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Park Hae Jin 박해진 I Drama 2023 : The Killing Vote


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Guest melyssa

^I should definitely check out Family Outing then! :)


ETA: Aww, Han Ji-hye considers PHJ as a younger brother even if he's a year older! That's oddly cute.

-MiHyun-, here's the streaming link for Family Outing with PHJ in it. It has English subs too!! Enjoy^^

Family Outing Episode 5

Credits: FOFansubs

Episode 6 is not Eng-sub yet. It should be ready soon. ...

If he does very well in EOE, there's a high chance that he would be the most talked-about. Talking about character build-up of SMH, I was wondering if his father eventually knows that MH is not his own son, won't he be kicked aside? Looks like there's even more room for complexities and emotional complications. On the crazy side, I was also thinking if he would eventually then turn to his blood mother and brother, DC?? Oh NO!! This is just getting too exciting to see how EOE progresses with PHJ as SMH!

Yes! That's it --- PHJ-HHJ pair is too sibling-like; to me, chemistry is there but not the best. OK... let's see how the pair PHJ-HJH turns out then!

I saw that comment made by HJH in EOE forum too!! What more she even mentioned that PHJ has such a cute charm that she wants to protect him, though he's older than her ..... LOL!! ^^~ PHJ is well-known for giving out cute charms .... in variety shows and even in the latest Family Outing too! OMG ... it can be so fainting!! haha^^


i can't believe he's in another drama and id idn't noe!!

Hey, ~shortyfrutie77~! Yes, PHJ is going to be in another drama and it's not any other drama but MBC's mega-production 'East of Eden'! We can't wait to see how he's going to act as a bad guy after having acted as a good fella for so long.

Welcome to this thread ^^~ and as what -MiHyun- has mentioned, hope that more PHJ fans would surface ...

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Guest aircastles

-MiHyun-, here's the streaming link for Family Outing with PHJ in it. It has English subs too!! Enjoy^^

Family Outing Episode 5

Credits: FOFansubs

Episode 6 is not Eng-sub yet. It should be ready soon. ...

If he does very well in EOE, there's a high chance that he would be the most talked-about. Talking about character build-up of SMH, I was wondering if his father eventually knows that MH is not his own son, won't he be kicked aside? Looks like there's even more room for complexities and emotional complications. On the crazy side, I was also thinking if he would eventually then turn to his blood mother and brother, DC?? Oh NO!! This is just getting too exciting to see how EOE progresses with PHJ as SMH!

Yes! That's it --- PHJ-HHJ pair is too sibling-like; to me, chemistry is there but not the best. OK... let's see how the pair PHJ-HJH turns out then!

I saw that comment made by HJH in EOE forum too!! What more she even mentioned that PHJ has such a cute charm that she wants to protect him, though he's older than her ..... LOL!! ^^~ PHJ is well-known for giving out cute charms .... in variety shows and even in the latest Family Outing too! OMG ... it can be so fainting!! haha^^

Awesome! Thanks for the link...but no English subs for episode 6? Darn, guess I'll have to rely on my rusty Korean. :)

Bad characters, no matter how bad, if well-performed they always end up being talked about. That's what I hope in this case, because PHJ is popular but still underrated.

It seems like it's a possibility that MH could be kicked aside and DW would take his place, which would add more complications to the MH-JH-DW love triangle. (Besides, DW is a prosecutor so STH may want to stay on his good side...) This drama just gets more complicated as we think about it! So much possibilities and things to discuss!...Oh, and melyssa, apparently what you've heard is correct: JH may turn bad at one point to seek revenge to DW's mother. Thinking about all this is making me so antsy!

Yeah, AMAHAE was an enjoyable drama but at one point I was wondering if they should switch HSA and HHJ's roles because the HHJ-PHJ pairing seem to present the image of siblings. However, right now, the thought of PHJ/HJH seems really cute. <3

And yay! Tomorrow is the day episode 1&2 is aired! (Pity we won't see PHJ until episode 5.)


i can't believe he's in another drama and id idn't noe!!

^Yeah, he is! Just repeating what melyssa said.^^

Hope to see you post more on the thread. :)

EDIT: Something trivial and pointless, but take a look at this:


It's a poll from Yahoo! Korea about which character they're anticipating the most. Even though he's second, I guess it shows we're not the only people anticipating his character!

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Guest melyssa

Awesome! Thanks for the link...but no English subs for episode 6? Darn, guess I'll have to rely on my rusty Korean. :)


EDIT: Something trivial and pointless, but take a look at this:

It's a poll from Yahoo! Korea about which character they're anticipating the most. Even though he's second, I guess it shows we're not the only people anticipating his character!

The English subs for episode 6 should be up soon as it's still in the process of being subbed! ... -Mihyun-, you understand korean and can read korean language? WOOOOAHHH!! *envious*

We'll discuss more of what SMH would be like ... I've watched the special of EOE and it's amazing! PHJ is so handsome and too good-looking to be a villain! I didn't know that he can look so 'nasty' and 'emotionlessly cold' that it sends chills down my spine .... just look at some of these caps posted by luv in EOE Soompi forum:









credits: luv@Soompi forum

Thanks for sharing the results of that poll! I guess many can imagine how varied SMH can develop as the drama progresses and so, it's highly anticipated. I really hope PHJ will do an amazing job as SMH! He can do it, as what we believe!

SiEG 2007.. he could be Cute, Warm and Cold huh .. Eoe makes him so Cold


Hey, valley girl! Thanks for sharing the pictures of his cold looks! By comparing what he's like in 2007 then and now, he's really developed a more manly and matured look, after having worked on his physique for EOE. Quite a difference, actually! ^^

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Guest melyssa

Posted on August 25 2008

Source: http://news.d.paran.com/sphoto/newsview.ph...=2008&dir=7

드라마 ‘소문난 칠공주’의 연하남과 ‘하늘만큼 땅만큼’의 무영으로 많은 이들을 설레게 했던 대표적 훈남 배우 탤런트 박해진이 연기 변신을 시도한다.

박해진은 MBC ‘에덴의 동쪽’에서 아버지의 영향으로 악독한 기업사냥꾼으로 변해가는 주인공 신명훈 역을 맡아 새로운 모습을 보여줄 예정이다.


박해진이 출연하는 ‘에덴의 동쪽’은 송승헌, 연정훈, 이다해, 한지혜 등 청춘스타들과 함께 조민기, 이미숙, 유동근 등 당대 최고의 스타들이 함께하는 드라마다. 이들과 함께 연기를 하는 박해진은 “너무나 쟁쟁한 배우 분들이 많이 계세요. 그런 분들께도 누가되지 않게 최선을 다해 촬영하고 있어요”라며 “이전 작품보다 더욱 신중하게 노력 많이 하고 있어요. 특히 명훈 역할은 소리도 많이 지르는 감정신이 많아 긴장감을 유지하기 위해 노력하고 있어요”라고 소감을 밝혔다.

그동안 훈남 이미지의 역할을 계속 해오다 이번 ‘에덴의 동쪽’을 통해 악역으로 연기변신을 시도하는 박해진은 “제가 맡은 명훈이 꼭 악역이라고 생각하지는 않아요”라며 “출생의 운명적 아픔을 지닌 명훈이 이렇게 될 수밖에 없었던 사실들이 드라마 전개상 많이 나오지 못해요”라고 아쉬움을 표현했다.

이어 “대본을 보며 왜 이렇게 까지 악한 모습을 보여야 하는지. 내가 명훈이라면 당연하다고 생각해요”라며 극중 역할에 몰입한 모습을 보인 박해진은 “이전 역할과 달라 준비하기 쉽지 않지만 걱정과는 달리 캐릭터가 제게 잘 맞는 것 같아요”라고 자신감을 내비쳤다.

박해진은 이번 드라마를 촬영하며 아찔한 경험을 여러 번 겪었다. 얼마 전 가진 철거신 촬영 중 날아온 폐자재에 얼굴 부상을 당했다. “입술과 입안이 터져 고생을 했지만 이제는 다 나았어요”라며 “액땜했다고 생각하고 있어요. 덕분에 드라마가 대박 났으면 좋겠어요”라고 웃음을 보였다.


박해진은 또 홍콩 촬영 때 전라노출을 할 뻔 했다. “샤워신을 촬영하는데 속옷이 비쳐 감독님께서 여성 스태프들을 다 내보내고 전라로 촬영하자고 하셨어요. 하지만 수건으로 주요부위를 살짝 가리고 촬영을 했는데 전라로 촬영하는 줄 아는 여성스태프들은 밖에 있는 모니터로 촬영 장면을 보고 있었어요. 얼마나 창피했는지 몰라요”라고 아찔했던 상황을 회상했다.

박해진의 롤 모델은 ‘에덴의 동쪽’에서 아버지로 나오는 탤런트 조민기다. “조민기 선생님은 평소에도 너무나 젠틀 하시고 분위기 메이커 역할을 자처해 현장 분위기를 살려주세요”라며 “연기 외에도 많은 점들을 배우고 있어요. 특히 이번 작품이 끝나면 같이 아프리카로 떠나 봉사활동을 하고 싶어요”라고 존경심을 드러냈다.

박해진은 끝으로 “이제까지 보여주던 모습과 사뭇 다른 모습을 이번 작품에서 보여 주기 위해 최선을 다하고 있어요”라며 “변신한 모습이 어색할 수도 있지만 정말 최선을 다해 촬영하고 있으니 이쁘게 봐주세요. 시청자 분들의 냉정한 평가 기대 할께요”라고 연기변신에 대한 기대감을 나타냈다.

<문연배 기자 bretto@asiatoday.co.kr>

In brief (translated from Chinese translation posted in PHJ Taiwan Fans Club):

The pictures show PHJ taking photos with the image of Myung-hoon. He's looking forward to viewers accepting his new image in East of Eden and he has confidence that he can act well in his role which is not really a bad fella.

Any other detailed translation of the whole news article is appreciated.... thanks in advance!

More pictures:





Credits: as on pictures + PHJ Taiwan Fans Club

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Guest aircastles

The English subs for episode 6 should be up soon as it's still in the process of being subbed! ... -Mihyun-, you understand korean and can read korean language? WOOOOAHHH!! *envious*

We'll discuss more of what SMH would be like ... I've watched the special of EOE and it's amazing! PHJ is so handsome and too good-looking to be a villain! I didn't know that he can look so 'nasty' and 'emotionlessly cold' that it sends chills down my spine .... just look at some of these caps posted by luv in EOE Soompi forum:

Thanks for sharing the results of that poll! I guess many can imagine how varied SMH can develop as the drama progresses and so, it's highly anticipated. I really hope PHJ will do an amazing job as SMH! He can do it, as what we believe!

^LOL. No, not really. My Korean is rather rusty since I learned it when I was a wee little child, I can only read/understand a little. And when I say little, I really do mean that. :lol: But I have a lot to watch now! (East of Eden, Family Outing, Love Marriage, etc. So many things!)

But I have a feeling that we'll have LOTS to discuss about PHJ/SMH when episode 5 and onwards come out. Well, he can be a handsome villain which would make him even more interesting...and, err, attractive? Who can resist a handsome villain (especially when it comes to fiction)?

I think most people can sense that this SMH would probably be the most complex character. And Park Hae Jin Fighting! Show us your talent! :)

Hope you don't mind translating the article a little more? (Be aware that it isn't going to be 100% accurate since I only understand like 75% of it....)

박해진은 MBC ‘에덴의 동쪽’에서 아버지의 영향으로 악독한 기업사냥꾼으로 변해가는 주인공 신명훈 역을 맡아 새로운 모습을 보여줄 예정이다.

In the MBC drama 'East of Eden', Park Hae Jin will show a different side by portraying the character of Shin Myung Hoon, who from the effect of his father will show a "villainous" persona.

박해진이 출연하는 ‘에덴의 동쪽’은 송승헌, 연정훈, 이다해, 한지혜 등 청춘스타들과 함께 조민기, 이미숙, 유동근 등 당대 최고의 스타들이 함께하는 드라마다. 이들과 함께 연기를 하는 박해진은 “너무나 쟁쟁한 배우 분들이 많이 계세요. 그런 분들께도 누가되지 않게 최선을 다해 촬영하고 있어요”라며 “이전 작품보다 더욱 신중하게 노력 많이 하고 있어요. 특히 명훈 역할은 소리도 많이 지르는 감정신이 많아 긴장감을 유지하기 위해 노력하고 있어요”라고 소감을 밝혔다.

Park Hae Jin will join together with popular stars Song Seung Hun, Yeon Jung Hoon, Lee Da Hae, Han Ji Hye and established veterans Jo Min Ki, Lee Mi Sook, Yoo Dong Geun in the star-studded drama of 'East of Eden'. "There are so many great actors in this drama. They are all showing their best," he says, "Compared to my previous drama, I am putting more effort here especially because the Shin Myung Hoon character yells a lot and shows strong emotions."

그동안 훈남 이미지의 역할을 계속 해오다 이번 ‘에덴의 동쪽’을 통해 악역으로 연기변신을 시도하는 박해진은 “제가 맡은 명훈이 꼭 악역이라고 생각하지는 않아요”라며 “출생의 운명적 아픔을 지닌 명훈이 이렇게 될 수밖에 없었던 사실들이 드라마 전개상 많이 나오지 못해요”라고 아쉬움을 표현했다.

All this time he's shown a good image that changing into a villain for the drama 'East of Eden', Park Hae Jin says, "I don't particularly think that the Shin Myung Hoon character is a villain," he shows his pity saying, "The fact that there is no other way because of the pain of his changed fates when he was born doesn't show a lot of development in the drama." (I'm not 100% sure if this is correct. Someone may need to clarify this part.)

이어 “대본을 보며 왜 이렇게 까지 악한 모습을 보여야 하는지. 내가 명훈이라면 당연하다고 생각해요”라며 극중 역할에 몰입한 모습을 보인 박해진은 “이전 역할과 달라 준비하기 쉽지 않지만 걱정과는 달리 캐릭터가 제게 잘 맞는 것 같아요”라고 자신감을 내비쳤다.

He adds, "Reading the script, I wonder whether he has to show such a villainous side," upon filming, immersed by the the face of Shin Myung Hoon, Park Hae Jin says, "To prepare for this character wasn't easy but the worrisome and different character seems to match well for me."

박해진은 이번 드라마를 촬영하며 아찔한 경험을 여러 번 겪었다. 얼마 전 가진 철거신 촬영 중 날아온 폐자재에 얼굴 부상을 당했다. “입술과 입안이 터져 고생을 했지만 이제는 다 나았어요”라며 “액땜했다고 생각하고 있어요. 덕분에 드라마가 대박 났으면 좋겠어요”라고 웃음을 보였다.

He experienced a hard time in filming when he hurt his face. "The lips and inside of my mouth broke/tear, but I'm okay now," he says by adding with a smile,"I escaped from misfortune, I think. But in debt of the drama, I hope this drama becomes a big hit."

박해진은 또 홍콩 촬영 때 전라노출을 할 뻔 했다. “샤워신을 촬영하는데 속옷이 비쳐 감독님께서 여성 스태프들을 다 내보내고 전라로 촬영하자고 하셨어요. 하지만 수건으로 주요부위를 살짝 가리고 촬영을 했는데 전라로 촬영하는 줄 아는 여성스태프들은 밖에 있는 모니터로 촬영 장면을 보고 있었어요. 얼마나 창피했는지 몰라요”라고 아찔했던 상황을 회상했다.

He had an uncomfortable experience in the drama when filming in Hong Kong. "There was a shower scene in the drama that the director sent all the female staff out so he could film, but I still tried to hide while filming. However, the females outside still got to monitor the scene. You have no idea how embarassed I was."

박해진의 롤 모델은 ‘에덴의 동쪽’에서 아버지로 나오는 탤런트 조민기다. “조민기 선생님은 평소에도 너무나 젠틀 하시고 분위기 메이커 역할을 자처해 현장 분위기를 살려주세요”라며 “연기 외에도 많은 점들을 배우고 있어요. 특히 이번 작품이 끝나면 같이 아프리카로 떠나 봉사활동을 하고 싶어요”라고 존경심을 드러냈다.

His role model in the drama, is the man who plays his father, Ji Min Ki. "Jo Min Ki teacher is gentle and is the mood maker of the drama. He makes the mood alive while filming," he says. "I'm learning a lot about acting from him. Especially, after filming the drama, I would like to go to Africa together to volunteer," he adds, by showing his respect.

박해진은 끝으로 “이제까지 보여주던 모습과 사뭇 다른 모습을 이번 작품에서 보여 주기 위해 최선을 다하고 있어요”라며 “변신한 모습이 어색할 수도 있지만 정말 최선을 다해 촬영하고 있으니 이쁘게 봐주세요. 시청자 분들의 냉정한 평가 기대 할께요”라고 연기변신에 대한 기대감을 나타냈다.

Park Hae Jin says in ending, "I am trying my best to change my previous image to that of a different one," he said by adding, "The different image might be awkward at first, but I'm giving it my best effort so look after it nicely. I am looking forward to the audience's reaction and evaluation."

And something interesting about the MH character, this coming from the Soompi EoE thread:

When watching the special, there was something worth mentioning on this thread.

It seems that a BIG reason MH turns "bad" is because JH won't return his love. The cast was saying how the character is kind at heart, but circumstances make him the person he becomes. His anger towards DW builds up when he realizes JH is devoted to DW, and it's the last straw when he finds out about the truth of how they were switched at birth and he'll do anything to prevent this from being leaked: this is why he decides that it's better to become like his "father" ShinTaeWan, since power will get him everything he wants (which is pretty pointless actually because he doesn't get what's most important to him, JH's heart).

Cool huh? I like this character.

That seems to be one interesing tidbit. Makes me anticipate his character even more. (But aside from that, poor MH, driven to be evil because of his situation...

I wonder whether he'll stay "bad" all throughout the drama?

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Guest melyssa

Hope you don't mind translating the article a little more? (Be aware that it isn't going to be 100% accurate since I only understand like 75% of it....)

And something interesting about the MH character, this coming from the Soompi EoE thread:

That seems to be one interesing tidbit. Makes me anticipate his character even more. (But aside from that, poor MH, driven to be evil because of his situation...

I wonder whether he'll stay "bad" all throughout the drama?

:) THANKS to -MIHYUN- for the translation!! :)

Wow, I really appreciate the translations!! Though you know only a little Korean, at least you are better than I am. You are being too modest ^^ I now can't wait for PHJ to appear sooner in Episode 5 onwards and you would be able to explain to us how it's like as you understand what they would be saying.... *looks forward to that*

I go berserk when a villain is too good-looking!! Haha!! ... right!! Who can resist that (in fiction)!! All the better it is!! To be frank, I was initially a little reserved and concern if PHJ can really be a villain, as in my opinion, it's not easy acting as one. Look at Jo Min-ki ... he's such a fantastic actor that he really is able to nail down this type of role. As for PHJ, for one, I thought he did not have that nasty look (and, I am wrong ... those cold looks in the pictures are grrrr....!!). Secondly, he's good at emotional, soft and caring roles and I like him to act with that image, but he's brave enough to challenge himself on this type of complex role! I remembered watching the EOE special and the rest of the cast did express they are envious of the role of SMH as it has so much ground to bloom especially portraying a bad guy who is not really bad.

I am so glad that you translated the article; it seems that PHJ himself had also taken up the role as it's quite an emotional role and it matches well with him!! He's quite good at emotional roles when he was in AMAHAE and 7 Princesses ' the rain-and-lie-on-the-road scene .... so heartwrenching!!

"Compared to my previous drama, I am putting more effort here especially because the Shin Myung Hoon character yells a lot and shows strong emotions."


He adds, "Reading the script, I wonder whether he has to show such a villainous side," upon filming, immersed by the the face of Shin Myung Hoon, Park Hae Jin says, "To prepare for this character wasn't easy but the worrisome and different character seems to match well for me."

Also, thanks for the details about those embarrassing scenes that he had to film in ... I have only managed to get bits and pieces here and there but from your translation, it's so much clearer ... the female crew still monitor that scene from outside; ... haha^^ can imagine how shy he was at that time!! ..

Park Hae Jin says in ending, "I am trying my best to change my previous image to that of a different one," he said by adding, "The different image might be awkward at first, but I'm giving it my best effort so look after it nicely. I am looking forward to the audience's reaction and evaluation."

It seems that a BIG reason MH turns "bad" is because JH won't return his love. The cast was saying how the character is kind at heart, but circumstances make him the person he becomes. His anger towards DW builds up when he realizes JH is devoted to DW, and it's the last straw when he finds out about the truth of how they were switched at birth and he'll do anything to prevent this from being leaked: this is why he decides that it's better to become like his "father" ShinTaeWan, since power will get him everything he wants (which is pretty pointless actually because he doesn't get what's most important to him, JH's heart).

Thanks for posting this here .... it's really a good share! This really explains why he turns bad but what happens after that would be more exciting!

I do not want him to stay bad all the way ... I think he would be able to portray a great image when he finally become good and acknowledge his real mother and brother ... this would be super emotional, I think! haha^^ .... nah, unlikely, at the moment, I think!

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Guest aircastles

^It was certainly no problem at all! Anything to help. :) I agree with your initial thought, since I was also used to his "good" image that I was rather skeptical when I first heard he was cast in EoE, the role of an antagonist at that. But he seems quite good from what we've seen, and I can only imagine his acting and "reputation" will only grow after the drama. I guess, the only problem with this decision, is that I may get immersed into the drama, get my biased thoughts in the way, and shamelessly root for Myung-hoon no matter what bad things he may do. (I'm hoping this doesn't happen too often. Heh. :blush: But it is PHJ portraying him after all, I can't help it!) In fact, I'm already feeling quite sorry that Ji-hyun doesn't reciprocate his feelings...not to mention, how betrayed he may feel after the secret gets out. Poor guy.

Thanks for posting this here .... it's really a good share! This really explains why he turns bad but what happens after that would be more exciting!

I do not want him to stay bad all the way ... I think he would be able to portray a great image when he finally become good and acknowledge his real mother and brother ... this would be super emotional, I think! haha^^ .... nah, unlikely, at the moment, I think!

It does make everything more fascinating! I can only imagine the amout of emotion that may come from the revelation. It definitely gives Park Hae Jin the chance to portray a conflicted and deeply betrayed person.

But I agree. I don't particularly want to see a character - no matter what bad things he may do - punished and miserable in the end (which most likely may happen if they keep the MH character "bad") if they are, technically, "good" at heart. But since it's said that most characters of the drama turn "bad" at one point, who is to say they won't make MH good? I'd be more interested if they create the MH character "bad" at first because of self-preservation and jealousy, but become more conflicted as he goes on, with his conscience bugging him that he becomes "good" later on. And let's hope he doesn't become miserable in the end (yes, WAY too early to think about)...although, that does give PHJ a chance to show his acting skills. But still.

...Gosh, I think I rambled a tad too much about MH and EoE! Gah.

And just had to add, I've really enjoyed our discussions, melyssa! :)

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Guest melyssa

..... I guess, the only problem with this decision, is that I may get immersed into the drama, get my biased thoughts in the way, and shamelessly root for Myung-hoon no matter what bad things he may do. (I'm hoping this doesn't happen too often. Heh. :blush: But it is PHJ portraying him after all, I can't help it!) In fact, I'm already feeling quite sorry that Ji-hyun doesn't reciprocate his feelings...not to mention, how betrayed he may feel after the secret gets out. Poor guy.

Hey! Give me a five again! It's gonna be my problem too... SHAMELESSLY rooting for him but let's make sure that we're not too loud about that (with due respect to all the wonderful cast) except allow ourselves to do so only in this PHJ thread! EOE has already shown that it has great potential to be a great drama from its debut of the first two episodes. The cast acted so well including the veterans and the children! They are simply fantastic! I'm sure when it's full force by Episode 5, every cast including PHJ would be putting up a great show that everyone deserves praises... I'm trying to neutralise abit of that biasedness first (by giving due credit to all cast now) before then .... haha^^

Did you happen to remember reading somewhere or having the impression that it was mentioned that later in the episodes, he would be killing some one in the drama? I was like would he really be turning for the worse or on the bright side, he just killed someone unintentionally?? Sorry if I've shared more disturbing possibilities with you but I thought that it could also happen based on what we know about SMH.

...Gosh, I think I rambled a tad too much about MH and EoE! Gah.

And just had to add, I've really enjoyed our discussions, melyssa! :)

-Mihyun-, don't worry too much about the rambling about MH and EOE!! I'm loving them lots, so go ahead and I've also enjoyed our discussions very much! Thanks for sharing and taking the initiative to start posting here ... or else, it's way too lonely in this thread! ^^ :D

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Guest aircastles

Hey! Give me a five again! It's gonna be my problem too... SHAMELESSLY rooting for him but let's make sure that we're not too loud about that (with due respect to all the wonderful cast) except allow ourselves to do so only in this PHJ thread! EOE has already shown that it has great potential to be a great drama from its debut of the first two episodes. The cast acted so well including the veterans and the children! They are simply fantastic! I'm sure when it's full force by Episode 5, every cast including PHJ would be putting up a great show that everyone deserves praises... I'm trying to neutralise abit of that biasedness first (by giving due credit to all cast now) before then .... haha^^

It's good that we have the confines of the PHJ thread to voice out our support for him! :D Although, I guess in some way we have to reserve our thoughts until the "adults" come on in episode 5. But yes, the actors are certainly the strong point of this drama. But still, I can't wait until Park Hae Jin comes out!

Did you happen to remember reading somewhere or having the impression that it was mentioned that later in the episodes, he would be killing some one in the drama? I was like would he really be turning for the worse or on the bright side, he just killed someone unintentionally?? Sorry if I've shared more disturbing possibilities with you but I thought that it could also happen based on what we know about SMH.

The first thought I had upon reading this was, 'a certain repeating of fates?' Something of a circular pattern that doesn't end but rather continues on with each generation? Gosh, that's quite a scary, but interesting thought. Something which I feel likely. What if the drama ends with the new generation repeating the same things their parents did? Although, I don't think I've read anything similar - actually, in fact, I haven't read much about the MH character other than he's playing the "villain/antagonist" in the drama. Nothing much has been revealed about him other than what he already know. But somehow, I do get a foreboding feel about the fate of the MH character. I certainly that doesn't happen. It would be more interesting if we see an "evil" character suffer from his conscience and to somehow step out of his father's shadow despite initially following it at first.

Thanks for sharing and taking the initiative to start posting here ... or else, it's way too lonely in this thread!

No problem! I've been meaning to post here for the longest time but never got around to until now.

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Guest melyssa

The first thought I had upon reading this was, 'a certain repeating of fates?' Something of a circular pattern that doesn't end but rather continues on with each generation? Gosh, that's quite a scary, but interesting thought. Something which I feel likely. What if the drama ends with the new generation repeating the same things their parents did? Although, I don't think I've read anything similar - actually, in fact, I haven't read much about the MH character other than he's playing the "villain/antagonist" in the drama. Nothing much has been revealed about him other than what he already know. But somehow, I do get a foreboding feel about the fate of the MH character. I certainly that doesn't happen. It would be more interesting if we see an "evil" character suffer from his conscience and to somehow step out of his father's shadow despite initially following it at first.

Yup ... my sentiments as well! Personally, I don't think I would like the story to progress in that manner with SMH killing someone else and he ending up with a tragic ending. I've watched quite a number of Hong Kong serial dramas and it tends to be like that ... too predictable that I find it boring. It could get too revengeful and miserable to watch! If not to witness PHJ's acting (and of course the rest of the cast), I think I would have chosen to watch Love Marriage instead, when choosing an interesting storyline. And, I think it would be rather difficult to act out convincingly the other type where SMH turning 'less evil' towards the end. ... So, will EOE be geared in a newer direction for SMH ... I highly anticipates on it again!!

No problem! I've been meaning to post here for the longest time but never got around to until now.

*Cheers for you again!*

Some new stuff to share:

Look at that intense look in PHJ ... it's going to be another scene to look forward to!!


credits: baidu + PHJ Taiwan Fans Club

Posted: 29 August 2008

Source: http://www.donga.com/fbin/output?n=200808290235

박해진 ‘에덴의 동쪽’서 ‘냉혈한’ 변신 “웃음기 지웠다”


“더 이상 저를 순한 연하남으로 보지 않을 거예요.”

연기자 박해진이 독해졌다. 늘 미소를 지었던 마음 착한 연하남도 아니다.

50부작 시대극에 도전하면서 박해진은 연기자로 데뷔하던 3년 전보다 더 단단히 마음을 먹었다.

“새로운 도전은 언제나 가슴을 떨리게 만들지만 이번에는 연기자로 성장하느냐의 갈림길에 선 기분이다.”

27일 방송을 시작한 MBC 월화극 ‘에덴의 동쪽’(극본 나연숙·연출 김진만)을 통해 박해진은 변신을 선언했다. 60년대에 시작해 30∼40년간 격변기를 다루는 이 작품에서 피도 눈물도 없는 냉혈한 ‘신명훈’이 그의 역할. 그동안 드라마에서 선보인 전매특허와 같았던 사람 좋은 웃음까지 모두 버렸다.

“야망이 대단한 남자이고 행동에는 항상 정당성을 부여하는 치밀한 인간”이라고 역할을 소개한 박해진은 “시대의 굴곡에 희생당하는 송승헌, 연정훈, 한지혜 등 다른 주인공들과 비교하면 더 독해 보인다”고 말했다.

이유는 여러 인물들에게 상처를 입히는 가해자이기 때문이다. 극중 박해진은 첫사랑 한지혜를 빼앗기 위해 어린 시절 친구 연정훈과 그의 가족을 파멸로 이끌고 사업을 위해 송승헌의 인생까지 망치는 장본인이다.

박해진은 극악한 자신의 역할이 ‘에덴의 동쪽’의 승부수라고 자신했다. 출연하는 연기자 수가 많은 탓에 각자의 캐릭터를 구축하는 데 ‘보이지 않는 경쟁’이 벌어지고 있지만 악역이라 가장 쉽게 눈에 띈다는 설명이다.

숨이 막힐 정도로 냉철한 남자로 앞으로 6개월을 살아야하는 박해진은 “두려워하지 않고 즐기겠다”고 말했다. 자신을 스타덤에 올린 주말극 ‘소문난 칠공주’와 일일극 ‘하늘만큼 땅만큼’을 통해 호흡이 긴 연속극의 맛을 본 덕분에 자신감은 두 배로 늘었다.

“명훈이 단지 성공만을 좇는 남자는 아니다. 이룰 수 없는 목마른 사랑으로 눈물을 감추기도 한다. 여자를 힘과 돈으로 얻지만 그녀를 향한 사랑은 누구 못지않은 로맨티스트란 점을 기억해 주길 바란다.”

박해진은 연기자로 새로운 시작을 알리는 출발선에 서서 도전을 준비하고 있다. 자신의 역할을 두고 쏟아질지 모를 시청자의 질타를 오히려 “반갑게 맞겠다”는 말까지 덧붙이며 ‘독한’ 각오를 드러냈다.

이해리 기자 gofl1024@donga.com

사진 = 김종원 기자 won@donga.com

-Mihyun-, do you think you can just take a look at this article and translate any new information in brief? No hurry ... just at your leisure. Thanks again!! ^^

More caps from the recent 'East of Eden' Special:








Credits: EOE baidu + PHJ Taiwan Fans Club

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Guest aircastles

Yup ... my sentiments as well! Personally, I don't think I would like the story to progress in that manner with SMH killing someone else and he ending up with a tragic ending. I've watched quite a number of Hong Kong serial dramas and it tends to be like that ... too predictable that I find it boring. It could get too revengeful and miserable to watch! If not to witness PHJ's acting (and of course the rest of the cast), I think I would have chosen to watch Love Marriage instead, when choosing an interesting storyline. And, I think it would be rather difficult to act out convincingly the other type where SMH turning 'less evil' towards the end. ... So, will EOE be geared in a newer direction for SMH ... I highly anticipates on it again!!

Some new stuff to share:

Look at that intense look in PHJ ... it's going to be another scene to look forward to!!


credits: baidu + PHJ Taiwan Fans Club

*gasps* He looks so tough and intense in that picture! Oh, I cannot wait until his scenes come up. Although, looking at that, I wonder what kind of husband Myung-hoon would be? Really makes you wonder...

It would be predictable to have the good characters end happily and have every bad character stay that way and end miserably. But it's a fifty episode drama and they've already disclosed that Ji-hyun and Hye-rin are all to show their "dark" side later on, that it makes me wonder if there's a possibility that the bad characters show their "good" side at one point? It's certainly possible, if you think about it. Not to mention, I remember the character description of Myung-hoon was "he shows the human psyche" and then we hear that MH isn't technically "evil" but just driven by circumstances...Combining all the known information, it seems that it's possible we could have the MH become evil because of "greed" (birth secret, Ji-hyun) and end up with him tormented by guilt, and conflicted whether to go the good path or to continue being lured by the darker side. I think that shows the "human psyche" - conflicted between two decisions, not knowing to do the moral good thing or go the path that will lead you to greatness. But then again, I could be wrong... All I know is that I don't want to have MH end miserably (other than Shin Tae-hwan, of course).

I was going to translate the FULL version of the article, but interestingly enough, my "Korean" brain isn't exactly working right now. LOL. I may translate it fully later when I'm more focused. ^^

The article is pretty much close to the other acticle where Park Hae-jin explains the details of his character and what he antipates. They say that this role is a transformation and he hopes that he wouldn't be considered as the "humble, younger guy" (his combined image from 7 Princesses and AMAHAE) after 'East of Eden'. He says that "exploring something new is always nerve-wrecking but I'm determined to become a serious actor" and that he portrays the emotionless "Shin Myung-hoon who doesn't smile or cry". He also explains his character "is very ambitious and compared to YJH, SSH and HJH's characters he's more "vicious". He then explains that the MH character isn't just a character who's looking for success and that he hides his thirst/need for love. And that the woman (referring to the JH character) gets power and money but he hopes that she sees him in love/romance.

Yikes! I know that's probably the worst translation you've seen - sorry!. :)

The more I read about his character it seems as if the only thing he really wants is someone to love him, but he can't get that...just such a pitiful character.

:( In some ways, I'm guessing he'll never really "get" the girl even if they're married.

EDIT: Aww, this NG was so cute: http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=-Xm8oEnv2u8. And I'm liking the HJH/PHJ chemistry I'm seeing here. Friendly and somewhat subtle, but enjoyable, nonetheless.

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Guest melyssa

Park Hae-jin featured in a magazine in Japan: 韓流最新DVDスーパーガイド 2008-2009







Credits: haejin501.exblog.jp + PHJ Taiwan Fans Club

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Guest melyssa

It would be predictable to have the good characters end happily and have every bad character stay that way and end miserably. But it's a fifty episode drama and they've already disclosed that Ji-hyun and Hye-rin are all to show their "dark" side later on, that it makes me wonder if there's a possibility that the bad characters show their "good" side at one point? It's certainly possible, if you think about it. Not to mention, I remember the character description of Myung-hoon was "he shows the human psyche" and then we hear that MH isn't technically "evil" but just driven by circumstances...Combining all the known information, it seems that it's possible we could have the MH become evil because of "greed" (birth secret, Ji-hyun) and end up with him tormented by guilt, and conflicted whether to go the good path or to continue being lured by the darker side. I think that shows the "human psyche" - conflicted between two decisions, not knowing to do the moral good thing or go the path that will lead you to greatness. But then again, I could be wrong... All I know is that I don't want to have MH end miserably (other than Shin Tae-hwan, of course).

I like the way you decipher what it would mean by "he shows the human psyche" and I agree that it's the conflicts that he had to struggle with. I guess what and which it would be should remain unknown while we continue and follow the drama. Too much should not be revealed yet so that we could watch and enjoy analysing the characters.

I was going to translate the FULL version of the article, but interestingly enough, my "Korean" brain isn't exactly working right now. LOL. I may translate it fully later when I'm more focused. ^^

OH.. I thought you've done a great job by providing a brief but interesting summary below and it's not necessary for the FULL version then. I know it takes time to do translation but what you've done below is simply good enough. Many thanks again, -Mihyun-!

The article is pretty much close to the other acticle where Park Hae-jin explains the details of his character and what he antipates. They say that this role is a transformation and he hopes that he wouldn't be considered as the "humble, younger guy" (his combined image from 7 Princesses and AMAHAE) after 'East of Eden'. He says that "exploring something new is always nerve-wrecking but I'm determined to become a serious actor" and that he portrays the emotionless "Shin Myung-hoon who doesn't smile or cry". He also explains his character "is very ambitious and compared to YJH, SSH and HJH's characters he's more "vicious". He then explains that the MH character isn't just a character who's looking for success and that he hides his thirst/need for love. And that the woman (referring to the JH character) gets power and money but he hopes that she sees him in love/romance.

Yikes! I know that's probably the worst translation you've seen - sorry!. :)

The more I read about his character it seems as if the only thing he really wants is someone to love him, but he can't get that...just such a pitiful character.

:( In some ways, I'm guessing he'll never really "get" the girl even if they're married.

Yaaah... he really wants to 'grow up', doesn't he? Not wanting to be known always as the "humble,younger guy"!! So cute! But, I think he may succeed this time as his new image is so much more matured and by acting 'bad', he is getting so much more intense and complex! Oh yes ... look at the latest MBC Section TV on 290808, he's simply so gorgeous and I love his act of hatred! Thanks for sharing that.

OK, my heart is aching to learn that 'he hides his thirst/need for love' ... this is painful to act out! If MH then learns that JH does not love him at all, this thirst/need can transform into intense hatred??? ...

it's really forced by circumstances *speaking as a fan here*

Mihyun, dont' apologise! I appreciate this very much! Really!! *cheers on*

EDIT: Aww, this NG was so cute: http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=-Xm8oEnv2u8. And I'm liking the HJH/PHJ chemistry I'm seeing here. Friendly and somewhat subtle, but enjoyable, nonetheless.

As what wink requested, can you please provide a translation of what the conversation between the two is about, and of course to what PHJ said too? From this snippet, many have commented that their chemistry looks great and anticipating how this 'bad' couple would be like. They sure do look great here and I'm shaken too! hahah^^

Screencaps of MBC Section TV on EOE (August 29 2008):














Credits: feenywu@PHJ Taiwan Fans Club

He's so funny off-camera when he rubs 'his birth mother's hand' after thinking he's grab too hard on it!!

I really look forward to this scene and seeing him with his 'birth mother' makes me want him to acknowledge and return to her eventually ... haha^^.

Both PHJ-HJH are so comfortable with each other off-screen and they really look good together!


More screencaps:








Credits: 韓劇社區 + kdramafanusa@EOE Soompi Forum

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Guest NV4ever

im liking the HJH-PHJ pairing too~~ they look pretty compatible and their chemistry off-screen pretty good too!

I cant wait to see how their relationship gonna plays out in EOE...they're my most anticipated couple in there ^^

And PHJ's charater in EOE is the most intriguing to me, and since this is his first time portrayed this kind of role...im even more curious :)

Definitely rooting for PHJ, even if he's the baddie :lol:

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Guest melyssa

^ I'm definitely curious what it's like for PHJ to act bad too, NV4ever! From the caps, PHJ-HJH actually looks great together and have the looks of being a compatible couple especially in these two captures:


HJH's expression is so sweet with PHJ looking on ....


Both their front face view really looks good together like a compatible married couple ...

Here's another picture of PHJ:


Credit: PHJ Taiwan Fans Club

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Guest aircastles

^that picture is hot.

I like the way you decipher what it would mean by "he shows the human psyche" and I agree that it's the conflicts that he had to struggle with. I guess what and which it would be should remain unknown while we continue and follow the drama. Too much should not be revealed yet so that we could watch and enjoy analysing the characters.

There's really quite a lot you could draw from what we know so far. Although, yes, I agree. It's best not to go into all the details - it'd spoil all the fun you could have once PHJ comes out!

Am I the only one that thinks the traffic here will grow as the drama continues? Hee! Can't wait.

Yaaah... he really wants to 'grow up', doesn't he? Not wanting to be known always as the "humble,younger guy"!! So cute! But, I think he may succeed this time as his new image is so much more matured and by acting 'bad', he is getting so much more intense and complex! Oh yes ... look at the latest MBC Section TV on 290808, he's simply so gorgeous and I love his act of hatred! Thanks for sharing that.

OK, my heart is aching to learn that 'he hides his thirst/need for love' ... this is painful to act out! If MH then learns that JH does not love him at all, this thirst/need can transform into intense hatred??? ...

it's really forced by circumstances *speaking as a fan here*

He really does, doesn't he, eh? Probably doesn't want to be typecasted. But I'm enjoying both of his images thus far - the humble image and the "tough" image. He looks hot in both! ... Am I being too fangirl-y here? haha. But there's so much scenes and events to happen in the drama that could really showcase his talent! I certainly hope he does a great job.

As what wink requested, can you please provide a translation of what the conversation between the two is about, and of course to what PHJ said too? From this snippet, many have commented that their chemistry looks great and anticipating how this 'bad' couple would be like. They sure do look great here and I'm shaken too! hahah^^

He's so funny off-camera when he rubs 'his birth mother's hand' after thinking he's grab too hard on it!!

I really look forward to this scene and seeing him with his 'birth mother' makes me want him to acknowledge and return to her eventually ... haha^^.

Both PHJ-HJH are so comfortable with each other off-screen and they really look good together!

Before I do it, I must say I liked it when HJH mentioned/whispered to the interviewer that she plays Park Hae Jin's first love when she failed to mention him. Sorry. :blush:

PHJ: I play the character of Shin Myung-hoon.

INT(referring to the interviewer): Yes?

Caption -- cuts to one of his scenes

[He plays the cold and tough son of Shin Tae-hwan (Jo Min Ki)]

INT: Do you have any worries playing the role of the villain when you're used to playing the humble, good guy?

PHJ: No. Since I played the role of a good guy...(I'm not sure what he said afterwards, but I believe he said that he was tired of it.)

HJH: Since it rained, we couldn't do the filming.

PHJ: What did you do with the script?

HJH: I hid it. It's so embarassing.

PHJ: Her script is like a textbook. It has more notes than a textbook.

(Cuts to HJH showing her script.)

INT: What do you think about the ratings?

HJH: Hmm...about 25%?

PHJ: But I said 30%.

HJH: Really?

HJH: No, it's more exciting if the ratings gradually go up.

PHJ: It'd be better if the ratings are high at first then it'd be better once it goes even more higher.

PHJ/HJH: Oh yeah!

Yeah, it's pretty short - not much was said. But generally speaking, I like how it was so easy-going how they would play off each other with what they're saying. Their chemistry is surprisingly good and they look absolutely cute together!

And I am SO anticipating emotional scenes of both his mother and him acknowledging each other. (If that happens!)

im liking the HJH-PHJ pairing too~~ they look pretty compatible and their chemistry off-screen pretty good too!

I cant wait to see how their relationship gonna plays out in EOE...they're my most anticipated couple in there ^^

And PHJ's charater in EOE is the most intriguing to me, and since this is his first time portrayed this kind of role...im even more curious :)

Definitely rooting for PHJ, even if he's the baddie :lol:

LOL. Me too. When I first heard PHJ and HJH were casted to play a married couple, I was beyond curious about how they'd turn out, their chemistry, etc. The interview is only making me anticipate it even more! And IA about his character...it's his first time playing such a dark character, and from what we know, he is not some simple one-dimensional character but someone of multi-layered depth. (And..he's attractive.) Who can resist? :lol:

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Guest melyssa


Am I the only one that thinks the traffic here will grow as the drama continues? Hee! Can't wait.

He really does, doesn't he, eh? Probably doesn't want to be typecasted. But I'm enjoying both of his images thus far - the humble image and the "tough" image. He looks hot in both! ... Am I being too fangirl-y here? haha. But there's so much scenes and events to happen in the drama that could really showcase his talent! I certainly hope he does a great job.

I think so too ... traffic should improve; hope that more will post to share once he comes on air!!

Me too .. fangirlling here on PHJ and EOE as well! haha^^

To share on SMH in EOE Episode 3 (please refrain from reading if you do not want to be spoilt:

I was just watching EOE live online and SMH as a child is as good-hearted as his birth father and he has a good mother to bring him up well. (I guess she can only protect him as a child but not when he's an adult.) Oh gosh, STH is really ruining SMH's goodness so badly already and JH's OK with MH at first until what his father did. I guess she'll hate him from here onwards. Poor kid - he's so filled with goodness, empathy and kindness but his dad's turning him to be like him. ... under forced circumstances indeed!

Before I do it, I must say I liked it when HJH mentioned/whispered to the interviewer that she plays Park Hae Jin's first love when she failed to mention him. Sorry. :blush:

PHJ: I play the character of Shin Myung-hoon.

INT(referring to the interviewer): Yes?

Caption -- cuts to one of his scenes

[He plays the cold and tough son of Shin Tae-hwan (Jo Min Ki)]

INT: Do you have any worries playing the role of the villain when you're used to playing the humble, good guy?

PHJ: No. Since I played the role of a good guy...(I'm not sure what he said afterwards, but I believe he said that he was tired of it.)

HJH: Since it rained, we couldn't do the filming.

PHJ: What did you do with the script?

HJH: I hid it. It's so embarassing.

PHJ: Her script is like a textbook. It has more notes than a textbook.

(Cuts to HJH showing her script.)

INT: What do you think about the ratings?

HJH: Hmm...about 25%?

PHJ: But I said 30%.

HJH: Really?

HJH: No, it's more exciting if the ratings gradually go up.

PHJ: It'd be better if the ratings are high at first then it'd be better once it goes even more higher.

PHJ/HJH: Oh yeah!

Yeah, it's pretty short - not much was said. But generally speaking, I like how it was so easy-going how they would play off each other with what they're saying. Their chemistry is surprisingly good and they look absolutely cute together!

And I am SO anticipating emotional scenes of both his mother and him acknowledging each other. (If that happens!)

HJH's so cute to whisper that she plays PHJ's first love ... thanks for that translation as I did wonder what she had said about PHJ... haha^^

Tired of acting as a good character already?? I hope that he won't keep acting bad if he does well as one in EOE ... he should just alternate! Yes - not much was said but they are really very at ease with each other off-screen and their chemistry is YAAAYYYYY!! Thanks for the spot translation! The conversation is pretty cute!

SMH's birth mother acted so well and I can't wait to see both acknowledging each other ... tearful or hateful one ... anticipating this is equally exciting as what SMH and JH's ending is like!!

Have a good week, -Mihyun-!

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Guest aircastles

^You too, melyssa!

Darn, I had a long reply to your post...and soompi ate it all. :(

I think so too ... traffic should improve; hope that more will post to share once he comes on air!!

Me too .. fangirlling here on PHJ and EOE as well! haha^^

To share on SMH in EOE Episode 3 (please refrain from reading if you do not want to be spoilt:

I was just watching EOE live online and SMH as a child is as good-hearted as his birth father and he has a good mother to bring him up well. (I guess she can only protect him as a child but not when he's an adult.) Oh gosh, STH is really ruining SMH's goodness so badly already and JH's OK with MH at first until what his father did. I guess she'll hate him from here onwards. Poor kid - he's so filled with goodness, empathy and kindness but his dad's turning him to be like him. ... under forced circumstances indeed!


I haven't finished the episode yet, but I managed to skim through and the boy just makes me feel so sorry for him. I mean, I'm used to seeing the cold/emotionless exterior of MH when he's grown, but you wonder (despite knowing that he's technically good) just how good he is. ANd now I see a kind-hearted boy with nothing but good intentions...to be judged prematurely because of his father's sin. In some ways, it isn't a surprise that he eventually turned "evil" because no one trusts him. He really is forced by circumstances which makes you really sympathetic to the MH character right now. I hope that JH would be able to see him for who he actually is. Or is that too hopeful?

HJH's so cute to whisper that she plays PHJ's first love ... thanks for that translation as I did wonder what she had said about PHJ... haha^^

Tired of acting as a good character already?? I hope that he won't keep acting bad if he does well as one in EOE ... he should just alternate! Yes - not much was said but they are really very at ease with each other off-screen and their chemistry is YAAAYYYYY!! Thanks for the spot translation! The conversation is pretty cute!

SMH's birth mother acted so well and I can't wait to see both acknowledging each other ... tearful or hateful one ... anticipating this is equally exciting as what SMH and JH's ending is like!!

Hee! I may have translated that wrong...not quite sure since he did trail off and didn't say it clearly. He could've said that he wanted to try out something new... But I agree, he should alternate! Perhaps when EoE ends, he could take a try at comedy? haha. (I wonder if he can do comedy well?)

There's so much things to look forward when it comes to MH - his character development, real birth family, relationship with JH, etc. However, HJH/PHJ seriously make such a compatible pair! Much more "matching" compared to Han Hyo-joo and Hong Soo-ah. I can't wait to see how their relationship goes.

I have hopes that MH, by the end, will acknowledge his birth mother. It is early, but one can't help but hoping!

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