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Guest witchyangelkk

Hahaha no problems witchyangelkk ! I'll try to find more max :)

this be a SALAD post.

=Pics here... too lazy to take out img tags ^ ^=

in my opinion her make up.. over-accentuates her eyes.. she has those "deer-caught-in-the-headlights" look. haha but shes kind of pretty. but not as pretty as angelababy :)



I think Salad is pretty... and yeah.. sorta looks like a skinnier faced Aoi Otsuka ^^ Her eyes are like O____O in every pic =D

So SHES the one hu are in the modelling pics with Janice... if people dont know what im talking about.. ill upload the pics .^^

hell.. i'm late but..hAPPY NEW YEAR..ehehe... and i really want to be the first one to greet you all a..HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! hhehe...

that..zaizai video..it does look like zaizai..her hair..is funky..i like it..eheh..

Damn.. you beat me!!! I was gonna wish everyone that... Well.. i guess ill just have to make do with " HAPPY EASTER" ^^

^_^)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Olivia ^_^ @ Jan 2 2007, 04:39 AM) </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Some pictures I found on a poser's Myspace... well, at least they're good for something =/

= pics here=

EDIT: haha... the first time I post pictures and the first time to own a page ;D

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Guest kneekey

waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! too many pages missed!

anywhoo.. happy new year everyone! <_< wah, im a day late in greeting ya'll

*goees off backlogging*

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Guest raindrops

Haha witchyangelkk yeah i know which ones you're talking about. The ones where they look like they're in fairyland, yes? =) I've got quite a few on my computer at the moment but for the time being, SOME MAX dedicated to witchyangelkk xD







and last night, i was doing a google search on the most random things and i typed in natalie fong and i found her blog here. No offence to any nf fans but, to me she just looks like the typical ghetto asian girl you'll see in the streets of sydney. The teenybopper type, sorry. =) But she has the potential to be pretty i guess, her attitude just gives me the sh*ts.


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Guest witchyangelkk

Nikki!! Where have you been!!!!? =D The Janice pics dont seem to be working... =( ... Happy new year!!!


Max looks like such a little... hobbit ^ ^ But 10000 times cuter... and with ... better looking feet.. ohh.. and less hairier ^ ^ I think its the clothes that just scream HOBBIT =D

Yeah.. i agree.. just looking at Natalie's blog.. in my brain was just " Asian Gang-sta" >.<"" She looks pretty average though..

And its weird.. coz most of the chinese ulzzangs here type in chinese or at least a mix of chinese and english... and i could actually read her blog and understand.. coz it was entirely in english =D ... Her attitude really is... Bleurgh =P

<3 HaiKi

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Guest raindrops

ROFLMAO haiki(i'm going to start calling you that ^^), oh you're in melbourne! hahaha =) so the asian gang-duhz are like that too down there? x) brb i'll find more pics to post


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Guest witchyangelkk

^ I think there are asian gang-STAs (emphasis on the STA - gangSTAs are wannabe gangsters) everywhere =D And they all look like Natalie.. * arghhh.. dont bash me*

I think its the tight skanty clothing.... X___X

Where are you from Rainie?

Hmm.. i should post pics as well.. to make this more ulzzang related eh? ^^


He has an msn space ~ LOOK AT THE COMMENTS O__O 700+







<3 HaiKi

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Guest chigusa707

*waves to everyone*

I think Natalie Fong is okay... nothing special.

Janice! she looks old in those bday pix.. must be the makeup.

Max has such great style. I wish more guys were like that.


No ZZ updates? T.T


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Guest raindrops

Haiki! i'm from sydney =) and there are those "gangstas" going through the whole "aZn PwiDe" phase. Just bebo them! Tonnes of them there.. >___< not good. The girls are like the whole bleached hair, heavy eyeliner, bling bling, baby talk and they alwaiish talksh like dys.. shooooo kyo0o0o0o0o0o0o0otieefied! and the StIcKy cApS ,,, annoying .. hahaha =)






Some are from etown, some are some old ones i saved back in the old cn ulzzang ages. =)


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Guest rainbow*

安君璨- I dont know his eng name >D but his wretch goes by: Shone. So can we call him shone atm xD coz typing chinese is annoyin! =p



shone5wg6.jpg - him and tata -- whos tata exactly?




i got strawberry milk too


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Guest epic_darkness

I just went to J.Law's msn space and looked at some of his pics, that boy sure likes to take pictures with him in his briefs, it's so funny but kinda cute

Anyway to introduce myself, my name's Shelly and I'm not Asian of any kind but I am interested in the culture and the history, I plan to live in Asia some time in my life but I'm a fangirl for the cutesy style and I love looking at these pictures(that sounds kinda stalkerish but I'm not) anyone it's nice to meet all of you, I'll even try to contribute as much as I can

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Guest 보석미남

Thanks for J.Law's msn space. <3 <3

And that natalie thing, wow she changed her blog? I used to go her blog and she has the CrApPiEeEeSHhHtTt EnGREeSh ever. Seriously. I don't think she's trying to be gangstaish because if you see her other photos, she LOOKED very *ahem* demure. LOL. But there's really nothing I like about her. Her chin bothers me like crazy. Anywho, I thought she was different. Maybe it's cause you guys live in a different city so she looks very typical. But honestly, if you go to China/Hongkong/Taiwan/etc you'd see all these girls with small faces, big eyes, big hair, etc. who dress the same just like most of the pictures in this thread. I'm not kidding. I live in Asia and whenever I go to this specific mall, it's usually infested with chics like that (from their face to the way their fashion sense). It's quite sickening and you won't understand why half of those asians living in Asia are not too fond of these kinda chics, that's why they("chinese uljjangs") all hang out together. It's really hard to explain but basically, the girls here are divided into 2 groups; those who look like typical uljjangs and those who dress like an American.

The GUYS however, is a different story ^_________________^ <3 <3 <3 As in, it's hard to find a good looking guy who dress like the guys in this thread.

I personally think Angela has the most gorgeous features for a 17-year-old. I'm so jealous.

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Yeah, I don't think Natalie Fong is necessarily "gangsta." She's from Malaysia so she uses a lot of slang and stuff that people in North America, for example, wouldn't really "get." My cousin is from Brunei and he and his friends type pretty much the exact same way, and he's definitely not "gangsta."

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Looks like she had a fun birthday party, they all look great there :)

Thanks Olivia for all the JieJie pics! ^^ She is very cute.

Do you know if she has a blog or anything like the others?

I just went to J.Law's msn space and looked at some of his pics, that boy sure likes to take pictures with him in his briefs, it's so funny but kinda cute

Anyway to introduce myself, my name's Shelly and I'm not Asian of any kind but I am interested in the culture and the history, I plan to live in Asia some time in my life but I'm a fangirl for the cutesy style and I love looking at these pictures(that sounds kinda stalkerish but I'm not) anyone it's nice to meet all of you, I'll even try to contribute as much as I can

Welcome on the thread! ^_^ My name's Charlotte but you can just call me J@de x D

I'd love to live there for some times too. ^^

I own a page~~So here are some pics:








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some unseen yangyang pics i hope =p









blackie show




hmm i think she's famous because she's a really popular on the internet, now she's a host or something







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I just realized Natalie's from Malaysia ^^;; Same country as me.

From what I've read in her blog, I think she's.. normal. Really. Perhaps like most high-class Malaysian city Chinese girl =P

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