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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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@Marcelita and @Vivian6686, Thanks for the pictures.  I especially love the pictures where he laughs/smiles so hard that his eyes appear to be closed.   When that happens, you know he is laughing from the gut and that he is truly happy.  I miss that laugher from him.

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Guest shariman66

The pictures from 'Running Man'?Our boy was absolutely gorgeous on those 2 episodes ~In fact, beautiful, haha!
It's no wonder that the Korean media & public were & still are pretty much envious of him & made the most to bring him down.He has the looks & here we are not talking about the average good looks, mind ~He is multi-talented ~ can sing, dance, act & even play the guitar!He exudes this easy-going yet captivating charm in spades ~Most importantly though, he has the 'X' factor which combined with the above traits makes our boy simply irresistible ^_^
Sorry, lol, I'm in an appreciative mode ~  

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Marcelita Garces said: shariman66 said:Anymore 'beanie' pictures?I remember seeing a lot ~ I liked the ones in late-2006 ~ the first time he became a blonde & tried to hide it, wearing beanies to music shows.Then at his practice sessions wearing the inevitable beanies & the customised grey artmatic 3/4 pants ~ Anyone?

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@Vivian6686 - I love his Tony Moly look for when he was younger that he also had for WGM. I also loved the way he looked in both white and black in the Saitama concert in 2010.  Here he is in awesome white from Kathy's Bench site:
In White: saitama_zpskqhvbihd.jpg

and here he is - doing a fab dance move for the song "Obsess" dressed all In Black/Brown suit from the  DVD - SS501- 2010 Special Concert in Saitama Super Arena 
I wish they would release the concert dvds of SS501 in BluRay - I would definitely buy them for KHJ appearances -

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dukerodas said: i think the only thing we can do its keep on supporting him, and every time he has a public appearance, those that can attend it make our feeling known to him, scream, sing all the songs out loud, cheer, chant at his songs. and us who live far away like his videos of youtube, make nice comments, do nice comment on Facebook, and buy his albums from korea :) i mean in the last 2 weeks his Facebook page had 70000 more likes, so he hasn't lost all his fans.  In korea is understandable he is laying low, apparently thats what they do after a scandal. according to my korean friends, if they seem too happy they might get criticise more.  Cant wait for the fan cams of amori concert. 

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Solo 'enlistment', Kim Hyun Joong, May enlistment
source: http://media.daum.net/entertain/star/newsview?newsid=20150422155726399

[article excerpts]


Hallyu star Kim Hyun Joong is to join the military in May. Kim Hyun Joong apply for enlistment postponement late last month, reportedly to serve time in coming May through between the month. 
Kim Hyun Joong will be joined by the original March 31, Goyang, Gyeonggi 9th Division troops hundred
miles Up the Academy was scheduled. But women with pregnancy related problems expose postponed enlisted. 
Kim Hyun Joong has been accepted enlistment postponement from MMA could slow down time. According to the official, Kim Hyun Joong has applied for a postponement for "domestic reasons cleanup is required. The lyrics clean and smoke related period of 30 days. 
When related reasons that persist may be postponed again within 30 days. MMA is known to have permission to organize a time for Kim Hyun Joong to 30 days.
An official of the agency Keyeast Entertainment, said, "All matters relating to the enlistment of Kim Hyun Joong are private."

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 OSEN [Exclusive] 
Kim Hyun Joong determine enlistment date will be enlisted in May


Kim Hyun Joong, last month due to personal matters raised enlistment extension application to the Office of Military Manpower and obtain license extension, has been identified and will be postponed to enlistment in the army in mid-May .

credit to: @韩国me2day/@ Korea me2day
Unbreakable Henecia

[TV Report] as reported earlier, Kim Hyun Joong after the end for an extension of one month, will enter mid-May enlisted news, 
Kim Hyun Joong's company on the 22nd said,
" Kim Hyun focuses on entering the army in a quiet manner, 
we respect Kim Hyun Joong's choice, 
the exact date and place of enlistment we can not confirm, 
please understand. "
cr: cr: @韩娱Doublek/@ Korean Entertainment Doublek

FB Kim Yojeong
Seoul, South Korea ·

2015.4.22 News of Kim Hyun Joong


Kim Hyun Joong has been promoted to the military and can slow down time. Kim Hyun Joong will be used in the military on March 31 has been changed to May. "The reason for the need to do everything correctly. The time that it takes up to 30 days for an ex-girlfriend and the other on the cause of which is still likely to be postponed again within 30 days, is known to have. The right to arrange a time for Kim Hyun Joong to 30 days.
The official news agency Keyeast Entertainment said "all matters relating to the military, Kim Hyun Joong is a private matter."

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newyorkcitygirl said:  OSEN [Exclusive] 
Kim Hyun Joong determine enlistment date will be enlisted in May

Kim Hyun Joong, last month due to personal matters raised enlistment extension application to the Office of Military Manpower and obtain license extension, has been identified and will be postponed to enlistment in the army in mid-May .

credit to: @韩国me2day/@ Korea me2day
Unbreakable Henecia

[TV Report] as reported earlier, Kim Hyun Joong after the end for an extension of one month, will enter mid-May enlisted news, 
Kim Hyun Joong's company on the 22nd said,
" Kim Hyun focuses on entering the army in a quiet manner, 
we respect Kim Hyun Joong's choice, 
the exact date and place of enlistment we can not confirm, 
please understand. "
cr: cr: @韩娱Doublek/@ Korean Entertainment Doublek

FB Kim Yojeong
Seoul, South Korea ·

2015.4.22 News of Kim Hyun Joong

Kim Hyun Joong has been promoted to the military and can slow down time. Kim Hyun Joong will be used in the military on March 31 has been changed to May. "The reason for the need to do everything correctly. The time that it takes up to 30 days for an ex-girlfriend and the other on the cause of which is still likely to be postponed again within 30 days, is known to have. The right to arrange a time for Kim Hyun Joong to 30 days.
The official news agency Keyeast Entertainment said "all matters relating to the military, Kim Hyun Joong is a private matter."

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Today is the 4th anniversary of Henecia!!!
Even if HJ's enlistment time is determined, regardless of the time...
Sooner or later he will eventually go to fulfill his obligation as a Korean man for 2 years.
Sooner or later he will eventually go to fulfill his obligation as a Korean man for 2 years.
Whether the time away is long or short, but we all know that without him for 2 years...
...time will pass quickly because we have the most beautiful memories of our "Sea of Green" to tide us through.
We will be waiting for you to come back to us...Hyun Joong heart emoticon
your HENECIA family... 

cr: @陳苗苗__

Unbreakable Henecia

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