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Kim Hyun Joong’s Ex-Girlfriend Offers to Share Photo of the Baby in Court
orionight October 30, 2015




Kim Hyun Joong’s Ex-Girlfriend Offers to Share Photo of the Baby in Court
Continuing in the convoluted saga that is the conflict between singer Kim Hyun Joong and his ex-girlfriend Ms. Choi, the fourth pre-trial hearing in the 1.6 billion won (approximately $14 million) lawsuit against the singer was held on October 30.

The hearing was held before the Seoul Central District Court. Before the proceedings began, Ms. Choi reportedly asked Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyer if he’d seen the baby yet. “You’ve not yet seen the baby, but I have a photo. The baby looks just like Kim Hyun Joong. Shall I send you the photo?” Kim Hyun Joong’s father reportedly declined the offer, saying that they’ll confirm the paternity first through a DNA test and then talk about seeing the child.

However, Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyers did confirm that the photo Ms. Choi offered was real, and revealed the child’s gender as male. However, Ms. Choi did not reveal the baby’s blood type, claiming that she didn’t know what blood type he has.

The hearing is yet another chapter in the ongoing conflict, which has been largely made up of a lot of “he said, she said” from both sides. Earlier this year, Kim Hyun Joong was fined five million won (approximately $4,300) for domestic assault, and then Ms. Choi revealed she was pregnant and sued Kim Hyun Joong for 1.6 billion won in damages (today’s hearing was part of this lawsuit). Kim Hyun Joong consequently filed a countersuit for 1.2 billion won (approximately $10.5 million) for slander following Ms. Choi revealing a previous pregnancy and miscarriage to the media, citing a lack of evidence to support her claims. The most recent revelation is the conflict is Kim Hyun Joong writing a letter to the media to clarify his side, claiming that Ms. Choi continues to lie to him about the child.

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Guest shariman66

I dislike reading most of these articles since they more often than not make it sound like they are more Choi-biased ~

'Ms. Choi revealed she was pregnant...'

'Ms. Choi revealing...'

'Kim Hyun Joong..., claiming...'

I don't know but to me there's a difference in the wording ~ perhaps I'm too sensitive when it comes to our boy.

Anyway, let's hope on 23 Dec, our boy would be truly exonerated & the criminal investigation against psy-choi would have finished & succeed in revealing without a doubt that she & her accomplices have been & are guilty in the numerous crimes against our boy.

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I  just don't get it. ...can't the court just warrant for the baby to be brought in to court & examine by the court appointed panel of doctors? 

By the look of it, its gonna drag until KHJ is discharge. Hopefully by then KHJ will date or even better marry some other woman who's not A, openly & proudly. A popular, beautiful cool celebrity, a model/singer/actress/idol, I dont care, so long she can make this A eat sheet becos of her idiocy & her ridiculous drama.

My bet there's no baby!!! I wonder who's baby she managed to make her scapegoat! Bravo to KHJ's dad...why bother to even look at the baby when the supposedly mom didnt even know the baby's blood type. Anyone can bring any oriental looking baby pictures & claimed its KHJ's. Whoooaaaa.this A must have got plenty screws loose in her head!!! Are we really dealing with a normal woman here or a psychopath?  An cuckoo woman? How come she didn't even know the baby's blood type when her child hold the biggest key to proof her claim? Did she gave birth in the jungle that nobody do the blood test on the baby from day 1? I have a few kids & I know each of their blood type from the moment I held them in my arms. It was already written on the tag they put on the baby's ankle...or at least on its medical records. Whoa this choi is too much!! And people who actually believe her is either as dumb as her or as just cuckoo!! What a joke !!!

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I  just don't get it. ...can't the court just warrant for the baby to be brought in to court & examine by the court appointed panel of doctors? 

By the look of it, its gonna drag until KHJ is discharge. Hopefully by then KHJ will date or even better marry some other woman who's not A, openly & proudly. A popular, beautiful cool celebrity, a model/singer/actress/idol, I dont care, so long she can make this A eat sheet becos of her idiocy & her ridiculous drama.

My bet there's no baby!!! I wonder who's baby she managed to make her scapegoat! Bravo to KHJ's dad...why bother to even look at the baby when the supposedly mom didnt even know the baby's blood type. Anyone can bring any oriental looking baby pictures & claimed its KHJ's. Whoooaaaa.this A must have got plenty screws loose in her head!!! Are we really dealing with a normal woman here or a psychopath?  An cuckoo woman? How come she didn't even know the baby's blood type when her child hold the biggest key to proof her claim? Did she gave birth in the jungle that nobody do the blood test on the baby from day 1? I have a few kids & I know each of their blood type from the moment I held them in my arms. It was already written on the tag they put on the baby's ankle...or at least on its medical records. Whoa this choi is too much!! And people who actually believe her is either as dumb as her or as just cuckoo!! What a joke !!!

@Lxands,  You just spoke my mind.  It seem either Ms. Choi does not have a baby and if she does it isn't KHJ's baby.  I don't understand why the Korean court has not forced her to submit the baby to a DNA test by now.  She doesn't know the blood type because she doesn't have a baby, it's not her baby or she knows the baby's blood type which doesn't match KHJ.  To answer your question, NO! KHJ, his family and his lawyer are not dealing with  a normal woman.  This is a scorned woman who can not let him go. When a couple breaks up, most normal woman do not go to this extent to destroy an ex-boyfriend. All she wants is his money and 15 minutes of fame.


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Right..I mean its fine if she's doesn't want anything from KHJ, that she wud solely responsible for the baby but then stop harassing KHJ already! However far from it she demanded acknowledgement of a non existence baby or a baby with a doubtful parentage, as his own & of cos a huge $$$$ as compesation! Yet she refused all test that could easily confirm the paternity of the infant! Now where in the world wud she find such idiot? There are even men who refused to be responsible to their official/confirm biological child & she expect KHJ to be responsible of a child he knows wasn't his? To support a crazy woman's child after she fudge around with other men? Just becos she has a weapon, ie she witness KHJ & his celebrity gf doing sumthing private behind his close door? Thus to protect his gf he must abide her demand even its full of sheet?! Not bloody likely :crazy:

Baby picture looks like KHJ as evidence???? For heaven sake, if its just that what it takes as an evidence than I too have one here that looks like KHJ & ME !!! What the he!!

Anyone can generate baby pictures from the computer these days. They have applications for that..they even have game of it..

Please excuz my language becos everytime i read abt this pshycopath & her idiot lawyer, my blood level rise so fast, I just have to spit out some vulgarity to bring it down again....


Edited by lxands
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Right..I mean its fine if she's doesn't want anything from KHJ, that she wud solely responsible for the baby but then stop harassing KHJ already! However far from it she demanded acknowledgement of a non existence baby or a baby with a doubtful parentage, as his own & of cos a huge $$$$ as compesation! Yet she refused all test that could easily confirm the paternity of the infant! Now where in the world wud she find such idiot? There are even men who refused to be responsible to their official/confirm biological child & she expect KHJ to be responsible of a child he knows wasn't his? To support a crazy woman's child after she fudge around with other men? Just becos she has a weapon, ie she witness KHJ & his celebrity gf doing sumthing private behind his close door? Thus to protect his gf he must abide her demand even its full of sheet?! Not bloody likely :crazy:

Baby picture looks like KHJ as evidence???? For heaven sake, if its just that what it takes as an evidence than I too have one here that looks like KHJ & ME !!! What the he!!

Anyone can generate baby pictures from the computer these days. They have applications for that..they even have game of it..

Please excuz my language becos everytime i read abt this pshycopath & her idiot lawyer, my blood level rise so fast, I just have to spit out some vulgarity to bring it down again....


That's okay.  I feel the same way about her and this situation.  Yes...There are computer programs that can create a merged picture of her and KHJ.  I think if you scan two adults in the computer program, it can generate what their baby would look like.  I hope when she is convicted in the criminal case, it will bring this civil case to an end.   The 5th date is December 22 or 23rd.  That is another 5-6 weeks. Maybe the criminal case will be finished by then.  Hopefully, KHJ and his family can start the new year happy and free of this woman.

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Hello KHJ frens...

Hahahaha...I was laughing so hard reading this woman's story... what kind of mother who does not know her own child's blood type... defenitily she does not know KHJ blood type either... hahaha..playing to be clever but a real s***** !!! Please ... I cant stand this...LOL...

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" Atty Lee: He had a vac two weeks ago and has returned to the camp"

Why do I feel atty Lee was trying to bait Choi? Making her furious, and explode with revealing more things that will trap her again. 

And I bet she's now fumming with anger that KHJ came out from the camp but never bother to see her even contacting her. Now all she can do is grit her teeth & pull her hair because KHJ is back to the confinement of the solitary military camp based. Bravo to the army


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It's funny to see choi's lawyer are trying hard to convince the public that they lived together to avoid DNA test even though he knew very well they did not. He probably thought he can fool the family court.  The more he tries the more I see how tricky he is. Such an ugly trick he probably has never felt ashamed in his life. Once again that HJ's soft  heart and compassion turn to use against him.


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It's funny to see choi's lawyer are trying hard to convince the public that they lived together to avoid DNA test even though he knew very well they did not. He probably thought he can fool the family court.  The more he tries the more I see how tricky he is. Such an ugly trick he probably has never felt ashamed in his life. Once again that HJ's soft  heart and compassion turn to use against him.


Yeah, seriously...does he think everyone is goonies like him? That having sex once can confirm to conceive? That only happen in drama land! Sure everyone wud know the date of birth of their own child but how many people wud know the exact date of conceiving the child?  Funny people this bunch! They know & they shout to the world the date of conceived but  they not only keep secret the hospital she went to for delivery but they refused to give the exact date of the birth too!!! That tells me only one thing ...she never gave birth & there is no baby being born by her! They were scared to reveal the date of delivery becos if KHJ's atty dig more he can confirm there was no baby delivered by Choi Cra Zy in the whole of SK, and they can't say she delivered him in other countries like Japan, US etc since she is banned from leaving the country!! 

New lesson learn from Choi & lawyer seon....women can conceive just being in the same city with the man they obssessed with. They can conceive just by talking, stalking & harraasing. I am sure great book of science wud really appreciate their findings :rolleyes: :w00t:

Edited by lxands
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LOL She HOPES she knows the date of conception cause it was only the one time w/KHJ LOL  But w/who else? Hmmmmmm.

I think there will be at the very least 2 people who knows who is that guy.

What was the reason choi wanted HJ to comfort her in December ( for that one day ) and asked him to keep the relationship till the end of the year.as a condition before handing the settlement paper. I see this as an organized plan to trap him once again with pregnancy.

Every interviews and every talk of her lawyer showed his criminal motive and criminal attitude.  He keep convincing public with unreal story that contrast to the real situation. . i amuse that he has a gut to do so . it must be no other ways for him to prove  that choi is not a criminal except to lie. Therefore choi and her lawyer are trying their best to hang on with their lies by keep lying.

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 I found LAZERKIM 's comment on ATT Soeun 's interview after the 4th hearing are very interesting. The below is the comment that she reacted to his interview .

Credit to Lazerkim


I find it so ridiculous that an operation of abortion was performed without even medical records! Did Choi administer that drug by herself and did her own abortion? I’m sure not if there was indeed an abortion operation performed on her! This is still a medical issue as far as I know and cannot just be proven by text messages!!

May I quote “if it were blackmail…they continued to exchange text….” hmmm correction…Choi’s obvious fabricated text messages! But as far as I remember Atty Seon admitted that Choi received 600MW from Hyun Joong.

May I quote fr Seon statement  “If paternity were 100% I hope he apologize.”

Oh my! Such guts from the good lawyer. Whoever is obliged to apologize that’s none other than his client CHOI! For bringing her dirty laundry to the public, for exposing such private fabricated text messages and with her endless lies causing HJ’s family mental torture whether paternity is 100% or not is NOT an excuse to her inappropriate behaviour.


May I quote from HJ’s dad; “There were many parts that were not true. What if all of them were released? If they were all released my life would be completely ruined.”

May I just express myself. This statement from Hyun Joong’s dad as a parent really gives me a pinch in my heart. Mr. Kim knows very well how SK media works and at this point his entire family has been crushed by Choi’s evilness. It hurts for a parent seeing his son being treated this way putting all lies in the mind of the public for her own selfish intention. I’m just so glad that many netizens now can see those lies that Choi created.

I wonder where are Choi’s parents? I wonder if they are not even alarmed by what their daughter has been doing and putting out those obvious lies to the public? Are they not scared for their daughter for possible consequesnces to what she did? Or did they also took part of this conspiracy? Try reversing the situation and putting their daughter in Hyun Joong’s and family’s situation, would they even care? I wonder!


FACT FINDING          (Nov 5)

Allow me to add up, by reviewing in 2014 alleged assault from Atty Lee’s revelation that there was a certain media A who approached KE stating they have materials of assault and miscarriage to be published which they already did, despite the monetary settlement.

This incident transpired early Aug 2014 before Choi reported to the police that she was assaulted by KHJ, that made me think both KE and KHJ were blackmailed. KHJ at first may have refused to give Choi the money in July as reason why Choi went to report assault in Aug 20, 2014 at the police station.

So how come Atty Seon end up stating “Was KHJ threatened? ….they went to Jeju and continued to sleep together….?”  I think Atty Seon forgot to have admitted that the said Jeju travels transpired in June and early July from Choi’s FABRICATED text messages.

If media A approached KE in early Aug, and Jeju transpired in June therefore KHJ had stopped seeing Choi before she went to the police to report assault. Still, I believe KHJ’s testimony at the police station in Aug that he ended up his affair with Choi in May, meaning he had stopped seeing her after their fight causing mutual altercation transpired in May 30

Even photos were shown as their evidence that HJ and Choi were together in June or July doesn’t convince me at all, because those photos were all FAKE and obviously fabricated through photoshop.

Again my question, if indeed HJ and Choi can still be called couple during those times, why would Atty Seon resort to producing and fabricating fake photos from photoshop and showed it to the media and published??



I shall never forget Atty Seon statement in Sept 2014. That for me this statement itself is already an indirect threat to false accusation…..

(Sept 12 2014) “Our current stance is that he needs to firstly admit to multiple accounts of assault, reflect, and apologize for his actions. Should he not, we will inevitably have to submit additional documents and request for an arbitration.

Let’s not forget that according to the police report in 2014 that there was no substantial evidence to file charges against KHJ on the alleged assault on Choi.

(Sept 17, 2014)   “A’s” lawyer said, “From the beginning, if he [Kim Hyun Joong] apologized, ‘A’ was planning on dropping charges under no condition or receipt of settlement money.”

Now it was revealed that there was indeed monetary settlement of 600MW that even KHJ’s letter of apology is part of settlement, as I have said Choi’s gun was pointed at KHJ’s head while he writes that letter of apology to protect herself from being mobbed by his fans!

Liars are bound to stumble on their own lies! From day one of scandal 2014 till the present Choi and Seon has been busy creating stories out of their own lies. If they started this story with lies then it will definitely end in all LIES.


Thanks for lazerkim to remind us what has been happening since last year. I hope SK court will give HJ justice.

I can not post the link to this article at Lazerkim blog here. Please anyone who knew her blog post the link for those who want to read more. Thank you so much.



Edited by vivian6686
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Guest shariman66


We are voting, dear ~ believe me ~

Anyway the voting period is till 8 Nov? We'll do our very best then ^_^


Very good to recall & repeat what that psy-choi's camp has been stating since the start of this nightmare.

I hope the Korean fans have been recording & collecting as many press releases/reports as they could by that lame lawyer & his ludicrous female client, including the critical ones that have been deleted ~ it would be of great help to Mr Lee & our boy when the time comes for him to sue said lame lawyer & crazy client as well as those unethically-biased sites.

So far DCGall has been impressive in their strategy of informing the public of our KHJ's plight against that luna-choi

Kudos to their tireless efforts & unswerving devotion towards our boy ^_^ 


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