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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo
































































Anyoung~~~ all Goguma lover
































the day was gone  very fast .. tomorrow is also the yongseo day again ....
































can't wait to see and if the news is true...next week would be amazing w00t.gifw00t.gif
































love you guys ^^

















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Guest SophiaPia
























eeeeeeeeeee jnj i like what u feel wub.gifwub.gif
















always have this feel that yongseo already make love...































thru' their eyes.."



































jnj and redtulip : thank u in advance for translations kekeke! if 21st and 23rd are both true wow! we have a lovely week :)



































@Caliope: i hope it's true phew.gif SO ALL KOREAN TIME?





















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Guest Angel27391
































What would I like YongSeo to do besides meeting each other parents and wedding photoshoot?
































1. Ice skating or Roller Skating.
































2. Take another selca together!! Yo~ong suggested on practicing taking couple selca before(first meeting..keke) but they only did one, so I hope to see them take more selcas!!
































3.Do a CF or MV together. Or maybe just a photoshoot for a magazine?
































4.Go on the Ferris wheel together
































5.Yo~ong or Hyu~n to do a wake-up call for the other. I've been wanting to see this eversince Yo~ong suggested to use the guitar for a wake-up call. :D
































and when they are more comfortable with each other,
















( I We can see that there's less awkwardness now, I still have the image stuck to the start of ep.23 when Hy~un pulled Yo~ong's backpack in the cutest way ever :wub: )
































1. Sing their OWN duet (preferably a slow/sentimental song). I would love to see them perform after watching fan-made vids with duets(I'm in Love, What do I want to do once I have a lover and all) as music.
































2. I know that it sounds random but I just want to see them do a slow dance/Waltz :wub:
















A girl can dream.... :D hehe!!
































I've even made a fan-made video! Just like the title,Dream Waltz,YongSeo's slow dance would be really dreamy and beautiful!!
















































[Fan-made]Dream Waltz-YongSeo
































P.S. Isn't 0:42- 0:52 sweet?? :D
































I thought that it looks like Hyu~n and Yo~ong were having this interaction.
































Hyun: A kiss for Yo~ong seobang.
















Yo~ng: *sweet look* I got it, my Hyu~n buin....but I want it here~ *points at the mouth*
















Hyun: *innocent angelic expression* Huh? ....Okay!
















Yo~ong: *gets excited* Yay!!
































Can't wait for the Horror special!! I'll watch it even if I will get scared!! It's for YongSeo!! :lol:

















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Guest vanilla88








New lurker appear again..^^




I loveeeee reading all your posts! it shows so much love, care and happiness of everyone..


I learnt a lot of things in this thread.


Language lesson (English,Korean,Japan..whoaa..) :D


Entertainment class (artist schedule, even their fee!!..) cool! :blink:


Love lesson and LIFE lesson


that's the most interest thing! :wub:


Can't wait for tomorrow DAEBAKKKK horror epi..


hopefully I'm not late to give my vote for tomorrow..Hyun will be more scared!


I really want to see how Yong grab Hyun shoulder and then Hyun pull his hubby shirt and put her head in his chest! and Yong whisper not to be afraid becoz he is on her side..


whooaaa..my imagination going wild..hihi.. :w00t:


View PostTrent, on Yesterday, 02:34 AM, said:


What would you like YongSeo to do besides meeting each other parents and wedding photoshoot?


1. Let them go to a skating rink. That's always fun and someone always tumbles.


2. Let them do couple bungee jumping. No further comment. ;)


3. Go on a wilderness trip.


4. Swimming pool? Go swimming?


5. Let them look after kids/baby for a day.


6. Do a CF/MV together.


7. Yonghwa fetching Seohyun from college? Scare the fanboys?


Yeah ...


Best regards,




hmmm.. i want to see all ur point Trent! praying your ideas will be come true..







but add some my wishes again..


A. how about meeting each other parents..shopping together @ grocery market to fulfilled the newly home..and Yong Mom will be fan-mommy (his mom already said that she is Hyun fan!)..hahaha..


B. Hyun come to CN Blue / Yong to SNSD Autograph promo then surprise them by act like fans who really admire each other group..use the mask of each other face of course..(hmm..they can have heart-attacked there when the mask is open..hihihi..)


Thank you everyone for beautiful and great fanmv, artworks, pic, links, etc..


crystal,jnj,lovekin,hihi_hehe : Thank you for being great nanny..for take care this thread with lovely posts and updates..


d3 : Loveee uu sooo much..for ur screencaps..kamsahamnida..


lenovo,ichigo,genxv,shane,_hachi : some of our talented gogumas, FIGHTING!! everything that u are made soooooooooo adorableee..*two thumbs up* d("u)b


heartbreak,K1L10N,Trent,.. : all namja gogumas who always give guy perspective in every case..Xie Xie..


*heart : how's ur int'vew?? do u give ur interviewer great answer with sparkle eyes like Hyun? it make everyone heart melt anyway..hehehehe..*


Sorry for my long post and messy grammar english here..


Can't say your name one by one since our goguma family become bigger and bigger every day..


Let's make HEAVEN in this GOGUMA Planet!!



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I love it. Sooo many special episodes~ Wooohoo. <3

More of YongSeo love~! ^^

Sad that I can't stream it live, cause I've got classes during airtime.

But I'll be praying for more sweet moments while I'm in class, hahaha.

Thank you for the news, videos, translations, captions, fanfictions~ you guys are jjang. <3

What would you like YongSeo to do besides meeting each other parents and wedding photoshoot?

Great question, Trent! Well, let me see..

1. Couple song and perform it on a MuCore :D

2. Take care of a kid (cause that was a really fun mission for WGM season 1 AnBi & AlShin couples)

I can't think of anything else at the moment. I'll post again or edit once I do.

Anyway, I can't wait for tomorrow's special. Plus, JungShin as the guest MC. Yaaay~

Got to go, have to study for my Math exam. Have a great night, sweet potatoes! :D


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Guysssss needdd some help here...








































































can someone post the link once again??








































































where I can see streaming for tommorow??








































































ooh btw, I am watching from episode 8 again...and try to analyze the song from CNBLUE. I dont know why...:D









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thanks everyone for the info, pics, links and FMV~! ^_^

Angel, i love ur waltz MV! it's very nice to watch... a classical with a twist eh kekeke

Yes, jnj... Korean Time.WGM chuseok Special on Tuesday (21th).. will be 90 minutes?? So... Yongseo... 30 minutes?? Cross fingers ^^And Special on Thursday (23th)... will be 75 minutes... Yongseo... 25 minutes??Next Saturday... Yongseo... 20 minutes??How minutes we will have next week? OoOPD, please!! BUSAN!! BIRTHDAYS!! FISHING!! You don't forget... xDD

hmmm i'm confused... :P the sched's confusing me. >.< my interpretation --> WGM Chuseok Special is on 21st, then on 23rd there will be the continuation of the Chuseok Special or what? and the next one will be the normal airing of WGM... maybe the continuation of UJ or maybe a new chapter? but can someone pls clarify the red highlighted one above? thanks in advance :)

vanilla88, welcome to ggoguma world :D hope to see u spazz more often here!

edit: maretta u can choose to watch it here -->Streaming... they have quite a number to choose from :)

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for u maretta, and anyone else who wants to join in the fun tomorrow.

ah! i got one wish to add to trent's.

i want to see them ride the bicycle, NO, not the 2 seater but the

normal bicycle. hyun of course will seat in front (the top tube? idk what its called)

with yong on the saddle, his arm arnd her.. :wub:

my mind's a bit crooked tonite crazy.gifblush.gif

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for u maretta, and anyone else who wants to join in the fun tomorrow.















































































































































aaahhh thank you jnj.....cant wait tommorow...








































































edit: dreamboo...also thank you for the link....









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*Hear my name, head popped up, look around* Oh it is Miel.


*Wow. I received the thanks in advance from SophiaPia* Already told my husband we are ordering pizza delivery tomorrow so that I can stay home and spazz.. Hope to bring some translations to all asap. 


Sorry, was hiding in a cave for the past few days but I read all the posts. Thanks for all the goodies, too many to name but I must say you all are a bunch of talented Gogumas.




Based on my experience dealing with kids who throw tantrums, just ignore them. They like the attention even when you are scolding them


What would you like YongSeo to do besides meeting each other parents and wedding photoshoot?


My answer


1. Donate blood together again since Yonghwa did not managed to do it the other time. (It is like an unfulfil wish)


2. Drive to the countryside (after one of them receive their driving license, hopefully Yonghwa) to pick grapes, strawberry or goguma etc


3. Back into CNBlue's practice room (the very first place they spent their first few dates) to compose a song together


4. Yonghwa and Seohyun taking care of 3 kids (baby is easy since Seohyun already have some experience), maybe bring them to the amusement park or shopping.


Remember Gogumas Chingu, we are here because we love them. See you all at 5.15 Korea time!!!


Edit @Angel27391: I LOVE LOVE LOVE your MV, it is so unique and cute at the same time, totally agreed with you that 0.42 - 0.52 is so sweet. Hope to see more from you. Thanks for sharing with us



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OK.... ARE YOU READY??... dugun dugun... xDD

18TH September (Saturday)... WGM Horror 3 couples

21TH September (Tuesday)... WGM Special Chukeok 1

23TH September (Thursday).. WGM Special Chukeok 2

I think that we can confirm.... w00t.gifw00t.gif

This episode (Saturday 18th) will not be a "special". Will be an episode like every Saturday.

I checked in this Korean Website (TV Guide)

In that website say... (21th and 23th of September: 추석특집 우리 결혼했어요 스페셜)

21th September: 추석특집 우리 결혼했어요 스페셜

Broadcast September 21 4:40 p.m. to 6:10 (Korean Time)

We Got Married Thanksgiving Special Feature (in google translation)

23th September: 추석특집 우리 결혼했어요 스페셜

Broadcast September 23 1:40 p.m. to 2:55 (Korean Time)

We Got Married Thanksgiving Special Feature (in google translation)

YES!! 2 EPISODES CHUSEOK SPECIALS ^^ w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif


"Best couple" finals for WGM's Adam - YongSeo - KhunToria! - "Welcome to the Horror Special"

Today is the day we have WGM's "best couple" finals for Chuseok♬

The Adam couple has been married for 1 year and they showed their experience as senior couple!

The passionate YongSeo couple has beed married for 6 months and they can now show their familiarity with each other!

The sweet KhunToria couple has been married for 2 months and they're living happily together!

Everyone meets up with today's special MC, Jungshin-chingoo and they head to a school's sports field~

Soon, they'll be hit with a dark(?) force which they couldn't have imagined,

and with Jungshin-chingoo's smooth(?) MCing, the three couples become immersed in the games to find out the best couple!

Who will be the winner for "last long enough on the driving bus", "wrestling" and "rice bag relay"?

Forget every game which has been played! The real "best couple" will be determined through the horror mission!

At the "House of the Ghost", which had been an amusement park in the past, husband Yong showed a weak side when he hid behind his wife Hyun!

And the KhunToria couple was frightened because of their big(?) eyes!

It seemed like there was nothing the experienced Adam couple had to be afraid of since they've gone through so much hardships and problems!

How will the three couples manage to get through the horror mission and handle the ghosts?

The three couples, who were frightened by the horror mission, couldn't just suffer from it (alone)!

They sent MC Jungshin-chingoo alone into the abandoned school but~ can he get through the horror mission and return safely?

Chuseok Special, WGM's "best couple" finals!

Who will gain the honor to be "best couple" and to make the viewers laugh?

Source: MBC

Translate by _xeth@twitter

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Guest raindrops_919


hai all..




i'm a rookie, so forgive me if i do make such a boring post




i've just re-watched episode 19 and kinda realized in that episode yong said his fave food is spagetti, even hyun asked if he really liked it.. 




*RINGDINGDONG* at episode 22 when hyun visited cn blue's dorm, she said there's a menu she managed to cook but haven't tried it before..yeppp it's cream spagetti..




i find it's so sweet, as for me i think a girl commonly wants to be able to cook her boyfriend's fave food.. and ask if he likes it..




well, yo~ong give 95 points, it's almost perfect *ahh kureeekunaa*chuna?*chuta!*








p.s: sorry for my rusty english ^_^'




happy goguma!!


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Guest SophiaPia
























eeeeeeeeeeeeee! thanks Caliope 
















so it's confirm wow! this is exciting. Everybody's happy :) love love love everybody clap clap clap w00t.gif
















accrdg. also to the news that SNSD will spend their CHUSEOK day to their respective families. Which is good for sure all the girls miss their parents. I guess same w/ Cnblue.



































off topic but it's related w/ SeoHyun baby



































Coming this December 10, 2010 showing of the movie THE TOURIST
















starring Angelina Jolie and SeoHyun real love Johnny Depp wub.gif i wish SeoHyun and YongHwa watch this movie together wub.gif I will definitely watch this coz i luv Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp.
















for sure start tomorrow this thread our full of love love love aja!





















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I found that information in Khuntoria Thread...

I hope that it's true ^^



that would be so AMAZING~ i wonder what they consider a special. maybe meeting parents with each couple!!! because i remember reading on allkpop how this past weekend nicktoria were heading to thailand together to meet the parents. that would make since if they were to air it for the special right? so maybe we might get the chance to see yongseo with their parents! :) how awesome that would be. (sigh) cant wait for a week filled with goguma love. can you imagine the spazzing that will be going on in here?!

caliope thanks so much or the translations!

shane08 love those gifs! thanks for sharing.

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Guest k.rivera19












Hi guyz, came out of my lurker mode again :P








been watching episode 22 i think this is one of my favorite episodes ... heres some screencaps .. hope this works never tried it before...
















this is yonghwa secretly smiling during the episode :wub:








(1st picture - after jungshin chinggo told Yong that Hyun acts different around them too compared to how she is with yonghwa, 2nd picture - after Hyun agreed that they would be on the same team, 3rd picture - when they were in the elevator and Hyun said its her first time in all male dorm)
































this is when Yonghwa tells Minhyuk to be careful during the pool game ... look at Hyuns facial expression
































Then this is Jungshin Chinnggo looking at the couple after Yonghwa tells Minhyuk to be careful ...








sorry for being random :D








*back to lurker mode*



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Guest DJHinata

OMG girls look what i found . OUR yonghwa so hot and sexy with this girl ¬¬ she looks so boring in the all photoshoot ! but i don't know why i'm not angry at all because yonghwa looks so amazing and sexy and all can i think is if Yongseo Couple make a photoshoot like that , i'll be so happy

2010.06.28 YongHwa & Emi - The Making of HolikaHolika

kekeke Hyun in the past said , "i don't have a ideal" But now she have one a ideal kekeke 


 i can't wait for this saturday , i have a feeling that this week we all going to be so crazy because that special episode!! Goguma Love

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Well, i'm recently obsessed with rumors. That is because --- a friend of mine which is close to one of our Local Celebrities here in our country (code name: DO) was telling how this celebrity is explaining how RUMORS are in the industry. Well, he sed all rumors are TRUE!!!!! --- it just seemed untrue coz of the fact that agencies of these celebrities will never conform it to be true!!! ( heck yeah, they will cover up!) - but everytime there is a rumor in the biz world..... ---- there's basis from which it comes from.... and why it was sed to be that... and that it was leaked like that... hmmmmm.... (if i'm not making sense.... then the rumors are true!!! hahahaha. Wut the hell???? I'm blabbing much!!! )






























Oh well., Having sed that.... while he was explaining this to me... I was thinking of those YONGSEO rumors. Have their been rumors of them being together officially already??? hahaha.



















Oh how I wish!!!!!!



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Guest Crystal392












OMO next week is going to be full of Goguma love but I'm going on a trip tomorrow (Saturday) until the other Sat (25th) and I'll probably be very busy :(




Also my laptop has a virus so the only thing I have felt to stalk this lovely thread is my iTouch. :o




I won't be able to write long posts nor answer to all the posts I'd like to answer to but I enjoy reading all your posts. I hope all your wishes come true. :D




There is only one thing I'd like to ask: please post lots of screecaps after the ep. And also gifs ... It will probably the only way I will be able to 'watch' the ep.




Lenovo: I also miss the rumours!!! I still wonder if the kiss on the cheek rumour is true... I'm hoping it is and it happened on the trip they had for their bdays ^_^




To my CNR girls: Sisters I miss you!!!! *hugs*




To new spazzers: Welcome welcome!!!!!! Spazz more please :lol: hehehehe





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Hi guyz, came out of my lurker mode again :P


been watching episode 22 i think this is one of my favorite episodes ... heres some screencaps .. hope this works never tried it before...






this is yonghwa secretly smiling during the episode :wub:




this is when Yonghwa tells Minhyuk to be careful during the pool game ... look at Hyuns facial expression




Then this is Jungshin Chinnggo looking at the couple after Yonghwa tells Minhyuk to be careful ...








Thanks for the screencaps, it's one of my favorite episodes too! Saw many sides of Yonghwa that day (3 episodes total) and am thrilled that he's so open to revealing himself; altho I guess there are certain circumstances where you just can't help yourself. :D Also saw Hyun do some things that we've never seen her admit to or do before... like pointedly declaring that she was *indeed* wearing all blue that day ("CNBlue!"); her determination to make a good impression on Yong and his brothers; and that she took the initiative to put Yong's jacket back on him. It was fun to watch that last part especially bcuz, I believe she did it in response to Yong holding out her coat for her numerous times, which kind of tells me (at least) that she takes note of what he's doing; and what she thinks she likes, she will try to reciprocate in some way. You can tell he didn't expect it, so watching her put that jacket back on him with a shy smile was cute bcuz in a way, she was giving Yong approval... to which I wouldn't doubt in that moment sent him to the moon!


So how will they protect and help each other in the horror episode? ;) It'll be interesting to find out!


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