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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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In this video, it says that that the requirement for [South Korean guard soldiers should stand over 180 centimeters tall & MUST also must have a black belt in Taekwondo] 

Photos of Younger days of HJ! So HJ has the right skills to be a DMZ Border Guard

cr: @Ph2_ 



NYCG - I have never seen these Baby Taekwando pics!   Thank you  Thank you  Thank you!

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Guest shariman66

Well, the above pictures have been circulated for years actually. Maybe we could even find them in the earlier pages of this forum or SS501's ~ can't remember though. 


Perhaps you should advise them not to further display their ignorance & stupidity then they already have ~ hmm, does that sound right, lol ^_^ 

If I'm not mistaken it was during WGM when HB & our boy were discussing about martial arts or something & that admission came out ~ I think ~ lol! Oh boy, my bad memory ^_^

I vaguely remember about HB revealing that she had a brown or was it black, belt? Anyone ~ any recollections from WGM?

However if I'm wrong then my deepest apology, dears! 

I think I'd better sleep & recharge my memory banks, haha ~

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Kim Hyun Joong we're praying for you, for your Complete Peace of Mind, your focus in Your New Military assignment.

For your strength,Protection,safety and Be thankful for everything. 

Be joyful in everything and whatever you will learn, absorb it from Heart, become a better person.

Always learn to call on Our LORD for Help and Peace of God that passes all understanding will be upon you

credit to OnlyKHJfamily HK (HFHK)


I SOOOOOO love this pic!  His happy smile - must have been - what 2011? 2010?

 I see so many pic on this forum that I have never seen before..

.I am so happy you guys are posting these pics -

and the Baby taekwondo pics -  so adorable even then with glasses.... 

I also found this catholic prayer online - 

Prayer for the Safety of a Soldier

Almighty and eternal God,
those who take refuge in you will be glad
and forever will shout for joy.
Protect these soldiers as they discharge their duties.
Protect them with the shield of your strength
and keep them safe from all evil and harm.
May the power of your love enable them to return home
in safety, that with all who love them,
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
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15.06.04 K-STARnews 16억 소송 쟁점은? [김현중 갤러리]
15.06.04 K-STARnews 1.6 BW Lawsuit: Issues [KHJGALL]
http://m.dcinside.com/view.php?id=khj&no=136491&page=1 … 
Trans Cr: sunsun_sky 





FUJI NONSTOP: KHJ's Parents' Questions about ultra sound pic
일본방송내용(초음파사진의 의문점)-[ 김현중 갤러리]
http://m.dcinside.com/view.php?id=khj&no=136492&page=1 …






Edited by newyorkcitygirl
edit to add photo
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Wut in the world is going on in here... you guys have taken fandom to the next level with all these prayers and what not! but funny tho!

Got a problem w/wishing safety for the soldiers putting their lives on the line at the DMZ?  Yes, one is now KHJ - which makes it personal for a lot of the fans.  But these guys deserve respect & gratitude for doing their difficult jobs, whatever your religion or politics.  

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Wut in the world is going on in here... you guys have taken fandom to the next level with all these prayers and what not! but funny tho!

Got a problem w/wishing safety for the soldiers putting their lives on the line at the DMZ?  Yes, one is now KHJ - which makes it personal for a lot of the fans.  But these guys deserve respect & gratitude for doing their difficult jobs, whatever your religion or politics.  

Thank you Teleri for saying it so well...when my baby brother was in the marines - I found it so difficult when other people complained about US presence in certain areas...this is my brother...I don't care about politics or anything, or where he had to go that he couldn't tell me...I just wanted him to come home safe...Is it any wonder that I feel the same concern for KHJ?


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[Tweet Updates] [6.20.2015]
1)According to army side (via news) he was a good recruit with no issues. Posting was randomized. How come so many celebs get easy posts then
cr: @illublue 

2) Most articles have direct or indirect comments about scandal, excerpts from his letter to fans, or some ridiculous comments. 
Some articles even said that he was a good recruit but not as good as to get commendation at the completion ceremony. Seriously who says things like that? Absolutely inappropriate!

cr: @sunsun_sky

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Kim Hyun-joong, "Abuse, pregnancy and miscarriage all a lie" complete scam


Read more at: http://tr.im/OVIg4


Kim Hyun-joong's side is now suspecting the ex-girlfriend's claim of abuse. Kim's legal attorney Lee Jae-man told Daily Sports on the 4th, "We inquired the truth from two of the hospitals Choi (ex-girlfriend) got her medical report. After she claimed she was abused by Kim on the 30th of May last year, she got a medical certificate from one hospital and then from another when she claimed he hit her again on the 21st of July. However, none of them said she was hit 'in the stomach'. It's her claim that she was hit there, not the doctors'".

"The pictures of the bruises she disclosed weren't even pictures. The background is of a flowery printed bed sheet but no hospital has flower printed bed sheets. The second time she claimed to have been abused she got the medical certificate a month after it happened. Anything with that long of a term can hardly have anything to do with Kim Hyun-joong".

"Choi told media that she was hit in the stomach several times and that's why she had miscarriage but at the moment, everything she says is suspicious. If everything she says is a lie, then Kim is the victim of a scam. The 'abuse' was just a struggle and Kim was very shocked to see Choi's interviews".

Previously, Lee Jae-man claimed that he believes there was no pregnancy to begin with. "We plan on dealing with this is every way possible. For criminal charges, we are going to sue her for blackmailing Kim into paying her 600 million won and for civil charges, compensation. The civil charges will be made this month but the criminal charges, as she 'may' be pregnant, can wait until later. In the petition she claimed she had a miscarriage but there was no proof on the date of preparatory procedure. If she wanted to get proof herself she would have no problem getting it in 10 minutes. She only submitted a report for amenorrhoea but that doesn't prove she was pregnant. Also, it's not something the doctor can diagnose for her. She would have to tell him she's not on her period".

The two people's legal battle started with the 1,600 billion won (US$1.6 million) trial in which Choi sued Kim Hyun-joong for with conflict and mental offense. She formerly sued him for abuse in May last year and then again for miscarriage four days later. She threatened Kim for abusing her while she was pregnant and threatened to spread word that he'd caused her miscarriage. Kim Hyun-joong offered her 600 million won in fear of his reputation but she filed for the 1,600 billion won case later. 
Source : isplus.live.joins.com...

Read more at:

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Lets continue to support  Kim Hyun Joong  by spreading and buying his albums 
[The BEST of Kim Hyun Joong] album!
You can order here:http://www.yesasia.com/…/the-…/1039785968-0-0-0-en/info.html
or Order here: http://www.amazon.co.jp/In-English/b?ie=UTF8&node=1094656
Just type in Kim Hyun Joong





Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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A Soldier's Story
A Prologue

Aprilstarr of https://www.facebook.com/HyunniesPexers?fref=nf

'Kim Hyun Joong fresh from a 21 months stint in the Republic Of Korea Army relaunches to his musical and acting career'.

This is what his fans would like to read in articles upon his return from military duty. But we are going ahead of the story.

It is not heard that he comes from a military family.Yet there is a three generations of men who served the war not ended between his counry and the next door neighbor.

Like other males of age who enlisted before him and those who will come after him, not many are prepared for military camp life.Yet Kim Hyun Joong had led a life of discipline,structure, hard work and goal fixations that mimics the soldier's existence. It was no wonder he gets quickly into trainee leadership role (the highest position) with a pleasing personality to boot.

Today, 18th of June,2015 he graduates together with other recruits from basic training of 5 weeks. So many wished him to stay healthy, strong and with fighting spirit. For sure he took them all to heart.

He received many letters and sweets from fans though many wonder why chocolates are the soldier's favorite food. Whether soldiers know it or not chocolates elevate one's moods. Hyun Joong specially mentioned it as 'the best' in his brief letter.It is hoped the senders sent enough at least for his squad to share.

The finale of the 5 week basic training is the exhausting kilometers trek with a heavy load on their backs. Well there goes our Gendong Man (remember Barefoot Friends?) only longer and more grueling sweat this time. The effort could have been rewarded by an anticipated visit by parents. But MERS roped them out and the authorities ordered a cordon sanitaire to prevent the spread of the deadly disease. It may not be exhaustion that will weaken the soldier,heaven forbid, but this was what happened before with pneumonia viral contagion.

It is just the beginning, already Hyun Joong has shown his resiliency and adaptability to his current situation through his pictures. From an honest face saying he was being unsure of what lies ahead to finally giving smiles of success. If his smiles are an indication that no matter how little success come to one's way, Hyun Joong must have started counting his blessings.

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Thanks for the gif! 2013, was it & ~ our boy was eating ice-cream?!!

Lol! Like a little boy sometimes ^_^

Where was it, dear? 

2013.06.09, he was eating ice to release a store. Really cute hehe.

@AhKimHJ   Thanks dear for the gif  <3 

@shariman66 yeah girl, he looked sooo Amazing during TFS in Manila. The clothes and that hairstyle is definitely one of my biggest favorites of him. ^^ (sorry for no credits)

Arrival in SM Mall of Asia

KHJ holding Flebote Cleansing Cream, age defying skin care line



Cred: @DeannaDsc









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Some things.

[old photo] Kim Hyun Joong   creds: @kana__0923


2011.06.18 Taking Photo With Fans at MBC Music Core Backstage
Cr: SuperfandeKhj


[VOICE]Kim Hyun Joong Japan Mobile Site Update 2015.6.17
Trans rough: What's the matter? What is it? ( Japanese )
Cr: loveforever8666


On 21-10-10, the cast of Playful Kiss watched the last episode with over 2,000 fans.
I would prefer the real BSJ 2 Emoticono smile
Cr: monnaTun (This pic, so cute haha)



HJ was mentioned as one of the stars that bought an apartment & a business for his parents. He's a filial kid
Cr: Princessmich123
"Singer-actor Kim Hyun Joong, last seen in "Inspiring Generation," rewarded his parents by buying them both a home and a business. He purchased them a high-end residential building worth $800,000 and a Jaksal fried chicken restaurant, where he has on occasion been seen washing dishes". http://dlvr.it/BDX2Nt

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Kim Hyun-joong, "Abuse, pregnancy and miscarriage all a lie" complete scam


Read more at: http://tr.im/OVIg4


Kim Hyun-joong's side is now suspecting the ex-girlfriend's claim of abuse. Kim's legal attorney Lee Jae-man told Daily Sports on the 4th, "We inquired the truth from two of the hospitals Choi (ex-girlfriend) got her medical report. After she claimed she was abused by Kim on the 30th of May last year, she got a medical certificate from one hospital and then from another when she claimed he hit her again on the 21st of July. However, none of them said she was hit 'in the stomach'. It's her claim that she was hit there, not the doctors'".

"The pictures of the bruises she disclosed weren't even pictures. The background is of a flowery printed bed sheet but no hospital has flower printed bed sheets. The second time she claimed to have been abused she got the medical certificate a month after it happened. Anything with that long of a term can hardly have anything to do with Kim Hyun-joong".

"Choi told media that she was hit in the stomach several times and that's why she had miscarriage but at the moment, everything she says is suspicious. If everything she says is a lie, then Kim is the victim of a scam. The 'abuse' was just a struggle and Kim was very shocked to see Choi's interviews".

Previously, Lee Jae-man claimed that he believes there was no pregnancy to begin with. "We plan on dealing with this is every way possible. For criminal charges, we are going to sue her for blackmailing Kim into paying her 600 million won and for civil charges, compensation. The civil charges will be made this month but the criminal charges, as she 'may' be pregnant, can wait until later. In the petition she claimed she had a miscarriage but there was no proof on the date of preparatory procedure. If she wanted to get proof herself she would have no problem getting it in 10 minutes. She only submitted a report for amenorrhoea but that doesn't prove she was pregnant. Also, it's not something the doctor can diagnose for her. She would have to tell him she's not on her period".

The two people's legal battle started with the 1,600 billion won (US$1.6 million) trial in which Choi sued Kim Hyun-joong for with conflict and mental offense. She formerly sued him for abuse in May last year and then again for miscarriage four days later. She threatened Kim for abusing her while she was pregnant and threatened to spread word that he'd caused her miscarriage. Kim Hyun-joong offered her 600 million won in fear of his reputation but she filed for the 1,600 billion won case later. 
Source : isplus.live.joins.com...

Read more at:

There is something wrong with CHOI statement.

telling all this crap to tie KHJ with her?

maybe she think that will be successful...

Deep inside my heart.. I totally don't believe with this controversial issue...

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told you everyone will fell inlove on khj unless they dont have brain in their heads
So somebody went to see the other soldier and the soldier was with 김현중.
They talked about 김현중.
They said, 김현중 is unbelievably good and nice (in his personality). Also he doesn't show any special (in a bad way) attitude (that most celeb should have).
김현중 uses some curse words (but not in a bad way, but normal way-- so that 김현중 can shows that 김현중 and other people are in the same page, not the special celeb.)
Also the army training teachears were very much amuzed because 김현중 takes the lead any work and services very diligently.
-- Summary: Everybody in the army were impressed by 김현중's good personality, modesty and hard working.

Via: Facebook @Aviva Giay

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Not sure the one I am talking about ....bcuz it has been replaced by a newer model....did not want to lead people astray......





Edited by lkh2
Not sure the one I am talking about is the one on Amazon becuz it has been replaced and I do not want to lead anyone astray
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