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Stupid/weird Things You Thought/done As A Child

Guest hairbalL

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Guest binjoo

When I was a kid, I was scared of vampires coming into my room and biting my neck in my sleep (I don't remember how that came about...), so I used to take my small pillow I had and wrap it around my neck before I went to bed. This happened in the summer, I think... So it was pretty hot... Haha

My mom used to tell me if I didn't wash my hair, then the spiders will stay there forever, so I washed my hair everyday.

There's a bunch of stuff, but those are the only ones I remember right now.

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Guest emily walker

when I was little I heard that if you let a dragonfly bite your navel, you would know how to swim. Don't remember how many dragonflies bit my navel but till now can't swim for Habeak 's sake :D . What a stupid thing to do.

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Don't remember if I posted this or not..but when I was little I hid candy in the bathroom on the top cabinet, so I would have to climb onto the sink to get it and when my brother asked me where I got it from, I told him the neighbours upstairs dropped candy down and I caught it...so he would try to and when nothing happened I told him it was cause they didn't like him...

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Guest KarenL.

Reading all this made me remember mine. :D

When I was 8, I wanted to buy food from the little store in our village so I told our maid to accompany me since I'm not allowed to go outside without someone. Then she tells me that spirits roam around at this hour so I can't go out. I looked at the clock and it was 2:10 pm. I actually believed it! So for the next months, years maybe, I always make sure I was inside, I'd pretend I was sleeping everyday at 2:10 pm. Looking back, she was just feeling lazy and to think the store was only a block away...

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  • 2 months later...

everytime i sleep at night, but before i sleep

i always thought that there was a monster / white lady in our window and

would come to eat me XD

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest kalliy*10

when my parents vacuum i would stand on chair, i thought it could suck me up and i would be in there for rest of my life.... i realize that i couldn't when i was 10 : /

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Guest `dang sun mei

I always thought Mt. St. Helens would blow up again and kill everyone or that vampires will come out of nowhere and eat me aliveeee! oh the fun of childhood.

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I use to think scary things that happen in the movies would actually come true.

I remember watching this one movie where this one part of the city was bursting with lava and no one could stop it from destroying everything. From there I was scared the crap out of myself thinking it's going to happen anytime.

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Guest ljinyoungl

I thought there was a light switch for the sun...

and for some reason I wasn't fond of the night,

so I wanted to go out and find the "switch" and make

sure it would never be switched off again . . .

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Guest LunaUlna

I thought that during childbirth, the babies came out of the mothers' mouths.

I thought that doctors have you take urine tests so that they can drink the urine afterward.

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Guest piupiuswan

i used to think that if i closed my eyes while in the shower as the water rushes in..i'd be transferred to the ocean with lots of sharks...


Now i still get the feeling of seeing sharks so i try not to close my eyes for too long in the shower T_T or try to protect it..

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Guest MR. LEE'S

i don't really remember. haha but, i used to tell my friend i can write in chinese whereas, i wrote stupid stuffs. like a few lines for a character. and it's still remained, i feel so stupid. haha

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Guest lychee_poo

I used to always believe in monsters under my bed. I believed that as long as my stuffed animals were there the monsters couldn't come out and hurt me.

Today I sleep in a bunk bed and my sister sleeps under so now I actually have a monster under my bed =p

And I still do sleep with my stuffed animals. Love them to death =DD

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Guest Boutique.KM

when i was little i thought that teachers lived in schools

we played restaurant with no kitchen

built forts and tents out of chairs and blankets

the good times and good stuff :'{

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Guest sarangsiwon210

Up until I was in third grade, I was thoroughly convinced I was part leprechaun.

I'm not really surprised at myself considering the fact that I'm short.

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