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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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Thank you so much for all information .I'm very glad to know that his entry was safe and sound as he wishes.

However I feel upset to know that KE showed off  there. This company just a coward. I don't think they know how to protect their artist and honestly I don't think they see HJ is someone they should protect rather someone making money for them. I wish they are more sincere to him . They did ignore him during the scandal in August.  I hope HJ will not be with KE any more. 

I think BYJ is his friend too but he is a business man. I think KE should do much much better job in last August as a professional agency whether HJ is agree or not. At the least gave him good advise. It's really show that they are not compitant to do so.. However they have 2 years to prove starts from tomorrow whether they are sincere to KHJ It hurts my feeling a lot to see them showed support to him now after let all the medias bury him alive for months doing nothing.

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KHJ recruiting into MS.. but him somehow looks a bit down.. sobs, sobs


Thank you so much for sharing the link.

I think he look younger like early 20s . I'm so happy to see his picture and see a lot of fans went there to see him off. He look O.K . However he did have a sad eyes but still innocent eyes. I miss his cheerful happy eyes. 

Take good care of yourselves HJ. Take the best 2 years from the camp. Your life is precious. there are a lot of good thing ahead of you. Please never forget you are much  loved and respected we all will miss you .In these 2 years we will listen to your songs and watch your darma. You are really the only one for us.


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Posted on May 12, 2015




By: LazerKim


Hello, I’m Kim Hyun Joong.

There was hardly a chance to greet (you) and finally here comes the farewell greetings.

To be honest, I was utmost regretful all this while.

As a public figure, I couldn’t convey my thoughts, That I have to go hiatus to reflect on my immature self, and it was indeed a tough period spent. I’ve also given a lot of thought on how should I convey my apologies and farewell earnestly.

To all my fans in my heart…no..I have two feelings to convey to all my fans. Apologies, gratitude…

Many of you have given me a lot of emotional support during the hardest time. The never-changing trust for me more than I could take, how could I repay all these…And to those who were angry and hurt (after the news) because of me, I don’t know how I should convey (my apologies) but I’m taking it as an heavy debt (as I enlist).

Of course it’s a fact that every men born in this piece of land (South Korea) will be enlisted into the army, but finally when it’s my turn, I’m feeling a little nervous. I always thought that I have been working hard and living ambitiously all this while…but when the day finally comes, I’m feeling nervous…

But anyway, in the next 2 years, I believe I will venture on a whole new path. As a man, an entertainer, a responsible public figure.  I will come back maturely.

Throughout the past 1 year, I have lived under the love and support that I have received and felt from my family, friends, colleagues, people whom I am grateful to, and fans.

I will return once after I complete my duties, as a better person, if not a perfect individual.

I promise to greet you again with smiles on the day of my return, and this ends my letter.

12th May 2015,

Kim Hyun Joong.

Translation by @5starsAs1 Thanks for sharing!


Love means you never have to say you are sorry… We only need to know you are here! Love mean we never have to say goodbye!  See you soon Kim Hyun Joong!

                                                                                           LazerKim here reporting!

Photo credit as tagged, Ms D thanks!

bwiwu1hcuae3rku (1)



Edited by vivian6686
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It seems KHJ was in calm before he goes to the MS while Ms. choi was doing her .....things again.

[trans] A staff of a convenience store blogged about seeing HJ at the store.

"Sky is getting dark, wearing a black cap, can't see the face very clearly. I'd noticed him when he opened the door and walked in, very tall, hair is also very short, I took a good look at him when he is making payment at the counter, it's Kim Hyun Joong! He bought a 1litre bottle of water. When he realised that I'd recognized him, he became a little shy, so cute~ "

The blogger said he is much cuter than imagined, during payment time he accidentally dropped the change and he looked so cute when he picked up the change, the way he smiled at himself cos he was feeling himself very clumsy was also very cute.... Kekeke

Post from DC Gallery + Chi trans by 倪嘉路Karenkim13 + eng trans by kelemama

Repost with full credits.

credit: @501wangja

I read too he was playing football some days ago.


Edited by Marcelita Garces
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Thank you so much for sharing the link.

I think he look younger like early 20s . I'm so happy to see his picture and see a lot of fans went there to see him off. He look O.K . However he did have a sad eyes but still innocent eyes. I miss his cheerful happy eyes. 

Take good care of yourselves HJ. Take the best 2 years from the camp. Your life is precious. there are a lot of good thing ahead of you. Please never forget you are much  loved and respected we all will miss you .In these 2 years we will listen to your songs and watch your darma. You are really the only one for us.


​I saw some pics of him on Twitter - not sure this pic is of him at the Enlistment yesterday - he was wearing a grey hoodie, an "ICE" cap on his head, and carrying a blue over-the shoulder gear bag.

Although - this IS a very nice pic of him...whenever it was taken.

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I read too he was playing football some days ago.


​Marcelita - I heard that too - i also heard he had gotten really skinny too...and some of the pics there - does have him a bit skinny - so my burning question is - among many......did his BODYGUARD enlist with him? The Twitter account says he really did enlist for real.....and he also is seen doing the salute while standing near KHJ, or is he in the military as a bodyguard there??

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Guest shariman66

I'm not sure how I feel at the moment ~

One part of me is very glad that he's finally doing his MS which means he'll be back earlier.

Also that he's far away from that psy-choi.

Another part though is feeling very blue because there'll not be much news on him for the next 2 years!

Can't imagine ~

Still feeling heavy-hearted especially after looking at his photos ~


I feel very touched though to see him surrounded by his bodyguards, friends & perhaps even male fans ~ wearing green-coloured jerseys.

Don't feel like mentioning his KE reps though since I'm not feeling too friendly towards them at the moment.

Can't understand why he had to face that female & lawyer alone last year.

Why didn't KE provide him with a competent lawyer ~ or perhaps our boy with his stubbornness didn't want one?

Even BYJ, I'm not too happy with him but I guess for today he & his team's strategy worked out pretty well.

He deflected the focus of the media to some extent.


Anyway, let's continue praying for his continued well-being while doing his MS these 2 years.

Then there's his upcoming case ~

Dear All-Mighty God, You are the Most Powerful, the Most Just & All-Knowing, as well as the Most Compassionate ~

Please protect our KHJ from those who aim to inflict suffering on him, now & in the future. 

May he always receive Your Blessings ~ Ameen.


By the way, I really hope no one will post the article from Netizenbuzz.

A lot of idiotic & judgmental hypocrites troll that site ~

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​I saw some pics of him on Twitter - not sure this pic is of him at the Enlistment yesterday - he was wearing a grey hoodie, an "ICE" cap on his head, and carrying a blue over-the shoulder gear bag.

Although - this IS a very nice pic of him...whenever it was taken.

​Yeah, it's HJ's pics at the Enlistment :D He look so comfortable and cute ^^

​Marcelita - I heard that too - i also heard he had gotten really skinny too...and some of the pics there - does have him a bit skinny - so my burning question is - among many......did his BODYGUARD enlist with him? The Twitter account says he really did enlist for real.....and he also is seen doing the salute while standing near KHJ, or is he in the military as a bodyguard there??

​I also had the same question as yours :D and recently I read on fb that HJ's 2 bodyguards also enlist with HJ this time!!! So happy to know this info, our boy won't alone in MS and far away from that monster :wub:

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That letter is so sad...like he is just blaming himself! The fact that he apologized is lovely, but its not HIM who should be apologizing.  His fans should know he did nothing wrong. He is the victim here! To know how he has suffered on his own for 9 months is just too sad, 

I suppose he just needed to get things off his chest after months of silence. 

Regarding KE, I personally don't trust them. Whether me feeling this way is irrational - I don't know. It's just my instincts. Seems they started to show support now things are getting better for him. Not to offend any BYJ fans.... I just don't find him trustworthy. But who knows, maybe I will change my mind once we know more about what's been going on since last August. 

Seems Hyun Joong is much more naive and fragile than some people realized. He seems to trust people and just take someone at his or her word. His thinking seems different to most (obviously everybody thinks differently,,,but he is on another level!) ...and that's one of the many reason we all love him :) 

Hope its true that his bodyguard is there with him...

Edited by Lyana87
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KE really know how to pick a right time to jump in and show their support to HJ huh??? :angry::angry::angry:

VNo, thanks!!!! >"< where were u since last august?????????

Vivian, LoveKHJ and Lyana -  I agree what all of you have been saying.

BYJ should not have been there.  He has been missing in action and now he shows up when the sun is beginning to shine. You all know me.  I've been asking over and over, where are his friends (TOP, JYJ, etc, ) since this all went down.  I never heard of any of them being in the public with him during this entire ordeal.  I was pissed that NONE of his industry "friends" came to his defense.  One person that has been there has been that former CEO of DSP Media.  Maybe he has a motive but he has been supporting KHJ  since almost the beginning of this ordeal.   However, this is the first time we have seen BYJ publicly with him in almost a year.  This was not the time for BYJ or KE to be there. It should have been his family seeing him off.

It would be nice if his bodyguards are there and they go to the same unit.  Yes...It's like bodyguards protecting their prince.  

It pains me to know that he went through all of this crap by himself.  He is surrounded by vultures that want to use him for his money and fame.    I hope he now knows that he can at least trust his mother and father to have his back at all times no matter the situation.

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Vivian, LoveKHJ and Lyana -  I agree what all of you have been saying.

BYJ should not have been there.  He has been missing in action and now he shows up when the sun is beginning to shine. You all know me.  I've been asking over and over, where are his friends (TOP, JYJ, etc, ) since this all went down.  I never heard of any of them being in the public with him during this entire ordeal.  I was pissed that NONE of his industry "friends" came to his defense.  One person that has been there has been that former CEO of DSP Media.  Maybe he has a motive but he has been supporting KHJ  since almost the beginning of this ordeal.   However, this is the first time we have seen BYJ publicly with him in almost a year.  This was not the time for BYJ or KE to be there. It should have been his family seeing him off.

It would be nice if his bodyguards are there and they go to the same unit.  Yes...It's like bodyguards protecting their prince.  

It pains me to know that he went through all of this crap by himself.  He is surrounded by vultures that want to use him for his money and fame.    I hope he now knows that he can at least trust his mother and father to have his back at all times no matter the situation.

​My sentiments exactly. 

DSP or KE? Well, KE screwed him over majorly. What about the recent article (when everyone was against HJ) didn't someone from KE (or a person closely linked) blame him for their downfall? And fans came out with evidence that HJ is one of the highest tax payers in Korea? Or did I totally misunderstand?  

Maybe DSP are trying to manipulate fans. I couldn't honestly trust them... BUT... at least DSP are speaking out for HJ when nobody from KE said a word up until now! 

As his agency, they should have protected him. Now he has this amazing lawyer, just when his contract is about to expire!

I'm sure KHJ's hands were tied, throughout this mess, many fans felt that he was being blackmailed... and now we know that he really was! His agency should have protected him. It couldn't have been THAT hard to convince him to seek legal advice back then.

I just don't buy that HJ was ever offered legal representation by KE...sorry. (I don't want to offend anybody) 

It seems he was scared of this woman...but I feel he would have trusted his agency and BYJ if they had suggested that he hire a lawyer back then.  


Edited by Lyana87
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I don't understand Korean but here is a video of him going in.  I don't know if this was posted already.  He does look very thin.  He is surrounded by body guards on all sides.  I guess his father wasn't playing around when it came to protecting his son.


Edited by theone4me
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