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Superstar K Winner, Seo In Gook [서인국]


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Thank you @cecilia, how fast an hours passed..Never enough of him I guess. Mellow spring and I can't live because of you sound so good. I wish there's a full fancam for those songs.

Me: inguki... Now, can you please cut your hair? Make them short and neat!!!


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When he sang Jekyll and Hide musical, his tone and color voice a little bit change, more baritone and characterized i think, just like a seriosa singer(*mian, lack knowledge of music) hehehe :D @ituaku, im crazy of long hair, so sexy and mature:\">love his outfit for this mini concert, so classy styled and impressive

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how do you post a video from youtube here?..i copy paste it but it seems didnt work..i tried it twice T.T

but it doesnt appear when i posted it..thats why two of my posts are clear..hehe..sorry im just a newbie here..still exploring things. im so so sorry. Hope you understand.

Maybe you forget to click enter button. After you copy paste make sure to click the enter button so the cursor will

end up on the bottom. I hope this will help.

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The my greed grew bigger. I just wanted to get on the stage and 'make rice or make poridge (just let it happen)' on the stage.  I wanted to talk to you, sing for you and have a mini talk concert.  I just thought it would be ok if we just talked.
So I asked them if I could MC the event myself.  There are people who are good at event MC’ing so I would not be like that.  But if I am truthful and my truthfulness gets through to you it would be a great memory right?

SIG:  I think lots of people might be wondering.  Why are you not singing so much?  Why are you not singing and only acting?  People want to know the answer I think.SIG:  I say I will do it all, because you make it easy for me to say it. Because you are on my side.
SIG:  I’m touched. I didn’t know you will come to my defence.  Thank you.
SIG: My fans know this.  I love both.  I love singing and I’ve learned to love acting.  That’s why sing and write songs. I always want to sing for you and I worry about doing it well and think about it a lot.
So for You I want you to trust me. If you wait a little while.  I don’t know when it will happen but..SIG:  Were you happy? I was happy.  Music is music but I was happy to be able to talk with you.  It was meaningful.  I knew I would be busy but I wanted to have a time with the fans as quickly as possible (after the drama). That’s why....

love what he said here. yes .. he talked alot yesterday but that what SIG, he just want to be close and share something with his fans. Thanks again @cecilia and @seungshinl .. glad to know that we are here can always count on both of you 

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ituaku said: The my greed grew bigger. I just wanted to get on the stage and 'make rice or make poridge (just let it happen)' on the stage.  I wanted to talk to you, sing for you and have a mini talk concert.  I just thought it would be ok if we just talked.
So I asked them if I could MC the event myself.  There are people who are good at event MC’ing so I would not be like that.  But if I am truthful and my truthfulness gets through to you it would be a great memory right?

SIG:  I think lots of people might be wondering.  Why are you not singing so much?  Why are you not singing and only acting?  People want to know the answer I think.SIG:  I say I will do it all, because you make it easy for me to say it. Because you are on my side.
SIG:  I’m touched. I didn’t know you will come to my defence.  Thank you.
SIG: My fans know this.  I love both.  I love singing and I’ve learned to love acting.  That’s why sing and write songs. I always want to sing for you and I worry about doing it well and think about it a lot.
So for You I want you to trust me. If you wait a little while.  I don’t know when it will happen but..SIG:  Were you happy? I was happy.  Music is music but I was happy to be able to talk with you.  It was meaningful.  I knew I would be busy but I wanted to have a time with the fans as quickly as possible (after the drama). That’s why....

love what he said here. yes .. he talk alot yesterday but that what SIG, he just want to be close and share something with his fans. Thanks again @cecilia and @seungshinl .. glad to know that we are here can always count on both of you 

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I couldn't describe what i felt after heard the audio and read the translate.

it's look like he wants to say thanks for the fans properly. After long road in TKF, and few dramas about ratings (yes, i would say it's drama, just look at how up and down and then raised high peak at the final), this project which been critized and also appreciated at the same time, there was totally need hard work. He needs to relieve some stress too. And this can't happen without loyal fans which been following him since he started his carreer.

And he is a loyal artist too. Be humble, caring, funny, no fear for being 'foolish' in front of his fans. He just the way he is. No masked. No artificial image. Maybe a bit lied, but it's normal. Everybody have something to cover up and have to lie isn't it? That's why i'm glad being his fan. But at this concert i think he'd honest the way he felt at the moment.

I rarely seen live concert, coz i'm selected person. I just wanna see a concert which worth to watch and enjoy. And his concert yesterday seem relax and full of happiness. His chit chats, jokes, laughs, made me wanna be there. Where and when else you could chat with your idol, not streaming, not in the social media, but live? Rarely.

I hope his next project is make full album, make bunches of beautiful, memorize, and his own style songs. So people will recognize him as incredible singer with wide range vocal ability and a lot of wonderful 'all the time' songs. Ohhh.....Such multi talented person and we can not get enough of him.

Please jellyfish, let him be just him. No pressure, no offense to make image of him to be another person which doesn't suit him. We like him the way he is now [-X

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We know our Seo In Guk is having a rest for at least a couple of days.
According to this story, the whole cast and crew left for a two day group vacation to Gwangwon Do, the province north east of Seoul. They are gone from February 6-8th.  Seo In Guk must have left right after the mini concert.
The article says Saguk dramas are for known for long hours and waiting time but the lead actors went out of their way to make it comfortable for the rest of the cast and crew so they were able to film the drama in a jovial atmosphere.  The King's Face set was known for being a happy place according to the news story.  Happy resting Seo In Guk.

PS:  I would love be along for that vacation !

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@cecilia and @seunshinl Thank you very much you really are the best!:)  I love how he mc his own show it was so enjoyable.
SIG:  The future activities I really don’t know at the moment.  Nothing has been decided.  I have received lots of synopsis (for scripts) and albums (ideas) so we are discussing them all.  I will think carefully and I will be able to show you good project..(So he received many drama projects i wonder what are those and wondering if what he will accept. Im curious too if he is the one that hong sisters choose for their next drama project--plot is two souls in one body. Im hoping big screens for him too!)
Q:  Sing your favourite OST? (inaudible)SIG:  Are you ordering me?  I was a King.
SIG:  They (the OSTs) are all my children.
SIG starts to sing 'Fate (from Love Rain).'
SIG: …my memory of writing this was the best.  (good thing someone asked this..because im so curious if what is his favorite ost)
I told my company 'from now on  I want to do only music I like for my albums, and not follow the trend'. (finally he voiced out what he wants!!ohmyGosh immm soo ecxited already. hope his company will grant what he wants to his albums)

SIG:  Yes, my hair is very long.  It's been very meaningful and enjoyable.  All the hard work from the 23 episodes (of TKF), the frustration, the anger.  There were happy moments too but there were things that were hard to endure and I feel I was able to cure myself of them today.  I want to thank you for that. (im okay now that you relieved your stressfull days from tkf,thanks for the concert)

Im so excited for his coming albums with his very own composed songs and styles. So no one ask if when is he going to enter in military service? T.TI love his performance it is very enjoyable and he never fails us,that great voice oohhh i really love it. I miss him singging,doing live performance. He looks stunning and handsome as ever. The fans are so lucky. Is it his first time going down the stage to get that close to his fans?

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Hi @ ituaku  really sorry that I haven't been around lately. I'm so busy with personal life but missed talking with you guys about SIG. Although I don't post much, know that I'm always around and checking for updates on SIG here. I'm thinking about working on another vid for SIG but just doesn't know what songs or drama of his to use, so if any one you lovely want to suggest something, PM me here :D

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