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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest april_showers

Is anyone still in need of tickets to the NY concert? It turns out that I can't go so I'm willing to sell 2 of mine.

Please pm me if interested.

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Guest mayo

They didnt show up at the Meet and Greet because their flight got delayed or whatever

but im not sure if that's really the reason. =(

but we stuck around and they did contests for 4 Meet and Greet passes (backstage basically)for the concert and gave away like tickets and stuff.. but yeah we were gonna stick around longer but someone broke into my friends car and it just got bad -_-- gahh i just hope the concerts good tmw. I WANTED TO MEET EM SO BADLY )=

& we cant even go to their afterthing cause we're not 21 yet -_- uigh

Aww.. that sad, about the car. I was there too! i drove from sacramento and didnt even get to see them! oh wells. i really hope its POSTPhONE. Being since i cant go to the concert i really have to see them somehow.

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Guest oniai

does any one have 2 extra tickets?

for the LA one?

I'll pay more than the price

let me know please thanks!!

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Guest oniai

I need epik high concert tickets for the LA performance

please let me know!!!

I need 2 of them


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Guest &teekayy;

THE SF CONCERT WAS EPIK. well to be honest kero one kind of bored the crowd in the beginning, but epik high was john teshing amazing.

like. OMFASDLKGJA;LSDKFJ. for the first section of the concert, it was songs mostly from their mapthesoul album

and then the second half was CRAZY because all of the fans basically just ran to the front stage (security wasn't enough to keep us in our seats)

and i got to shake tablo's hand twice :D OMG HIS FULL HAND NOT JUST HIS FINGER BUT HIS FULL HAND


omg i was so hyped :) they're such good performers

oh and i listened to you guys and didn't bring my camera -______- liars!

they didn't even check for cameras, and even though they asked not to take photos a lot of people did anyway, and videos too.

i regret not bringing my camera, blah. i only got to take one picture of tablo on my phone and that was before the concert,

when he was taking pictures with the rest of them . so yeah.

it was awesome because i got to hold tablo's hand and that's enough for me to complete my life and now i'm going to go die in happiness.

oh and he's so nice to his fans :D shizz, i love him. i lahhhve hi. im going to marry tablo. i dont care. he's mine.

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Guest runtoyou989

i just got back from the frisco concert,

and i just wanted to tell you guys that they DO allow cameras

you just cant use flash :]

BRING A HUGE MEMORY CARD TO TAKE LOADS OF FANCAMS. i ran out of memory in the first third of he concert -_-

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Guest lovehyuksu

The SF Concert was amazing! (:

I'm so glad I went even though my friends and I got

stuck with balcony seats. We were a bit disappointed

that we weren't able to get the World Concert shirts

though. The line was insane and they even sold out! ><

Was anyone here that went able to get an extra that

they'd be willing to sell? I know I can buy on mapthesoul

but if anyone has extra please let me know! It'd save a

lot of time and trouble for me. Hehe. ^^;

Oh, btw for those of you going to the LA / NY concert,

the whole 'no camera permitted' thing is false. All of

my friends, and me, were able to bring our cameras

in and get tons of videos and pictures. :D

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The concert was CRAZY GOOD! I love how they priced the tickets so cheap but its worth SO MUCH more than that. I now want to go to every single concert on this Map the soul tour!

I like totally LOVE Tablo. : ]

I was so suprised that they didn't check bags or anything. o.o They just scanned the tickets and let us get through.

I'll be back later with my Fancams and pictures from the concert!

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Guest gr3ent

i posted this in the EH concert thread but wanted to share with people who dont check that one.

the good::

OMG! WORDS CANT DESCRIBE HOW I FEeT ABOUT THE CONCERT. everybody else was okay.. but EPIK HIGH + MYK!!!!! and the encores!! OMFG>.. THE BESTEST CONCERT EXPERIENCE EVER!!! everybody was so hyped..

k from FM signed my shoe!! i'll take a pix later.

MYK signed my VIP pass. hes really chill and nice in person!! ^_____^

got pix with kero1, myk and K

the bad::

buying concert merchandise was crazy hell! people pushed shoved and touched me in places that shouldnt have been touched.. wtf were they so crazy... geez. and it was soo hot. they ran out of blk tshirts by the time i got there. there were only 2 left so my friend and i each got one.

so my friends and i won VIP passes to meet epik high after the show.. but guess what? we couldnt! WTF?!! why have a contest and give us prizes that dont exist?! we waited... i said hi to tablo when he walked by and he said hi back to me!!! but when i said hi to mithra and tukutz they totally ignored me and walked on.. T___T then security kicked us out and said the meet&greet was over!... wtf.. it didnt even HAPPEN! i love the concert.. i love epik high, but this i do not.. really bad way to handle fan service..

also, WHO THE FREAK SAID NO CAMERAS?! THEY ALLOWED CAMERAS! just no FLASH!!!... *sigh*... really wish i had my camera.. so pissed off

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They say no cameras but people still brought them in, then they said no flash photography but people still used flash. LOL!

Not sure about how strict the other venues will be, but thats what happened at the SF one.


hey guys I just uploaded like two of their performances on YOUTUBE.



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Guest vwitme

Dude Sf concert was INSANE when flow came on and reached the climax I seriously got an Epik High rapping the lyrics with them... "F*** DA GOVERNMENT"

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Guest mjihyun

im mute and deaf!! sf concert was effing incredible... i got to touch beatbox's hand ;/ i missed tablo and mithra by like 2 inches

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Guest davidfresh

THE SF CONCERT WAS EPIK. well to be honest kero one kind of bored the crowd in the beginning, but epik high was john teshing amazing.

like. OMFASDLKGJA;LSDKFJ. for the first section of the concert, it was songs mostly from their mapthesoul album

and then the second half was CRAZY because all of the fans basically just ran to the front stage (security wasn't enough to keep us in our seats)

and i got to shake tablo's hand twice :D OMG HIS FULL HAND NOT JUST HIS FINGER BUT HIS FULL HAND


omg i was so hyped :) they're such good performers

oh and i listened to you guys and didn't bring my camera -______- liars!

they didn't even check for cameras, and even though they asked not to take photos a lot of people did anyway, and videos too.

i regret not bringing my camera, blah. i only got to take one picture of tablo on my phone and that was before the concert,

when he was taking pictures with the rest of them . so yeah.

it was awesome because i got to hold tablo's hand and that's enough for me to complete my life and now i'm going to go die in happiness.

oh and he's so nice to his fans :D shizz, i love him. i lahhhve hi. im going to marry tablo. i dont care. he's mine.

I think I saw your hand ^^

Anybody see the hilarious bad poster?~

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Guest _eccentric

-- epik high was epik & that is no doubt! I love EPIK HIGH & MYK. Haha, seriously I could die in heaven & wish the ringing would stop in my ears! Haha, I was jumping up & down the whole time EPIK HIGH was singing (my calves hurt, seriously).

anyways, got to say hello to myk, kero, & I said "WE LOVE YOU EPIK HIGH" & tablo turned around & looked at me & said "THANK YOU" hahaha. weeee & also said hello to FM's k.

the worst - was the security guard/escort people. RUDE, just rude, I would have liked to see them act a little nicer.

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Guest hoyansango

The SF concert was sooo freakin EPIK! Me and my friends were waiting for a ride back after the concert by the stairs of the cathedral, and at that time Epik High was coming out from the back door. They literally walked by us 3 like within 20 feet distance. We kept on waving and saying hi and thanks for the great concert to them, and Tablo waved back at us :o. We had eye contact :o!!!!! It was totally UNbelievable. It turns out that their van was waiting for them(which apparently is right next to the cathedral) and we watched them get on and left. :D

And then 10 minutes later...Kero One walked by too with the two girls, and we had a nice little convo.

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Guest ohhlalakelly

The SF concert was freakin' amazing. The energy level was sooooo high.

Far East Movement did a great job at the opening and pumping us up. But Kero One dropped it. :X It was weird for the opening because the music was gloomy/slow hip-hop (I can't describe it). But when Epik High came out.. I swear, my eardrums almost popped. The funniest thing was that they could not even hear the music, they were just going with our flow. But Tablo said he liked it and to keep it up.

Btw, Tablo is so tiny, cute and squishable! He's so funny, cracking jokes here and there. Translator?? LMFAO! He talked about how some of the fan signs were extreme (?). Some said things like, "Let's get effed up!" and another one that would be rated NC-17, HAHA! Oh, and I swear he stuck his middle finger at MYK and Mythra. :P MYK is hotstuff! There was this part where Tablo jumped off the stage and a swarm of fans came rushing. I felt bad for those security guards, so many people were out of their seats. It was hard to control. I'm glad they performed their hit songs like: One, Fan, Lovelovelove. Fan was a great way to end the concert. :)

I don't feel like writing anything else because it's currently 230AM and I just got home. I'm beatttt. Also, i'm upset concert goods were sold out. They should have gotten more. Oh well, I still had a great time. <3

i'll upload pictures/fancams when i can

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