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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lipranna



Good evening Gugomas to this side of my world and good morning, good afternoon to everyone else! I'm delurking just for a few mins tonight one to check this thread but by gosh it moves too fast for me to catch up and its always interesting how spaztic gugomas are when sharing news and views about our beloved couple (although not all are good news and positive but hey thats ok thats make this thread alive a differing of opinions just dont take opinions and views too personal and im one of those people who disregard the bad and just see and hear the good :P less stress to my heart! :P) AND NUMBER TWO REASON is to apologize bout the vid that i posted last night, i had to delete it because it was just poor vid quality, i dunwanna enduce early tunnel vision to ya'll! :P . Anyways Ive reposted 3vids subbed and full credits to j2dlee for the subs and she was so kind to leave me a message giving me ok to use her sub.

If you folks still interested here are the links:


hollowen on chuseok day 1/5

holloween on chuseok day 2/5

still uploading part 3/5, may be up in a few...


gud night gugomaz!


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Guest calculator































































































































































Picture taken in the past, but I thought they look so happy together. 
































































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Guest _d3seohyun

goodies :w00t: thank you all!

kekekek that's one cute article about the kiss. i can imagine Seobabys flustered face while being teased by her oppas and her bulging eyes when Yong nampyeon was mentioned <3

ahhhh her first kiss! who'll be the luckiest guy? YONGHWA fighting! :w00t:

@s0leill and @glitterspark. thank you so much <3

Oh my dear YONGSEO, forgive me for scrutinizing every little move you make,

and I hope if one day you guys get to read our little observations

you wouldn't get freaked out (:


I know a lot of my fellow gogumas have pointed out all of these scenes already

and I'm sorry for being repetitive, but I have to spazz this out!!! :D:P

According to j2dlee's translation how did Yonghwa rate the whole haunted house again?

12 out of 10? and 18 out of 10 for the ghosts? That's pretty scary!

But how come I have a feeling that if the pds ask our couple

to go through that whole thing again, they won't hesitate one bit and it's all a go :D

My gah at Seobaby's giggles and Yonghwa's smiles.

There were a couple of staring moments too

and the tone of Yonghwa's voice when trying to calm his buin...kya!!!!! <3

Keroro appears! He even asked her if she wanted it...awwwwwwww!


Aigoo, they saw a couple shirt and suddenly forgot they were in a haunted house? LOL


Too bad we can't put audio with our caps. Seobaby was giggling on this part <3

I guess it was in response to the sweetness of her hubby's voice <3

@ 8:08


Staring session in the dark YONGSEO syle...gaaahhhh!


LOL. This was after Seobaby got scared when the sound of an explosion erupted.

Look at the girl's smile when Yonghwa used both of his hand to calm her down hahahahha


Another scene that got me spazzing is when Yonghwa was destroying the locker/shelf,

Seobaby was tugging at his hand ( @12:16) ....


That caught hubby's attention of course. and look at his smile after seeing hers hahhaha.

These two, sincha!!!!


LOL. bwaahahahah why are they both smiling?!!!

@dreamyboo. he did ask where to put it on right? hahhaha


and my gah! they never failed to compliment each other or tell each other to be careful.

on this scene Yonghwa tells Seobaby that she did well with the fritters LOL. we all know how that one

would taste :lol: then she giggles and tells him it might not be as tasty as it seems LMAO


<33333333. Aigoo some hip action from Yong seobang hahahahah


This is one of the hottest scenes I have ever seen hahhaha

Well with a little bit of my imaginations added *wink*


Yonghwa's eyes and Seobaby's smile...YOU GUYS ARE IN A HAUNTEDED HOUSE!!!

They must have really been pleased on how good they looked together. That,

and of course they just wanted to hold each other kekekek.

Bring on the wedding pictorial pds!!!! please! But I think it would be better if

you let them take their own pictures so they don't get concious of others watching them

being all over each other hahahha




The scene when Yonghwa stopped Seobaby from going to the couch.

Seriously what's up with the smirks and smiles you two?!!!! <33333




You guys have to rewatch this scene. When he got up he gave his wife a little pinch/nudge

by the arm <3.





My reaction exactly Jinwoon.

Seobaby's fanboy is cheering for skinship too hahhaha

atta boy!


The smiles. It's not like they're out already, why celebrate? :w00t:


Yong, your nostrils are kinda flaring hahahah

Was Jungshin chingu giving you a funny look? kekekke


Hahahah it's so cute of the Adam couple to point out that YONGSEO was holding hands <3


So Yonghwa let go of Seobaby's hand already....

Here MC Jungshin chingu was explaining something and Khuntoria was preparing to leave,

and you can see Yong seobang sitting comfortably right?

But i guess not comfortable enough!

Look at our dear Yonghwa. They weren't even a foot apart

but he just had to move closer to his wifey <3333.

Aigoo Yonghwa! You regret letting go of her hand huh? kekekek too cute!



I love those scenes when Yonghwa switches hand to hold seobaby's <3





Protective Yong for Husband of the year!


every time wifey gets jumpy he holds/guides her with both of hands <3




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Guest Crystal392






panGG: Awww he said that? So sweet! hehehehe I also want to see them when they reach their 100 days together ^^






AdriP: I also want to see Yong's reaction to TRAX MV :)






lipranna: Awww thanks soo much for sharing that :D






calculator: I wished they would have shown when did they take that pic. I hope someday they will show the edited scenes and they will show that part :D As you said wrote, let's not lose the hope ;)


_d3seohyun: Please don't get tired of posting those amazing screencaps. They are really awesome!


EDIT: OMG Where is everyone? The thread is so quiet :( Btw, YongSeo will soon reach their 222 day anniversary ^_^



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_d3seohyun love your caps!! so freaking adorable.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































crystal_malfoy i thought it was super AWW worthy too :D. and i agree, not much spazzing right now. but its okay, i think everyones getting ready for the tweeting!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyeong, wanted to ask for help from all Potatoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Monday September 20 is YongSeo's 222 Day Anniversary. In celebration, we would like to roll out another twitter trending project.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To join in:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































tweet YONGSEO (all caps, without the # sign) starting 9PM KST on Monday Sept 20
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you would like to join but don't have a twitter account it's easy to set one up. Visit http://twitter.com/ sign up for a free account and you're set to go.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To trend, just include YONGSEO in your tweet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































* it's been reported that using too many hash signs (#) might make the tweet be considered spam, so to be safe we're not using the # sign for our trending.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy 222-Day Yong & Hyun































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































does anyone else think the scene where the husbands are calling for their wives is freaking cute as heck too? because i pretty much love it. the playfulness and how well their all getting a long. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yongs pretty good on the drum. but it must be sort of natural i suppose since his musically inclined. lol. or he must be learning from minhyuk so he can teach his wife next time lol. aww, makes me want to go watch the episode now! jealous yong and his "minhyuk-ah~!!!" :lol:

































































































































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Guest SophiaPia






OMG! i just watched the raw episode of running man epi11 credit to cnbluestorm




hubby Yong is really really good. He is the hero again for the team blue hahaha! and as always proud again w/ his couple ring wub.gif he even touching it or playing w/ it on part 4 kekeke! 




yes! i think this horror special is the best so far hopefully there's more SWEETNESS COMING for our YongSeo couple :) love love love






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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wait a minute .. we have another special ep on Tuesday and another on Thursday, right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm confused o.O
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seriously ... I need to stop watching this ep ... I've watched it like 4564366 times :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If I don't, otherwise, my mom would think I'm crazy. <_<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































haha d3seohyun: your caps are like a review hahaah, it makes me want to watch it AGAIN!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, btw, Happy 222-Day YongSeo

































































































































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Guest Crystal392






panGG: Oh :o I didn't know about the trending project! The husbands are so cute calling for their wives!






A cute article (#1) with pics at tvdaum, they have grown so much as a couple:






[용화♡서현 축222데이] 서로에게 빛이되주는 부부!!너희가 레알이야!






Here is one of the pics:











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aigooo.... _d3seohyun I'm all spazzed up again seeing those caps and your notes! One thing to add on your observation, every time they were attacked, he would tug her backwards... yong was really like her knight! :wub:























just edited a bit what Cherryhanna posted pages back, I just can't get enough at the sight of it

























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Guest Crystal392






^ Woah that pic is so cute :wub: I hope the PDs will make them take care of kids some day....


hehehe and I also hope someday they will have their own kids ;)


They look soo good together ♥



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annyeong gogumas ^_^

s0leill123, thanks for the Trax's interview scoop~! :D haha it's obviously partly 'cause of yong that hyun didn't wanna do the kissing part but actually...uhm mainly 'cause she's not the type to do kissing scene at the moment? i can't imagine her doing a kissing scene anyway :mellow:

calling gogumas FBI, need some confirmation here sincei spotted something interesting.03:30, focus on yong's left hand and tell me what u see? :phew:My link

deng, i can't open that link...it says it's private? T.T

omo! calculator~!!! that's so manga-like artwork! deng, if anyone who knows how to draw could make a manga or manhwa outta them... that would be awesome! :w00t:

haha panGG~!!! yes, that statement of yong's is surprisingly cute. can we be like u in a year's time LOL~!!! it's like he's hinting to hyun about something... kekeekek pls gimme more skinship for i thirst badly for it! xD

_d3seohyun, thanks to ur awesome caps i just noticed that yong moved closer to hyun after their mission accomplished LOL! that was super duper cute of him~! kyaaaaaaa.... gosh, he's pretty aggressive or should i say persistent in pursuing what he wants eh. i think at the time when they finished mission & went into the room where all the other couples were... yong purposely wanted to show the others & the whole world that they've already held hands & most importantly, giving out a warning message to all the other males to not go into his "territory" & that he has finally claimed his "territory". ohohohohoh very manly of him.... :wub:

cherryhanna, that's so cute~!!! thanks for sharing the pic.... ahahahah they look so real! LOL :D

haha clumsy~! thanks for sharing that family pic...LOL am saving it~! xD

genxv, i'm glad u like my latest MV :D *hugs*.... but it didn't get any response though T.T i wonder if it's not most ppl's cuppa tea? :(

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Guest mandyemily

count me in for the tweeting *waves*

have spent so much time watching and rewatching the horror episode and still when i see the episode

caps, it still makes me want to rewatch again.

was rewatching for the dont know how many times that I saw something.

wonder whats the thing about jungshin chinggoo's shoes? yong seobang was whispering something to

wifey hyun and then jungshin chinggoo just lift his legs up? just curious. :blink:

saw the trax interview. makes me wonder did they see the guiter teaching episode? to know that

yong seobang was jealous about wife taking lessons from others? wonder whats their reaction. <_<

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Seohyun at Girls Award 2010 at Japan (September 18)

Something's shining brightly as the girls :D (Or is it just me?)

Posting this just because she's looking more beautiful everyday

credits: coldnoodles@tumblr; silent_scream@snsd soompi thread

And a new fancam from the girls when they got back from LA (Remember how Seohyun was so busy with her cellphone?) Though the fancam is Hyoyeon-centric, we could still see her at the background. *imagines* XD

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Guest monie1909

d3seohyun..love your caps as always. :D .hat off to the queen..

crystal thanks for step up to clearing about the ratings issue/effect on the couple hope gogumas always keep our faith and believe that our couple gonna make it through ups and down till the end.

panGG thanks for the sub vids link..

just share some news cut :

brief trans by google translate.it is something between this lines.Hope,there will be more accurate trans later.

A survey by 'Army Clinic' conducted started on august,31st to sept,18 with 625 participant on 'Image of Republic Korean beauty/Princess'. No #1 Kim Tae Hee- 55.8%.No #2 Shin Se Kyung-22.2% no #3 SNSD's Seohyun-20.9%..


How awesome it is,Hyun was voted the third along with two most beautiful actress in Korea.. ;) YONG hubby must be exremely proud of his HYUN :D.


And,HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ADAM COUPLE..it is today too,right?

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oh gosh, like you guys i watched and re-watched it many times...almost as if memorizing the whole sweet (ooppss) horror show.
































i'm amazed again how fast seohyun can solve the math question!
































i tried to solve it and yeah i past my prime time knowing what subtract what, what add what, what divide what and what multiply what...aigoo my not so smart brain!crazy.gifsweatingbullets.gif
































here's the question: 19x7-80/4x6+2-5x3
































when she called out the answer 'yong' which is 'zero / 0', BEASTLY YONG must have thought that she called him... ;)

















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Guest dolphina
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a BIG thanks for all of you guys!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and i wanna see Yongseobang hug x kiss Hyunbuin too!!!  w00t.gif  w00t.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wowwwwww ~many goodies, all screencaps, gifs, photos, clips, news, translations..etc.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so sorry ~ i cant type all of your name guys., but please know that i always thanks for all of you ..<3 :wub:  :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































today is 222 days for our Couple so, i'll trend "yongseo" in twitter too!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































please remind me again if you all start this project :sweatingbullets: 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this episode is DAEBUKKKKKKK!!!!!! 대박이다!!! uri couple is Jjangggg!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and for another couple.. i love all of them!! each couple .. they're suit for each other!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































really love the way that Yongseobang takes really GOOD care for his buin >O<!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and these're for all of you Goguma lovers!!! ..again &again with skin winamp  :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry.. i cant do only skin winamp :ph34r: .. Anyway hope you all love them!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sweet potato 7
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sweet potato 8
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































22 days
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































..JUST KEEP UP OUR LOVE!!! 고구마 화이팅!! 용서 파이팅!!!..

































































































































































































































































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LOLing at Hyun coz she's not focusing/looking on Yong's right hand (that's why it did not met Yong's XD) but instead, she's focusing more on Yong's face i think :D
































































































































































































hello guys~
































































im the newest member of soompi XD
































































i just joined today!!!!!!!
































































and guess what??
































































i've been with this thread since the very first page (but i don't have time to join TT)
































































































































































































































































































































SWEET POTATO COUPLE IS LOVE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
































































(and i wanna say sorry for using SHANE's gif as my siggy TT im so sorry TT)

















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Guest SophiaPia






@aneng thanks for sharing that SNSD photos in girls awards nite. And even though the girls costume is all shinning but the most shinning that night is the LOVELY RING kekeke! I must admit SeoHyun she is looking lovely everyday. I like her hair like that wavey :)  normally girls are like that if they have inspiration like boyfriend/hubby wub.gif they become more beautiful everyday :) i remember in epi 13 i think Tiffany mentioned that SeoHyun put a face mask the night before they will filmed hahaha! 




@monie thanks for sharing that news that SeoHyun is voted no. 3 of most beautiful woman in korea. SeoHyun is beautiful, talented, sexy, smart but some of her qualities she don't realized it she have it/ She is so humble. Common baby SeoHyun you got it so believe in yourself :)






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he look so good here..
































































yong fighting
































































































































































































in thailand
































































































































so hype yong..

































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