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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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That's his beautiful smile :D  Bless him.  I'm sooo glad that he's off to the military at this particular time - he had to go regardless.  

Atty Seon is such a piece of garbage!  KHJ according to him needs to be sued over paternity because he wants proof the baby is his?  REALLY?  When that piece of work Choi has been caught in SEVERAL lies already?  Dig that hole deeper, you !@#%! 

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choi's lawyer knew well nobody made choi a liar but she herself revealed to everyone that she is a liar. Her actions and her interviews has been proved that she constantly lied to public even the most recent news.  Now, her lawyer is showing he is also a liar and a manipulator like his client.. These two are the perfect match from hell. They look like a soulmate.

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So it looks like HJ will soon take leave from his MS duty for the DNA tests... (Good going, HJ!) 
LJM has apparently confirmed it. 

I just hope he stays safe. 

It's hard to say all that I want, knowing there are lurkers about.


Edited by Lyana87
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So it looks like HJ will soon take leave from his MS duty for the DNA tests... (Good going, HJ!) 
LJM has apparently confirmed it. 

I just hope he stays safe. 

It's hard to say all that I want, knowing there are lurkers about.


I know how you feel but at lest here you should be able to say what you want , cause this forum spot was made for his fans by his fans so if there are lurkers about and feel a certain way well that is there fault and shows there really his fans anyway for follow a spot that is all about him... 

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^ Of course, but we need to watch what we say at times. It's probably not just the bored 'anti's' lurking. 
It's not just the Korean sites her side will be monitoring. HJ's international fanbase is pretty big, afterall. 

Anyway, I am thinking that Choi's side put out their ridiculous statement, knowing HJ would then take his leave.
Since the media were so quick to publish the fact that he had refused his leave (insinuating he was avoiding the DNA test, perhaps?  ) Something tells me Choi's side found out that HJ wasn't in the mood for a vacation any time soon - so they went running to the media,
So LJM clarified that HJ would take his leave, only after the third hearing 

Whatever Choi's side have planned, lets hope HJ is well protected. I am sure he is. LJM seems on top of things ;) 

Edited by Lyana87
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What comment would that be?

 I have to agree that there are MANY unintentionally hysterical posts on AllKPop - I especially appreciate the irony of the ones who start out with - 'I haven't been keeping up with this, but' & proceed to get ALL the information wrong (cause, you know, they didn't bother to find out what's happened LOL).  It never stops these characters from spouting off their opinions of course....


I can see that comment now LOL  



Edited by Teleri Nyfain
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We all know the paternity lawsuit is a way for her to continue to drag his name through the mud for a long time.   How can he quickly get this over with and move on with his life?   Do you all think that him getting the DNA test to prove it's not his baby will bring this to an end?

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There is a pic of Choi from august -supposedly- and she no has a belly. Ja. I'm tired of this woman and her mysteries for all... yak. 

I saw this pic, and I can say she hasn't a walk, a position of a pregnant woman ready to have her baby. And her belly, well, she had no belly!! She is a liar liar liar: disgusting woman!!

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This woman thinks she is going to get away with it by the godfather who pays her lies and media support, but remember that even the most powerful can be pulled out of its throne. It may be that in SK, everything is turned upside down and a criminal like her is treated as a victim, but sooner or later it will come the hour of reckoning and she'll have to pay.

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Kim Hyun Joong's Father Demands Paternity Test; Suspects Ms.Choi of Cheating on his Son

Ilin Mathew





Ms. Choi is likely to file a paternity suit against her former lover Kim Hyun Joong.Facebook/Kim Hyun Joong
South Korean actor Kim Hyun Joong's father has demanded for a paternity test of Ms. Choi's new born baby as he suspects that the former lover of his son is cheating him.

The ex-girlfriend of Korean entertainer gave birth to her first child early this month and the news was kept under wraps until Thursday, 10 September. When inquired about the reason for hiding the delivery news from public, Choi's legal representative Sun Jong Moon revealed that the increasing public interest and pressure from the media forced them to keep it a secret.

"She gave birth last week. With reporters even coming to the hospital asking for interviews and due to the excessive public interest, we couldn't reveal the news of the birth before," Allkpop quoted him as saying.

The defense attorney of Choi even stated that they are preparing a paternity suit against the actor since he refused to give permission for a paternity test.

However, Joong's father denied the allegation put forward by Choi's lawyer and stated that they were not informed about the baby's birth and came to know about it through media. "We never even [directly] heard news of the birth so what do they mean they're going to sue for refusing the paternity test? Shouldn't Choi's side ask us first whether we want to do a paternity test or not?" he urged.

According to him, they are ready for a paternity test and if the results are positive then they will take care of the baby. "With the legal battle, we will continue to forge on without backing down. If born in a different household, the baby may have been blessed. I just hope that the baby won't be hurt any more by either side," he added.

Meanwhile, a representative of Joong from KeyEast revealed that the actor is currently busy with his training in military service and it is difficult for them to contact him to find out if he is aware of the child.

"As it has been established before, after the paternity test is complete, Kim Hyung Joong will take responsibility if the child is his. The stance hasn't changed. The lawsuit between Ms. Choi and Kim Hyun Joong will continue as planned regardless of the birth," Soompi quoted the representative as saying.


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Retweeted sunny☀ (@sunsun_sky):
'섹션' 김현중 측 "친자 아니라면 강력한 조치" | 다음 연예 KHJ side: will respond strongly, if its not his baby,


Retweeted sunny (@sunsun_sky):
Atty Lee: KHJ has not canceled his vac. His vac time is not up yet. His vac n delivery have no relationship at all. -10ASIA

News Update 20150913:
1. KHJ side, re ex-GF's delivery "Confirm paternity? DNA testing possible anytime" 김현중 측, 전 여친 출산에 "친자확인? DNA 검사 언제든 가능"http://media.daum.net/v/20150913080902777?f=m …
Trans Cr: illublue
2. Now Channel A news said its a girl.... sigh..,. so confusing....
3. 김현중 측 변호사 "휴가 반납설 사실무근, 아직 시기 안 돼" (섹션TV) | 다음 연예 KHJ side: Vac cancelation is groundless. Its not his vac time yet.
http://media.daum.net/v/20150913155307832?f=m …
Cr: sunsun_sky
4. Its not true that HJ cancelled 100days vacation..vacation is not allowed yet..
김현중 측 변호사 "휴가 반납설 사실무근, 아직 시기 안 돼" (섹션TV) | 다음 연예http://media.daum.net/v/20150913155307832?f=m …

Twit Cr: @Beinghappykhj


150913 MBN - 친자확인 소송 vs DNA검사 하면 돼



[News Update-1] [9.12.2015]
1) Atty.Lee: Let us know blood type of the baby & if its type possible from the 2 people, we can do DNA test for paternity confirmation. 
cr: @Hjlove09
2) KHJ side: Vacation cancelation is groundless. Its not his vacation time yet.
http://media.daum.net/v/20150913155307832?f=m …
3) KHJ side: will respond strongly, if its not his baby, 
http://media.daum.net/v/20150913155706934?f=m …
4) Atty.Lee: If it is his baby, he will be responsible as mentioned before. But if not, we will take additional legal action.
5) Atty Lee: KHJ has not canceled his vacation. His vacation time is not up yet. His vacation & delivery have no relationship at all. -10ASIA
cr translation: @sunsun_sky

[News Update-2] [9.13.2015]
1) Atty.Seon: If two parties go together n take DNA test in an institution wth authority & confirm, it may not have to resort to lawsuit.
2) It seems Seon's focus is in "two parties going together" for the test!!! No need for the two parties even to meet for that!!! 

3) Obviously A &  atty . Seon don't understand HJ side strong determination to the current litigation!!!!
Its already said there's NO NEGOTIATION!!!
4) Atty.Lee already said delivery does not make cs-A's criminal offenses disappear. 
All her lies in relation to current litigation are still there.
5) I understand in SK there are such official institutes as National Forensic Service, KSCI or others to handle DNA test.
cr: @sunsun_sky

Channel A Kim Hyun Joong "never heard of birth deny paternity news"
[2015.09.13] Channel A 김현중 “친자확인 거부 출산 소식도 못 들었다” by SuperfandeKhj








[News Update-3] [9.13.2015]
1) 백현주 reporter: this is the crux of it. 
KHJ has from the start said he will assume responsibility if the child is his.
2) 백현주 reporter: KHJ conveyed to lawyer that if needed to do DNA test now, he would immediately apply for leave.
3) Why is a paternity lawsuit necessary when HJ's parents can come forward for genetic testing even in his absence. 
4) Curious regarding reason for needing lawsuit. She delivered early Sept but her lawyer is unable to reveal gender.
5) YiJaeMan: the birth of child does not change the lies she told of miscarriage/assault in May and abortion in Dec '14 
cr: @mayzi1021/ @catgojump
cr translation: @illublue








Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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News update: 
1. Criminal suspect A, expected delivery on 12th Sept "admission none" 김현중 전여친 A씨, 출산예정일 12일 "입장無" | 다음 연예http://media.daum.net/v/20150909170803223?f=m …
2. AttyLee said if A wants alimony, possible but upon confirmation of paternity. But whether newborn is HJ's or not has nothing to do with the current lawsuit. 23Sept court case is abt criminal offenses & defamation compensation
Twit Cr: Miyokolovekhj
(接上)金賢重代理律師表示“如果崔某想要撫養費,確定親子鑑定結果後會給的。是否是親生孩子與目前的官司無關,23日的法庭辯論是針對不法行為損害賠償的。” 【日刊體育】 
Trans Cr: Princessmich123



Just to de stress us for a while with all this news...


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[News Update-2] [9.10.2015]
(1) Atty.Lee: "A side never contacted us yet lied that our side refused paternity confirmation. Spreading lies "
(2) is defamation to our reputation, will seek legal recourse". Atty.Lee added "there is no need to file lawsuit over paternity confirmation."
(3)Anytime now can proceed with paternity confirmation, just collect hair or skin to proceed with paternity confirmation. 
(4) The test will take 1-2 days, no need lawsuit which drags for months. 
cr: 501왕자 @501wangja
(5) HJ side: "Never refuse paternity confirmation. (What Aside said) is outright lie" 
cr translation:@Princessmich123 

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[News] Kim Hyun Joong side "If the baby is not his, will take legal action" 
News from http://korea.yule.sohu.com/20150914/n421046501.shtml + eng trans by kelemama
Repost with full credits.
13 Sep, MBC program 《SectionTV》 scheduled broadcast, actor Kim Hyun Joong conveyed his thoughts on whether the baby of ex-gf A is his, becoming a hot topic of discussions by fans and public.
Kim Hyun Joong side expressed their stand through the program, stating "We've got to know about the birth of the baby, we shall proceed to do DNA with the baby. If the baby is confirmed to be Kim Hyun Joong's, then our side will take full responsibility." Thereafter, a related personnel adds on, if it's found that the baby does not belong to Kim Hyun Joong, will take all legal actions to protect Kim Hyun Joong's legal rights. EX-gf A also expressed that if the baby is Kim Hyun Joong's, will not proceed with any lawsuit. 
cr translation:@501wangja



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 EX-gf A also expressed that if the baby is Kim Hyun Joong's, will not proceed with any lawsuit. 

What is the meaning of this? Does that mean if the baby is not his, she will continue to sue him until he accept that the baby is his?

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