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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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Guest shariman66

Alright, there are photos of our boy that don't hurt ^_^    

With or without clothes on, he looks unspeakably good.

So let's enjoy our Sunday with some more photos of our boy ~

Yay! I know how to post images now! Thanks, dear AhKimHJ!

Though how to get rid of that grey highlight is beyond me ~

@newyorkcitygirl ~ Dear, could you help me out, please?


Credit as tagged



Credit: http://m.blog.naver.com/murdererq/220116927640

재업로드,2 변형 금지!!!
No edite mis fotos!!!



The above photo gives off a sexy vibe ~ that pose together with his intense facial expression. 

Of course the top one is very obvious, haha ~ such a smooth abdomen on that long, lean body of his ^_^

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  • angelayoriko#Repost @official_heneciaig with @repostapp
    October 30, 2015. Its a date that almost every Henecian all over the world is counting down to (aside from February 11, 2017) 
    Hearing #4

    Honestly, I am as tired as everybody else. Tired of the endless speculations going on about our only one. Since a decision has not been made, our KHJ is open to mud-slinging and defamation by all the haters out there in the scary korean media. Since the truth is still being investigated, we haven't been able to rest: because we dont know what to believe its seems some dont know what to support. Many fans have said that if it is true he has a child they will love and protect it like they do him. But what if there's none? 
    The anticipation every time the hearing date comes up just kills. You can hear the collective deep breath on the day of the hearing, and the silence while waiting for something to leak out while we hold it in.. Then when a less favorable outcome than what we wished for is announced (like the setting of the date for Hearing #4) the release is deafening. Everybody explodes on posts and comments on all Social Media and Korean Entertainment Outlets, just ranting about the injustice of it all. Unfortunately some of these rants over-step boundaries and get coarse and rude, criticizing that which they don't understand. Its because we are all buckling under the pressure of this year-old-and-still-going-on NIGHTMARE. Other korean artists have had worse scandals than Hyunnie but never have I seen an idol so under fire from the beginning. That is why I actually understand when some fans go off-tangent. Because the bond between Henecia and KHJ is different: we share not only in his glory and his joys; but we also stick around and carry our share of his burdens and pains, we suffer with him and want to protect him. For him who has given us so much joy, we worry and bite our nails, willing to get into catfights with anybody who dare slander his name, and wait in anticipation each day: when will all this end for our HyunJoong?


  • angelayoriko Also, when we argue with haters on public forums, do we help HyunJoong with our actions, or could it spark the "those are KHJ fans thats why they are rude and defensive, because their bias is a criminal" kind of talk? 
    We are all so very tired yes, but we have to be his rock now. Now more than any other time, now because he needs us. Let us find that place of calm so that we can be that rock Hyunnie needs.
    How? By trusting the South Korean Courts and Judiciary Processes. I am sure this isn't the first out-of-whack civil suit that has been filed in SK, and given that SK has governed itself successfully since the Goryeo Era, I think they know what they're doing. Don't you agree sisters? 
    By trusting Hyunnie's lawyer, Atty. Lee Jae Man. He has pledged that he will fight for HyunJoong's rights and bring him Justice. He has succesfully presented the crimical case against this woman to the police, that is why they are currently investigating it. The Civil Case has nothing to do with the Criminal Case Atty.Lee has filed against her. Just because she is accused to be a criminal it doesnt stop the civil case she filed and is fighting for. Although I believe that in the end it will affect the judgement that will be made.

    In this light, I want to remind our sisters in Henecia these two things by urging everybody to use it as a mantra until this is all over.
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That is one BEAUTIFULLY done poster!!!  Love it :D  

BTW - my response to this: "when we argue with haters on public forums, do we help HyunJoong with our actions, or could it spark the "those are KHJ fans thats why they are rude and defensive, because their bias is a criminal" kind of talk?"

I really attempt to refrain from rude, ad hominem attacks when posting online about the case.  Now there are a few (Macoy, looking at YOU) that I've special little monikers for, but I've reasons - & when called on it (which I have been) by people wondering why I'm being 'mean' I trot out all those reasons.  Plus I document constantly (yes, I've Lit degrees which means lots of training in proper research methods) to show WHY I hold these opinions.  If someone wants to engage in a legitimate discussion, or debate, about the case I'm happy to do so in a polite manner, without calling names or being ugly at all.  If a person states something irrefutable (ie their opinion about something KHJ has admitted to doing - like for instance getting in a physical argument w/a girl, or having extra-marital sex) I don't argue with them about it!  I only get into it w/the haters - the trolls - the ones who think they can get online & spew vitriol and hate without documenting much of anything, who don't bother even addressing the facts of the case, who spread lies and love to stir up everyone.  THOSE people I can pretty much demolish because I show them up as the nasty trolls they are.  I think it is important to have reasonable, defendable answers for all the haters' lies and innuendos.  


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That is one BEAUTIFULLY done poster!!!  Love it :D  

BTW - my response to this: "when we argue with haters on public forums, do we help HyunJoong with our actions, or could it spark the "those are KHJ fans thats why they are rude and defensive, because their bias is a criminal" kind of talk?"

I really attempt to refrain from rude, ad hominem attacks when posting online about the case.  Now there are a few (Macoy, looking at YOU) that I've special little monikers for, but I've reasons - & when called on it (which I have been) by people wondering why I'm being 'mean' I trot out all those reasons.  Plus I document constantly (yes, I've Lit degrees which means lots of training in proper research methods) to show WHY I hold these opinions.  If someone wants to engage in a legitimate discussion, or debate, about the case I'm happy to do so in a polite manner, without calling names or being ugly at all.  If a person states something irrefutable (ie their opinion about something KHJ has admitted to doing - like for instance getting in a physical argument w/a girl, or having extra-marital sex) I don't argue with them about it!  I only get into it w/the haters - the trolls - the ones who think they can get online & spew vitriol and hate without documenting much of anything, who don't bother even addressing the facts of the case, who spread lies and love to stir up everyone.  THOSE people I can pretty much demolish because I show them up as the nasty trolls they are.  I think it is important to have reasonable, defendable answers for all the haters' lies and innuendos.  


teleri I appreciate what you are doing, no worries, sometimes you have to let them know, they are just there to cause chaos and conflict. they are happy doing that, mostly those people are happy making people lives in misery.


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*** TODAY, October 30 is the 4th trial of the case. The 3rd trial was last September 23 and like this trial, it is expected that there is going to be fierce battle surrounding Choi's miscarriage because of supposedly KHJ's abuse and evidence. I hope this will end soon because their legal battle started since the year 2012 yet. ;)

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Trans Cr: Princessmich123

HJ's lawyer confirmed shown child photo fr Aside. HJ's lawyer said "It was a son" & confirmed A handed the photo (1) MichLui añadió,
김현중측 변호사는 최씨측에서 보여준 아이 사진을 확인했다. 김현중 측 변호사는 "아들이라면서요"라며 최 씨가 건넨 사진을 확인했다. 아이의 혈액형을 묻자 최씨 측은 "모르겠다"고 답했다.
Cr trans : Princessmich123 via catgojump
HJ's lawyer confirmed shown child photo fr A side. HJ's lawyer said "It was a son" & confirmed A handed the photo (1) MichLui añadió,
Kim Hyun-Joong Choi showed children at the defense attorney has confirmed the picture. Kim Hyun-Joong lawyer saying "son was called" Mr. Choi gun linens confirmed the picture. The child's blood type, and asked Mr. Choi side "do not know" answers.

News Update2:

1. Headline - A side "Both mother & child are doing well"
[My comment - So?! Still haven't done the paternity test!] 
김현중 前여친 측 "산모와 아이 잘 지내고 있다" | 다음 연예http://media.daum.net/v/20151030155059770?f=m … 다음 메인.
2. HJ side "KHJ and A, individually do not contact each other" 
김현중 측 "김현중과 최 씨, 개인적으로 연락하지 않는다"http://media.daum.net/v/20151030163307508?f=m … 
Twit Cr: @catgojump

1. HJ still hasn't seen child since A delivered in Sept. His stance is to do paternity test first 
2. HJ's lawyer only confirmed the child's appearance through photo
김현중은 최씨가 지난 9월 출산한 아이를 아직 보지 않았다. 친자 검사를 먼저 하겠다는 입장이다. 김현중 측 변호사만 사진을 통해 아이의 모습을 확인했다.
Twit Cr: @catgojump

News Update3:

1. HJ still hasn't seen child since A delivered in Sept. His stance is to do paternity test first 
2. HJ's lawyer only confirmed the child's appearance through photo
김현중은 최씨가 지난 9월 출산한 아이를 아직 보지 않았다. 친자 검사를 먼저 하겠다는 입장이다. 김현중 측 변호사만 사진을 통해 아이의 모습을 확인했다.
3. HJ side "Agency representatives and eye-witness approved" 
김현중 측 "소속사 대표와 목격자 증인 채택"http://media.daum.net/v/20151030165211154?f=m … 
Twit Cr: @catgojump

1. KHJ vs Criminal suspect A, 23 Dec scheduled for 5th hearing for trial preparation...questioning of witness 
김현중·前여친, 12월 23일 5차 변론준비..증인 심문 앞둬(종합)http://media.daum.net/v/20151030165800290?f=m …
2. Decision for 5th hearing for trial preparation on 23 Dec was due to lawsuit & related paternity confirmation, etc 
<5차 변론준비기일 결정!- 12월 23일> 소송과 관련해 친자 확인 등이 필요해 12월 23일 5차 변론준비가 이어질 것이라고 합니다.
Twit Cr: @catgojump

Retweeted MichLui (@Princessmich123):
(1)<HJside "HJ himself to be called to confirm what was the reason he gave 600 MW of settlement money at that time

1. AttyLee"After trial preparation witness questioning be slated & need for concerned party involved for questioning
2. schedule for review. Eye witness who saw A drinking alcohol during pregnancy & testimony from KHJ agency KE rep
3. on HJ received threats as witness have been adopted"
이재만 변호사,"변론준비 이후 증인 심문이 예정돼 있고 필요시엔 당사자 본인 심문도 검토할 예정이다. A씨가 임신 중 술 마신 걸 목격한 일반인과 김현중이 협박 받은 것을 진술할 김현중 소속사 키이스트 대표를 증인으로 채택했다"
Twit Cr: @catgojump


News Update5:

1. AttyLee"After trial preparation witness questioning be slated & need for concerned party involved for questioning
2. schedule for review. Eye witness who saw A drinking alcohol during pregnancy & testimony from KHJ agency KE rep
3. on HJ received threats as witness have been adopted"
이재만 변호사,"변론준비 이후 증인 심문이 예정돼 있고 필요시엔 당사자 본인 심문도 검토할 예정이다. A씨가 임신 중 술 마신 걸 목격한 일반인과 김현중이 협박 받은 것을 진술할 김현중 소속사 키이스트 대표를 증인으로 채택했다"
Twit Cr: @catgojump

1. HJ side" For witness questioning, KE rep Yang Kun Hwan selected"
김현중 측 "증인 심문에 키이스트 양근환 대표 채택" | 다음 연예http://media.daum.net/v/20151030171039732?f=m …
Twit Cr: @catgojump
2. 김현중 측 "김현중과 최씨, 개인적으로 연락하지않는다"|다음연예 KHJside "ders no personal contact btwn KHJ n A" Aside showed a baby pic 2 KHJ side
http://media.daum.net/v/20151030163307508?f=m …
Trans Cr: sunsun_sky

News Update 4:
1. KHJ vs A hearing to resume on 23 Dec "Law requested HJ's attendance" 
김현중vsA씨 공판 12월23일 재개.."法, 김현중 출석 요구" | 다음 연예http://media.daum.net/v/20151030170529541?f=m …
2. <HJside "HJ himself to be called to confirm what was the reason he gave 600 MW of settlement money at that time>
Twit Cr: @catgojump

News Update 6:
1. AttyLee on the 5th hearing & the relations "Related to countersue case but no relation to matter in this lawsuit
2. Fr our side a part of counterclaim is related to results of a desired order. Fr that sense it became 5th hearing
이재만 변호사 측은 5차 변론준비기일을 갖게 된 것과 관련 "반소에는 관계가 있지만 본소에는 관계가 없는 사안 때문이다. 우리측에서 반소를 한 부분과 관련 숙원명령에 대한 결과를 좀 보자는 의미에서 5차 변론준비기일을 갖게 됐다."
Twit Cr: @catgojump


News Update7:
1. HJ side" For witness questioning, KE rep Yang Kun Hwan selected"
김현중 측 "증인 심문에 키이스트 양근환 대표 채택" | 다음 연예http://media.daum.net/v/20151030171039732?f=m …
Twit Cr: @catgojump
Trans Cr: Princessmich123 
2. 김현중 측 "김현중과 최씨, 개인적으로 연락하지않는다"|다음연예 KHJside "ders no personal contact btwn KHJ n A" Aside showed a baby pic 2KHJside
http://media.daum.net/v/20151030163307508?f=m …
Trans Cr: sunsun_sky

Retweeted MichLui (@Princessmich123):
KHJ - Criminal suspect A, to go 5th hearing... prolonged legal battle 
김현중-전 여친, 5차 변론 간다..길어지는 법정 공방 | 다음 연예

Retweeted sunny (@sunsun_sky):
김현중-A씨,12월23일 5차 변론준비기일 |다음연예 KHJ-A, 5th hearing on Dec 23. AttyLee: paternity cnfm needed in relation to litigation

김현중 父, 최씨측 아이 사진 제안에 거절 "친자 확인하면 볼 것"|다음연예 KHJ's father, at Choi side offer of baby pic, said "will c after paternity confirm"
http://media.daum.net/v/20151030171412838?f=m …





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  • angelayoriko#Repost @official_heneciaig with @repostapp
    October 30, 2015. Its a date that almost every Henecian all over the world is counting down to (aside from February 11, 2017) 
    Hearing #4

    Honestly, I am as tired as everybody else. Tired of the endless speculations going on about our only one. Since a decision has not been made, our KHJ is open to mud-slinging and defamation by all the haters out there in the scary korean media. Since the truth is still being investigated, we haven't been able to rest: because we dont know what to believe its seems some dont know what to support. Many fans have said that if it is true he has a child they will love and protect it like they do him. But what if there's none? 
    The anticipation every time the hearing date comes up just kills. You can hear the collective deep breath on the day of the hearing, and the silence while waiting for something to leak out while we hold it in.. Then when a less favorable outcome than what we wished for is announced (like the setting of the date for Hearing #4) the release is deafening. Everybody explodes on posts and comments on all Social Media and Korean Entertainment Outlets, just ranting about the injustice of it all. Unfortunately some of these rants over-step boundaries and get coarse and rude, criticizing that which they don't understand. Its because we are all buckling under the pressure of this year-old-and-still-going-on NIGHTMARE. Other korean artists have had worse scandals than Hyunnie but never have I seen an idol so under fire from the beginning. That is why I actually understand when some fans go off-tangent. Because the bond between Henecia and KHJ is different: we share not only in his glory and his joys; but we also stick around and carry our share of his burdens and pains, we suffer with him and want to protect him. For him who has given us so much joy, we worry and bite our nails, willing to get into catfights with anybody who dare slander his name, and wait in anticipation each day: when will all this end for our HyunJoong?


  • angelayoriko Also, when we argue with haters on public forums, do we help HyunJoong with our actions, or could it spark the "those are KHJ fans thats why they are rude and defensive, because their bias is a criminal" kind of talk? 
    We are all so very tired yes, but we have to be his rock now. Now more than any other time, now because he needs us. Let us find that place of calm so that we can be that rock Hyunnie needs.
    How? By trusting the South Korean Courts and Judiciary Processes. I am sure this isn't the first out-of-whack civil suit that has been filed in SK, and given that SK has governed itself successfully since the Goryeo Era, I think they know what they're doing. Don't you agree sisters? 
    By trusting Hyunnie's lawyer, Atty. Lee Jae Man. He has pledged that he will fight for HyunJoong's rights and bring him Justice. He has succesfully presented the crimical case against this woman to the police, that is why they are currently investigating it. The Civil Case has nothing to do with the Criminal Case Atty.Lee has filed against her. Just because she is accused to be a criminal it doesnt stop the civil case she filed and is fighting for. Although I believe that in the end it will affect the judgement that will be made.

    In this light, I want to remind our sisters in Henecia these two things by urging everybody to use it as a mantra until this is all over.


NYCG @ Thank you so much for posting this comment. It reflects the thought and feeling of  most of HJ's fans.

I have learned to be patient through the up and down feeling for more than one year. The case has been dragged this far because the greedy selfish cray cray woman can't find her way out of her own lies yet. She and her associate probably will end up uglier than they have ever imagined. Salute to all HJ's fans. I have said this many times before that I'm so proud to be his fan and be a part of this fandom.  . I want to salute HJ's  Korean fans in particular . They are so so patient and so great in helping him under very difficult circumstance. They know what they are doing and very patient  .They won my heart to the point that I would support them in everything if they ask me to.

Regarding the haters i think those who still post hatred comments now they are actually a group of looser who already decide they will stick with choi lies and will say whatever to put HJ down and ignore the truth. These people absolutely do not care for the truth and justice. Their comments worth nothing just showing their ignorance but still they need to hear the truth and the fact whether they like it or not.

Teleril  @  I love your argument it is not only informative but you also show those haters how ignorance they are. .I admire your patient and your excellent skill in explaining clearly point by point . Those who ignore and deny the fact and the truth they might still have some brain but surely they are lacking of morality and common sense..


Hyun Joong Fighting !

No matter what we believe in you.

Be Happy , be strong and be clam.


Love his happy mood here


Credit as tagged



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NYCG @ Thank you so much for news update about the case. i trust Att. Lee and will be patient . Regarding the baby I do not care if there is truly a baby or whether the baby is Hyun Joong 's .  If there is a baby personally i believe the woman does not know who is the father. My sense is the baby is hyun Joong's. But if it turns out the baby is his. I'm fine with it and hope the baby will not be raised by this selfish woman who see the baby as an object to demand for money . This woman treats the baby as a tool she can use to get what she want for her own interest she does not treat the baby as a precious new life who needs love and protection.  In my opinion this woman has no respect to a new born baby. i really question whether she is qualify to raise any child.

Edited by vivian6686
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Ahmmmm.....it's a good idea to call a Keyeast Rep as a witness? :(

Uhmmmmmm....Good point.

Let's hope it's time for KE to prove they are brave enough to do the right thing.

At the least once they were trusted by HJ. let's give them a chance to show whether they are worth enough to be an agency for artists.

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Ahmmmm.....it's a good idea to call a Keyeast Rep as a witness? :(    

I'm with your feels on that one,, but i'm thinking it may be one of his managers as they are around him the most. lets pray they do the right thing.. 

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I have the same feeling like you about KE!!! The KE rep. is Mr Yang Kun Hwan. He was with HJ in the Asian Tour for TheFaceShop in 2011 and he seemed very close to HJ. I hope he will be honest and a good witness for HJ.

But what do you think about this woman, friend of Choi, and witness for Mr Lee? Maybe Choi lost her friends :D

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Nixie · @NixieNikrosis
A sincere request to fans- though you are entitled to whatever comments you make and if you really wish, you can continue to do so; but I hope you guys can refrain from saying things like the court is bought and bribed. It gives a bad reputation to HJ rather than Choi. I hope you all can understand ^^

In DailySports article, there was a word that people couldn't understand in Atty Lee's comment. A DCKHJGALL post pointed it out as a typo and clarified the meaning. So during the 4th hearing, court ordered Choi's side to have paternity test done and hence 5th hearing was set. So what Atty Lee said was: 5th hearing was set for the matter related to our counterclaim, but not to the original claim. Court ordered paternity test to be done in regard to our counterclaim, and decided to have the 5th hearing to see the result.

translation sunny @sunsun_sky


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