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❤️Kim Soo Hyun ❤️ 김수현❤️


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swingbaby said: GUYSSSS
class="svtitle"Kim Soo Hyun in talks for his first Chinese film

South Korean actor Kim Soo Hyun’s popularity has soared across Asia, following the success of drama You Who Came From The Stars which is currently airing in Korea. Word has it that the 25-year-old is being highly sought after to take part in a new Chinese film called Summer’s Desire, which will be directed by Hong Kong movie star Carina Lau.

According to media reports, Hong Kong company Filmko Entertainment is currently in talks with both artistes and if the plans come into fruition, it would be Soo Hyun’s first venture into the Chinese film industry and Carina’s maiden directorial work.

Reports also stated that Soo Hyun’s company is keen to explore the Chinese market and that the Moon That Embraces The Sun star is very interested to act in a Chinese film, should the script be suitable. 

Carina, who is currently in London, responded to the rumours during a phone interview with Hong Kong reporters yesterday. “I have been thinking of filming a movie in my own perspective,” she said.

The actress also revealed that she has read the novel, which the movie would be based on, and found the storyline to be “pretty interesting”. However, Carina is still considering taking up the offer as she is preoccupied with other assignments.

In addition, Chinese-Canadian actor Shawn Dou and Chinese starlet Zhang Yu Xi will also reportedly be cast in the movie.

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Key East Entertainment Refutes Reports That Kim Soo Hyun Is in Talks to Appear in a Hong Kong Movie


Actor Kim Soo Hyun‘s star is rising not just in Korea, but in China as well. Hong Kong media have reported that Kim Soo Hyun’s advancement into China is currently under discussion, but his agency has dismissed these reports.

Hong Kong's HK Channel reported on February 14 that , “Kim Soo Hyun, who is currently enjoying much popularity in China due to 'Man From the Stars,' is currently in talks to appear in the movie ’Pao Mo Zhi Xia.’”

According to the report, the Hong Kong production company for “Pao Mo Zhi Xia,” Filmko Pictures, has made made a proposal to Kim Soo Hyun to appear in the movie. The report also added that this may be the directorial debut of Hong Kong actress Carina Lau.

However, Kim Soo Hyun’s agency, Key East, refuted this. “We have not received a proposal. There is also nothing specific under discussion as his next project. We will be able to decide on the next project after the current drama ends."

Kim Soo Hyun’s SBS drama "Man From the Stars"  is being aired almost simultaneously in China, which explains his tremendous popularity.

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Guest dnitabonanza

can somebody please translate this :(

참고 페이지 링크 : 인터파크 공지 바로가기 

안녕하세요 키이스트 입니다.

지난주에 공지 드린 김수현씨 아시아팬미팅 투어는 3월 16일 서울 팬미팅을 시작으로 
대만, 중국 3개 도시 (북경, 상해, 광저우), 일본, 싱가포르, 태국, 인도네시아 까지 추가 되어  총 7개국 9개 도시에서 진행 하게 되었습니다.

많은 관심을 보내주신 많은 팬 여러분들께 감사 인사 드리며 
3월 16일 서울에서 진행되는 팬미팅 '2014 Kim Soo Hyun 1st Memories in SEOUL' 일정 및 티켓예매에 대한 안내는 아래내용을 확인 부탁 드립니다.

이번 팬미팅을 통해 팬들과 더 가까이에서 소통하고, 그 동안 보여주지 못했던 새로운 면모를 선보이며 잊지 못할 시간들을 만들고자 합니다.
그 특별한 첫 만남을 함께 해 주세요.




<팬미팅 일정>
일시 : 2014.03.16 (일) PM 6:00
장소 : 연세대학교 백양콘서트홀

<팬미팅 예매안내>
티켓오픈 : 2014년 02월 25일(화) PM 6:00
티켓예매처 : 인터파크 (http://ticket.interpark.com)
티켓문의 : 인터파크 (1588-1555)

1. 티켓예매에 관련된 문의는 인터파크를 통해 안내 받으시기 바랍니다.
2. 당일 꽃화환, 꽃바구니, 기부화환과 현수막은 공연장 공간적인 문제로 인해 정중히 사양 하겠습니다.
3. 사진 및 동영상 촬영, 녹음, 녹취는 공연의 원활한 진행과 초상권 보호를 위해 일체 금지하고 있으니 이 점 협조해 주시기 바랍니다.
4. 현장 도착부터 공연 시작 및 종료시까지 현장에서 인솔해주시는 STAFF(경호, 진행요원)의 안내 및 지시사항을 잘 따라 주시기 바랍니다.
5. 공연장 내에서 라이터, 폭죽 등 화약류의 사용은 소방법에 의해 전면 금지되어있습니다.
8. 공지 미숙지로 인해 야기되는 혼란 및 사고에 대해서는 주최/주관사 측은 일체 책임지지 않습니다.



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dramafan888 said: swingbaby said: GUYSSSS
class="svtitle"Kim Soo Hyun in talks for his first Chinese film

South Korean actor Kim Soo Hyun’s popularity has soared across Asia, following the success of drama You Who Came From The Stars which is currently airing in Korea. Word has it that the 25-year-old is being highly sought after to take part in a new Chinese film called Summer’s Desire, which will be directed by Hong Kong movie star Carina Lau.

According to media reports, Hong Kong company Filmko Entertainment is currently in talks with both artistes and if the plans come into fruition, it would be Soo Hyun’s first venture into the Chinese film industry and Carina’s maiden directorial work.

Reports also stated that Soo Hyun’s company is keen to explore the Chinese market and that the Moon That Embraces The Sun star is very interested to act in a Chinese film, should the script be suitable. 

Carina, who is currently in London, responded to the rumours during a phone interview with Hong Kong reporters yesterday. “I have been thinking of filming a movie in my own perspective,” she said.

The actress also revealed that she has read the novel, which the movie would be based on, and found the storyline to be “pretty interesting”. However, Carina is still considering taking up the offer as she is preoccupied with other assignments.

In addition, Chinese-Canadian actor Shawn Dou and Chinese starlet Zhang Yu Xi will also reportedly be cast in the movie.

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I really hope our local networks will pick up YWCFTS so KSH would consider visiting the Philippines, too! Else I have no choice but to swing by Singapore or Thailand just for this!  :((

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Guest as3soompi

So, apparently there will be new sbs drama called God's Gift-14 days which the main character named Kim Soo-hyun (played by Lee Bo-young)
after God's Gift ends, there will be a drama titled Doctor Stranger which the heroine is named Oh Soo-hyun (played by Kang So-ra).
it seems SBS has its own interpretation of Soo-hyun syndrome. wkwkwkwk
*funny that all those Soo-hyun characters are all female

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Happy Birthday, Kim Soo Hyun !! May your stars keep shining bright!! I've watched all your works and I will remain doing so because I believe your acting will get better and better!! Stay out of trouble birthday boy! Unless you want to come to noona   ;)) ;)) ;))

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