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22 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

Yanki (a super hardcore Bidoek shipper) must be happy because she will have good time giving evidences why OTP should be Bidoek, haha.

Hehe. I was given a chance lol


15 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:

So how about your most memorable Bideok and Aldeok scene?

My favorite Bideok scenes... I like all of their scenes together with Vagabond Bidam. Because they were more natural around each other, they act like kids who just found a new playmate and Deokman always seems relax around him.

Although my most favorite part was when Bidam said that she need not to act like Mishil just to make herself look strong because she already look much stronger just by being herself. For me it's almost as strong as Yushin's "I Choose You!" and I am still believe that Deokman started to like Bidam at that point haha. Because Deokman was at her lowest at that time and having self doubt. Yushn advise her to keep think that what she did is right. But despite that, she told Bidam she made  a mistake for acting hasty and doubt that people will ever understand what she really wanted for them. But Bidam comforted him by telling her she's already amazing just the way she is.
I also like it because after that scene, we saw Deokman labeling the three guys. Alcheon for protection, Yushin for advice, and Bidam for comfort, she put the two on master/servant level but with Bidam it was more on personal level.
I think many Bideok shippers like this scene too and I think this is when Bideok ship started to become popular.


I am not too fond of their scenes together after Deokman became a Queen, it got me thinking whatever happened  in the past years that made them change so much, especially Deokman. I almost want to throw my monitor during their so called romantic scenes and I cringe with Bidam's "romantic" lines lol. Even though I think that Deokman liked Bidam, I too wonder what made her want to marry him.


16 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:

I like hearing different opinions because it sheds a new light to a character that when I watch again a drama I'll see that side of the character I didn't see for the first time, the motive/intentions behind his actions and kind of understand where he is coming from and why he ended up doing the things he did.

Yeah me too. Back in the local forum for QSD, most of the posters also cringe and the person who gave us the summary for the forum often make remarks on how unbelievable their scenes are but then one day he/she stop posting those sarcasms because she realized it made sense after thinking about it and even listed the reasons why, the only problem was the transition everything happened so suddenly. After reading what she said, I started to realized she was right and yeah contrary to how it looks like (too unbelievable) it was actually believable.

But I must admit, Lee Yo Won and KNG didn't bought those scenes as well haha.


With Alcheon.... I never saw him as romantic interest with Deokman but I like his loyalty as her servant. And he served her until the end.
I like the scene when he put on make up and beg the King to investigate Cheonmyeong's death. Then when he kneeled in front of Deokman as his master. I like that scene.

And the ending scene in front of her tomb, that was touching.... protecting her until the end.


What about the scenes that doesn't include shippings?



Do you have new pictures of smiling LYW with her teeth showing?

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Duh, I like how Yanki and Bluebelle complimented their shipping competitors (Bidoek and Yudoek), but subtly and strongly proved why that's not enough to be an OTP and their own ship is one. :lol:

Aldoek didn't have many scenes, so all is my fav:





Alcheon is indeed an epitome of loyalty in QSD. There were times both Yushin and Bidam having their own calculations which were not for DM's sake, but Alcheon never. I feel like he admired her very much to the point he might have romantic interest in her, however, his worship towards her made him not dare think abt her romantically. In return, DM never had any doubt abt him. How much trust she had in him that she always let him stand behind her. Aldoek ship is not a romantic ship, but more like loyalty-trust ship which was untouchable and survived till the very end. 

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18 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:


Man, where do I begin? 


1) The cave scene wonderfully explained by Yanki (omg you explained this so well, are you sure you are a bideok shipper?!)



2) The last hug at the gaya camp - when DM decided to chose the path of becoming a ruler, she also decided to stop seeing YS for she's afraid her heart would waver that she'll give up everything and go ahead with their plan to run away together. YS then decided to serve her as a ruler instead of loving him as a woman so as not to shake DM's resolve. "I chose you but you choose to become a ruler" that last hug was so heartbreaking.   


3) DM tending to YS's wounds after the Pungwolju tournament -  ohh the thrill of YS-DM-BD love triangle becoming more evident


4) YS getting married - i just love the angst that comes with it lol


5) QSD saved YS from BD's machinations - coz QSD's trust with YS never wavered even after all the accusations thrown in Yushin's way


6) When YS and QSD talked after royal nuptial announcement. YS congratulates QSD and then apologized for not being the "one" who can provide the console and solace she needs. It must have been a real bummer coming back victorious from the war then finding out the love of your life is getting married to your greatest rival. Nevertheless, YS man up, accepts their wretched faith (too dramatic am i?) and sincerely asked BD to give his all for QSD. That's real love right there. 


7) The final scene of YS and QSD in the cliff - In her dying moments QSD thank YS for remaining by her side after all those years. It was a sad but beautiful moment. "We walked along that arduous path together. And it was only possible because it was you. We once tried to escape, didn't we? Remember? Shall we do it now?" ommf i can't breathe.

It's been years and my memories about the details are becoming hazy but I still feel kind of sad thinking about the ending. Skipping through episodes searching for yudeok moments makes me miss QSD, i guess i'll be rewatching this series again for the next couple of days lol



Frankly, because of above scenes, Yudoek ship is more convincing to me (sorry Yanki :lol:), but still not enough for me to ship Yudoek though. 

At least, DM had or used to have romantic interest in YS and confessed or showed it. But for Bidoek, in my humble opinion, it's more like BD's one-sided love towards her, and she felt touched and gave in in the end. 

Because it's long time ago I don't remember a lot of what local fan said, I remember Yudoek shippers shoved above scenes as strong evidences to Bidoek shippers, and said that when DM agreed to get married to BD, it was because of Silla, she wanted to comfort BD's side and balanced 2 strongest forces (BD and YS's side). 


Btw, the ending scene (DM's death scene) is one of my must-rewatching scenes in QSD. I always wonder why DM said "We once tried to escape, didn't we? Remember? Shall we do it now?"  ? it's because at a point, she regretted her decision to sacrifice her own happiness for the nation? Or it was a metaphor that she knew it was her time to leave the world, she was free to do whatever she wanna do: no Silla, no responsibility.

It's a heart-wrecking scene, and the scene after that (QSD met young DM) is like an explanation that if DM could choose her path again, she still choose Silla over everything. But still, it can't comfort me... :unsure:


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1 hour ago, vaiduakhu said:

I like how Yanki and Bluebelle complimented their shipping competitors (Bidoek and Yudoek), but subtly and strongly proved why that's not enough to be an OTP and their own ship is one. :lol:

Yeah just like this next post of mine <_<:D



there was a time when I too thought, "why did Deokman said that to Yushin before she died and why did the writer showed her ring?"
At that time I really had a bit of doubt and this is where reading posts helped lol. I cannot remember the exact post at that time but I remember important details on why the ring was important, since the drama QSD was really good in putting symbolism in small details; I read a post about that ring.


Back then (a)Kings give rings to their Queen, usually it's gold with dragon sign. (b)Sometimes they give rings to their favorite subject as a recognition for their service (c) Rings also symbolizes as being one, so it's normal to use rings as something like ID. Just like what happened to Bojong when Deokman saved her and took his ring and later used it as a proof.

Asian Culture had that custom about rings. before. Back in the days, a man will give a ring to his wife or lover before parting with each other, the woman will keep it with her until the day they can be together again. I cannot remember it well but the man will know if the girl cheated on him while he was gone because of those rings, (I think if the ring was removed or something like that, if the woman removes it then it' her way of saying that her love was shaken)

And this is where the DeokmanxBidam issue comes. Before sending Bidam away, QSD gave him a ring because she realized they never shared anything for each other before. So you can take it as meaning of "being as one". But since they are not from the same clan, then QSD is giving it to Bidam as a lover. And this is where the misunderstanding begin. Back then, it is men who give rings to their lover... but QSD is not a man and Bidam is definitely not a woman. QSD said before that she already forgot how it is to live like a woman so this is maybe why she gave ring to Bidam even though she's not a man, but Bidam always see her a woman. So it's no wonder that Bidam never wore it and didn't see the ring the same way as QSD did and instead of feeling secure about it, it didn't help because of (b) Bidam probably thought of it as something that the king (QSD) gave him as a recognition for his service, especially because she's sending him away.

When the camera show the ring on her fingers before her death. Then it mostly has to do with that culture, of the woman keeping the ring with her while waiting for the day that she can reunite with her lover again.

Of course no one really know what the real custom was for the old Silla but it was a custom that was part of the old Korean tradition as well so it's amazing that the writers put it in there.


It's one of the things I like in the series, like when Mishil shoot Deokman with an arrow it may seem unbelievable but there was a meaning behind it.




Is it really okay to talk about QSD in this thread? :o won't the thread be in trouble?

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My favorite Bideok moment is when QSD was still a princess. It was when BD in all his brooding glory rescued DM during Mishil's rebellion. I admit he was so cool back then with arrows, sword and everything, wish he never met Yeomjong. But when DM became queen everything changed. Was it because she's the queen and must be bound by strict codes/standards at all times? They all became so rigid, all the smiles were gone even Bidam's and Godo's lol.


5 hours ago, yanki said:

I like the scene when he put on make up and beg the King to investigate Cheonmyeong's death. Then when he kneeled in front of Deokman as his master. I like that scene.

And the ending scene in front of her tomb, that was touching.... protecting her until the end.


This is my favorite Aldeok moment as well. Losing CM was Alcheon's greatest regret as a hwarang, it broke him but after that moment with DM it was as if a new man was born. 


2 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:


Frankly, because of above scenes, Yudoek ship is more convincing to me (sorry Yanki :lol:), but still not enough for me to ship Yudoek though. 

At least, DM had or used to have romantic interest in YS and confessed or showed it. But for Bidoek, in my humble opinion, it's more like BD's one-sided love towards her, and she felt touched and gave in in the end. 

Because it's long time ago I don't remember a lot of what local fan said, I remember Yudoek shippers shoved above scenes as strong evidences to Bidoek shippers, and said that when DM agreed to get married to BD, it was because of Silla, she wanted to comfort BD's side and balanced 2 strongest forces (BD and YS's side). 


For me it seems that Yudeok appears to be more convincing because they were in the story for so long, we watched how they grow from the bickering then falling in love then eventually settling into whatever they have towards the ending. Their story was beautifully laid, they were given a proper treatment.


While Bideok's ship started to sail towards the latter part of the drama maybe the writers ran out of ideas/time to flesh out their love story and we were given flashbacks instead. The romantic scenes became rushed that when QSD confessed that she liked BD too i was taken aback by the suddenness i need to go back to their scenes to comprehend how did it happen lol. But in all honesty I was okay with Bideok back then coz BD was so earnest in his devotion and the queen was getting weak and dying she at least could live the rest of her days as a woman that is until BD & his followers started plotting against YS (sorry i was too invested in YS at that time to tolerate their behavior HAHAHA) 


Even QSD was confused as well:

"Looking back,I wonder whether the only reason why I so suddenly grew to like him was to appropriate  those nobles of their troops. Whether I only married him so that his rise to power could be halted, is something I cannot be sure about."

and then afterwards QSD said that "But my desire to abdicate the throne and quietly spend my final days with him,was sincere." So she did like BD, though I'm not sure what is it that she liked more is it Bidam or the idea of having someone by her side in her final days..I guess it's a little bit of both.


2 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

Btw, the ending scene (DM's death scene) is one of my must-rewatching scenes in QSD. I always wonder why DM said "We once tried to escape, didn't we? Remember? Shall we do it now?"  ? it's because at a point, she regretted her decision to sacrifice her own happiness for the nation? Or it was a metaphor that she knew it was her time to leave the world, she was free to do whatever she wanna do: no Silla, no responsibility.

It's a heart-wrecking scene, and the scene after that (QSD met young DM) is like an explanation that if DM could choose her path again, she still choose Silla over everything. But still, it can't comfort me... :unsure:



Idk i'm not too sure, as much as my Yudeok heart wants to feel/think that QSD regretted not running away with YS but i think it's more of the latter rather than the former. Maybe in her dreamlike state QSD (being an intellectual that she is) is pondering all the what-ifs and it-could-have-beens. Pondering but not regretting. Coz agreed, after that scene with young deokman there is never a doubt that if DM could choose her path again, she still choose Silla over everything no matter how hard and lonely it is. 


1 hour ago, yanki said:

there was a time when I too thought, "why did Deokman said that to Yushin before she died and why did the writer showed her ring?"

Back then (a)Kings give rings to their Queen, usually it's gold with dragon sign. (b)Sometimes they give rings to their favorite subject as a recognition for their service (c) Rings also symbolizes as being one, so it's normal to use rings as something like ID.


When the camera show the ring on her fingers before her death. Then it mostly has to do with that culture, of the woman keeping the ring with her while waiting for the day that she can reunite with her lover again.

Of course no one really know what the real custom was for the old Silla but it was a custom that was part of the old Korean tradition as well so it's amazing that the writers put it in there.



Is it really okay to talk about QSD in this thread? :o won't the thread be in trouble?


See this is what made QSD a genuinely great drama, it has so many layers, it encourages discussion, it made us think. I learned something new today and you'll bet i'll be very careful in giving out rings in the near future lol. This is all the writers' fault, they trolled us hard..after 8 long years we still could not get over the drama's ending, how could they toy our feelings like that lol.


Hope we'll not get in trouble..Anyway, I'm thinking of watching HD? is it worth it? or should i save myself from disappointment? coz I've heard our queen LWY's role in there was not as much compared to the male lead? 

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11 hours ago, yanki said:


Do you have new pictures of smiling LYW with her teeth showing?


Here it is.



6 hours ago, yanki said:


Is it really okay to talk about QSD in this thread? :o won't the thread be in trouble?


I see no problem of it.  QSD is her drama after all.  Certainly we can talk about her works here, whether they are in the past or present.


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9 hours ago, yanki said:

It's one of the things I like in the series, like when Mishil shoot Deokman with an arrow it may seem unbelievable but there was a meaning behind it.




It has to do with a meaning on the little knife which Deokman wearing on her neck?

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16 hours ago, yanki said:

I am not too fond of their scenes together after Deokman became a Queen, it got me thinking whatever happened  in the past years that made them change so much, especially Deokman. I almost want to throw my monitor during their so called romantic scenes and I cringe with Bidam's "romantic" lines lol. Even though I think that Deokman liked Bidam, I too wonder what made her want to marry him.


10 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:

My favorite Bideok moment is when QSD was still a princess. It was when BD in all his brooding glory rescued DM during Mishil's rebellion. I admit he was so cool back then with arrows, sword and everything, wish he never met Yeomjong. But when DM became queen everything changed. Was it because she's the queen and must be bound by strict codes/standards at all times? They all became so rigid, all the smiles were gone even Bidam's and Godo's lol.


In ep 57, Deokman explained to Bidam why she had changed.  It’s simply because once she became a ruler, he is nothing but an influential subject of hers.  For she is the ruler she must always suspect and speculate him on whether he would become another Mishil.  She also told him how difficult it was since she’d love to trust him and rely on him.  It’s sad that she can’t express her feelings freely as she’s “Her Majesty.”  It’s probably the main reason we don’t see her showing much affection toward Bidam, if at all. 


To me, their sweetest moment following that scene is where Bidam putting her to bed.  Now, don’t think anything further than that.  I just find her looking softer and those eyes of his showing such tendering is melting my heart.

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16 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:

My favorite Bideok moment is when QSD was still a princess. It was when BD in all his brooding glory rescued DM during Mishil's rebellion. I admit he was so cool back then with arrows, sword and everything, wish he never met Yeomjong. But when DM became queen everything changed. Was it because she's the queen and must be bound by strict codes/standards at all times? They all became so rigid, all the smiles were gone even Bidam's and Godo's lol.

Me too. Bideok moments that I like were the ones that happened back before she became a Queen. The part of the story after she became a Queen became so dark, Deokman was acting all cold to everyone and Bidam was acting like an evil guy plotting against Yushin. I feel sorry for Bidam but at the same time I wanted to smack him for framing up Yushin. I also feel sorry for Yushin but at the same time I wanted to smack him for his decisions lol.


I always thought that it was wrong. Even if she doesn't want to trust anyone, she could at least still act kindly to them. But I do understand that she has to stop trusting them, just what Wolya did was proof enough that she must be careful always.


16 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:

For me it seems that Yudeok appears to be more convincing because they were in the story for so long, we watched how they grow from the bickering then falling in love then eventually settling into whatever they have towards the ending. Their story was beautifully laid, they were given a proper treatment.


While Bideok's ship started to sail towards the latter part of the drama maybe the writers ran out of ideas/time to flesh out their love story and we were given flashbacks instead. The romantic scenes became rushed that when QSD confessed that she liked BD too i was taken aback by the suddenness i need to go back to their scenes to comprehend how did it happen lol. But in all honesty I was okay with Bideok back then coz BD was so earnest in his devotion and the queen was getting weak and dying she at least could live the rest of her days as a woman that is until BD & his followers started plotting against YS (sorry i was too invested in YS at that time to tolerate their behavior HAHAHA)

Yeah. Her love for Yushin could've get deeper but it was stopped before it even bloomed so I always thought of Yushin as her first love but just because you had a first love doesn't mean you will not learn to love someone else. For me, Yushin and Deokman's love was that...it could've bloomed but wasn't given the chance to bloom because she choose a different path.
We talked before how maybe the writers were planning to keep Deokman's feelings mysterious until the end, where the viewers couldn't really be sure who she truly love but ended up going for Bidam route because of fans.


Lol things really are different from the shippers view.
To me it was a matter of question on her side, because she know she is someone who wouldn't let her feelings dictate her. She always choose responsibility over anything else and wouldn't let her heart dictate her mind. So that scene for me was a matter of question; "Why did I agree to marry Bidam despite knowing it wouldn't be easy?" or that "Why did I  let myself get close to him when I know I should control my heart and him?" so it's a matter of questioning because she felt something, so it's like her wondering whether she did let her emotion dictate her action or because there was a reason for her to do so.
To me, her having a desire to abdicate the throne despite not knowing how long she many live was her saying, at that time she let her emotion control her, she acted based on what she felt and let her heart dictate her.
So it was a question of how genuine was her relationship with Bidam was at first, was it pure or not? but in the end that last wish was pure and genuine. And she was willing to give up the throne she said that her grandfather, her father and her sister entrusted her. And the Silla she love just to be with him. And at that time, she doesn't know how much time does she have to live, she could be able to live for years.

She reminded me of the lines from the song Just Another Woman In Love.



Yeah. I really wish the writers were allowed to write the way they wanted to write and more time to think better for the plot. I read that they had to write two different scripts per week.


But for me, the best guy when it comes to love was Seolwon so loyal to Mishil even years after her death.

16 hours ago, bluebelle05 said:

Hope we'll not get in trouble..Anyway, I'm thinking of watching HD? is it worth it? or should i save myself from disappointment? coz I've heard our queen LWY's role in there was not as much compared to the male lead? 

Horse Doctor? We just talked about how disappointing it was few days ago. It's one of my least favorite drama. Disappointed with how her character turned out. I was only able to finish it because they showed it on TV.

BTW Do you ship her with someone in ASC? Just curious, maybe we are on the same ship hehe.


7 hours ago, QSD said:

It has to do with a meaning on the little knife which Deokman wearing on her neck?

Yeah and how it connected to the story of how many times she faced death(which the young Deokman also said before) but in the end she still survive.


5 hours ago, QSD said:

In ep 57, Deokman explained to Bidam why she had changed.  It’s simply because once she became a ruler, he is nothing but an influential subject of hers.  For she is the ruler she must always suspect and speculate him on whether he would become another Mishil.  She also told him how difficult it was since she’d love to trust him and rely on him.  It’s sad that she can’t express her feelings freely as she’s “Her Majesty.”  It’s probably the main reason we don’t see her showing much affection toward Bidam, if at all. 

Yeah. She admitted that she felt comforted by him but after she became a Queen she had to stop whatever feeling she had for him.


One of the things I didn't like was the way they switch to Yushin's fight scene during the love confession. I was like what does the director really wanted to show? The Queen busy with her love life while her soldiers are fighting to save their Kingdom?


5 hours ago, QSD said:

To me, their sweetest moment following that scene is where Bidam putting her to bed.  Now, don’t think anything further than that.  I just find her looking softer and those eyes of his showing such tendering is melting my heart.

I always taught that Munno taught Bidam well, he was almost like a monk who can fight any temptation. Even though the drama wasn't accurate, still they added some parts from the history to the drama. Bidam was a prime minister for two years, meaning they were lovers for two years and Bidam did nothing but put her to sleep.:D


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The difference between Yushin and Bidam? Yushin was too dignified! He put so much importance with his word of honor. In truth, Deokman showed him her feelings back when he decided to get married, she cried in front of him  but he took her pain as something that she must endure for the path she took. There wasn't any comforting in his word nor did he do anything to ease her pain.
Ever since she became a princess, he was the one who put a wall between them, constantly reminding her that this is the path that she took so bear with that.

Nothing wrong with that though, that what made him a great general and I do admire Yushin as a warrior leader(the one in the drama)

While Bidam, doesn't care no matter how many insults he receive, even when he was humiliated in front of everyone, none of that stopped him from wooing the Queen, throwing away his pride.

Even to us in our modern time. There are times when couples break up because "You were never there when I needed you the most" even though there is a reason why the other person couldn't be there, still it's part of human nature to seek for human comfort. Then later on, that same person will fall for someone and end up thanking him for "always being there for me, cheering me up when I am down"

That's what happened to Queen Seondeok. That doesn't mean their love for the first one wasn't real but that doesn't mean this second love was only because they were comforted. It may be the reason why they liked that person and that reason turned to love. They love both, but the situation was just different and probably the person as well, there weren't strong enough at first but that pain they felt change them so it works better for the second person.

But in all honesty, none of the romance was believable enough for me, not even Yudeok who had more scenes together didn't gave me the fluttering effects.
Yushin was acting as a hwarang leader the whole time, taking care of Deokman because Cheonmyeong asked him to. But suddenly he says he know he is a woman and that he couldn't let go of him and then love her enough to the point that he will leave everything for her?
I couldn't see any love from Deokman as well. It seems Yushin was the only one whom she can lean on at that time and became dependent to him.

Also, if they really wanted to, Yushin and Deokman can marry each other. Deokman was powerful enough, the king doesn't have much power compared to her but willing to have Yushin and Cheonmyeong marry each other.


I think they wanted to include that part of real Yushin, there was a story that Yushin's first love was a priestess but because of that love, he wasn't unable to fulfill his duty properly and so he promised to himself that he will never see her again. But one night he was drank and his horse brought her to the house of the said priestess, out of anger thinking that he broke his own word, he killed the horse. That's how serious Yushin was with his duty and his word.


With Bideok...thinking deep about it, you will realize it make sense but just like Yudeok, this one wasn't developed properly as well, the fact that there were people doubting her love for him was enough proof,  the execution of that romance wasn't done well (similar to what happened with the drama "The King is In Love


even though the novel says whom she will end up with and whom she really love, the way it was executed in the drama wasn't done well and so just like Bideok, there were doubts and questions about the ending pair.

The same goes for Empress Ki, there viewers who doubted  her feelings for the emperor till the end.


It was all thanks to the chemistry of the two that Bideok became that popular despite the lack of proper development. It was obvious near the end of the drama that the writers and the director doesn't know how to fit all of their ideas within that remaining 12 episodes, the war, the problem in politics, the romance, the Queen's wit, problem with the envoy and the rebellion they rushed everything and even had to cut a lot of scenes. They should've made her the Queen early on to show Queen Seondeok's reign properly.


I like LYW's acting in the Empire of Gold she was really amazing in that one. I don't like her character in ASC hat much since I am not into cutesy type.

Edited by unimee
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On 11/3/2018 at 12:23 AM, yanki said:


Back then (a)Kings give rings to their Queen, usually it's gold with dragon sign. (b)Sometimes they give rings to their favorite subject as a recognition for their service (c) Rings also symbolizes as being one, so it's normal to use rings as something like ID. Just like what happened to Bojong when Deokman saved her and took his ring and later used it as a proof.

Asian Culture had that custom about rings. before. Back in the days, a man will give a ring to his wife or lover before parting with each other, the woman will keep it with her until the day they can be together again. I cannot remember it well but the man will know if the girl cheated on him while he was gone because of those rings, (I think if the ring was removed or something like that, if the woman removes it then it' her way of saying that her love was shaken)

And this is where the DeokmanxBidam issue comes. Before sending Bidam away, QSD gave him a ring because she realized they never shared anything for each other before. So you can take it as meaning of "being as one". But since they are not from the same clan, then QSD is giving it to Bidam as a lover. And this is where the misunderstanding begin. Back then, it is men who give rings to their lover... but QSD is not a man and Bidam is definitely not a woman. QSD said before that she already forgot how it is to live like a woman so this is maybe why she gave ring to Bidam even though she's not a man, but Bidam always see her a woman. So it's no wonder that Bidam never wore it and didn't see the ring the same way as QSD did and instead of feeling secure about it, it didn't help because of (b) Bidam probably thought of it as something that the king (QSD) gave him as a recognition for his service, especially because she's sending him away.

When the camera show the ring on her fingers before her death. Then it mostly has to do with that culture, of the woman keeping the ring with her while waiting for the day that she can reunite with her lover again.

Of course no one really know what the real custom was for the old Silla but it was a custom that was part of the old Korean tradition as well so it's amazing that the writers put it in there.


It's one of the things I like in the series, like when Mishil shoot Deokman with an arrow it may seem unbelievable but there was a meaning behind it.




Is it really okay to talk about QSD in this thread? :o won't the thread be in trouble?


Oh, royal families also gave rings to ppl outside the family as recognition for their works? I didn't know that... I thought they usually gave stuffs like royal weapon, medals, lands or royal titles... as reward/recognition for their subordinates' hard-working. Ring was a symbol as well as recognition of royal power. I remember I read or watched somewhere that there was a King, whenever he touched and rotated the royal ring around his finger, someone were gonna get killed. Royal ring also had personal meaning, they only exchanged it with outside ppl when they were engaged or got married to them or as a promise to get married with them.

Remember in QSD, DM gave YS a golden sword as a reward as well as an assignment (for him to take lead of her troop). And she gave royal ring to BD, same as the royal ring she always wore. If it didn't have royal marriage as well as personal meaning on it, I don't know what she should do more than that for him to trust her. So, I don't think the ring is the source of misunderstanding b/w them. 


" I cannot remember it well but the man will know if the girl cheated on him while he was gone because of those rings" ---> I know a way the men used to know if their women cheated on them when they were away, but they didn't use "rings" but other stuffs, and I'd rather not say it here. 


For me, the messages they wanna conveyed during DM's death scene (the ring and her words) are personal to her and only her; and not related to any man (YS, BD...). The next scene (meeting young DM) confirms that. It's all about her choice b/w devotion all her life to Silla and a normal life of a woman. The ring in last scene, for me, is like a metaphor of royal power: in the end, she had power but couldn't pursuit her own happiness (with YS, BD or any other man).

Btw, the ring didn't fit her finger, does it have any meaning? lol... why I find any single detail in QSD is suspicious? the drama is indeed epic. Nearly 10 years passing, and we still find things to discuss about and learn sth new; and also unanswered questions. 


PS: I think there is absolutely no problem to discuss QSD in this thread. It's LYW's work, why not... I'm excited to new knowledge which you guys share abt this drama. 


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16 hours ago, yanki said:

One of the things I didn't like was the way they switch to Yushin's fight scene during the love confession. I was like what does the director really wanted to show? The Queen busy with her love life while her soldiers are fighting to save their Kingdom?


I always taught that Munno taught Bidam well, he was almost like a monk who can fight any temptation. Even though the drama wasn't accurate, still they added some parts from the history to the drama. Bidam was a prime minister for two years, meaning they were lovers for two years and Bidam did nothing but put her to sleep.:D



I used to think it's a sarcasm. However, the Queen's marriage life is important to Silla's peace too in that situation. Many times in the history, internal conflicts are more dangerous than external attacks. It's said the worst enemy is not your strongest enemy but your dear one when they turn into your enemy. And later on, we know... 

Haha, Bidam didn't dare make a move without DM's consent, I guess. He would get killed by my Alcheon for disrespecting royal blood if he unilaterally did sth to her. It's the price for him to have love-line with royal family, he must restrain himself. :lol:

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Looking back, I believe the writers don’t have much intention to focus on romance at all.  Their main purpose is to depicting a life of QSD, the journey it takes for her to become the Queen and how much she loves the nation and for the welfare of her people.  Anything else is just a side dish.

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 Hi Unimee, I share same thoughts with you when it comes to Bidoek. After all, DM is a woman. And for a woman, in her love life, the best option is not necessarily the one she passionately falls in love with all her heart, but the one she finds peace, secure, comfort, support and all when being with him. And it's also a habit: she got used to BD's presence in her life. 


I think DM was much stronger than both YS and BD when it came to romance. She was very determined, and that made her become cold and cruel after she became Queen.

In her first broken-heart experience with YS, she cried her heart out in front of him, Sowha & Bidam; then on his wedding date, she visited a rice field, meaning that she got over him, she chose Silla over him. Before that, when she decided to not escape with YS, YS was the one who cried like a baby. When she announced the royal wedding with BD, I think YS was very bitter abt it (their talk on the bridge at midnight when he bitterly said congrats to her). And in the end when she mentioned the "escape" word to him, he got blushed a bit, but she was very calm as if it was nothing to her (it was). Whatever feeling she had for YS stopped right after his wedding. 

In her 2nd so-called broken-heart experience with BD, I think it's more like she was very much shocked and disappointed in him rather than felt heart-broken like a woman in love. While for Bidam, we all know, how weak he became when it came to DM. His love to DM weakened him in all aspects: mentally and physically weak body, intellect, judgement.

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Honestly I don’t think Deokman has fallen in love with Bidam (yet).  She’s mostly feeling sorry for him in the last scene in which there’s nothing can be stopped from that happening.  I have doubt she would abdicate the throne for him if she didn’t know her days are coming to an end.

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