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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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Posted 21 hours ago · Report post

  On 8/10/2015 11:22:56, hizanally05 said:

Can someone show me the pic of this MS Choi ?   I cannot see any posted pix here... I  dont know why...please...anyone...

Hi Hizanally05, Give me your email address Ill email you her photos.. right away

Hi @ AhKimHJ  ... TQ for your offer... I have mssg my email to you... 

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Jen Yeow Khj: Choi repeatedly use media play to tell her lies to defame KHJ. She has no evidence for court & she is now afraid TRUTH, with concrete evidence will be revealed through Atty Lee. Fans from Australia believe in KHJ all this time. We support Atty Lee totally. FIGHTING KHJ & ATTY LEE!! Justice for KHJ!!

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Jen Yeow Khj: Choi repeatedly use media play to tell her lies to defame KHJ. She has no evidence for court & she is now afraid TRUTH, with concrete evidence will be revealed through Atty Lee. Fans from Australia believe in KHJ all this time. We support Atty Lee totally. FIGHTING KHJ & ATTY LEE!! Justice for KHJ!!

newyorkcitygirl, I completely agree with you - I wish to have the truth revealed in court. :P

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[News Update-5] {8.11.2015}
KHJ side: Aside from hit &run tactic? They began media play for defamation suit but now says to stop & blame KHJ side
http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=018&aid=0003321652 …
KHJ side: Choi side, no truthful apology. 
Risk management for celebrity KHJ about litigation issue is not media play 
these are Atty. Lee focus articles~ fighting!!!! 
4) Celebrity/entertainer cases need to have reporters informed to prevent misrepresentation. 
It is expected to inform litigation issues
cr translation:@sunsun_sky

[News Update-4] {8.11.2015}
1) KHJ Atty Lee:"A side showed no genuine apology, Regret" 
http://m.entertain.naver.com/read… …
2) A side's "hit-and-run" strategy?! http://m.entertain.naver.com/read… …
3) How dare A tell Atty. Lee not to keep giving media interview
 A started media play first

Pls support Atty. Lee with comments:
4) Henecians & HJ fans - let's support Atty. Lee with comments & bomb A & her lawyer!! See articles below 
Daum http://media.daum.net/entertain/star/newsview… …
Naver http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=311&aid=0000505751 …

cr translation: @Princessmich123





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Whatsoever of her yo yo actions.. Attny Lee MUST & SHOULD CONTINUE with the EXTRA DEFAMATION  lawsuits & CRIMINAL charges on her, her lawyer and on those malicious media + the cyberbullies as damage on Kim Hyun Joong are already beyond repair..JUSTICE for Kim Hyun Joong

We DEMAND to have everything / The Truth to be revealed in SK Court of Law for the sake of Kim Hyun Joong future.. as this is the only way Kim Hyun Joong can be cleared off from already TOO MANY malicious allegations generated from A's media plays.. to ensure no more future allegations generate from these manipulative people.. to STOP them ONCE and for all.

Totally agree with you. I can't see this mal-practice is free from punishment after they have destroyed the person's life and his dignity because of their lies and greed. Nothing better than full punishment for the criminal act like this. For me what she and her associates did to KHJ and his family is equivalence to premeditate for murder attempted.Remember ? How much their actions affected  KHJ and his family when she kept humiliating them again and again. 

Hi vivian, I completely agree with you, too - She comes to her senses. Surely, there will always light at the end of the tunnel. She cannot win any case with these lies. Choi's camp release text messages that are very private in nature which totally irrelevant to the case. This woman wouldn't make this kind of serious accusation for nothing. She's been using the press and lies on the internet for over a year to destroy KHJ because he broke up with her. You may call me biased but I won't believe anything from her. Good, that KHJ has a competent lawyer. Fighting KHJ! :P

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I will not believe anything from her, its good the suit is dropped concerning lawyer Lee but it mostly not her doing. Her lawyers firm probably had to step in and tell him to control this crazy cause she is doing things that is started to give them a bad reputation which is more damaging. Everything Attn lee goes to the media topic/evidence which is about the case at hand, what she goes to the media with personal info that do not prove anything pertaining to the case. 


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That was also my thought. She dropped lawsuits against Mr. Lee but she still has to answer a lot of things... So far she does not say sorry for releasing so many texts, it seemed she is warning Lee team that if they keep going to media, don't blame her for what is coming next, may be I did not read the PR right, but I feel she is kind of warning Mr. Lee about going to media from this statement from Soompi translation " She will also avoid other outlying disputes, but will respond as necessary if Kim Hyun Joong’s side makes untrue claims."

Edited by bhenderson
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[News Update-6] {8.11.2015}
1) Last year's case as well as 1.6 billion won request for a house for baby, rejected & then after filing of 1.6 billion lawsuit
2) On 4 May shamelessly lied on ytn that she & KHJ were getting along well; On 11 May lied about suffering assault-
3) -miscarriage" to kbs report, etc. 
Who was the one who first started the external fight? Criminal suspect A!
4) In May when A side suddenly revealed to the whole world about details of "assault causing miscarriage"
5) As a result of that, HJ was made to become like a heinous criminal to HJ fans around the world on that morning!
6) Hence why the "3 NOs (no assault-no pregnancy-no miscarriage) position to be revealed & responded in ext argument

cr: @catgojump
cr translation: @Princessmich123 


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Kim Hyun Joong Fans Open up About his Legal Dispute with Ex-Girlfriend Ms Choi



By Ilin Mathew | Updated: August 11, 2015 10:54 IST

A few fans of South Korean actor Kim Hyun Joong have shared their views about the ongoing dispute between the celeb and his ex-girlfriend Ms Choi.

While some described the 29-year-old star's former lover as a "blackmailer" and "gold digger", others blamed various media outlets for highlighting her side of the case.

"Yes, she is a gold digger. I mean come on at first it was he hit her and we got over it and then she got back to him and then pregnant and then he killed their baby. If she has a prove she had a miscarriage or if she is pregnant with Kim Hyun Joong's baby then show it. The way she is doing things now is wrong. I mean she is playing with Kim Hyun Joong," stated an admirer named Maryam Ateef.

She even said that Hyun Joong's true fans are still loyal to him and believe him. "He not a monster he is a father he won't hurt his kid let alone kill it!!Sorry but she has got lots of thing against her right now to prove she is a gold digger," Ateef added.

According to Teleri Ferch Nyfain, Choi could face jail time for blackmailing the celeb as the South Korean court "did not accept the text messages" submitted by her as evidence to prove her allegations.

Meanwhile, Ellean John blamed the media outlets and stated that "the women in South Korea turn too blackmailer and gold digger", mainly because media believes what they say.

The legal dispute between the actor and his former lover began in May 2014 after she filed an assault case against him.

Article Published: August 11, 2015 10:54 IST

Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer accuses Choi's side of obscuring the truth

August 11, 2015 @ 12:35 pm

by jubilantj 10 22 20511153





Even with the retraction of Choi's lawsuit against against Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer, the legal battle between the singer-turned-actor and his ex-girlfriend is far from over. As a matter of fact, it appears to be moving onto a war of words between their lawyers!

SEE ALSO: Miss Choi's side decides to retract lawsuit against Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer

Both Choi and Kim Hyun Joong's side have been using the media to get the public on their side, with neither party giving ground. Now Kim Hyun Joong's legal representative Lee Jae Man is declaring that Choi's attorney Sun Jong Moon is obscuring the actual issue at hand.

Lee told 'Xports News' via phone call earlier today, "If you denounce the other party's legal representative, then you will receive disciplinary action from the lawyers' association. That Lawyer Sun criticized the opposing party's lawyer through press is an unprecedented act. It's shameful that Choi's side is losing sight of the core problem. The latest information revealed by Lawyer Sun mentions nothing about the press he released earlier (criticizing Lee). The way they are dealing with the issue is what you'd call 'risk management' and how they are dissembling the true issue at hand is manipulation of the media."


Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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In the recent text messages, HJ tells Choi she is filthy, that he can't see his parents like this etc. That seems like a genuine, angry message. Though the leaked txts were no doubt edited and taken out of context most of the time, HJ is right. Choi's side ARE filthy. I can't imagine what else went on behind the scenes. It will probably be a shocker. This woman obviously has no conscience. Now, all the conspiracy theories I once dismissed, seem to make a lot more sense! 

Anyway, Attorney Lee - please make an example of Choi and co! 

Edited by Lyana87
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I know - although I've defended KHJ from the beginning, I thought she had just blown everything out of proportion due to her being upset the relationship not working out.  I read some of the 'wilder' conspiracy theories & thought they couldn't be true.  But how wrong I was!!!  I left a message over on LZK's sight apologizing LOL  It just seems unbelievable, what she's done & still doing.  Poor KHJ :(

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I know - although I've defended KHJ from the beginning, I thought she had just blown everything out of proportion due to her being upset the relationship not working out.  I read some of the 'wilder' conspiracy theories & thought they couldn't be true.  But how wrong I was!!!  I left a message over on LZK's sight apologizing LOL  It just seems unbelievable, what she's done & still doing.  Poor KHJ :(

Hi teleri,

can u share that wilder conspiracy theory? just want to read it..

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I know - although I've defended KHJ from the beginning, I thought she had just blown everything out of proportion due to her being upset the relationship not working out.  I read some of the 'wilder' conspiracy theories & thought they couldn't be true.  But how wrong I was!!!  I left a message over on LZK's sight apologizing LOL  It just seems unbelievable, what she's done & still doing.  Poor KHJ :(

Hi Teleri, ye, I really feel sorry for KHJ for all this mess. He’s not perfect & surely he did wrong somehow also but his true fans will forgive him and people will move on. We can’t judge him because we don’t know Kim Hyun Joong personally. We don’t know her as well. It’s just that my question is why are she & her side trying to get the public on their side? What I know what this lawsuit is about it’s... money. fine, since they can't resolve their differences they have to use the court. But, I care less who KHJ sleeps with, he is not married and he is free to date whomever he wants. She should know this - Ahhh......she is all accusations. :wub:

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Miss Choi's side decides to retract lawsuit against Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer




Currently, our client and Kim Hyun Joong's claims are contradicting. We will trust the court and leave everything up to them. We hope that the truth will be revealed through the court.

Finally, we also request that Kim Hyun Joong's side also refrain from holding unnecessary interviews with the media. We wish everyone good health."


After having a really rough day at work, I decided to check in on my man KHJ.  Then, I saw the statement above.   OMG!!! LOL:lol: :D :lol: :P

I can't stop laughing.  That  stupid statement as it made me laugh so hard.   How can anyone take this Choi and her lawyers seriously?  They dropped the case because they HAD NO CASE!!!!!!!!

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Totally unpredictable case.. today said like this.. then a few days later like this.. then next week.. another changing facts come out like that...

so.. the progress? the conclusion? the evidence? the witness?

tiresome with she said, he said.. but bring this case nowhere. If HJ truly guilty that prove it till last breath... it is easy.. no need to dragging like this. aiggooo.. I'm feeling so frustrated and angry for no reason.

hiding behind the media but not face it with her own Face! Be straightforward.

This case like she actually trying to blackmailed HJ. want to expose this and that.. when HJ give money she withdrawal her lawsuit.

before hearing in court for this month.. what they do now? any progress besides telling media? can somebody clear about this? because I can't understand korean (yet) just based on translation.


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It's really not 'he said she said' - hasn't been for months.  It is SHE says, SHE accuses, his side reacts.  Often w/concrete evidence (you know, like MEDICAL statements).  She responds w/what SHE says, plus easily doctored 'evidence' ie text messages - reveals personal/private conversations that show nothing relevant to the case, and then whines about how KHJ's side are being mean & causing her stress.
Yeah.  I see who the one keeping this case in the spotlight is - definitely not KHJ.   I really am hoping for a gag order on her - that will stop all the articles.

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