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Taeyeon (snsd) Failure At Seoul Drama Awards 2009

Guest spuddevaughn

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Guest kangeroo


Failure would be the wrong word to use.

I admit that it wasn't her best and that this duo was not good at all.

Both are amazing singers, but they clashed, and not in a good way.

Plus, I think they were rushed to duet together. Their harmonization lacked big time.

Overall, it was ok. Still a lot better than others out there..including me.

But is it necessary to really post a topic about this and call it a failure...pretty harsh.

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Guest loveprint

harsh to call it failure, she's up there singing, while you are watching behind a computer
That does not mean someone cannot appreciate good vocals, or point out bad ones.

I was completely mesmerised by PHS. He is amazing.

I... have no words for that harmony.

They shouldn't have paired up an excellent singer with an okay/mediocre singer. He was obviously trying to hold back. TY can carry a tune, but it lacks power, dynamics, emotion to be up to par with PHS. Boy got range. He's got a deep voice, but you can hear him hitting some high richard simmons notes during one of the last harmonies.
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Definitely a bad pairing. Don't get me wrong; I absolutely love both of them, but they obviously didn't have any rehearsals together. In that case, they should have chosen a female singer whose voice is capable of harmonizing with Park Hyo Shin. If they insisted on choosing a girl from SNSD, I would have chosen Sunny. She's definitely overlooked; I believe that she may be the only girl in SNSD that has the high range to hit the notes and sing in the octave that Mika Nakashima did in the original version, That may have helped the harmonization along a bit.

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Guest SweetSerein

they sang really well by themselves. <3 i absolutely love these two songs. i think the real life instrument throws it off...its not the original stuff..they just dont sound good together...she needs jessica. they balance each other out but that guy is really deep. its okayyy..they're both good singers but not together.

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Guest hongalong

Iuno I personally think shes overrated, maybe cus shes an idol that can actually sing....

but yah harmonizing was pretty ..eh. prolly cause of the two singers, both conflicting with eachother...

but whatsup with the thread, lol- harsh much?

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Guest ct_1225_520

wow... i'm surprised at their duet.... you're right about how horrible they sound together!

they have great voices individually but it doesnt match the song at all...

i love taeyeon but i have to say it was a bad performance...

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taeyeon's got a good voice but she clearly does not have the vocal range to sing these songs and i think its just excuses to say this song wasnt meant to be for a female or she is having a bad day when Mika clearly sung this and did an awesome job at it. Sure she is one of very few members in SNSD who can actually sing but seriously her voice arent strong and loud enough(thats same go for the others members in SNSD who can sing).

They shouldn't have paired up an excellent singer with an okay/mediocre singer. He was obviously trying to hold back. TY can carry a tune, but it lacks power, dynamics, emotion to be up to par with PHS. Boy got range. He's got a deep voice, but you can hear him hitting some high richard simmons notes during one of the last harmonies.


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I think snsd fans are once again avoiding the fact that maybe Taeyeon DID a bad job for the fact that she did and not because she's "tired." -_-; I'm a sone too, but this really bothers me when the only excuse people can make up for a bad performance is that she's "tired." FROM WHAT. It's not like SNSD is even promoting anything. And it's not like she works harder than the other snsd girls on that matter either. However, it IS understandable and REASONABLE to believe that she had an off performance. Everyone does. You can't nail it every single time on stage and mistakes do happen. I can forgive her, but I'd be kidding myself to believe that just because she's my favorite member I'm going to excuse every mistake she made.

*note this isn't personalized. I just got frustrated how a person commented that she's just tired for the umpteenth time.

I personally thought it was fine. They executed it okay and it didn't sound TERRIBLE. It did sound not the best matched? But not like anyone was too out of tune or anything. Wrong choice of harmonization. That's all. She did quite fine. People are too harsh especially some people who know nothing about music... again not personalized attack at all. Just a criticism on how exaggerated these criticisms can be.

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hahahah, wow!

i just think it wasn't her day..

and the duet part i think she started a bit too high

and it just wasn't her day

its ohkay taeyeon!!!


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Guest flyaway.

I think snsd fans are once again avoiding the fact that maybe Taeyeon DID a bad job for the fact that she did and not because she's "tired." -_-; I'm a sone too, but this really bothers me when the only excuse people can make up for a bad performance is that she's "tired." FROM WHAT. It's not like SNSD is even promoting anything. And it's not like she works harder than the other snsd girls on that matter either. However, it IS understandable and REASONABLE to believe that she had an off performance. Everyone does. You can't nail it every single time on stage and mistakes do happen. I can forgive her, but I'd be kidding myself to believe that just because she's my favorite member I'm going to excuse every mistake she made.

*note this isn't personalized. I just got frustrated how a person commented that she's just tired for the umpteenth time.

This. Thank you.

Those excuses really bother me. Being tired isn't a reason as to why a singer should put out a bad performance. Otherwise, everyone would be singing poorly. An artist's career, in general, is tiring; she's not the only one that's exhausted from the constant performances and variety/award shows. I do understand the off days or the songs that doesn't fit one's range though. In this case, I think both applies to Taeyeon. She's a decent singer, but this is most def, not her kind of song. This song calls for a singer with a stronger voice (yes, her voice is strong compared to the other girls in SNSD... but if compared to some other female artists out there, it's not).

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Guest reannon77

I think she can do better than this Perf.

Maybe because difference tone of her voice and his voice.

She must be nervous he is park hyo shin and snow flower.

anyway still like her.

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It's obvious this thread was created to badmouth Taeyeon. Your word choice to describe the performance is incorrect and an obvious exaggeration.

^ I think this is true. It invites people to join in or get defensive when the title is so opinionated like that.

However, definitely not Taeyeon's best performance...maybe when she gets older, her voice will develop more & she'll have better performances. The duet was just :blink:

I thought the solos sounded okay though :)

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Guest krnboinyc

lolol....you gotta remember that PHS is considered one of the best singers in korea...his vocal range is huge..and this song clearly has a huge range ....also...its PHS's song (well a remake but you get my point).....

it wasnt really a failure its just that taeyeon isnt on his level, or she just isnt use to singing songs that require you to change octives so often (i think thats what they call it).......

but she did fail around the end of the song...if u listen carefully she mumbles which i assume its because either she forgot the lyrics or cause she realized she was out of tune with PHS.....

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Guest myname_boa_betheone

She sounded good on her solo part. The duet, not so good.

But people just get so offensive and start to turn on their defend mode.

Well, not success/ fail to perform a song doesn't mean she is completely whack as a singer, so just relax.

Everyone has their bad days.

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Guest ohhlalakelly

I agree with whoever said that they can't pair an amazing singer and an okay/mediocre singer. Oh god, the harmonizing was so bad. Taeyeon is an okay singer, she is not great.

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