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Guest loveitall

No confirmation yet from Lee Yowon?

One of the really good-looking actress

Her charm to any station that digest given the role flawlessly.
keys under the report rock to appreciate the photo where many features of Lee Yo-won was put in covers
Blue breath. KPC sh. manly up equipments are really attracted to her arm tone
Lee Yo-won's photo collection start!!

Wow sensuality and dreamlike atmosphere of Lee yo-won
The owners as really hot! Kkulbeok jiui neyeom


Neat and innocent face.
So pretty


The couter corner of eye ascends the seyk appear woman the thing swi America to become the highlight
Positively, the woman who gives a strong impression

Chic driveway Lady Lee Yo-won

Really rounded face, is cute the lifestyle kyes four salt



Chic autumn driveway lady style, the woman whom really shapeliness connects

It's really a beautiful back-Tae


Lee Yo-won different pictorial concept
Boundary implications saucy and sexy ^ ^ Mm-hmm?

Wow. . this features is crooked Dunn…?
The concept is really something strong and your salt ^^;

Sells from concept the salt where the limb came out being too thin
The flesh the point cci war the appear woman the thing to be doing
It stayed ahead of you worry about whether it is too underweight.

Driveway, chic woman's twail
Above we see the various charms more than a collection of photos of Lee Yowon switching.
 You will also see a movie or drama ASAP, the number eight as a perverse wish get your  four salt
I saw looked pretty funny drama to a 49-day to remember ...
Fast forward to meet her at the number of CRT, linking opportunity, preferably'm today Yes, salt
Source: http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=qjq44&logNo=130148812460&redirect=Dlog&widgetTypeCall=true

The translations are pretty messy.

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I wonder when is our Queen going to let us know if she is joining the "Empire of Gold" or not  8->

What happened to the script reading Phetbeo???

Just finished with "The Chaser" and I agree with you jk145, it's very intense & gripping.. I wonder if the s-writer & director are thinking of doing the same for the "Empire of Gold",  it will be fun if LYW will be in it.

QSD said:

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Guest loveitall

Another picture I see for the first time. Anybody knows when this taken?


It's different from this one, isn't it?

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Did LYW confirm already Phetbeo???

Chubby little girl YoWon.. :D  Look at that!!!  She still can pass the face of a small child.. :D 8->

Thanks Cocomhe, good job!

loveitall said:
Another picture I see for the first time. Anybody knows when this taken?

It's different from this one, isn't it?

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