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Yoon Shi Yoon 윤시윤 | [Movie 2023 "When Our Love Remains As Scent"]


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@rachel, thank for the weibo update. Just fine tune the eng trans...

English translation : 

Hello everyone! Recently I have been in full concentration on the filming of the drama "Prime Minister and I ~ Thanks to fans from Baidu Yoon Si Yoon bar and Korean fan base who had painstakingly prepared cuisine and warm coffee - so that I had a wonderful time - Before long, probably might be going to HongKong ~ Hope to meet up with more fans ~ In this recent cold weather, we must pay more attention to our health/body and also wish everyone a happy new year full of good luck ~ ~

:)) enough of posts today, HAppy WEekend EveRyONe  <:-P
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First time posting in YSY thread. After watching him in "PM&I", I saw his great potential as an actor. And I slowly watching his previous drama, "MTF", I came into a shock and a great surprise of his talent acting. I may not judge him in all aspects, but he is undeniably another talented actor among other popular K-actors.

I haven't watched his popular role in "KOB, KTG", probably I will watch it in the near future. I will often come to his thread to post some relevant comments about YSY. And btw, I had made a signature of YSY for myself. Haha..

Support him and looking forward to his next role in K entertainment.

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Guess what, I am wondering whether YSY will film another drama after "PM&I". Unfortunately, it won't be as the K-actor and actresses will stop themselves from acting for at least 1 year, before they actually returning to film another new drama.

Just anticipate to watch his role in "PM&I", still wondering whether his role plays a significant role or not (since he is a spy who seek for revenge on the prime minister), Hmm...

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Hi @jerebtang! welcome!
Like you we really hope he film a new drama before he goes to army (he said he's going this year). At least his movie 100%/Baek pro/Mr. Perfect will be released this year, it's something.
I believe his role as Kang In Ho has some surprises for us, I hope so. 

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Thanks @rachel

Yeah, hope his current airing role as Kang In Ho will be a breakthrough one. However, I feel it is unlikely as the story is about the prime minister and I. Nevertheless, hope the story can be highlighted by why Kang In Ho's true motive to the prime minister for his brother. It looks like there is a story development as to his brother and the prime minister.

Frankly, I am watching "MTW" for his previous role as Seo Jae Hee. Will finish off this drama today! Haha!!

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Credit to amoenalilium


Am I thinking that his acting is superb? It's undeniably incredible, and I love his acting when he cries in front of the female lead in "MTF". Look at his expressions, his sad pastime will unveil to you. The sacrifices, burden that he is mandatory to hold for the mother and son, it's just too unbearable to look upon it.

YSY can handle this emotional role very well. Whoa! Admittedly stunning and of course it seems his age may not be suitable to his co-female leads. But, he can interact with them well. I might say it's a good, challenging role for him. Superb!

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Welcome to YSY thread. so glad u took notice of Mr Kang. Really hope the coming ep will be more exciting for him if not is kind of talent being unused in that drama. Even YSY wished he will hv more screen time in one of the short interview article. 

As for him taking another new role after this, well reading from this news - see LINK,

we might be able to expect at least one more drama b4 his enlistment mayb later half of this year. 

I first watched him in Baker King, So when i see him as Jae Hee, i almost could not recognize him...the picture u posted is one of my fav scene of him, i love love to see him cry...the emotions build from within, the tears were so real...makes me want to cry too. FYI, he dropped the lead role as 'Bachelors Vegetable Store' and took over this role in "ME Too Flower" at the last minute when the original lead actor injured his shoulders ( and went for surgery ) during one of the motorcycle scene... that explain the part when most of us, even me, find his babyish looks not so compatible with female leads esp with the 2nd lead. But with the awesome skills of the 2 main leads, their chemistry slowly grow on me...end up being convince by their love and he really shine as Jae Hee.

But i hv to say, his breakthrough role could be Enrique in FBND last year. He acted totally opposite of his real personality when RL he is more of serious guy. He was too immersed into that role even when the drama ended, he said he had a hard time emerge from it but at the same time he seems to enjoy being the fun Enrique. So later when we watched him in variety show 'BareFoot Friends', i see still hints of Enrique in him esp in the earlier ep.

So i also feel why he choose Mr Kang, mayb he wanted a total break from Enrique. Anyway, all his previous roles are quite diverse from each other, so is reeaally exciting to anticipate his next new role.


I try to translate and mayb post it by this mid week.

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@eniya Thanks for the reply. If you don't mind, I may want to contribute to YSY thread by translating some media articles from Chinese to English, or posting some fan-made videos, advertisements, ambassadors video, the making of his previous productions, etc.

Just can't bear the fact that YSY thread is quiet, however, all the members who contribute for YSY thread providing high qualities information, comments, insights and other relevant facts about YSY. Wish more members will actually appreciate positive attributes about YSY, and others.

Haha..that's my opinion, YSY.

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^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

OMO, that will be So so so COOL. i hv been waiting for someone like u to help translate from chinese to english, I'm really sure u could do a better job than me. His delicate fans from Baidu Yoon Si Yoon Bar actually translated quite a number of small articles for him, but i could not keep up. 

To tell u honestly, my english and chinese is really bad, sometimes i hesitate becos i might translate wrongly...but i took up the task simply  becos i don't see a lot of his interviews being translated into english which is a quite a pity. And through the english translations, some of his fans from other countries could translate into their own language which is so cool. 

If u look thru the past pages, we hv tried to translate quite a lot of his FBND interviews, but it was not updated in the first page, Yessh his first page was never updated for soooooooooooooooooo long.  =))

And If u are interested, u could start with this long but heart warming letter which he wrote to his fans after FBND ended ( see link , and chinese translate link - Here ) 

i believe it is not translated else where although Softy had a summarize version of it ( see paragraph above the 5th pict >> LINK  ) ....i hesitate to work on this one as my english might hv distort its original meaning. 

And of course if u hv the time, u are most welcome to fine tune or re-do some of those articles which i hv done before esp the last one which i might hv misinterpret his meaning, oh yesss, i sweat so much while translating that one... hahaha

Pls don't be stress by wat i wrote, u can totally ignore me ... i am just too excited... watever u want to do, do in yr own sweet time and whenever u feel like it. Anyway, hope u enjoy yr stay here with us.
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@eniya Such a dazzling message! I am truly embraced and kind of motivated to translate for YSY thread.  All right, I will try my best to translate the interview that you provided the link as above.

Haha! I am not too stressed up though I am always have the passion in translating articles, since I have been experienced to become a fansite or maybe an unofficial translator (I might say this).

All right, let's start the translation now!! Haha!

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Yoon Shi Yoon's message to dearest fans (LINK - Chinese baidu website)

Translated by jerebtang

Hello everyone! I am Yoon Shi Yoon. I am currently in the process of filming the last two scenes for FBND.

I am feeling awkward, and I always experienced during the period. It's like I will be separated from it indefinitely.

This fellow, "Little Hazenut" is the first time and it is a meaningful character. It tooks approximately one year to wait and in order to meet with me.

I am truly blessed with the accompanying of you all, with great love. With you all, I can do it with all I might.

During the busy filming period, I received presents from you all and among the presents, there are so many delicious food that I can enjoy eating.

Undeniably, the love from you all is truly invaluable, compared to those materialistic items. With that, my heart is getting naturally warmed and comfortable.

When I was a child, I started to jog and I participated in relay race all the time. Whenever I heard all the loud cheers from the teachers and students, it seriously makes me wanted to accomplish my task, with all my might.

However, when I am running, I feel exhausted. Surprisingly, I can completely feel my physique as well as the strength to win a task.

It is hard to breathe, my vision is getting blurred, and I just wanted to sit.

Nevetheless, I can't believe that my hands are like, holding by someone.

"Ah, I am here because of showing my intention,someone is waiting for me there, I should be there." This is my thought and eventually I can pass it with ease.

It is essential to change the tone and behavior optimistically, in order to complete one's task.
Filming a drama is different from having a jog.

While I am having a jog, my feelings will be surfaced. Simultaneously, I will relax my leg nerves, enhance the overall smoothness of my breathing and subsequently I will cough twice.

I am running with all my might, crazily wanted to pass over all other contestants that are running in front of me.

Likewise, I should win with those behind me, in particular the fat contestant on that scene..

I have different types of thoughts in mind.

Sometimes, I will run angrily, and sometimes I strive to decrease my speed of failure.

However, frankly I just feel regretful and sad, that's why my life is full of doubts and worries.

I did take over the baton before.

Therefore, I just wanted to be a participant who couldn't stop running on the scene.

With that, running is not just for runninhg. There is a person who will wait for me one day, there is a person who will anticipate for me.

Those are my family and my dearest fans!

I always feel regretful, as everyone is waiting for my departure in acting.

They are not waiting me at the finish line, but they will run together with me, and cherring for me until the end.

I can feel the existence of you all.

I should not feel ashamed, and in fact should bear my responsibility, as I know who will direct me to the right path.

I will also show you all the handsome of me. That's my responsibility as well as my obligation.
Through this filming experience, I can encounter so much of love. I just feel blessed.

At the same time, I always have this kind of belief, that is:

Distressful moment, and know how to cherish the blissful moments. It must be realized.

That's why, with love it is blissful, and I will self reflect on myself!

In addition, whenever I had finished filming a drama, I just use the reason of 'I don't know where to go next' to go to a certain destination.

Nowadays, everyone lives to be successful.

And I have read a lot of books, emphasizing on how to live for success.

There are many stories about sucessful men and women. Also, in order to become success for survival in life, there must act kind to people.

In this world, there are many intense conflicts between people. everyone is striving for success.

For me, my real conflict is happened in Korean entertainment. For me, I wish to be a successful person in the entertainment life.

In the end result, I was in remorse when I am striving for success. When I am in a bad mood (moody), I will dislike to those people who break promises. Sometimes, I am in jealousy and envied something. I do not know whether I can say it this way.

Therefore, I always try hard to evaluate on myself.

Undeniably, I am using a correct way to self evaluate myself on a sufficient time everyday.
There is a book named "Correctional Mi Lu" by author Liu ChengLong.

revolved around province country, North Korea during the Imjin Patriotic War Zhao day, it caused major loss of life in Japan.

The country is in a total chaos, in a painful suffering state.

This intense battle leads to one third of the population die.

During that time, some of the linguists are using Korean language in order to create sexually abusive words in contributing for the war.

With that, it restructured the whole originality of the war.

Similar to now, we are following the story on the victory of Admiral Lee.

There are many young people who wish to become someone like Admiral Lee one day.
It is great to become someone like Admiral Lee.

However, I was inspired by the morale in the story "Correctional of Mi Lu"

"Why we have such painful, vicious war in the past history? Is it necessary for us to face it?"

This book is for us to know the reason behind of the war.

It flows to the younger generations, so that such event will not be happened in the future again.

There is such a story

(In the story) Before the war starts, there is a Japanese shipbuilder, he arrived at Korea. He used his drinking time to observe the national events.

During that time, there are many black pepper powders being sprayed on the floor.

Subsequently, all the scholars and prostitutes who are on the scene, willing to throw their self-esteems and pride, in picking up the black pepper powders on the floor.

Looking at this situation, this country is a total failure.

Those black pepper powders will eventually be floating in my brain.

For me, materialistic items and fame are my black pepper powders.

And probably one will sell off the black pepper powder once one discards their self-esteem.

I believe this should not be my intention.

Fame....When I wanted to walk on a career path which is unclear, and I realized the importance of protecting the value as well as respect my own intention.

My intention, my primary goal is to look after my own family and also my beloved fans.

As good as I can, as humble as I can, success is not neccessarily my intention and my goal.

For protecting the value, that is to remember my family and my dearest all.

When I am in immersed in a deep love and cheers, with the swinging of my heart, in order not to abandon the precious life, I had written a message on this.

Sharing to you all.

I am truly appreciated and at the same time, I will grow with great effort. I will meet you all again when I am in another new project soon.

Ah....also...I....will always...moor here..and leave my personal message!!

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jerebtang said: First time posting in YSY thread. After watching him in "PM&I", I saw his great potential as an actor. And I slowly watching his previous drama, "MTF", I came into a shock and a great surprise of his talent acting. I may not judge him in all aspects, but he is undeniably another talented actor among other popular K-actors.

I haven't watched his popular role in "KOB, KTG", probably I will watch it in the near future. I will often come to his thread to post some relevant comments about YSY. And btw, I had made a signature of YSY for myself. Haha..

Support him and looking forward to his next role in K entertainment.

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