongSeo couple. wub.gifwub.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@d3SeoHyun : thanks for that warning kekeke! i luv it. The more i want to see what will happen next. Some of the screencaps not uploading right maybe my net here or soompi not friendly to me 2day :) 
































































































































































































































































































































































































common saturday :) i want saturday now :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Annyeonghaseyo !!..




Thanks guys for the pic , NEWS.. great post, video & trans ( especially J2dlee.. )




Ichigo_kawai : ha ha I love your jealous Yoong's pic and forgive me .. I know you'll post a jealous Hyuun's pic later BUT... I found those pic and I want to share.. from WGM DC Gallery








With UJ got to see Hyuun feeling jealousy. (pity girl)....




1. When Yoong tried to get UJ to call him ‘oppa’








2. Yoong ask for the phone pic. ( She has a big eyes.. ha ha ha)and.. she purposely spoil the picture? Look at her smile..








Other scene..




4. Smart boy. Yoong knows about Hyuun's Feeling. That's why he ask Hyuun : "you’re not jealous are you?" & touches her arm. Then, mention about Chiaki & Johnny Deep . A few words of comfort?








5. I don't Know Why... Seems Hyuun want to cry when she look at the ceiling.. I feel sorry for her.. BUT.. Yoong is a good husb. At the end yoong said : "An ideal type is a just type"















6. The staring moment.. Just look at their eyes... Their own world !!!











cr : DC Married




I LOVE ALL the scene. The ‘couch’ conversation & The sweet bickering..




edit : _d3seohyun : I Love your long post.. Love your pics .. muuuahhh... saranghae ha ha ha




blueshoes and baby_bo : kamsahamnida.. wow!! Great news!!




Sorry if I'm not mention the others name. a lot of name BUT deeply into my heart.. YOU ALL THE BEST!!




It's okay I post those pic, right? If I do wrong, plz tell me.





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@d3seohyun, waaa thank you for your looooooooong post!!!!! im happy~!!!! *hugs*


@shml, <3 your post too! woot!


@ichigo_kawai love your JEALOUS post.... *faints*





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Hi gogumas! thanks for all the goodies :wub:... the caps are amazing!!! thank you so much! and Japan episode in october??? I was screaming in happyness haha (crazy me)... thanks a lot for that news, and for everything else!
























I think someone ask for couch´s talk gifs?... here I got 3 ^^
































































































Thank U all gogumas!! now I´m off to read ^^









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bananaleaf: wow Chiaki looks damn hot! But you know what, I think our poor Yong have enough with his jealousy. Its just my opinion, dont take it personal. I know YongHwa is really cute when he's in his jealous storm but poor him, he got quite enough now ( not even 1 but 8 times - as ichigo_kawai concluded ! Sorry if i get ur name wrong)


You know, some  people dont know whether they love someone until they get jealous for A NUMEROUS OF TIMES . I think SeoHyun is that type of girl. She never loves before, even like or think about other guys. She said that she didnt know wat differences between love and like --> she has no knowledge about love of being in love --> she's not gonna easily realize that she like/love SOMEONE ( i vote for this is the vocabulary of the week- who with me?  :w00t:)


It also took YongHwa a while to be jealous ( the 1st 1 at the ep 6)--> throughout 8 experiences, he certainly realized what was going on with him --> he knows his feeling --> maybe thats the reason C.N.BLUE album and single were all about love love love ( Love, Love light, I dont know, Sweet holiday ... every songs he wrote or sang were about love ! Singers have their own way to express- if they cant talk - they will SING OUT LOUD )


But now it may be the right chance for SeoHyun. She starts to get jealous now. she realize how sad when YongHwa is kind with other girls and how sad to be ignored by him. I really want to see Seohyun be jealous more... Maybe because of that, Seohyun will notice to her feelings --> and then we all know what gonna happen :rolleyes:. I dont want to see Seohyun sad, but jealous? I LOVE TO .  What if Seohyun gets jealous as the same amount as Yong-- that will be fun to watch :wub:


BTW, does anyone notice that Yong look a little bit fatter than from the day the coupe debut?Am I wrong or because of his new hair or he is really getting fat after marriage -- result of drink herbal milk + apples + eating goguma + feelling happy everyday ??????



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