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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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Magazine Interview Translations; [Part 5]
[I missed translation before] 
(1) When both parents met, Ms.A's parents didn't know she miscarried before
so later his dad asked to HJ what happened? 
(2) HJ said with tears that she black mailed HJ,
that she will sue him for attacking pregnant women so he gave money 
although its not true.
(3) 벼랑끝에 홀로서서 세상과 싸우는기분이라고
HJ's mom said their family feels like standing alone on the edge of precipice against the world..
r: @4everhyun

Hj said not to worry abt him and he will solve this problem peacefully and truth will reveal later but.. dad told he cant accept this situation.I dont care if u cant continue to live as celebrities but U need to recover ur damaged reputation 

Cr: Beinghappykhj 
Trans BY: 4everhyun






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[Article excerpts from HJ's Parents Interview]
주부생활 Scoop 6월호 - 16 억 손배소 김현중 군대 보낸 다음날 부모 직접 만났다
Housewives Scoop 6 월호 life - Kim Hyun Joong 1.6 billion case 
army met the next day sent directly to parents
cr: cozy via @Superfandekhj



[Article excerpts from HJ's Parents Interview-2]
여성동아 6월호 - 김현중 부모가 처음 밝히는 '그녀의 의혹들
Dong women in June - for the first time Kim Hyun Joong's parents says, her doubts
cr: cozy via @Superfandekhj




[Article excerpts from HJ's Parents Interview-3]
QUEEN 6월호 - 폭행과 임신 공방 속 말없이 입대한 김현중 아버지 퀸과 직접 인터뷰
QUEEN 6 월호 - assault and pregnancy, Kim Hyun Joong was quietly joined his father in the workshop & direct interviews
cr: cozy via @Superfandekhj




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While in some case, doctors may do an ex-ray while pregnant.. They usually do not depending on how severe the case is or if its like your neck, head, teeth stuff like that, cause not much radiation will leak to the baby once they put the cover over the belly, but generally for cracked rib they will not do an ex-ray especially if she felt she was pregnant  in her 1st trimester as they feel its to close and may cause miscarriages...   


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WTF!! So they are saying either the X-rays were fake and she wasn't abused or the x-rays are real and she wasn't pregnant at the time?  No matter how you look at it, Choi set her own trap with all the lies.

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NYCG @ Thank you so much for an update news and the translation. I feel so hurtful for Hyun Joong and his family.

It's hard to imagine how he felt after knowing he was blackmailed and deceived by someone he thought he could trust. This blackmailer woman is really beyond acceptable. Even though I'm a woman i would never want to welcome this kind of woman into my family.

I feel really thankful to his parents

.I'm sure as a parents they probably feel very hurtful to see injustice toward their son and witness their son is mistreated and trapped from wrongly accused.

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Guest shariman66

After reading the recent revelations, I'm really praying hard that that psycho creature would be given the maximum penalty for extortion, blackmail & defamation! I hope Mr Lee will see to that, really do!

I hope she won't see the light of day or the outside world for a long, long, long time ~ & when she's out she'd see our boy not only shining brightly then ever but very happily married to a beautiful, loving woman whom he happens to love a lot! 

Urgh! I wish we, his fans, could really do something to that psy-choi, media & netizens ~ shame them hugely perhaps ~ like what they did to our boy.

Heart-sick ~ to think that he suffered all that & getting depressed too!

No wonder those friends of his went to see him off at the camp ~ & very glad that they went to Jeju too before that.

I hope & pray that he's gradually recovering from the traumatic months ~ I don't think I'd mind him becoming physically exhausted as long as it makes him forget about the outside world for a while.

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WTF!! So they are saying either the X-rays were fake and she wasn't abused or the x-rays are real and she wasn't pregnant at the time?  No matter how you look at it, Choi set her own trap with all the lies.

​Honey - you nailed it!

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So sad read how he was locked at home with no lights....and he spoke for a long time about the free concert for their tenth anniversary... omg...heart-broken

Oh Marcelita - when it first came out that he wasn't coming out of the house after the Dad and Mom interview - I was seriously concerned and ramped up my prayers... - whew - Thank God the lawyer gave very very wise advice...and the family followed it - since the last news seemed to say he was staying at home with the Mom.....suffice it to say - I am so glad his parents hauled his ____ to their home....

and I did read somewhere - I think Baby - Kim Hyung Jun - somewhere - recently - was saying that the ss501 - KHJ was speaking of being interested in doing a get together before his military service in April...before all the A/Choi thing kind of detonated....

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This Choi deserves to go to jail for extortion, defamation, harassment and damages, not only for KHJ and his family, but also for us his fans for the emotional stress has caused all her lies. The damage caused by her ambition and evilness has exceeded the limits, I hope lawyer Lee reveals the whole truth and this Choi gets what she deserves. Surely she is not pregnant, but is using this to get more money from him as she did the first time, the difference is that now her ambition is making her falling into her own trap. 

It saddens me to know everything KHJ went through these months, locked unable to go out for fear of harassment of this person. We should pray for him to recover from all this and find someone who really loves him with whom he has a family as he always wanted.


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so later his dad asked to HJ what happened? 
(2) HJ said with tears that she black mailed HJ,
that she will sue him for attacking pregnant women so he gave money 


Hj said not to worry abt him and he will solve this problem peacefully and truth will reveal later but.. dad told he cant accept this situation.I dont care if u cant continue to live as celebrities but U need to recover ur damaged 


Sorry to cut ur post, I really don't know how to quote good. but when I read this  part and the part where he was in a dark room with a candle that's when I broke down and I don't cry over celebs..{ KHJ is the only male celeb that has had an effect on me) this ezplains why he lost so much weight in that soccer pic bcuz he was depressed  OMFG HJ!!!! WHYYYYYY!!!! do you insist on taking on all the weight on your shoulders did you think us fans would not notice something is not right with you.  Im so glad his parents are talking. we def know they are telling the truth they have no reason to lie and to know that HJs mom found atty lee  really says it.  all the character of theses people just flows with goodness and kindness they are his parents after all... and about the 10 yr meeting..im just so SICK about that like that would of been something huge for him and the fans.. im so over this choi chick  she need to be locked up with prisoner ahjummas that are HJs fans.haha . stay strong for HJ #waiting4KHJ #neverleaveKHJ




Edited by ladyb15
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This is so confusing situation, is she pregnant or not? When are they revealing the truth through real medical record? Is it that hard to get pregnancy test? For God's sake, this woman better tells the truth, I am sick of her already! 

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This is so confusing situation, is she pregnant or not? When are they revealing the truth through real medical record? Is it that hard to get pregnancy test? For God's sake, this woman better tells the truth, I am sick of her already! 

I think everything or at least a lot of things will be revealed in June when the case is brought to the court.  

In one of the items listed above, the father stated KHJ needed to restore his reputation and that he didn't care if KHJ remained a celebrity.  Also, Choi is suing for 1.6 million for emotional stress or psychological damage.    Maybe his parents and the lawyer are doing both (attempting to restore his reputation and showing that SHE caused HIM emotional stress  ) by giving interviews and stating the facts from KHJ's perspective/telling his side of the story.  From the looks of things, the lawyer's tactic seems to be working.   

Edited by theone4me
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I am so upset and angry! Glad HJ's parents did these interviews to tell the real story. This woman brings out the worse in us. For HJ's dad to say that he doesn't care if HJ will no longer be a star but it was important for him to salvage his reputation. I totally agree with you, Mr Kim. We wanted him to say something. But you and I know that your son is too kind most times.... too naive for his own good. He wants to fix things himself... and quietly. And I'm sure he thought he could fix the problem. But he's dealing with the worst kind.. He needed someone like you to help him and we, his fans, are relieved that you have stepped in. May God bless you and Mrs. Kim and help you throughout this ordeal. Know that we will always support your son. We all love him.


~Keeping all your scars, pain & heartaches to yourself...all this time...
~~makes us feel how you've suffered silently for the last 9 months...
Our belief & loyalty for you, has never wavered...Hyun Joong 
But more than that...it makes us even PROUDER to be your fans..
We are here for you...until the end!


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[ENGL] Interview 1: Atty Lee & Intvw 2: Atty Seon in Housewives' Life SCOOP.
주부생활 SCOOP에 실린 이재만 변호사 선종문 변호사 인터뷰 부분 영역 
Housewives life SCOOP on Lee Attorney lawyer interview 
Trans BY: sunsun_sky 






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Eng Trans for @illublue's tweet on interview questions posed to HJ's parents:

Q1: How do you feel about your son's enlistment?
A1: (replied by HJ's mom) Watching HJ suffered so much alone, especially with his quiet personality (a man of few words), my heart ache for him. It was really painful.

Q2: HJ got enlisted in the midst of the lawsuit controversy, did he say anything to you (HJ's parents)?
A2: HJ said not to worry too much. Despite enlisting in the midst of the lawsuit, he had already discussed with lawyer and the matter would be properly settled.
credit translation: @Princessmich123



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