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[Taiwanese Drama 2009] Autumn's Concerto / Next Stop, Happiness ~下一站,幸福

Guest heliane_maine22

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Guest Dorkiilove

I'm confused.

Did they cut off TY hand or not? :x It made it seem like his hand was being cut off in

episode 17; but then in the preview for episode 18, it's just bandaged.

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I'm confused.

Did they cut off TY hand or not? :x It made it seem like his hand was being cut off in

episode 17; but then in the preview for episode 18, it's just bandaged.

No TY hand was not cut off,it was a cut on the palm which damaged the vein

There was a part when he finish bandaging his hand and was trying to curl his hand into a fist

and was unable to or too painful to do it

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Guest summers83

Yeah, like shirley said, they didn't show what XBB whispered to XXB's ear, but you can pretty much predict that if XXB won't cry in the scene, then XBB will leave him (or something along that line). Then XBB left the scene and everyone tricked him that XBB really did drive his car away. Poor guy ~

I loved the scene where grandma gave Xiao Le the shot<33

Now I know who XBB is cause I find his face and his name very familiar. He was the young boy who acted as Bing Bing in many HK movies. Here's his proffile: http://iamrita5.myweb.hinet.net/formerboy01.htm

The son looked exactly like how he looked like in the past when the father is a young star. No wonder Xiao Xiao bing is called Xiao Xiao Bing.

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Guest merlyunho


thx for posting the link!!

i want to make TY go away so he wouldn't butt in MC&GX's progress in making up but at the same time I also want to hit GX in the head for being too jealous.

I mean, can't het just get that MC's just being a good friend to TY?

That man has sacrificed his 6 years span of life for the girl she loves and his son while he was with other girl and now he can't even let MC help TY for a bit?

It's not like he's handing MC over to TY.

Or maybe he's just being way too emotional at the thought of TY spending 6 years of time to be with MC&XL while he doesn't even know at all that he had a girl he once loved dearly plus a son.


and OMG! I didn;t know at all that AC airs from 10 pm to 00.10 AM in TW, i mean that's like, 1hour10mins of drama plus 1hour for commercial breaks. is this all normal for night dramas in TW or what?

I mean, in my country, a great drama would only get like, 30-40 minutes of commercial breaks, that's if the drama's sooooooo goooood.

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Guest tangtang

Small News about AC'c ratings..


Autumn’s Concerto sets series high ratings record

It was a big night for Autumn’s Concerto again this past Sunday with episode 18 bringing in an average rating of 8.23%. The much-anticipated ratings battle between Van Ness Wu and Jerry Yan was closely watched by many as the F2 went head to head. Jerry Yan’s new show Down With Love made a strong debut at 2.63% and will look to improve on those numbers in the upcoming weeks. Much to the dismay of Show Luo and his fans, Hi! My Sweetheart finished with a short 45 minutes finale to make way for its successor, which aired its first episode at 10:45 PM. His drama finished with a solid 5%, but the new drama Because of You, starring Baron Chen, lost most of it and found itself at the bottom with only 1.02%

Autumn’s Concerto Chris Wu finally fulfilled his promise of doing a dive when the ratings break 6%. He previously vowed to jump off from Bitan but had to change the location to a local swimming pool as it was illegal. Chris Wu was joined by costar Van Ness Wu, along with Amanda Zhu (Hua Ci-Xin) and Green Tea (Pin-a), at the event. They began with a ice-breaking ceremony to celebrate the new ratings record, followed by the long-awaited dive.

Chris Wu originally planned to dive from the 3 meter spring board but upgraded to the 7 meter platform to show his sincerity. He took off his shirt as per the media’s request and showed off his six-pack. Chris Wu stood on the platform and shouted, “I’m doing this for “Next Stop” (Autumn’s Concerto)!” and jumped off without any hesitation. Van Ness Wu, who has just returned from the US, complimented his costar and said, “He is very brave, very handsome, and has a well-trained body." Chris Wu said lead actress Ady An will do a pole dance if the ratings break 10%, while Green Tea urged Van Ness to take a dive with all three guys together if the ratings break 11%, Van Ness responded, “There are 2 episodes left, let’s fight for it.”

Source: CNA, Nownews, SETTV, gar0922

Translated by PA


I wanna see the Vanness dive! <3

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Guest xbutterfly

I finally finished the novel and at least it's a happy ending. GX managed to know the reason why MC left him 6 yrs ago. If you want more details of how it ended, I can summarise it here.

But the script dialogues for Xiao Le is way too matured for a 6-year old in the novel...Not really suitable....

summers83....if you could summarize a little, that would be GREAT! I know some people dislike spoileres, but I enjoy reading them and then seeing how the scenes are protrayed there after. Only if you have the time though. Thank you.

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Guest natural-retard

I'm up for the Drama to break the 10 rating mark!!! Ady An pole dancing, epic lol.

Apart from that, the recent episode is abit meh, but she is getting prettier and prettier lol. Vanness makes more b!tchy facial expressions than a girl.

I love Xiaole and his granny, new development and a new focus than the constant GX hating and making assumptions.

EDIT: Didn't Joe chen state, if the drama passed 15 she would strip? lol jokingly of course.

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Guest heartdrops

oh lala, Ady pole dancing LOL.


Autumn's Concerto OST - 192kbps


01. 我愛他 演唱|丁噹(片頭曲)

02. 親人 演唱|丁噹

03. 拓也的秘密心願 (OT:我以為) 編曲|嚴爵

04. 相遇就不放手 編曲|嚴爵

05. 一切為了愛 演唱|品冠

06. 下一站,幸福 (OT:我愛他) 編曲|嚴爵

07. 我以為 演唱|品冠

08. G弦之歌| Libera(天使之翼合唱團)

09. 最美麗的謊言 (OT:你為什麼說謊)

10. 充滿幻想的年少 編曲|嚴爵

11. 幸運草 演唱|丁噹

12. 愛你不要失憶 (OT:親人)

13. 突然想愛你 演唱|丁噹+周華健(片尾曲)


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Guest tangtang

Pictuers from the Chris Wu dive Event.. :)

Ady still in China? Wish she is present tho. ^^

And they wearing the shirts given by Ady? Sweet!

Hua Ci-Xin is cute when she is not Hua Ci-Xin. :D

Cr: cpopaccess






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and OMG! I didn;t know at all that AC airs from 10 pm to 00.10 AM in TW, i mean that's like, 1hour10mins of drama plus 1hour for commercial breaks. is this all normal for night dramas in TW or what?

I mean, in my country, a great drama would only get like, 30-40 minutes of commercial breaks, that's if the drama's sooooooo goooood.

no it only aire from 10 pm to 1130pm ( around one and half hour , the CF breaks are normally around 10 min or so )

oh lala, Ady pole dancing LOL.


01. 我愛他 演唱|丁噹(片頭曲)

02. 親人 演唱|丁噹

03. 拓也的秘密心願 (OT:我以為) 編曲|嚴爵

04. 相遇就不放手 編曲|嚴爵

05. 一切為了愛 演唱|品冠

06. 下一站,幸福 (OT:我愛他) 編曲|嚴爵

07. 我以為 演唱|品冠

08. G弦之歌| Libera(天使之翼合唱團)

09. 最美麗的謊言 (OT:你為什麼說謊)

10. 充滿幻想的年少 編曲|嚴爵

11. 幸運草 演唱|丁噹

12. 愛你不要失憶 (OT:親人)

13. 突然想愛你 演唱|丁噹+周華健(片尾曲)

thanks for the listing of the song ,i was trying to make the order on the taiwan site but it is only released on 5 Feb^~


this is what is inside the DVD





4.【下一站,幸福】精華篇 戲劇特輯




Pictuers from the Chris Wu dive Event.. :)

Ady still in China? Wish she is present tho. ^^

And they wearing the shirts given by Ady? Sweet!

Hua Ci-Xin is cute when she is not Hua Ci-Xin. :D

Cr: cpopaccess

apparently xiao xiao bin favourite gal on the set is hua ci xin~^

thanks for the pictures ~ ya i saw this news on the entertainment news program yesterday ~ lol ..and there was also a making of for the "honeymoon" scenes .at the resort ...the script was so full of pages for mucheng scenes ...ah there is a group of scriptwriter locked behind doors to get the script out .vivian xu also went to visit ~^

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy


01. 我愛他 演唱|丁噹(片頭曲)

02. 親人 演唱|丁噹

03. 拓也的秘密心願 (OT:我以為) 編曲|嚴爵

04. 相遇就不放手 編曲|嚴爵

05. 一切為了愛 演唱|品冠

06. 下一站,幸福 (OT:我愛他) 編曲|嚴爵

07. 我以為 演唱|品冠

08. G弦之歌| Libera(天使之翼合唱團)

09. 最美麗的謊言 (OT:你為什麼說謊)

10. 充滿幻想的年少 編曲|嚴爵

11. 幸運草 演唱|丁噹

12. 愛你不要失憶 (OT:親人)

13. 突然想愛你 演唱|丁噹+周華健(片尾曲)


Thank you for sharing!

I was wondering if you have the english translation for the titles of the songs? I tried to google them, but a lot of the sites only have the 4 main songs.

I really do hope that AC will break the ratings record. Although I loved Fated to Love You, I thought the plot got kind of ridiculous towards the end with the kidnapping and ridiculous antics to try to keep her (faked memory loss). I like how AC is sticking to its genre and not becoming a typical idol drama with the crazy characters and unbelievable storyline.

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Guest summers83

summers83....if you could summarize a little, that would be GREAT! I know some people dislike spoileres, but I enjoy reading them and then seeing how the scenes are protrayed there after. Only if you have the time though. Thank you.


To summarise the ending of the novel, MC was informed by Auntie Hua about Tuo ye being detained by the cops cause of murder. They did not explain it how he was being framed too. MC went to look for GX lovingly by bringing him Beef Rice to his office. Thinking that both of them will probably stand a chance of being back together again, he just asked MC if she have something to say. And MC told him to help Tuo Ye in being his defendant lawyer and helped him fight the case. She is confident that he did not murder anyone. He helped her reluctantly thinking that Tuo Ye is still her loved one. GX all this time thought that she married him because she didn't love him and she also thought GX married her out of revenge to her for leaving him 6 years ago. Before that, MC already told GX how his father actually died. The truth is he actually had an affair with his secretary and the school (music room) was their rendevous place actually. GX's mum one day caught them red handed in that room so they had to divorce but she did not want to tell her son all because she knew that GX respected and loved his father a lot. Because MC toldd him about this truth, GX suspected that perhaps his mum actually made MC leave him 6 years ago.

Anyway, GX helped Tuo Ye fight the case and won the case. He handed the divorce papers to MC saying he will set her free since she loved Tuo Ye. She couldn't say a thing but she felt very sad as she did not want to divorce GX. He hasn't been home for many days so MC was at home with Xiao Le. One day, she was very sick and Xiao Le was crying beside her and MC was calling out GX's name and muttering that she did not want to divorce him. When GX finally came home, Xiao Le cried to his father and told him that MC is sick and cannot get up. He ran to the bedroom immediately after hearing the news and held her hands and touched her. He heard her mutter the words over and over again in her unconscious state in bed. Then Xiao Le told him he had spoilt the bangle he gave to him and do not know what to do. GX found the card in it and played it....

MC woke up and GX entered the room and seeing she felt better. He lef the signed divorce papers at the bed side. She then told him that she did not want to divorce him at all and though he may have married her out of revenge, she still did not want to end their marriage like that. He told her to change her clothes and follow him to somewhere - a place where she's always wanted to go with him (her dream). She followed him and he took her to a bus ride. They were arguing and squabbling at the back of the bus (he took out the memory card and said he heard/saw everything in it and she snatched it away from his hands) and he placed a ear phone into her ear and there the video (not sure is video or voice) conversation she had taped in 6 years ago played from his mobile phone. He had already copied it into his hp. About she had loved him all this time and she had no choice but to leave him, eetc. Then after a few secs of silence, his voice came on the recorder. He just recorded it and said how he had loved just a woman all his life even before he regained his memory, his heart has always belonged to the same woman - MC.

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Guest xbutterfly

summers83...thank you for taking the time to summarize for us! I too, also hope for the ending to follow the novel!!! How sweet!! I also hope the ratings keep increasing!

Right now, my heart is wrenching over the fact that GX is soooo bitter! I understand how betrayed he must feel, but his animosity is completely bestowed upon MC. Well, I guess I can see a little anger towards his mother, but what about his "teacher," and everyone else that has been keeping so much away from him? I guess I just feel bad for MC. This drama has certainly gotten to me. I was driving home yesterday when Keri HIlson's song "Energy" came on. It made me feel sad because I thought of MC and how perfectly the song protrayed her during this time that GX has regained his memory. Poor gal....hehehe, I'm talking about her like she's a real person......geez, that's when you know you're a drama addict!

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

summers83...thank you for taking the time to summarize for us! I too, also hope for the ending to follow the novel!!! How sweet!! I also hope the ratings keep increasing!

Right now, my heart is wrenching over the fact that GX is soooo bitter! I understand how betrayed he must feel, but his animosity is completely bestowed upon MC. Well, I guess I can see a little anger towards his mother, but what about his "teacher," and everyone else that has been keeping so much away from him? I guess I just feel bad for MC. This drama has certainly gotten to me. I was driving home yesterday when Keri HIlson's song "Energy" came on. It made me feel sad because I thought of MC and how perfectly the song protrayed her during this time that GX has regained his memory. Poor gal....hehehe, I'm talking about her like she's a real person......geez, that's when you know you're a drama addict!

I actually thought that his anger towards MC was justifiable because he still doesn't know the whole truth/reason behind her leaving him six years ago. In his memory she abandoned him and left with another guy even though he begged her to stay with him. And he doesn't know that she didn't see him get stabbed and left for dead on the street. She might've told him that she didn't know, but he didn't believe her. I mean, if you believe with all your heart that the person you love will stay by your side for richer or poorer in sickness or in health (remember he said "I do" at the chapel?) and then they suddenly just abandon you when you need them the most, you'd be devastated like Guangxi is. He can't trust her yet because in the past 6 yrs everybody has been lying to him. And even when they did meet again, she still kept the truth from him and most importantly, she kept his kid from him. I'd be hella pissed. That's 6 yrs not knowing that you had a kid, especially one as cute as Xiaole.

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I love the ending of the novel! <3

Thanks summers83!!

I hope the drama would have a similar ending.

Maybe the ending would be in the church where they went 6 years ago.

There was a picture of it in the AC photobook, about MC saying that she said "I do" to

God six years ago, same as GX. :D

as for ep 19, the new preview is depressing..

but hopefully GX's mom would tell GX the truth, as soon as possible!


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Guest heartdrops

Thank you for sharing!

I was wondering if you have the english translation for the titles of the songs? I tried to google them, but a lot of the sites only have the 4 main songs.

Here's my translations. They might not be too good :X

01. I Love Him - Ding Dang

02. Close One/Dearest - Ding Dang

03. Tuo Ye's Secret Wish

04. Don't Let Go After We Meet

05. All For Love - Victor Wang

06. Next Stop, Happiness

07. I Thought - Victor Wang

08. The G String Song - Libera

09. The Most Beautiful Lies

10. Youths That Are Full of Imagination

11. Lucky Grass - Ding Dang

12. Don't Lose Your Memory if I Love You

13. Suddenly Want to Love You - Ding Dang & Emil Chau

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