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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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Here is a post I got from DCGall.  I love this opinion piece.
A Call-Out to Miss Choi

Dear Miss Choi,

I’m going to skip the formalities considering I have absolutely no respect for you and as such I will not be formal or polite in anything I’m about to say, even if you are older than me. 

You must be pretty proud of yourself. You’ve caused quite a bit of damage in just a little over a year. You’ve managed to break down a family to the point of hiding and almost caused 2 people of said family to commit suicide. You’ve turned the man you claim you love(d) into a social taboo and caused many fans to go into hiding because of your army of easily influenced anti-fans. You’re probably rolling in money from all the handouts you’re getting from different news media, and of course you’re still trying to pump Hyunjoong for money like he’s a walking ATM. I’m sure at this point you’re wanting to just sit on a hill and watch everything he had, his fame, his reputation, his fan base, all of it, burn to nothing more than embers of what used to be. You’re just dying to see everything he worked so hard for crumble in front of his very eyes.

Unfortunately for you, I’m not going to let you have that victory. You see, there is a big difference between me and you. You delight in the misery of others, even fans such as myself. You even tried to profit off it by suing some of us because we “spread rumors”, though I fail to see how we can do that when you hide behind anonymity. Unless you spread those rumors yourself? I, on the other hand, delight in the joy of others, especially when they are able to reap the rewards of their hard work. You eagerly destroyed a man simply because he didn’t want to date you anymore. You are the dictionary definition of a woman scorned. I find it sad that a woman in her 30s is more immature than a woman of my age, 24. You’re determined to make sure that your rear is constantly being kissed by somebody. You don’t particularly care who it is, as long as you’re able to profit off them in some way. 

You have succeeded in causing a lot of his fans to abandon him. You have succeeded in causing those of us who refuse to leave him to receive death threats, rape threats, and the like. You probably feel like you’re slowly stomping out each and every one of us, right? Well I am so happy to burst your bubble.

I will make the bold statement of saying that I am your worst nightmare. Not because I intend to enact violence upon you, but because you won’t be able to get rid of me. I am firm in my stance and I will not budge. Every day, my voice gets louder and louder. I look for new ways to make my voice heard so that I can combat yours. Unlike you, I will do this out in the open where people know who I am, what I look like, and so on. For every fan you think you extinguish, I revive at least 3. I empower them to speak out against you and to openly support him. You see, I am a force of good. In every story of good vs evil, good inevitably wins because eventually evil consumes itself. 

Why do I bother to go so far for a man I have never met? It’s quite simple really. He saved me from myself. He inspired me in ways no one else has ever been able to. I’ve followed him for about 7 years now, and not once has he ever given me a reason to doubt him. So consider this a warning. You will never be able to destroy him. I will stop at nothing to combat your fairy tales and will continue to breathe life into his fan base. You want to sue me? Go ahead. Take my poverty. I have nothing for you to take. If that isn’t enough and you want to make sure I don’t even have a thread of cloth left to cover myself with, that’s fine. Take it. Oh, and I don’t take bribes, so no amount of money you could ever offer to get me to shut my mouth will be enough. I have nothing to lose by standing by him. Even if you were to take my life, let me assure you I will be a hell of a lot scarier in the afterlife.

You may as well raise that white flag of surrender now, Choi. Because even if you win your court cases and get your money, you will NEVER be able to truly destroy Hyunjoong. Not while I’m around.

[I know she’ll never read this but it felt really good to let it out.]


from: https://www.tumblr.com/search/kim+hyun+joong

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[Breaking News] Hallyu star Kim Hyun Joong Case Development - 4th Court Hearing

  • Name : linajoong


On October 30, 2015 the 4th hearing was held and some amendments  were made  on the side of Kim Hyun Joong. on the purpose and reason of the counterclaim, A brief summary and highlights are being taken for the record:


That,  Attorney Lee, Kim Hyun Joong Legal representative  acknowledged the picture of the baby given by Ms A. It's a baby Boy! Ms A was asked the blood type of the baby - she replied she don't know. The court was told that Hyun Joongnim and Ms A did not keep contact at all  Attorney Lee presented to the court a list of eye witness that Ms A was drinking during pregnancy and testimony from agency representative 양근환 (Yang Geun Hwan) from Keyeast was approved

 Attorney Lee stated that after the questioning of the concerned party involved and witnesses, the issue will be decided 

 Kim Hyun Joong is  to be called to confirm what was the reason that he gave 600 million KRW of settlement money at that time 

 Kim Hyun Joong  vs Ms A hearing will resume on 23 December 2015 and the court requested for Kim Hyun Hyun Joong  attendance.


Currently Kim Hyun Joong is serving his military duty and will end by Feb 2017. 


Everyone is anticipated for a good closure and peaceful ends of this case.


We wish him all the best to come!



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I'm a little confused.  What issue is going to be resolved?  Is it her case where she wants 1.6 million won or is it the criminal case where she broke into his house, blackmailed him, etc.  What is going to be resolved in December?  

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Kim Hyun Joong-Ms Choi court case: Ex-girlfriend submits new evidence against South Korean actor





Kim Hyun Joong and Ms Choi had their fourth round of court hearing recently.Facebook/Kim Hyun Joong
South Korean actor Kim Hyun Joong and his ex-girlfriend Ms Choi once again failed to settle their dispute after the fourth round of court hearing, which was held at the Seoul Central District Court recently.

Before entering the court, the legal representatives of both the parties met media personnel and blamed their rivals. While Choi's defence attorney Sun Jong Moon informed the reporters that they have new evidence against the actor, Hyun Joong's lawyer Lee Jae Man claimed that Ms Choi is not sure about his client's blood group and that's why she is not revealing the information about her new born baby.

Meanwhile, lawyer Jong Moon revealed that his client and her baby are doing well. "It seems we'll be ready for the final argument today. Ms. Choi is doing well after giving birth. The child is also growing well," Allkpop quoted as saying.

Although the South Korean actor, his former lover and their legal representatives were tight-lipped after the court hearing, reports suggest that Ms Choi had plans to settle the dispute with Hyun Joong. She contacted his lawyer and informed him that it's a baby boy. "You've not yet seen the baby, but I have a photo. The baby looks just like Kim Hyun Joong. Shall I send you the photo?" she added.

However, the 29-year-old actor's father declined the offer. He revealed that they wish to receive the new born's DNA test results and confirm his fatherhood before seeing the baby, according to Soompi.

The legal dispute between Joong and his former lover Choi began in May 2014, after she filed an assault case against him and also cited emotional distress.

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I have been going through a series of Dr. Martin Luther King quotes for a few teachers.  Some of the quotes remind me of this case and some of the people involved in it.

Here are a few quotes (in blue):

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

 People who believe the stuff put out by the media on KHJ.

"Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress."

 The Korean Court system.

"I am not interested in power for power's sake, but I'm interested in power that is moral,  right and good." 

KHJ's fans.

"One who condones evils is just as guilty as the one who perpetrates it."

Choi's lawyer.

"The means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek."

KHJ's lawyer.  He has not been playing games or running to media to spread lies or dirt.

"We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

When KHJ was in the thick of this, BYJ was dead silent and so were many of his celebrity friends

"A lie cannot live."

Something Choi must learn.

"We must combine the toughness of the serpent with the softness of the dove, a tough mind with a tender heart."

KHJ's father and mother.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

THIS is why I like KHJ.  No matter what has been said about him by Choi, her lawyer or the media, he has not attacked that woman publicly and he has been a class act this entire time.  


Dr. King was a wise man and I love many of his quotes.

Edited by theone4me
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Theone4Me, can I share this in my FB, I will credit it to you. just so that I can share it to other HJ fans, I will just make an artwork/fanart, I'll just use KHJ's photo with it.


Posting this, I love hearing HJ Laugh out loud




Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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Guest shariman66


A very good comparison, dear!

I love the last quote especially because it definitely describes our boy's consistent behaviour throughout this psy-choi's nightmare ~

Since everything seems to be so quiet I'm hoping her side is being thoroughly investigated by the police thus no more absurd media statements from her camp.

On a lighter note, I came across these 2 fan videos from our boy's frequent airport visits ~

The 1st showed him in casual wear & the 2nd in more formal attire ~ yet it's particularly enjoyable to me because both showed him in his gorgeous best, par for the course for our boy, as usual ^_^


Credit : joyful860606

@4.08 - 4.12 Look at that Caucasian lady peering & smiling at the sight of our boy ^_^


Credit : KingHyunjoong

I think for the above there's no need for words ~


Oh my! I think I've made an error again ~ these are not the videos I wanted to show but inept me embedded them mistakenly.

I've edited them, thank goodness!


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Theone4Me, can I share this in my FB, I will credit it to you. just so that I can share it to other HJ fans, I will just make an artwork/fanart, I'll just use KHJ's photo with it.


Posting this, I love hearing HJ Laugh out loud



Yes.  Go ahead.  You don't have to credit me.  It's the word of Dr. MLK.  I was going through them for some of the teachers to teach a lesson on equality and civil rights.  As I read the quotes, I started thinking some of them apply to KHJ's situation.  Dr. MLK said so many things that are true even today for people who are struggling with truth and justice.  I felt many of them applied to KHJ as well.

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YAHOO Asia Buzz Award 2015 


credit photos to elikim & winwin henecia

Henecia & Triple S or just a fan of KHJ... "YAHOO Asia Buzz Award 2015" started!! Kim Hyun Joong is nominated as "Asian Idol ". Please let's vote for him!! ...Remember that VOTES are UNLIMITED! So, vote as many as you can!!! He deserves win this award, it will be his 7th consecutive victory!!  Let's share by all KHJ pages so that more fans know about this vote! Fighting

Link: https://yahoo.digitalmktg.com.hk/buzz2015/page_vote.php…

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It's impossible to vote 4 times/5. Sorry to say that but we can’t win honestly in this site. Only cheaters with robots can win. We saw that the last years but this year it’s huge. If we fans of HJ want to vote, we are blocked, but for the others no problem. The count of KHJ is surely hacked: see the difference on the change of the votes, KHJ increases for abt thousands only, whereas the other by 5 digits.. There is a possibility that KHJ’s votes goes to other artist/s!!! Yahoo isn’t honest at all. I’m disgusted. I stop to vote in Yahoo.

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It's impossible to vote 4 times/5. Sorry to say that but we can’t win honestly in this site. Only cheaters with robots can win. We saw that the last years but this year it’s huge. If we fans of HJ want to vote, we are blocked, but for the others no problem. The count of KHJ is surely hacked: see the difference on the change of the votes, KHJ increases for abt thousands only, whereas the other by 5 digits.. There is a possibility that KHJ’s votes goes to other artist/s!!! Yahoo isn’t honest at all. I’m disgusted. I stop to vote in Yahoo.

That's what I observed too.. I am a new fan of KHJ, actually for about 10 months now... The other factor that I like him more is his fandom.. If KHJ is nominated and somebody asked for help, in a minute I saw the increased on KHJ's votes... but on this one, it is really impossible to have  4 digits increase considering that there was a call for the massive vote schedule.. I am not on the right position (since I am just new with this), but what if to stop voting KHJ and observe the difference on the increase of the votes of the other artist/s.. It looks like for every 10 votes of KHJ, one goes to him and the rest goes to other...

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Guest shariman66

I'm experiencing the same like the rest of you at that dastardly Yahoo site.

Every time the first vote is successful but the next will always be 'an error' ~ grrr ~

Then I would need to refresh before I can get in another successful one ~ truly exasperating!

If YAB doesn't want our KHJ to be competing much less winning then don't put up his name, for goodness sake!

What a very despicable & unethical organisation ~

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