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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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 He's smiling! The first real smile in a long time! He's smiling!

This pic was published in the DONG A ILBO - which is one of SK top 3 newspapers!!

Edited by lkh2
Pic was published in the Dong A Ilbo - one of the top 3 SK newspapers...
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Kim hyun Joong trial news is #1 in News Portals in SK!
<다음 댓글 많은 뉴스 1위> 김현중 父 "아들, 임산부 폭행범 몰려 前 여친에 6억 준 것"

http://media.daum.net/v/20150603173925439/ …





Thank you for posting this!  

- this kind of information is very very useful - because it tells us that the Korean people are getting the full onslaught of KHJ's Legal Counsel Lee's media barrage with refutations and counter claims to Choi/Lawyer Seon and seriously weakening and showing the flaws of the Choi side claims!

And as we read earlier - public opinion can definitely influence a trial proceeding...

I think this may be important for later on should the baby (if there is one - since no one has seen this baby bump yet)  prove to be his and he wants full custody and care of the child.  

Speaking of Choi's side claims for mental suffering - what about KHJ???!!!

Standing so alone - but for his fans/family/dancers - in the extraordinary negative media onslaught - I have never seen the kind of rage and hate filled purulent messages directed to him on the internet -

it literally made me physically ill to read it  - can you imagine what it did to him????   so panicked and sitting in the dark with one candle - not venturing  out....

and she is saying she suffered mentally????



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[ENGL k-starVideo] KHJ vs Frmr GF True or False
Trans: interview portion of two attorneys
변호사 인텁 부분 영역

Trans Cr: sunsun_sky


@NewYorkCityGirl - thank you so much for posting these vids - that were dated June 4, 2015 Sk time - they are the  same vids - but the first one has the whole transcript of the vid in SK - 


If you watch the  second video at 5:14 - although blurred out - you can see KHJ's parents sitting behind the reporters with KHJ  Mom weeping into her hands, and KHJ Dad removing his glasses to wipe tears....

while Lawyer Lee is giving his impressions of the outcome of the hearings in a formal sit down interview to a group of reporters typing into their laptops ....


Yay Legal Team Lee!! Go Go Go!!!

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For all of us who thought she was taking like Lamaze classes or something.....she wasn't....look at Sunny's translation! Go to the link for the full thing.....
Edited by lkh2
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And this is from 6/3/15 not sure if this was already covered or not - but I thought this was very very significant - because it shows the confidence of the KHJ legal team....

- Sunny translated this - from Twitter - KHJ side Legal Counsel Lee formally requesting Med recs from the 2 Orthopods who issued the injury statements- whoa!  

Like the translation says....Revisiting the assault case....I am sure that KHJ side Medical Expert/s will also be highly reputable and experienced - that will evaluate these med recs from the Choi Orthopods !

KHJ side Medical Experts vs. Choi Orthopods med recs

Go Lawyer Lee Go Go !

Edited by lkh2
Clarity -KHJ side Medical Experts vs. Choi Orthopods med recs
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Comments plagued by insults and mockery are common in sites like Allkpop, Soompi and Netizenbuzz, if you read the content of the "news" most are edited to generate discussion, and not one healthy. Take things from whom come, what I do is laugh at their of low intelligence, they don't have a solid argument so repeat it again and again, overused the copy paste. 

Attorney Lee is acting according to the law, and now will study the allegations last year so I don't doubt that he will do the best for KHJ.

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[News Updates]
1) KHJ's side: 'A's assault - pregnancy - miscarriage are all suspiscious', will expose the lies
2) HJ's lawyer:"A's bruises photos werent taken at hospital. At background there's a blanket w/ floral pattern, where do u find such hospital.'
3) HJ's lawyer:There's gap between the time A took pics of her bruises & time of assault. Keep in mind there's possibility d bruises are make-up.

http://media.daum.net/entertain/star/newsview… …
http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=014&aid=0003441686 …
credit translation: @AlienPrinceKHJ


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OMG that pic of KHJ's parents, his poor mother - I'm crying.  I've got my own daughters, & my nephews, this age - OMG if some one did this to one of my nephews :(  Thank ALL the deities that Lawyer Lee is on the move & doing everything all of us wanted to find out about last fall!!!!  

Edited by Teleri Nyfain
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This is the edited one, the certificate of donation is added , as proof that The beautiful Foundation of KHJ received our donation. Congratulations again World Sister




[KHJ Scholarship] 10 Million Won donated in celebration of KHJ's B-day 

<KHJ Scholarship> 10 Million Won donated in celebration of KHJ's B-day 
by generous participation of many KOR & overseas fans


Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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Kim Hyun Joong′s Father Claims Son′s Ex-Girlfriend′s Family Denied Pregnancy
[article excerpts]
Kim Hyun Joong’s father, Kim, has claimed that the family members of Kim Hyun Joong’s ex-girlfriend denied her pregnancy last year.
On June 3, the preparatory proceeding for the damage lawsuit against Kim Hyun Joong, filed by the ex-girlfriend claiming 1,600 million won, was held. Attention was drawn to Kim Hyun Joong’s parents who showed up at court.
After the preparatory proceedings, Kim met reporters and showed strong suspicion to the ex-girlfriend’s claim of pregnancy last year saying, “Even her family said her pregnancy is not true.”
Kim stated, “Her parents were the ones who showed resentment toward their daughter’s claim of pregnancy.”
Meanwhile, during the proceedings, both parties continued to make opposing claims to the issues of pregnancy and miscarriage.
Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyer stated, “The ex-girlfriend’s side did not submit any particular evidence to prove last year’s pregnancy. Her medical report stating four months of amenorrhea is not a proof of pregnancy.”
Kim’s lawyer continued, “The opposing side claimed to have submitted text messages between the ex-girlfriend and Kim Hyun Joong as evidence; however, they still cannot verify her pregnancy. We are waiting for the OB/GYN to reply to check the facts.”
To this, the ex-girlfriend’s lawyer stated “We are submitting evidence that will objectively verify her pregnancy. We cannot reveal the specifics but we have data to refute Kim Hyun Joong’s claim.” He also answered that he thinks the lawsuit cost of 1,600 million won is a reasonable amount to those who asked.
Both Kim Hyun Joong, who is currently serving in the military, and the ex-girlfriend did not appear on the court on the day.





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If they've got these magical proofs, WHY haven't they produced them yet?  Inquiring minds want to know.....LOL


YUP my inquiring mind sure wants to know... They like holding on to evidence but if i was the head of a clinic and summons to give in the medical stuff I would cause this type of stuff puts there practice at risk... Its like your saying they do not know what there doing...   

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If they've got these magical proofs, WHY haven't they produced them yet?  Inquiring minds want to know.....LOL


YUP my inquiring mind sure wants to know... They like holding on to evidence but if i was the head of a clinic and summons to give in the medical stuff I would cause this type of stuff puts there practice at risk... Its like your saying they do not know what there doing...   


@Teleri Nyfain  @eunha28  ​Agreed!!!!

Didn't some of the earlier KHJ inquiring minds fans determine that the logo on the clinic she went to was like miles and miles and hours away from Choi?

So now - I am ASking the same question the questioning KHJ fans asked  a couple months ago -

Why go miles and miles away for a country clinic visit when you are pregnant - when there are so many more metro clinics directly a few minutes away in Seoul??

I am not implying that a country clinic is substandard - I am just asking why  - why go miles and miles  away to a clinic for a pregnancy consult?? when there are very highly competent clinics in Seoul area that see hundreds to thousands of women a day ( I a assuming)  vs. a country clinic that may see much much less number of women a day than the Seoul clinics (I am assuming)....


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If they've got these magical proofs, WHY haven't they produced them yet?  Inquiring minds want to know.....LOL


YUP my inquiring mind sure wants to know... They like holding on to evidence but if i was the head of a clinic and summons to give in the medical stuff I would cause this type of stuff puts there practice at risk... Its like your saying they do not know what there doing...   


@Teleri Nyfain  @eunha28  ​Agreed!!!!

Didn't some of the earlier KHJ inquiring minds fans determine that the logo on the clinic she went to was like miles and miles and hours away from Choi?

So now - I am ASking the same question the questioning KHJ fans asked  a couple months ago -

Why go miles and miles away for a country clinic visit when you are pregnant - when there are so many more metro clinics directly a few minutes away in Seoul??

I am not implying that a country clinic is substandard - I am just asking why  - why go miles and miles  away to a clinic for a pregnancy consult?? when there are very highly competent clinics in Seoul area that see hundreds to thousands of women a day ( I a assuming)  vs. a country clinic that may see much much less number of women a day than the Seoul clinics (I am assuming)....


​My detective Conan mind say she had something to hide or wanted to be hidden and knows the people who work in that clinic.. I do not think anyone would go out of town to a country side clinic just to get a check for pregnancy. When city clinics have more resources and usually better resources...   Also she has no reason not to trust the city doctors if its just for a check...    Is this the clinic she went to that she states the photos of bruises comes from 

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If they've got these magical proofs, WHY haven't they produced them yet?  Inquiring minds want to know.....LOL


YUP my inquiring mind sure wants to know... They like holding on to evidence but if i was the head of a clinic and summons to give in the medical stuff I would cause this type of stuff puts there practice at risk... Its like your saying they do not know what there doing...   


@Teleri Nyfain  @eunha28  ​Agreed!!!!

Didn't some of the earlier KHJ inquiring minds fans determine that the logo on the clinic she went to was like miles and miles and hours away from Choi?

So now - I am ASking the same question the questioning KHJ fans asked  a couple months ago -

Why go miles and miles away for a country clinic visit when you are pregnant - when there are so many more metro clinics directly a few minutes away in Seoul??

I am not implying that a country clinic is substandard - I am just asking why  - why go miles and miles  away to a clinic for a pregnancy consult?? when there are very highly competent clinics in Seoul area that see hundreds to thousands of women a day ( I a assuming)  vs. a country clinic that may see much much less number of women a day than the Seoul clinics (I am assuming)....


​My detective Conan mind say she had something to hide or wanted to be hidden and knows the people who work in that clinic.. I do not think anyone would go out of town to a country side clinic just to get a check for pregnancy. When city clinics have more resources and usually better resources...   Also she has no reason not to trust the city doctors if its just for a check...    Is this the clinic she went to that she states the photos of bruises comes from 

​wow - good point - wonder if it is the same clinic - with people she knows - that she went to for both the pregnancy check and the "xrays"...


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Latest MS photos



@newyorkcitygirl - thank you so much for this precious pic!! I still had to look at each pic to pick him out...all the guys look rather handsome too! 

Wow - he is smiling - I mean SMILING - and all the guys look like regular - down to earth guys! How wonderful for him to be with other guys like this!!

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Celebrity King - FINAL ROUND (Poll Closed)
Congratulations..  KIM HYUN JOONG is THE CELEB KING.. might be another reason for him to smile brightly.. 

​Thank you for posting this info - this information tells us that in this kind of voting poll..

where there are numerous chances to vote repeatedly -

it is really totally up to the FANS -

this is a measurement of fan involvement to make a star number 1 or not -

and this so clearly shows - that even when he is NOT on stage -

but deep in the military...

his fans are keeping his name on the news and on the map!


All those who voted - I voted too!  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (I wish there were stars here)

This kind of poll is a measurement of fan love and participation....

Edited by lkh2
Cannot quote pictures
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