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[Drama 2010] Dandelion Family / Blossom Sisters 민들레 가족

Guest C51236

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Guest samasta93

Ahoxan thank you very much for sharing information about what 'makjang' is.. :lol::lol::lol:

I got the points then... I agree that people will be tired too if they always watch drama which is far away from reality.. I did watch BBF, but I don't touch My Fair Lady.. because I think both plots are same.. and I think I know now why I lost my 'appetite' to watch it~ sorry.. I said this not to insult everyone who loves My Fair Lady...

So, recently I decided to watch more about family drama.. or something which is different like ObGyn...

And I'm glad that DF has nice plot with something so real about life, well.. I just hope that they won't put unnecessary "spices" as what You're My Destiny or Don't Hesitate did..

still long days until weekend..

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Guest zealioner

Episode 12

So we ended at a cliffhanger. Who would have thought that Sang-gil would object to Hye-won's marriage? Was he testing Jae-ha sincerity, I wonder? Anyway, the family is now in the study persuading Sang-gil to change his mind. Jae-ha has been on his knees for TWO HOURS since we left him. Mi-won tells her father that Hye-won is near to tears. Sang-gil doesn't seem that he will be changing his mind anytime soon.

Outside the room, Jae-ha is cringing in pain. Hye-won is at a loss, more concerned for Jae-ha's situation. He assures her that he's fine. Sook-kyung exits the study and tells Jae-ha to get up from the floor but he reassures her that he's doing well. Hye-won mutters that she never thought that it's so hard getting married. Her mother chides her gently that it's all her fault. Then, Sang-gil exits from the study and tells Jae-ha and Hye-won to see him in the room. Jae-ha breaks out in a smile and shouts out his thanks.

Inside the study, Jae-ha and Hye-won are waiting in trepidation of about what Sang-gil has to say.

"Frankly, I'm suspicious of this marriage," Hye-won and Jae-ha looks at one another with guilt running all about their faces, "I don't know what it is but I'm uncertain about it. I don't feel comfortable. You," he points to Jae-ha, "tell me honestly. What's the reason for wanting to get married suddenly?"

"It's not strange that you would think so. We never knew that things would turn out this way either. The truth is, we were afraid of marriage too. We had wanted to keep dating and not get married. We only wanted to be happy together and live as soulmates."

"That..you mean like the marital regimes practiced in France? Is that it?"

(France practises marital regimes which are like marriage contracts. Here Sang-gil specifically mentioned 계약 결혼 kyeyak kyorhon - contract marriage - which is exactly what the couple had agreed upon. The reason why Jae-ha and Hye-won is momentarily thrown off and he begins to stutter a little because guilt is knocking at his heart.)

"Uhmm...it's not that.... Anyway, when I learned that Hye-won had went on a blind date and had expressed good feelings about her date, I fear that I'll be losing the woman I love. That's why I've decided to get married."

"What I'm asking is...what's the reason behind your determination to get married?"

"If there has to be a reason....just like what's written in a poem."


"Whenever I'm confused, I'm reminded of this poem during my high school days. When two hearts bind, it will be an everlasting life. There's nothing to fear. That's it! To live an everlasting life with Park Hye-won! It's this simple poem that has given me the courage. Father, I know what are your daughter's ideals. I can promise that I will never obstruct her goals. I will give her a happy life."

"Are you certain you are able to do that?"

"Yes. I promise that I will do that."

"You're sure?" Jae-ha nods his head.

Then the door opens with a thud and Sook-kyung is sprawling on the floor. The onlookers helping her up and getting out of the way in embarrassment. Mi-won breaks the ice by telling her father that everyone is hungry, can they eat now? Sang-gil tells Jae-ha that the food in his house is delicious, he should stay for the meal. Everyone smiles, relieved that things have turned out smoothly.

It's small talk after the meal and everyone is curious about how Hye-won and Jae-ha met. Sook-kyung points out that no one is able to rival the romance between Ji-won and Myung-suk. She remembers vividly that Myung-suk had given a thousand stalks of roses to Ji-won. Mi-won is impressed but is dumbfounded when her son asks how Mi-won and No-shik had met. There's an instant silence, embarrassment is apparent on everyone's face, Sang-gil coughs to break the stillness. Then Mi-won and No-shik laugh awkwardly and claim that they have forgotten so there's nothing to tell.

Pil-nam returns to the subject matter, Mi-won starts the ball rolling - she wants the details of the marriage proposal. Jae-ha looks at Hye-won.

"It was on Christmas eve at Namsan."

"Only that? We want to know what you had received. What was said? Did you kiss? That sort of stuff."

"Err..what did I receive?" Hye-won looks at Jae-ha. Sudden silence in the room again. Jae-ha picks up the story thread.

"I gave her a hundred stalks of roses too."

Everyone is impressed. Then Sook-kyung remarks that she can't remember Hye-won coming home with a hundred stalks of roses. Does Sang-gil have any recollection? No, he doesn't either. Hye-won quickly patches that error - she had presented the bouquet for an commercial event at the departmental store. Everyone is taken aback by her reply, I mean it's like: THAT'S A HUNDRED STALKS OF ROSES FROM A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL AND SHE GIVES IT AWAY? Jae-ha retrieves the ball that had fallen outside the court.

"Hye-won can be a muddle head at times."

"You must be upset." Ji-won sympathizes.

"No. I respect her professionalism. I will love and treasure her even more because of that."

Pil-nam agrees. What matters most is that two people are in love. It's a match made in Heaven, and don't they look just like a beautiful picture together? No-shik empathizes that it must be hard on Jae-ha, dating in secret. He wonders why they had done that, it's not like they are making a movie or anything. Jae-ha is breaking out in a cold sweat from the near call. Someone calls for the next question but Sook-kyung is already hurrying over to wipe Jae-ha's forehead and tells everyone to stop grilling him. Jae-ha takes the opportunity to get out of it, "Mother, please help me. I'm feeling the anxiety in my bones."

No-shik protests - how can they just end it simply? He seeks his father-in-law's support to stage a hearing session, to which Sang-gil agrees.Sook-kyung intervenes and tell them to cut it, just have some drinks together. Jae-ha serves the drinks to his father-in-law and brother-in-laws. His easy-going nature is gaining him favor from Sang-gil. He's extremely pleased to see that Jae-ha is getting along fine with his brother-in-laws.

Sook-kyung is also impressed, she tells Pil-nam that it's such a wonder Jae-ha is getting on so well with the others on the first meeting.

"Isn't that right? He has a nice temper and cheerful. He will be well-liked wherever he goes. The father-in-law has a foul temper but the son-in-law is just the opposite." She then reminds Sook-kyung not to favor Jae-ha, the others will be jealous. Sook-kyung laughs it off, does Pil-nam think her son-in-laws are kids? Pil-nam envies her since her daughters are all married now. Sook-kyung is relieved too - that's the end of her troubles. Then, Myung-suk interrupts and asks to speak to her in private.

He gives her some money in preparation for Hye-won's wedding. He tells her that he didn't want to give it to her in front of No-shik as he fears that he may hurt his pride. Sook-kyung is grateful for his gesture. Myung-suk tells her not to treat him like her son (not as a son-in-law) and she should not hesitate to seek his help.

Upstairs in Hye-won's room, the sisters are having a talk. They ask if Hye-won is certain about this marriage and if she's not, she should end it. Hye-won assures them that she has thought it through, she'll be happy. Mi-won tells her that her life is a goner if she marries like her. Ji-won then reveals that she has regrets about her marriage too. Just as she was uttering the words, Myung-suk, who had come up looking for her, picks up on their conversation and he's not liking what he's hearing.

"I should have thought about it a little more before the marriage."

"What are you talking about? From what I'm seeing, you have the perfect marriage." Mi-won is surprised

"What are your regrets?" Hye-won asks.

"First. That I didn't give more thought about my future."

"And the next?"

"I can't reveal that."

"Tell us."

"I know." Mi-won interrupts.

"What do you know?" Ji-won smiles.

"You loved another man other than brother-in-law." Ji-won freezes.

"You loved another man? Is that true?"

"It's true. Brother-in-law is a rich man introduced to her by others. She had actually met someone at that time." Myung-suk, eavesdropping outside the door, is showing signs of anger. "You like him, right?"

"It's not like that..."

"Oh, I remember! No wonder you cried till your eyes swell on the eve of your wedding."

"Sis cried?"

"Yes. Mum had to give her a cold press for her eyes the next morning."

"For real?"

"By the way, who's that man?"

"I don't know either."

Outside, Myung-suk who is going through some jealous emotions, had to leave his spot because the guys below are calling out for him to rejoin their drinking session, which he joins reluctantly.

"It's not that....why did I think that marriage is everything? I didn't know what I really wanted. That's it."

"Sis, you're thinking of working, right? Then go work."

"It's not something that can be done by just talking about it. One has to have abilities."

"Why would you want to work when you have a rich husband? If I can spend my husband's money, I will not have regrets."

"Hye-won. Keep your job even after your marriage. Don't disregard my words. If a woman cannot manage her finances herself, her mind will be controlled too. That suffocation will kill you. Do you understand? Also, I really love your brother-in-law, so don't misunderstand. I don't have another man."

Myung-suk rejoins the drinking party with a sullen look. Everyone is drunk by now, affected by what he had just heard, he begins to down his drinks. Back at their apartment, Ji-won, unaware of his mood, asks of his opinion about Jae-ha - isn't he cute? Myung-suk asks if Jae-ha is just her type? Then excuses himself to go to bed. Ji-won is puzzled by his reaction, wants to reconfirm what he had said but instead of repeating his reply, he tells her that he married her because he loves her. He isn't sure about Ji-won though. Ji-won tells him that she feels the same way too but Myung-suk ignores her and enters the bedroom.

No-shik is grumbling at Mi-won for strumming her guitar, disturbing their son's sleep and tells her to stop. She doesn't so he gets upset and takes the guitar away, muttering that she's always angry at him after a visit to her parents. Mi-won denies that she's angry, she's just feeling down because she's feeling that she has let her parents down all this while. That said, she leaves the room.

No-shik is envious of his brother-in-laws - one is a prominent figure from a rich family and the youngest is an overseas graduate cum studio boss. But he is nothing. Mi-won overhears his mutterings and demands to know why he is nothing. Then they sing away their blues.

Jae-kyung is suspicious of Jae-ha's girlfriend. She still thinks that he must have rented a girlfriend. How in the world would he be getting married when he had claimed he doesn't have a girlfriend not too long ago? Despite Byung-gu's reprimand, she's determined to get to the bottom of the affair when Hye-won comes to visit today. She warns her father and husband not to be captivated by Hye-won's beauty, and ruin her plan. She's determined to check out if Hye-won is the real deal.

Outside, Jae-ha and Hye-won have arrived.

"WOW, is this Mr. Lee's (to be specific, she said Lee shiljang) home? It's beautiful!"

"Are you going to keep addressing me as Lee shiljang?"

"Don't worry. I won't do that after we enter."

"My sister is formidable. Please be cautious."

"I know. I will." Then she dashes into her house, happy with the environment. Still left standing where he was, Jae-ha looks at Hye-won's delighted manner and mutters, "If I knew you would be that moved [by what you're seeing], I would have proposed to you for real."

As they enter the house, Jae-ha calls for his father. Jae-kyung was initially checking Hye-won out with the look of a dissatisfied mother-in-law but is soon captivated by how pretty she is and welcomes her with warmth. She couldn't wait to give Hye-won a tour of the house - take a look at Jae-ha's room and change anything she isn't pleased with. Her actions leaves her family perplexed, knowing that she's way different from who she is. Byung-gu is convinced that she is taken with Hye-won. Both Hyo-dong and Byung-gu couldn't stop gushing about her pretty and nice Hye-won is. Jae-ha's pressure is building up....

The VP pays a visit to Sang-gil at his office. He has heard about the angry interlude that had happened a couple of days ago. He tells Sang-gil not to be affected. The younger staff are a different league from them - comrades who had slogged it out for the company during their earlier days. He then asks if Sang-gil would like to go for a drink, he's buying. Several drinks later, the VP apologizes to Sang-gil for not helping him (in the promotion) enough and asks for his understanding. Sang-gil gives his understanding and hopes that the VP continues to look out for him in the future.

While waiting for the VP's car, Sang-gil notices Myung-suk outside the club. He's drunk and giving out heavy tips to the hostesses. He attends to the VP and turns around to approach Myung-suk but he's gone by then. Then, he overhears the hostess grumbling about their bad luck for having to attend to a patron like Myung-suk.

Sang-gil continues to be distracted by what he had saw outside the club. He asks his wife if Myung-suk loves his drink but Sook-kyung tells him Myung-suk is too upright to drink. He then changes the subject by asking about if a wedding date has been picked. Sook-kyung laughs at him for being anxious. They have to meet Jae-ha's parent first.

Myung-suk returns home and kicks up a ruckus, scaring Ji-won. He wonders about her true self, wonders about her true motives. Then he demands that she smiles for him by paying her to do so. He wants her to smile that angelic smile when they first met. Seeing that she's not complying, he smashes everything on sight.

It's in the middle of the night and Ji-won is stuffing herself with food to counter the enormous mental stress that she's facing. She's scared when she hears Myung-suk approaching the dark kitchen but she ignores him and continues eating. He's mad and demands to know what she's doing and makes an attempt to snatch her food, to which Ji-won holds on for her dear life. She shouts at him that this is the real person she is, wasn't he questioning her earlier who she really is? Can't she eat freely in her own home? Myung-suk snatches over the food and slams it on the ground. She looks afraid but stares down at him nevertheless.

Jae-ha and Hye-won's families are meeting formally. After the introductions are made, both fathers thank one another for allowing their child to marry each other. Hyo-dong cut the formalities and suggest that they get right down to business, He seeks Sang-gil's understanding in rushing the marriage details. Jae-ha has always refused to get married which troubles him a lot, now that he's finally decide to tie the knot, he still doesn't feel secure about it until the marriage is carried out. Sang-gil jokes that they should just marry now then. Hyo-dong laughs and agrees, he suggests they pick a date now - within a month. Seeing that things are going along well, Hye-won is relieved.

Pil-nam is helping Sook-kyung with the wedding preparations. She makes a roundabout turn to asks about Hyo-dong. What did he request as part of the dowry? Sook-kyung replies that Hyo-dong doesn't want anything. He seems like a good man and she's glad that Hye-won is blessed with a kind father-in-law. Pil-nam volunteers herself to send the dowry to Jae-ha's family. Sook-kyung feels bad about letting Pil-nam do all the work but she insists on it.

Jung has heard about Hye-won's marriage. He's upset about the news and asks her if it's true that she will be marrying Jae-ha and if she really loves him? He tells her to stop lying about loving Jae-ha and think about it some more. It's easy starting a marriage but it will be hard to end it. Hye-won advises him not to give up on his marriage and the company on a mere whim. She expresses her respect for him and hopes he heeds her.

Later in the day, she's looking at apartments with Jae-ha, Jae-kyung and Byung-gu. A short argument arises when Jae-kyung hints that Hye-won should be solely responsible for the household chores and making breakfast for Jae-ha. Jae-ha is quick to remind her that he never take breakfast so Hye-won needn't do that; also, they will be sharing the chores. Not wanting Jae-kyung to fuss further, Hye-won agrees to clean and cook. Hye-won excuses herself for another appointment and tells Jae-kyung that any apartment is good for her as long as Jae-kyung likes it. Jae-ha, too excuses himself and catches up with Hye-won.

"My sister never ever dictates what a woman should or shouldn't do. I wonder what's up with her today?"

"It's okay. Let's just give in a little."

"You're right. This is only a transition period."

"You should be more forgiving towards your family. We're already doing them wrong by getting married this way."

"You're right. I'm extremely sorry."

"Just let your family have their way."

"It's truly the ever filial Park Hye-won! Okay, let's do that then."

Just then, Hye-won receives a call from her father asking about their honeymoon destination. She tells him that they have yet to decide on that....

After the couple left, Byung-gu asks why his wife has been making things difficult for Hye-won. Jae-kyung reveals that she's testing Hye-won's patience. She's still smells something fishy about the entire marriage decision and what marriage couple doesn't even care about their living space?

At a cafe, Sang-gil is looking over travel brochures with Jae-hoon. He's thinking of going off somewhere with his wife and seeks Jae-hoon's opinions. Jae-hoon remarks that he seems to have a good relationship with his wife. Sang-gil tells him that Sook-kyung is a good woman, a good wife and mother. He has been to many countries during his business trip but she has yet to visit any place. Sang-gil thinks it's a good time now.

Hye-won arrives at the cafe and was given an introduction to Jae-hoon. Jae-hoon looks at Hye-won with a glint in his eyes - signifying something dramatic that may be happening down the road. Jae-ha enters the cafe moments later and pays his respects to his father-in-law. He's surprised to see Jae-hoon, an acquaintance he knew when he was studying in New York. Jae-hoon expresses surprise at seeing Jae-ha, he has been wanting to get in touch with him.

After the travel arrangement has been finalized, Jae-hoon takes his leave. He's about to leave when Jae-ha suddenly remembers Jae-hoon mentioning that there's someone he's looking for in Korea. has he found that person? Jae-hoon is clearly not prepared for the question. He steals a quick glace at Sang-gil and hastily replies yes, not detailing further on the question. Sang-gil wonders who Jae-hoon is looking for as he has never heard him mention about looking for someone.

No-shik, who has been putting up posters on his once-pal, Jung-pil, finally hears from him. Jung-pil asks for another week to settle the loan payment. True enough, he makes good of his promise and puts a stack of cash in front of him. Before he lets No-shik leaves with the money, he asks if he's interested to work on something with him. Invest the money and expect to receive ten times more than this within two months. No-shik thinks that is so impossible and expresses disinterest. Jung-pil hikes the offer by playing indifference - it's okay if No-shik isn't interested. No-shik takes the bait and pesters Jung-pil about his business proposal.........

****End of Episode 12****

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JaeHoon does indeed turn out to be SangGil's son. I wonder how SookKyung will take it especially since she bore him three daughters. Wouldn't that be more hurtful knowing that for one he cheated and two his mistress did something that she couldn't do that is giving him a son. If this turns out to be the case I see a big conflict coming!!!!!!!! :o

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Guest samasta93

big thanks to zealioner :lol::lol::lol: I always enjoy reading your recaps :lol:

JaeHa is.. awesome.. hahahahaa.. he has a nice mouth ;) he could throw the ball (questions) really smoothly~

and hmm... I believe that actually somehow inside his heart, he already has put HW into his heart.. but he has not realized yet about it.. indeed, it will be very nice if they can fall each other soon.. :lol:

and I couldn't stop smiling when I read this sentence "If I knew you would be that moved [by what you're seeing], I would have proposed to you for real."


JaeHoon does indeed turn out to be SangGil's son. I wonder how SookKyung will take it especially since she bore him three daughters. Wouldn't that be more hurtful knowing that for one he cheated and two his mistress did something that she couldn't do that is giving him a son. If this turns out to be the case I see a big conflict coming!!!!!!!! :o

of course it hurts more... cheated husbands SUFFER their wives and children~!

I'm glad that.. (I hope..) JH will support HW during those big storms.. HW as a child, must be so shocked.. her dedicated father, cheated? It's unbelievable for her and her sisters too.. and on the other hand, HW must be so sad too with her mom position.. with what her mom has done for her father..

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Guest zealioner

<민들레 가족> 김동욱-이윤지의 계약 결혼식 현장! 살짝 엿보기

'Dandelion Family On Location:' Sneak Peek of Kim Dong Wook & Lee Yoon Ji's 'Contract' Marriage Ceremony


via MBC News

There's a BTS video at the above URL link. Depending on the browser you're using, it may take sometime to load or even play. But it WILL play. On a note, I couldn't get it to work with Firefox but Google Chrome plays it fine (although no audio). I guess there won't be a problem with Internet Explorer either.

The article basically tells what's happening in the video

- the contract marriage scene between Kim Dong Wook and Lee Yoon Ji, shot on the 7th. And how the fine looking couple is garnering the envy of the others.

In the video, Maya was asked if there's a special reason for taking pictures of the scene;

Yang Mi-kyung was asked about her feelings on marrying off her daughter;

Kim Dong Wook and Lee Yoon Ji asked about their feelings on 'getting married'.

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Guest TheLilyhua

Gaah... I've missed so much..

I've got to be added as one fan of the JH-HW couple. They are so cute together... :D There's never a dull moment with those two. Their constant "bickering" is always fun to watch.

Looks like the marriage is going to be a funny one! When they decided to get "married, I was wondering how they would handle the "you may kiss the bride" moment.. :D Like many of you, I'm definitely looking forward to their marriage life and their upcoming honeymoon! :D

We all know that there will be hell to pay when it's discovered they are in a contract marriage and I have to wonder if having a hardcopy of the "contract" is the smartest thing to do... With their thumbprints...

And I've got to say, Yoon Ji never fails to impress in a wedding dress. STUNNING! She's so pretty... :D


Hmm... Jay is most probably a son Dad never knew about. One sign that points to that is Mom's character description mentioning how she was regretful she never gave Dad a son.

Also, to me, it seems like Jay's a little dissatisfied(?) when Dad told him JH was his son-in-law. Maybe... It's because he's lived with JH and knows that he might not be the best person for his "sister" to marry??? :huh:

Ah... Speculations speculations... I guess we'll just have to see.


I watch a longer preview on the imbc website for episode 13 and it ended with Hye Won fainting too... :(

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Thank you zealioner, for the recaps & the additional info on this weekend's episodes.

I'll have to re-watch 11&12 w/ the additional understanding provided by your recaps. :) .... before seeing this weekend's wedding. :)

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welcome exupery! it's called 蒲公英家族 i think it's subbed by 玩玩网, i'm watching from tudou.....yay! more viewers now.

Thanks so much for the information & welcome ai*!! :) Streaming from tudou is a nightmare for me and it's strange that I haven't been able to find any links/sources to dl this via emule as I do most dramas that cococrust don't upload. Looks like I have to give this drama a miss for now. A pity since this looks like something that I'll actually enjoy watching.

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Guest C51236


Interview with actor Kim Dong-wook


My name is Kim Dong-wook.

I was born on July 29, 1983.

I like actor Johnny Depp especially in "Donnie Brasco" where he played an FBI agent who goes undercover and joins the mafia. I am greedy in the sense that I want to play masculine roles like that.

There was a period in my life where I felt uneasy if I didn't listen to music even for a minute. Wherever I went, wherever I was and even when I'm sleeping, I had to listen to music to calm myself mentally. I remember breaking my speakers when I connected them to my CD player and tried to play them in the shower. I still love music but not as much as I did back then.

The movie "Take Off" has allowed me to broaden on the scope of roles I would be able to take on in the future. My role in MBC hit series "The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince" gave me a chance to make my name known. My role as Ha-lim in the drama was lively and cute whereas the Hung-chul from "Take Off" was lively too but also more of a macho and rough-mannered. I think it was an opportunity to show more various sides to me since he was an unrefined character.

I've spent up to three days without any sleep because of work. I think I got the least amount of sleep while in filming for movie "Apartment" and Mnet’s dance drama "Break." I felt like a walking corpse.

Between movies, dramas and musicals, working on a musical is the most tiring physically. For musicals, you have to finish them once you are on stage, no matter what. That is what's appealing yet tough about musicals. On the other hand, it is interesting to see how movies are able to deliver the vibe you get from each character in such detail and in dramas, it is fun to see how the characters change as the script is developed.

I didn't try out for musicals purely from my love for music. I actually had a greater desire to stand on stage. I wanted to be in a play more but I was given a chance to be in a musical, so I took that chance. My first musical was "On Air Season 2" which was produced by my colleagues at Korea National University of Arts and I decided to work with them after seeing a previous musical score by them. I now have a greater urge to stand on stage and sing.

My fellow barista Kim Jae-wook from "Coffee Prince" and I have become close since shooting the drama and we still keep in touch with each other. I know it's a good thing but it's been a while since we last saw each other due to our busy schedules.

I don't believe in things such as extraterrestrial life. Other people who believe in them have their reasons or evidence but I don't believe in things that I think are a bit absurd. And I am Catholic but it's not because of that either.

Reporter : Wee Geun-woo eight@10asia.co.kr

Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@10asia.co.kr

Editor : Jang Kyung-Jin three@10asia.co.kr, Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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link to the article in korean: http://news.nate.com/view/20100316n04280


another article in Korean but I don't think it's been translated


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Guest t_danti

I want to watch this drama online but i got an information there are still a problem in license so it has not out yet in viiki.... :(

any body know another site so i can watch it online????

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Guest zealioner

Self-made banners to share. NO credits needed. Feel free to use and promote the drama. This is my first time making banners so if I got the dimensions wrong (or anything), please let me know. [Right-click on image and 'Save As...']





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3/20/10 Episode 13

This was one of the best episodes so. It may be because I love weddings and this episode centered around a bit of the traditions that Korean weddings have. Looking forward to tomorrows episode. I wonder how long it will take for the JH and HW couple to really fall in love.

Thanks zealioner for the banners they are beautiful.

here's episode 14 preview


credit imbc

anyone know why JH is mad at the brother-in-law in the end?

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