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Shows or Movies You've Never Watched


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you wanted to, but couldn't for whatever reason
It's what everybody's talking about. All the critics give rave reviews and all your friends swear that they won't talk to you again until you've seen it. But you already have a couple of shows you watch as it is and you just can't keep up. Or life catches up with you and you just didn't have the time to sit down and watch them.

Or there was that one movie that was the blockbuster that summer, but you were occupied during the summer and couldn't get to a theater and by the time things slowed down school started up again.

For me -

TV shows

Mad Men

The Tudors



Kings (probably never will because I know it got canceled and I don't want to get sucked in and then be depressed about it)

How I Met Your Mother (I know... =/)

Six Feet Under

30 Rock

Modern Family (saw the first episode, never caught up)

Better Off Ted

Buffy The Vampire Slayer




The Office

Arrested Development


Iron Man

The Dark Knight

500 Days of Summer


Spider Man 3

Star Trek

The Fantastic Mr. Fox


Office Space

Ferris Buler's Day Off

Pirates of the Caribbean (all)

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

So what are the shows or movies that you have been meaning to watch, but just never been able to do it?

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TV shows:

- The Office

- Scrubs

- iCarly

- Vampire Diaries

- 30 Rock

- The Big Bang Theory (saw only a few episodes and I never had the chance to catch up)

- House

- Supernatural

- Lost

- 24

- Grey's Anatomy

- Prison Break

Movies: (Don't even get me started, there are just too many movies I haven't seen haha.)

- The Dark Knight

- Transformers 1 & 2

- 500 Days of Summer

- Star Trek

- Watchmen

- X-Men (all)

- Star Wars (all)

- Paranormal Activity

- Saw movies

- Lord of The Rings (all)

- A Walk to Remember

- The Notebook

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All new movies I'm quite updated, I actually feel more sad missing out on so many childhood movies like:

- Wizard of Oz

- The Sound of Music

So whenever anyone starts singing songs from them I'll be like wtf? lol

TV shows, also quite updated (omg I have no life!)

I guess I want to watch more Family Guy, 30 Rock, The Office and Big Bang Theory, I just watch it by chance if it's on or not.

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For TV shows I think it would be...






Gossip Girl

The Office (which I use to watch it religiously but somehow stopped...-___-" need to go back haha xD)

For Movies, I have a bunch!

Star Wars 1-6, i suppose it's a classic

Back to The Future

The Lion King (I know I can't believe I haven't seen this one either -__-)



WALL-E (I really want to watch it but I heard it has a sad ending so.........)

500 Days of Summer (I swear I will get to this one day)


Lord of The Rings 2 + 3

Pirates of The Caribbean 2 +3

A Walk to Remember


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Movies...Paranormal Activity. im too chicken for that.:P despite i actually wanted to watch a horror film for the first time in my life.

and WALL-E. too busy :(

aww no, you missed Star Trek. unexpectedly nice for me, you should watch it one day. :)

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from the top of my head:

TV shows

- Lost

- Prison Break

- Glee

- Gossip Girl, I've only watched one ep and I really want to watch the rest.

- The Big Bang Theory

- 24


- LOTR (today I told my friend I've never watched any of the movies and she replied, "we can't be friends.")

- Batman

- Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 3

- X-Men

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest persons

I've never seen E.T. People are always surprised at that for some reason.

I bet that there are a lot of people who havent watched that movie either since it came out a long time ago in the early 80's (i think?). It's like the phrase "catch 22", you dont have to have read that book to know what it means. Anyway...

TV Shows: a lot since I didnt have a TV while dorming...I know you can watch a lot of the episodes online, but that takes extra effort on my part. =/ Some shows are:

-Lost, Glee, 24, Prison Break

Movies: I watch more movies than I do for TV, so currently...


-Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

-A Single Man

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Guest PowChikaPowWow

Some of you guys are missing out soooo much

but so am I , I guess.




The Tudors


Vampire diaries


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Guest daulism

television: House. cold case. bones. it started with a kiss 2. bloody monday 2, even though i am a die-hard Haruma fan (i guess i'll get to it later) :/

movies: gokusen the movie. i have it, but i haven't watched it yet..

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Desperate Housewives

Vampire Diaries

Sex and the City




there are probably a LOT more that I just can't think of right now, haha.

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Guest fionahh



continue Sailor Moon

continue Chuck

Mad Men

The Office



The Big Bang Theory


Inglorious Basterds

The Hurt Locker

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Guest Harmonie

I've always wanted to watch 24 Hours. I heard it so good. One day I will.

Right now, between the new drama A Man Called God, I watch American Idol 3 days a week :) .

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