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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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FUJI TV NONSTOP Inteview with HJ's Parents,the meeting was at the office of HJ's Atty Lee and the parents agreed to show their faces to camea [2015.06.11]

His parents story: my son thought of retiring,for our family everyday is like hell,since Jan everyday has been such a long day as 100 day or one year.
His father: my son said 'may fans forgive all things happened?no fans,
no entertainers.he thought 'should I retire?' he was suffering very much,he stayed in a pitch dark room didn't want us to turn the light on when sad things happened he doesn't talk to us,last month former GF claimed that she miscarried last year bcoz he assaulted her while pregnant but my son denied it to me 'I never hit her to bruise,I pushed her if anything but never hit her' my son isn't a person who did such unreasonable acts,he is a good & kind person.

Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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FUJI TV NONSTOP Inteview with HJ's Parents,the meeting was at the office of HJ's Atty Lee and the parents agreed to show their faces to camea [2015.06.11]
His parents story: my son thought of retiring,for our family everyday is like hell,since Jan eveyday has been such a long day as 100 day or one year.
His father: my son said 'may fans forgive all things happened?no fans,no entertainers.he thought 'should I retire?' he was suffering very much,he stayed in a pitch dark room didn't want us to turn the light on when sad things happened he doesn't talk to us,last month former GF claimed that she miscarried last year bcoz he assaulted her while pregnant but my son denied it to me 'I never hit her to bruise,I pushed her if anything but never hit her' my son isn't a person who did such unreasonable acts,he is a good & kind person.


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Guest shariman66

I absolutely adore all our boy's hairstyles during his TFS Asia Tour.

He looked downright beautiful ~ yes, beautiful because to me handsome couldn't quite describe our boy's features-aesthetic-alignment, lol! I'm sure you know what I mean. Sigh, unfortunate that I'm not able to post any pictures from that time.

Another period was during his promotions for his debut album, 'Breakdown'.

Like what @nycgirl said, I too loved all his guesting at the various shows ~ 'Running Man' especially. His clean-cut look was so, faint-worthy. Below's the link that I bookmarked so that I could watch the episodes anytime :



Look at that face ~ isn't our boy one of the most good-looking man you've ever seen?

Those glasses just accentuate those drop-dead gorgeous features of his ~ excuse me while I drown in my fan-girling ^_^ 

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I wrote this Sept 2011 and this is my prayer that everything will be restored even this effect



This is what you call the Hyun joong effect in S.Korea, whenever HJ is a guest in any variety show, you'll know the ratings of that show will have a big increase in ratings, Even his commercials and endorsements have the same effect, his CF becomes a household name and the sales just keep on increasing just like The Face Shop", all over asia his product is a big hit . Even in other countries like Hongkong ticket sales skyrocketed when he makes an appearance to a concert, He is named by the medis "Emperor of the SEA" in Japan "little Yonsama". Now his latest commercial "Infinitely Yours" have the same effect, everyone wants to go to Korea, and their reason is hopefullt to see Kim Hyun Joong in the flesh, so he is really the perfect choice as the ambassador of KOREA.



Here's one funny account:

Two Blonde Babes Kiss HJ


[Trans][Article][110907] Kim HyunJoong, Kissed By Two Blonde-Haired Women?

Source: Nate

English translation: Stephanie (@5StarsAs1/ www.i-kpoplovers.blogspot.com) or at



Please leave the credits remain intact when repost. TQ! :)

Recently a photo of Kim HyunJoong being kissed by two women have been spreading in the online community. However, it's not Kim HyunJoong himself...but it is his display board!

Kim HyunJoong is currently the active Seoul Ambassador, which captured the eyes of the world too. In the photo, it can be seen that two blonde-haired women were standing beside Kim HyunJoong's display board, giving him, or the display board, a kiss. With his amazing popularity level, even his display board is receiving plenty of love from people all around the world!

Netizens who saw the picture and have commented, 'What if it's not the display board but Kim HyunJoong himself?', 'Kim HyunJoong's popularity is truly impeccable', 'He's really popular around the world' and etc.

Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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@newyorkcitygirl Thank you for all that info from the FUJI Television Interview and Thank you for posting that lovely lovely pic that I couldn't get to show up!!!

With each interview - we are getting more and more a picture of what happened, and may I repeat:

last month former GF claimed that she miscarried last year bcoz he assaulted her while pregnant but my son denied it to me 'I never hit her to bruise,I pushed her if anything but never hit her' my son isn't a person who did such unreasonable acts,he is a good & kind person."

Hah!  I have been saying that he only said it got "physical" and physical does NOT mean he HIT her. Nice to hear his Dad say this!

Please see my definition of "physical" that I wrote a month ago  on this link:  http://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/2345-kim-hyun-joong-gim-hyeon-jung-김현중金賢重-キム・ヒョンジュン/?page=1197

aw heck - I just copied it down here again....

  On 5/17/2015, 2:49:55, Teleri Nyfain said:

I went there (to netizenbuzz) & did my 'oh what fools these mortals be' ranting LOL  OMG they are just unbelievable.  But again, WE are deluded.  Sure.

​Teleri - those Netizen's buzz - the English speaking version - there seems to be a lot of angry people looking for someone to hit or blame...to push their own agenda -

possibly due to the misleading comments added at the tail end that embroiders on the original statements - that implied that he HIT her - for example:

KHJ NEVER -  not once - ever said he HIT or Beat her - he said that it had gotten "physical"....

"physical" can mean many things - like stopping someone from raking their fingernails down his face by his holding their wrists,


while blocking a punch to him, when he pulls up his arms to ward off that blow - 


if she continued to try and punch him, he may have held her in a bear hug to prevent her from going berserk with her punching and kicking - 

What if -

she has high heels on and is trying to stomp on his feet, groin, ankle - whatever, and he has to use his legs to pin her

so - when he apologized (under duress) - that he hurt her - it could have been apologies for the harm that resulted as part of his defense....

Again - I may be wrong - the full story is not out, but this is a totally different way to read the situation from KHJ's side - different from all of the other negative nonsense that has been implied...I'm putting it out there...

I was thinking this from the beginning but couldn't really figure out how to write it out till now...

* * * * * * * 

Edited by lkh2
This was written in May 17, 2015
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I agree.  I don't read Korean very well so have to rely on translations.  Some of them translate his statements into 'hit' while others stick to the 'got physical' while others use 'push'.  I've always thought he might have pushed her & she fell (which could definitely hurt her).  Those published bruises (looking iffier by the day, of course) looked to me like kicks instead of punches.  She didn't publish (or fabricate LOL) ANYTHING that looked like punches to her body (which would cause a miscarriage). 
I wondered what he'd done to think he'd caused one until I read his dad's account of why KHJ paid that money - it was simply the THREAT of blaming a miscarriage on him that caused all his angst - cause he'd seen what her accusations of hitting her had caused in the media.  OMG especially if he knew it was all faked!  I could go on for hours about why he's so much more reliable as a witness than she is after all the hoopla, but I'll just limit it to this:

When this first happened, I didn't know if it were true (this before any statements from him etc) - I just posted that people wait to find out before condemning him.  But I was not going to rule out the possibility and I felt heartsick. However, the minute I read that statement from KE, stating what KHJ had said, I felt relieved & 'knew' that he'd at the worst only lost his temper once, when SHE was fighting him back.
I couldn't figure out for the longest time what it was about that statement that made me sure of  him.  It took my brother (a lawyer who doesn't know KHJ from the guy down the street) to point this out to me, when I explained the whole thing (we were talking about the presumption of innocence).  He asked me why the insistence on the time they dated & it hit me.  
KHJ denied that he'd dated her for 2 years, that he'd KNOWN her for 2 years but only dated her for 2 months. That's a random objection to her accusations.  He'd admitted being in a fight w/her, getting physical w/her.  What possible good would it do to insist that the dating period was 2 months?  
BUT it makes his whole statement the FIRST one that actually resonated w/all the previous knowledge fans gleaned about him from interviews, etc.  He'd had an interview in April talking about a change in his attitude towards dating, etc.  2 months before the incident.  
Nothing that girl said at the time connected.  To believe her would be to believe that KHJ was a TOTAL liar, all his behavior in public & semi-public fake.  However, to believe HIS statement only required belief that he made a mistake (remember at that time he admitted to hurting her, both in the fight & the rib injury).  So automatically this made KHJ the more credible person to an objective witness following the scandal.

Edited by Teleri Nyfain
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I couldn't figure out for the longest time what it was about that statement that made me sure of  him.  It took my brother (a lawyer who doesn't know KHJ from the guy down the street) to point this out to me, when I explained the whole thing (we were talking about the presumption of innocence).  He asked me why the insistence on the time they dated & it hit me.  
KHJ denied that he'd dated her for 2 years, that he'd KNOWN her for 2 years but only dated her for 2 months. That's a random objection to her accusations.  He'd admitted being in a fight w/her, getting physical w/her.  What possible good would it do to insist that the dating period was 2 months?  
BUT it makes his whole statement the FIRST one that actually resonated w/all the previous knowledge fans gleaned about him from interviews, etc.  He'd had an interview in April talking about a change in his attitude towards dating, etc.  2 months before the incident.  
Nothing that girl said at the time connected.  To believe her would be to believe that KHJ was a TOTAL liar, all his behavior in public & semi-public fake.  However, to believe HIS statement only required belief that he made a mistake (remember at that time he admitted to hurting her, both in the fight & the rib injury).  So automatically this made KHJ the more credible person to an objective witness following the scandal.

​Teleri - me too - and I am sure a lot of other fans went thru  the same reasoning process you did....and I too kept on going back to KE's initial statement of his knowing her for 2 years, dating her for two months, and that it happened once. I believe this was straight from KHJ's mouth.  This explains a lot....

Was the interview that you were talking about where he was saying something like he thought he would now consider dating considerate women who liked him first - sort of like the Oh Ryeon character in IG? Since he previously only liked women who he liked first...


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I posted it for you lkh2

608 days to wait  for you  to come back hyunjoong,

this is my fave look of KHJ, so clean and so cool, the Breakdown days, I love all his TV guesting that time. I miss those days too.And his guesting here in Knee-deep guru, a lot of revelations was shared here.

Thank you so much!



and also here is the link to the awesome very very long and very informative GURU show translation - here on SOOMPI! Translation is by Cheerkoo - this is wonderfully long:

He talks about  his relationship with his parents, what he buys for them,

his joining a catholic church for their rock band,

the incident on Christmas night as he was working in a dead-end job that changed his future,

why he feels that being "number one" is too anxiety-producing, and that he would rather be THE ONLY ONE,

how he ended up with KeyEast and what was happening in the months before the SS501 contract ended, 

How he immerses himself in the role of any part he plays - as in his role as Yoon Ji Hoo

and it ends with one of the emcee saying that "may his only oneness live long and forever".  Hear! Hear!


Edited by lkh2
wow - learning how to link pics on this forum
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On my daughters' love lives?  Oh lordy... that would make an EXCELLENT makjang weekend or daily drama, seriously.   I think my eldest has dumped HER bum for good, but the youngest ~sigh~  I just don't know :(

My personal fantasy involves getting my youngest a decent guy LOL  I feel, along w/Uee's mom, that KHJ is EXCELLENT son-in-law material LOL LOL LOL

Edited by Teleri Nyfain
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Guest shariman66


I think what you meant is, God will make the wrong-ed things right ~ or is it? Lol! Getting confused with the grammar ^_^ 

Anyway, I'm praying hard that justice for our boy would be sooner rather than later.

You know, his enforced stay at his camp is something of a blessing too ~ at least that's how I look at it.

On the sad or negative side, he couldn't meet-up with his family, especially his parents & of course, his close friends.

On the positive side though, that psy-choi couldn't start texting & bothering him again nor could the media continue their hounding of him. 

Then there's the plus-side of him being unable as yet to read any of the recent news about himself & his case ~ especially those hateful comments on his look the 1st week after his enlistment.


Thank you so much, dear!


Those interviews brought so many precious memories of our boy during his solo debut.

I hope & pray after his MS he'd be able to appear in many variety shows showcasing his undeniable wit & charisma again. Of course it wouldn't hurt if the appearances were in Japan TV with him holding a conversation or Q & A in his cute & unique Japanese^_^

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On my daughters' love lives?  Oh lordy... that would make an EXCELLENT makjang weekend or daily drama, seriously.   I think my eldest has dumped HER bum for good, but the youngest ~sigh~  I just don't know :(

My personal fantasy involves getting my youngest a decent guy LOL  I feel, along w/Uee's mom, that KHJ is EXCELLENT son-in-law material LOL LOL LOL

​Sorry - I did not mean personally - did not want to be invasive at all - Lol - I was thinking more along the lines of KHJ, but I am glad to hear about your eldest...I would think a decent guy for your daughter would be every woman's  fantasy!!!! lol 


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