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[Taiwanese Drama 2009] Autumn's Concerto / Next Stop, Happiness ~下一站,幸福

Guest heliane_maine22

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oh oh thank u for the link! oh myy gowddd HOTTIE ever!

i never knew that he can speak english fluently! I love him now!now!!!lolz and so on!lolz

He definitely can speak english fluently, because he's American. He was born and raised in California. ^^ That is if you didn't know already.

But yeah, I'm pretty excited for the last episode.

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Guest heartdrops

oh oh thank u for the link! oh myy gowddd HOTTIE ever!

i never knew that he can speak english fluently! I love him now!now!!!lolz and so on!lolz

can't wait for the last episode of concerto.. kekekekeke the long awaited finalee has finally comee!

And also, if you watched the BTS, you see him write most of his script in pinyin. Must have been hard for him.



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Ren xiao le play his cupid role very well till the last scene lol he told his mother to smile .at his father because he love her so much ...he told his father ..when mucheng simle .than you should go kiss her

well i think the last 30 min ,,,15 min of it was pretty lame .the kiss was pretty hot ... and there was a slight twist .. well not really very extraordinary twist but quite cute ..so he always intend to come back to talk to her again ..the divorce thing was just his way of saying he gave her a choice to choose again willingly by his side i was half right ..Gary was saying all those things on order of his boss there was no working in NY thing ..tsk tsk ~ ..loyal till the end lolll... . all these talk ab out Monopoly . i havent play that game for such a long time .~

the ending was sweeet ...they should really show they board the bus .tsk..no point of just talking about it .

and that question abt why chi xin chinese suddelny become so fluent .lol obviosuly the writer read feedbacks and want to give a proper answer to that lol~~so the writer passed the question to tou ye to ask ..lol

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Guest BigHeadDog

when i heard the voice of the kidnapper i almost wanted to roll off from my chair as it is so obvious who is that LOL...abt the part whereby tuo ye asked chi xin abt her chinese it is so so obvious that someone from settv is looking at this board. she blamed her mum for the not perfect chinese so she must follow suit so so cute...30 mins is just not enuff...

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one of the reason why taiwan drama has subtitles is because their sound editing can be pretty bad for outdoor .lol i nearly cant figure out what xiao le was saying at the end without the subtitles ..

XL : Mu cheng ! Mu cheng! Guang xi said if you love him , give a simle !

so she did .and guang xi came out of the house to the garden and kissed her

MC: what's that for ?!

GX : Xiao le say you keep simling , so you want a kiss ...you are becoming more initative !

MC: Xiao le say because you love me so much , so i should give you a simle .


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Guest snow_angel9

xiao le is so adorable! love the ending =). shows the happy family. they really look like a family. i'm feeling pretty sad that it's ended but at the same time quite happy cause they are finally together!

btw, out of topic here but did anyone else notice the magazine that yi qian was in? I was looking at the picture beside hers and notice that the guy looked familiar. I just found it cute how autumn concerto has made another reference to another settv drama. the guy is ethan ruan posing as lucas from my queen right? if it is, then it is really cute because they're also a couple in real life. correct me if i'm wrong.

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xiao le is so adorable! love the ending =). shows the happy family. they really look like a family. i'm feeling pretty sad that it's ended but at the same time quite happy cause they are finally together!

btw, out of topic here but did anyone else notice the magazine that yi qian was in? I was looking at the picture beside hers and notice that the guy looked familiar. I just found it cute how autumn concerto has made another reference to another settv drama. the guy is ethan ruan posing as lucas from my queen right? if it is, then it is really cute because they're also a couple in real life. correct me if i'm wrong.

haha yes he is .dr.lucas from my queen and aka ethan ...


PS : now i watching this xiao le become xiao tou lou in this new drama ..so werid . just that now he dress more nicely lol


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there is a making of after the PS man .lol the kissing scene of guang xi and mu cheng took alot of takes and it was pretty funnie how the crew man stood up ! and ah the xiao le .lol he has a line that say can i asked tang tang to come over to our house ..( he keep saying it as can i ask tang tang to come over to teach us how to eat ) lOLLL and the last scene ..mu cheng called the wrong name she say liang xiao le ~

actually at the church , the both should have suspect the kidnappers should be people they know since the request was so riduculous .asking them to send picture of them holding hands entering the church ! but both pretend not to know and just play along with it ..tsk tsk ..the most calm parents at their son's kidnap ..and even takling abt the divource papers

so inside the church !

MC : Who said i was going to sign it ? I wont sign the divorce papers !

sorry for telling you now that i dont want the divorce

This time , i want to be honest to myself

In the past, there were too many reasons that forced me to lie to you

but if time can be turned back , i will surely chose to be honest and tell you the truth

The truth is , six years ago , i love you with my true heart

That time , i pretend i can leave you , but actually i really wanted to stay

For these six years , i pretend i was livng well , but infact i wasnt happy

I pretend i can give my blessing to you and yi qian , actually i was so jealous of her

I pretend that i was brave , actually i was was too coward

So , when i met you again

I do not know what to say to you , neither do i know how to face you

So i choose to conceal everything

GX: why are you only telling me these now ?

i had given you so many chances , but you had let me down

Now that you had think it through, and feel we can continue

and telling me this ..how do you expect me to answer ?!

and just then the kidnappers actually send message to ask them to open the piano for the rings @@~!

GX: this is premeditated crime!

I want to ask you , since you want to be honest to yourself

That night at the villa, what was the real choice in your heart ?

Was it to go or stay ?

MC : if time is turned back , I will still choose to leave ,. but this time i will tell you the reason why am i going to tou ye .

because i believed in your love for me .

and then she put the ring on hm and he had to pretend to do it so unwilingly ! .aiyooo

MC: Now is my turn to ask you ,

If xiao le should return safely now , will you still leave us and go to USA ?~

GX: i have no reason to stay .

you once said before that the two of us are like playing the Monopoly

Chance and Destiny , each has 50% probability

The life after i regained my memory , is like a game being restart

I had given you the chance , but in the end , we met the same destiny

I have too many doubts about you ,


it is better if we can separated for a period of time

MC: I guess then you can go . . Anyway , I will wait for you again

wait for you to return to my life

If our life is like the game of Monopoly

Regardles of how many chances we can start over again

The resuilts should always be the same

because you are my destiny

Do you stilll remember six years ago

The two of us , praying to God together right here ?

Do you know what i say to GOD

i prayed to HIM to forgive me

for the words i wanted to say at that time but cant say it out

GX: what did you want to say ?

MC: I Do

This is the promise that i had hidden from you for six years , and had never told you

But till now , the answer remain unchanged

I Do

I am willing to give our love another chance

You said before .anything you decided you want , dont let go of it .

including those people you care about

So if i tell you I love you , will you stay for that reason

GX: I had given you two chances

both times you left me

Now is my turn to leave you

tsk ..her hand was stretched out but hearing those words ..she was hestiating .to take back her hand .. tsk the man has a comma in his lines

I will leave , if you let go of my hand again

lol later he joked he should have sued her for fraud and using his son to blackmail him ~! and they send a picture of their kiss to the gang of kidnappers who were waiting at home ! .the same scene like before six years ago on the skating ring when he wanted to take the photo

her defence to his :charge of fraud :

MC : i didnt do it on purpose .! and what i have done was from my true heart

I really wanted to make you stay

GX : dont be too nervous

even if i sue you , you will be acquitted on all charges

because this is consideration given with mutual consent ~ ( now he is starting to use legal terms ~)

Everything i said just now , is from my heart

but you still need to compensate me for the emotional distress i have suffered

Liang Mu Cheng , i want to claim damages from you

The compensation will be ..that you had to stay by my side for the rest of your life

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awwwww *spazzing to the max*

perfect ending! a bit too short.. but im contented! :)

if only it was longer then mayber we'll see xiao le no 2, no 3 and so on.. ahahaha..

i LOLed when they put ethan's picture beside yi qian..



there is BTS?

Seriously? how come i cannot find it?

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awwwww *spazzing to the max*

perfect ending! a bit too short.. but im contented! :)

if only it was longer then mayber we'll see xiao le no 2, no 3 and so on.. ahahaha..

i LOLed when they put ethan's picture beside yi qian..



Fully agreed is it too short and end in a hurry.. Looking forward to have a longer version DVD, i will buy and collect. So stranger they have to put Ethan picture beside his girlfriend. begin to feel lost after watching the last epi.

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there is BTS?

Seriously? how come i cannot find it?

i think someone will post it up soon ..this guang xi still has alot of problems with his lines .lol..especially outside at the bus stop ..

he told her ,he will still need to go to the conference .lol

GX: The conference will only last one day .and anyway i will be back three days later

I had already forgiven you long ago ! ( ya right now you are telling her with that grin on your face poor mu cheng )

I had planned to take some time to talk to you after i am back from USA

I didnt know you will taking the initative .. so i had no choice but to accept it

MC: so there wasnt anything about workling in USA ?

what about the single trip ticket

GX : oh that was for xiao lin

he will be working in USA but not sure on when he will be back

so i asked gary to help him book a single trip tricket

MC: Since you had already forgiven me !

why did you give me the divorce papers ?

GX: because i forced you when we first get married and i wasnt certiain of your feelings

So i hope you can reconsider , and that is why i gave you back your right to choose

but this doesnt mean i dont want to be with you

i just wanted you to be by myside willingly

MC: you werent afraid that i will really sign it ?

GX: Well ...that's okay

because you need two witness to be present when you signed the papers

Even if you signed it ,as long as i dun acknowlegded it

the judge will ruled it to be viod

( tsk tsk ..actually she can find two witness easily ,,just that he will deny and probably make thoese witines incapable of being witness lol )

MC: you are the real expert on premeditated crime!!

why did i fall in love with a lawyer

GX: so you have to stay by my side then !~

Let's go ! i want to go home to look at our adorable kidnapper

You :? which stop do you want to go to ?

MC : Me ! I want to go kill Gary

actually , no matter which stop we go to .

as long as that stop has you .

it will be happiness .

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okay i found it already! loveliest NGs ever.. lol.. all are so funny..

thanks for the translations :)

haiz i cannot imagine a week later w/o this show... :mellow:

lol.. i watched the last ep again and carefully watched the tuo ye's part.. ahaha

find it cute that the feedback is answered through the tv.. lol

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