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[Drama 2009] Temptation of an Angel 천사의 유혹


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Hello Guys!

1st time posting here! :)

Actually i wanted to aks a question.. I was wondering wether or not watching this drama and i wanted to read some of your thoughts on soompi to see how the story was progressing ..

Ive imagined a whole OTHER scenario haha! I thought even if theres all this evil plotting going on HW would still in the end love AR and want to be with her and AR would change for the better after meeting HW/AJS.. But as i read, it seems thats not really whats happening :P

So can anyone tell me ..

Does HW/AJS still have some true feelings for AR ?

And whats his relationship with the nurse ?

In the end hahaha i just wanna know if AR and HW will end up together ..

I love Bae Soo Bin and Lee So Yeon but i always disliked the actress who played the nurse so if you guys tell me HW will really love the nurse and not AR .. HUHU aha reconsidering to watch .. :P


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Hello Guys!

1st time posting here! :)

Actually i wanted to aks a question.. I was wondering wether or not watching this drama and i wanted to read some of your thoughts on soompi to see how the story was progressing ..

Ive imagined a whole OTHER scenario haha! I thought even if theres all this evil plotting going on HW would still in the end love AR and want to be with her and AR would change for the better after meeting HW/AJS.. But as i read, it seems thats not really whats happening :P

So can anyone tell me ..

Does HW/AJS still have some true feelings for AR ?

And whats his relationship with the nurse ?

In the end hahaha i just wanna know if AR and HW will end up together ..

I love Bae Soo Bin and Lee So Yeon but i always disliked the actress who played the nurse so if you guys tell me HW will really love the nurse and not AR .. HUHU aha reconsidering to watch .. :P


That's how I would like it to work out but I'm not sure it will. with 4 more episodes left I can't tell if it still loves her or not. He says he loves the nurse but I don't see any chemistry. :huh:

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You could not love someone who had tried to kill you not once but more than twice. Personally, I don't think the writer will let it happen in this drama. I also predict he would not end up with her sister either. However, I am not really sure what kind of punishment the evil wife and her lover would get for their crimes.

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Guest ponderfang

Hi hi

Me first time posting in this forum... personally i really like this show, for its suspense and well-paced plot. I like the nurse, though she's a bit too wimpy, but i can emphatise with her. I think she's giving all out for her daddy-long-legs, but being human, she can't help herself having those feelings of possessiveness over him as she does love him. However, she does try very hard to curb all these feelings and still help him in whatever way she can.

As for the evil couple, I really think they should have their retribution. Joo Ahran should never never murder an innocent kind man. If she was seeking revenge she should directly confront the old man and not manipulate the doctor and hyun-woo and sung-mo. I think this woman is not really out for revenge, she's just feeling pitiful for herself and she don't give a penny to others' suffering. She's plain selfish. Even seeking for her long-lost sister is just to comfort herself that she still has a family.

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Guest ElizabethW

You could not love someone who had tried to kill you not once but more than twice. Personally, I don't think the writer will let it happen in this drama. I also predict he would not end up with her sister either. However, I am not really sure what kind of punishment the evil wife and her lover would get for their crimes.

Well, whereas that may be the case under normal circumstances(and even then I will personally hesitate to over-rationalise human passions) here we are dealing with situations that have made any notion of normalcy impossible. This series was doing well, to begin with, by going down the dark paths of traumatic experience leading to unmediated aggression and blind murderous impulses mingling with love and desire; and where these conflicting strands could not be separated into clear-cut categories and explained away. If the makers of the series have recently taken the unfortunate decision to ditch that exploration in favour of some neat solution they would have failed their own material. So in that respect I'd be inclined to agree with poster 'soulan' that, if we are to have the hero ending up with the nurse, the whole series would feel like a waste of time. I wrote some days ago that the interesting point and main focus of the drama would do well to be the way it deals with the main couple's downfall in love, hate and revenge, that is, with the representation of the struggle and failure of love to rescue these doomed, pregnant with evil deeds lovers, from themselves, from each other, and for each other.

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Guest ilaz124

Well, whereas that may be the case under normal circumstances(and even then I will personally hesitate to over-rationalise human passions) here we are dealing with situations that have made any notion of normalcy impossible. This series was doing well, to begin with, by going down the dark paths of traumatic experience leading to unmediated aggression and blind murderous impulses mingling with love and desire; and where these conflicting strands could not be separated into clear-cut categories and explained away. If the makers of the series have recently taken the unfortunate decision to ditch that exploration in favour of some neat solution they would have failed their own material. So in that respect I'd be inclined to agree with poster 'soulan' that, if we are to have the hero ending up with the nurse, the whole series would feel like a waste of time. I wrote some days ago that the interesting point and main focus of the drama would do well to be the way it deals with the main couple's downfall in love, hate and revenge, that is, with the representation of the struggle and failure of love to rescue these doomed, pregnant with evil deeds lovers, from themselves, from each other, and for each other.

I totally agree with u on this....Its really a mix of emotions between love hate anger frustration revenge...All blended together so well thats its not possible to cleanly distinguish one for another.....That what feelings all about its very subjective n I love the writers for being able to successfully potray all this mix emotion I can clearly see these emotion from both of them AJS n HR.....Scene at the end of 17...Its breaking my heart seeing how hurt they both are...They have to suffer for what his dad had done...They are paying for his sin....Through out ep17 I totally feel the need to protect HR...I know everyone hate her..I acknowledge what she had done is not the way to deal with her situation but still I cant just blame her for all that..I hate AJS mom actually..Shes the only one who know the whole thoing why HR did that n its all her husband fault..If I at her place I would be mad at my husband first n feel pity for her...N I hate the mom side of her that obviously only though about her own children as long as her children are unharm thats all thats important to her..She cant see anything else..As much as your child is precious to you so does other child...They are all precious to their parents too...

Just hate her...DSont really like the nurse either...my prediction is both hyun woo n Hwa ran will die at the end...I have a strong feeling on this...I cant see HR will have a happy ending after all that she had done n hyun woo i still believe he still love her but hes blind with his anger n hate...When he finds out that his dad is the one who cause all this I'm crious which path he will take..Cant wait...furthermore theres hint that his body is not doing too well due to the surgery something big might happen n results in both of them dies..I can see a great impact there....


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I totally agree with u on this....Its really a mix of emotions between love hate anger frustration revenge...All blended together so well thats its not possible to cleanly distinguish one for another.....That what feelings all about its very subjective n I love the writers for being able to successfully potray all this mix emotion I can clearly see these emotion from both of them AJS n HR.....Scene at the end of 17...Its breaking my heart seeing how hurt they both are...They have to suffer for what his dad had done...They are paying for his sin....Through out ep17 I totally feel the need to protect HR...I know everyone hate her..I acknowledge what she had done is not the way to deal with her situation but still I cant just blame her for all that..I hate AJS mom actually..Shes the only one who know the whole thoing why HR did that n its all her husband fault..If I at her place I would be mad at my husband first n feel pity for her...N I hate the mom side of her that obviously only though about her own children as long as her children are unharm thats all thats important to her..She cant see anything else..As much as your child is precious to you so does other child...They are all precious to their parents too...

Just hate her...DSont really like the nurse either...my prediction is both hyun woo n Hwa ran will die at the end...I have a strong feeling on this...I cant see HR will have a happy ending after all that she had done n hyun woo i still believe he still love her but hes blind with his anger n hate...When he finds out that his dad is the one who cause all this I'm crious which path he will take..Cant wait...furthermore theres hint that his body is not doing too well due to the surgery something big might happen n results in both of them dies..I can see a great impact there....


Im like you! Haha My opinion is so biased :) Because ive watch the beginning but the story didnt go as i thought so i just skip the 16 first episode first and im watching from the wedding .. I felt so much suspens in the 18th episode even if i didnt follow the entire serie!

But i feel just like you .. I think as some others that whats best is they both die together .. Because how can they live and love after all that i mean with someone else than each other ..

How can Hyun Woo still be with Jae hee with all the things his parents has done to her parents and her sister and all ..

Okay clearly AR is soooooo wrong in getting revenge that way but .. anyway! AND! also .. HW is her sister previous husband .. Its so creepy .. Even though AR slept with both brothers though .. HALFBROTHERS .. OUF ? haha!

Im really wondering whats going to happen! Now everybody knows "everything" ...

The mother's plotting, the real relationship between everyone..

I just hope Hyun Woo doesnt marry and stay with Jae Hee haha thats all.. I dont know why but I really really really dont like her .. [Actually dont like the actress very much either .. ]

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Looking at the caps looks exciting ! I guess someone must have beaten the crap out of Joo Seung after everyone saw the video with him and Ah Ran .

Anyway I hope Jae Hee and AJS/Hyun Woo do not end up together . I still think it's wrong no matter how they love each other and yes they have no chemistry .. I find AJS ( BSB ) and Ah Ran have more chemistry with each other

3 more episodes to go ...

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Guest Logicalsong

Hmm...may I ask a question to the TOA fans who argue there IS a chemistry btw AJS and AR?

I have watched this drama as a native Korean, I think I understand all dialogues, emotions, nuiances the actors and actresses portrayed in this drama, and I still don't get any kind of chemistry between AR and AJS. Both are beautiful so they look good when they're together, but do you really think there's chemistry as lovers btw the two? I dare to say that some of you are confused with tension and sexual energy (which I mean chemistry). When they meet, there're great deal of tension, I admit. But it's not like some kind of mixture of love and hatred. As for AR, she still loves JS even after she got to know everything about him, but JS? No way. BSB didn't act as if he still has some feeling over AR. The scrip and the way he portrays JS's emotions towards AR are so obvious. Am I the only one who can't find such chemistry between the two?? Or does the chemistry imply something else?

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Guest pkknyc123

Hmm...may I ask a question to the TOA fans who argue there IS a chemistry btw AJS and AR?

I have watched this drama as a native Korean, I think I understand all dialogues, emotions, nuiances the actors and actresses portrayed in this drama, and I still don't get any kind of chemistry between AR and AJS. Both are beautiful so they look good when they're together, but do you really think there's chemistry as lovers btw the two? I dare to say that some of you are confused with tension and sexual energy (which I mean chemistry). When they meet, there're great deal of tension, I admit. But it's not like some kind of mixture of love and hatred. As for AR, she still loves JS even after she got to know everything about him, but JS? No way. BSB didn't act as if he still has some feeling over AR. The scrip and the way he portrays JS's emotions towards AR are so obvious. Am I the only one who can't find such chemistry between the two?? Or does the chemistry imply something else?

I agree that I don't see the chemistry b/w AJS & JAR. I actually see no chemistry between anyone - the romance between Hyun Woo's brother and his employee also seem forced and just a means to add a really played out side storyline/romance. And I think aside from Bae Soo Bin, the actress playing JAR and the actor playing Nam Joo Seung, the acting in this drama is horrible. Hyun Woo's whole family - the mother, brother and sister are terrible actors and their expressions and speech is so contrived. Same goes with the nurse. I know this drama is supposed to be over the top dramatic and emotional but I think they still could be more natural/subtle in their acting. Nonetheless, I am still somewhat hooked on this drama and watch it every week!

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Hmm...may I ask a question to the TOA fans who argue there IS a chemistry btw AJS and AR?

I have watched this drama as a native Korean, I think I understand all dialogues, emotions, nuiances the actors and actresses portrayed in this drama, and I still don't get any kind of chemistry between AR and AJS. Both are beautiful so they look good when they're together, but do you really think there's chemistry as lovers btw the two? I dare to say that some of you are confused with tension and sexual energy (which I mean chemistry). When they meet, there're great deal of tension, I admit. But it's not like some kind of mixture of love and hatred. As for AR, she still loves JS even after she got to know everything about him, but JS? No way. BSB didn't act as if he still has some feeling over AR. The scrip and the way he portrays JS's emotions towards AR are so obvious. Am I the only one who can't find such chemistry between the two?? Or does the chemistry imply something else?

Unfortunately, i think youre right about the feelings of HW towards AR.. :( I didnt see much of the drama yet but im watching the last episode now and i dont think he has loving feelings for her .. Maybe he ll be struck by lightning in one or two episode but i dont think so..

I think as you say there are much tensions and emotions when they appear on screen so its really attractive to us viewers but love.. :S

And i also think we re kinda kidding ourselves haha cause nobody seems to like the nurse [including me!! :D] and we re cheering for what must had been the main couple .. HW/AR!

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Guest antinh85

WTH i dont understand why the police are not after Ah ran already when they have the tape as evidence.

i hope Ah Ran looses her memory at the end and not remember anything. That will be a happy ending for her.

I'm sorry but as hot as Bae So Bin is, his acting is so stiff. I think the only person that plays there character so well in here is Ah Ran. Evil roles are made for her. Lolz

It looks like the sister will know that Ah ran is her sister next episode. Why is she still marrying him?RRRRRRRRR she lives her life so fulfilling, yet her sister grows up with hardship.

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Hmm...may I ask a question to the TOA fans who argue there IS a chemistry btw AJS and AR?

Took the words right out of my mouth! There is a complete lack of chemistry between any of the characters in this drama. The strong point inthis drama isn't any "chemistry" or lack thereof. It's not strong acting, or anything else either. I think we're all watching this because it's trashy soap opera Korean drama at its best. I admit, perhaps not quite as good in its trashiness as TOW, but still, pretty good. NOTHING in this drama makes sense, and it's not supposed to make sense. We're watching it to see how the characters all spiral downwards and start crying and yelling at each other. I'll admit that's why I'm watching it. And well hooked to it, too.

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