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[Taiwanese Drama 2009] Autumn's Concerto / Next Stop, Happiness ~下一站,幸福

Guest heliane_maine22

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Guest benchi101

Hey, do you guys know how much the dvd box set for Autumn's Concerto cost?

And if it comes with English subtitles? Thank you.


The preview for 18 made me scream and so happy!

Urgh! Another week to go! I wonder how the ratings went for epi 17?

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Guest natural-retard

Episode 17 was dry, it was lacking. Too much dragging on, seriously they shouldn't have extended it this far. I skipped most of the episode and thought it was boring. Though Touye's part in episode 16 was a very touching scene, not to corny or over dramatised. I cannot believe it's Chris' first time acting, very good. Though I am still not entirely satisfied with Vanness' acting.

The girl that comes back is Alice. I like her after watching the BTS, she deserves more screen time after what happened to her filming for this. I love Ady An, she should do more in Taiwan where they don't dub her voice.

OST is superb too. Its not too overdone, it works perfectly, and rather the music taking over the drama, the drama makes the music even better to listen to. Very suitable music choices.

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Guest heartdrops

^ I actually skipped alot of epi 17 too. I was waiting for that stab scene :mellow:

Hey, do you guys know how much the dvd box set for Autumn's Concerto cost?

And if it comes with English subtitles? Thank you.


The preview for 18 made me scream and so happy!

Urgh! Another week to go! I wonder how the ratings went for epi 17?

If referring to the bestshop one I posted earlier, it's 719NTD, which is roughly $23 USD. It doesn't have English subtitles though. Maybe Yesasia will release something like that later?

Edit: Read this at TTV for Jan 24th

1 下一站幸福 7.64

2 海派甜心 5.14

3 綜藝大集合 3.91

4 鑽石夜總會 3.18

5 成名一瞬間 2.91

6 中視新聞全球報導 2.61

7 航海王XII 2.54

8 大陸尋奇 CTV 2.15

9 金曲超級星 2.00

10 台視晚間新聞 1.95

11 史上最強弟子兼一 1.88

12 POWER SUNDAY星期天 1.68

13 民視七點晚間新聞 1.45

14 1300海派甜心 1.36

15 海派甜心 1.29

16 當地球停止轉動 1.26

17 週日午間劇場下一站幸 1.22

18 火影忍者疾風傳 1.18

19 華視晚間新聞 1.16

20 中視午間新聞 1.05

But it's not officially out on Chinatimes yet.. so I don't know how reliable that is.

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Guest Aznbabiix

Episode 17 was dry, it was lacking. Too much dragging on, seriously they shouldn't have extended it this far. I skipped most of the episode and thought it was boring. Though Touye's part in episode 16 was a very touching scene, not to corny or over dramatised. I cannot believe it's Chris' first time acting, very good. Though I am still not entirely satisfied with Vanness' acting.

The girl that comes back is Alice. I like her after watching the BTS, she deserves more screen time after what happened to her filming for this. I love Ady An, she should do more in Taiwan where they don't dub her voice.

OST is superb too. Its not too overdone, it works perfectly, and rather the music taking over the drama, the drama makes the music even better to listen to. Very suitable music choices.

i actually really liked episode 17 ! =) i kind of didn't really keep my hopes up this week...because last week ep16 was rather draggy & empty...so i kind of expected this to go on...especially after watching the preview for ep 17 & finding out that MC didn't really get injured that severely (not that i wanted her to ! ><), it kind of made things seem less dramatic.

but nonetheless , i was really happy with this episode ! lol am i the only one? hahahh~

there were sooo many sweet moments in this ep that were just " aww" moments for me =)..i love how GX's mom simply can NOT resist how adorable xiao le is..=) && also i found the scene where GX's mom called GX very sweet as well..cause it seems like after so many years things are finally taking a turn in their relationship =)..and OF COURSE, GX & MC....i LOVE seeing them together . even though i wish that things would speed up a little...but im starting to mind the dragginess less because ...well , there's more suspense that way and it makes me want to keep watching x)

ALSOO... i was SHOCKED at the end . i totally did NOT expect that to happen to tuo ye...my mouth was literally hanging open when i watched that scene with tuo ye...even though i still like GX more, but still...i feel for tuo ye man =[ he's a great guy too...there definately aren't many guys like him in this world =).

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Guest strawberrynkiwi

my only comment to episode 17, what is with all the Xiao Le nudity???? i thought it was totally unnecessary, Xiao Xiao Bing is gonna hate his dad for it when he grows up.

I mean watching the BTS of the episode when MuCheng needed to put on Xiao Le's pants, he was already kinda shy about showing his underwear and also at the bath scene with GuangXi. I dunno why they would let Xiao Le bare all. Poor kid. It's not like the nudity added anything special to the plot.

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Ratings for Episode 17

1 Autumn's Concerto 下一站幸福 (台視) 7.64

2 Hi My Sweetheart 海派甜心 (華視) 5.14

3 Down With Love (Party) 就想賴著妳全球首映Party (中視) 0.98

source; China Times




cr; xingandxx

^ "Are you jealous?" ... *Mu Cheng gives fake smile* LOL I'm looking forward to this moment. Jealous MC is gonna be awesome. XD

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Guest benchi101

If referring to the bestshop one I posted earlier, it's 719NTD, which is roughly $23 USD. It doesn't have English subtitles though. Maybe Yesasia will release something like that later?

Thanks for telling! Hopefully they come out with a subtitle version. If not, I'll have to twitter Van Ness on that! xD

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Guest pegROARS

Ratings for Episode 17

1 Autumn's Concerto 下一站幸福 (台視) 7.64

2 Hi My Sweetheart 海派甜心 (華視) 5.14

3 Down With Love (Party) 就想賴著妳全球首映Party (中視) 0.98

source; China Times




cr; xingandxx

^ "Are you jealous?" ... *Mu Cheng gives fake smile* LOL I'm looking forward to this moment. Jealous MC is gonna be awesome. XD

YEA MAN! can't wait!

and i thought ep17 wasn't bad either!


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my only comment to episode 17, what is with all the Xiao Le nudity???? i thought it was totally unnecessary, Xiao Xiao Bing is gonna hate his dad for it when he grows up.

I mean watching the BTS of the episode when MuCheng needed to put on Xiao Le's pants, he was already kinda shy about showing his underwear and also at the bath scene with GuangXi. I dunno why they would let Xiao Le bare all. Poor kid. It's not like the nudity added anything special to the plot.

Agree :mellow: poor Xiao Le, bared his all for this drama while it didn't actually add much to the plot. He's forever gonna be remembered as the little boy who got his private part pixelated on tv.

Anyway, eps 17 was okay,I just wished there would be a bit more love from GX to MC.. although I understand they shouldn't rush things of course!

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yeah i was a bit disturbed with XL's nudity scene even though we see a blur there..i feel like he ddin't really need to do that scene...i know that the series is pretty much in a steady mode--less excitement..but im fine with it..i just want to see the couple be happy soon..

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You know, I've been wondering something, what happened to Mu Cheng's stepmom? The last time we saw her was when she found those photos and realized Mu Cheng had been telling the truth all along. I was expecting her to show up at the trial but she never did and she hasn't been seen since then. Anyone know if she's going to show up again?

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ummmm i suddenly rmbed something

i thought before they promoted a bedscene between vanness and tiffany? what happened to that? can we assume tiffany's character YQ is never gonna come back?

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy


I have a question, is this drama still currently filming or was this drama filmed in whole in advance? And is this drama for sure ending on the 20th episode? No more extensions?

Thank you in advance.

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