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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest JaeJoongLover

Man so such happened!

I can't believe that here is much drama!

it is so interesting though! Haha

took me a long time to update though! haha

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It took me like one week. I read 10+ chapters a day, haha

Man, this fanfic is amazing<3 So much drama, and it's not just all about love or anything.

That's what I love about it (:

There's so many questions I want answers to, hehe, I want more updates

Can you add me to the PM list?.... that is, if you have room

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Yay! I finished all seventy chapters! Welps, first off, I'm glad Ye Kyung's in a happier and more relaxed situation now. SeungHoo and JungRoo are toooooo cute! Heheh, Kyunghee and WooRi are...hmmm...let's say...an odd couple? See Duk, my god, he's one heck of a crazy guy. SungHwan seems cute. Heejoo and him are engaged? I'd like to hear more about that. They should move to America and never come back, taking Ae Rim as their daughter? Hahah okay buttttt yeah. Heejoo and Ae Rim are btiches. Big ones. Heejoo's a little hoe too. o.o Hahah, and I just love Jaeho, he's sooo cute and innocent. I felt bad that her uncle died though. Karma happens, and it doesn't take too long. I also find it quite funny how Meelah always gets annoyed by Chamsol. Hehe, well yeah, Meelah and her mom are so mean. Tsk tsk. Yunghwan is obviously too hot and cute so we won't get into that. My comment is getting very long now, so I'll have to say update soon! c=

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credits to x.lovinglife


“Since WooRi is probably having the time of his life right now, let’s watch a movie and sulk,” YuHwan said cheerfully. Then, he glared at me before pressing the play button.

I slapped his arm. “Hey! What are you trying to say?”

He shrugged. “Oh nothing, just that my very prude girlfriend is keeping very deprived.”

Both JaeHo and I burst into laughter. The rest of the night was full of light argument and laughs as we wasted the night away with fun.

And throughout the night, I couldn’t help but feel jumpy whenever YuHwan’s hand touched mine. The beating of my heart always got a little faster, my cheeks got a little redder, and my love, a little bigger.

Kissed By You || 71

The next morning, I woke up to hear the door to the apartment swing open loudly. Two voices could be heard bickering as they slammed the door shut. Sleepily, I got out of my bedroom and heard a third voice enter the conversation grumpily.

When I reached the living room, KyungHee and WooRi were arguing while JaeHo told them to shut up and tried to snuggle back into the blankets he was sleeping with.

Putting my hands on my hips, I said, “Where have you two been?”

The couple turned around to look at me. Their disheveled looks made me raise an eyebrow, which made KyungHee immediately shake her hands and head.

“It’s not what it looks like!” She exclaimed quickly. “We ended up staying at a room but nothing happened!”

WooRi just nodded his head, obviously in a much calmer state that KyungHee.

I shrugged. “Whatever. Keep it down; they’re still trying to sleep.”

Walking over to the table, I looked through the mail, wondering if there was anything there for me. Usually, it’s just bills for YuHwan’s Uncle. Surprisingly, there was something for me. I turned it over and gingerly opened the envelope. Inside was a letter asking me to come to my mother’s house for an engagement discussion.

I jerked my head up. Engagement? This must be about SungHwan. I crinkled the envelope in my fist as I stormed out of the kitchen. HeeJoo…

Back in my room, I sat on the edge of the bed since SeungHoo was still sleeping. This whole engagement arrangement between HeeJoo and SungHwan confused and angered me. Why would my mother let SungHwan be wed so young? And what did HeeJoo want with my brother? There were so many questions left unanswered.

My mother had written me the letter. Amazingly, I had to go to the get-together tonight. Getting up, I walked into YuHwan’s room and gently shook him. We needed to go shopping!

“What?” He asked groggily as he got up. One side of his head was flat and the other side stuck out all over the place. I giggled.

“Get up! We need to go shopping for this engagement party!”

“What?” He reiterated, still in a mode of sleep.

I threw the letter at him and left, knowing he’d get up soon enough.

In my room, I threw on a pair of jeans, a sweater, and sneakers. Nothing in my closet was appropriate for an engagement party.

YuHwan and I left the apartment full of the bickering kids (kids because in the morning, they were anything BUT young adults). At the mall, it was packed! I hardly go, so it did come as quite a shock to me the amount of people that were there. YuHwan acted like it was nothing, but made quite a show to hold my hand. I let it go; he was probably just fanning his man ego.

We stopped by a few shops before finally stopping at one particular one. They had simple dresses that weren’t too ostentatious for my taste. It was nice enough that one couldn’t consider it casual.

YuHwan stacked my hands with dress upon dress before pushing me into a dressing room. I tried every single one on until we finally both decided on a pale blue sundress that had a decent cut at the top and reached down to mid-thigh. For shoes, I strictly kept it to flats. There’s only so much I can do in heels before I end up going barefoot. So I ended up getting a pair of white lace flats. YuHwan already had all of his stuff at home, so we headed back to the apartment.

What a surprise we came home to. JaeHo and SeungHoo were playing video games while KyungHee and WooRi attempted to make food. Attempt is rather a poor word for what they were doing though. There wasn’t a thing that was edible on their plates! I tsked at them, clearly disappointed at their lack of culinary skills.

“Good thing you came back before we starved ourselves to death!” WooRi exclaimed. “I swear, Kim KyungHee, if you ever say you can cook again, I’ll poison myself. It’s better than dying a slow and painful death from this!” He poked at his ‘omelet’, which was still sliding around on the plate in a yellow, liquid mixture of vegetables.

KyungHee glared at him but failed to deliver one powerful enough to wipe his disgust off of his face.

“Sorry guys, I actually need to get going. We’re going to be late for the engagement party,” I told them as I headed to my room.

JaeHo and SeungHoo looked up from what they were doing.

“Engagement?” Everyone asked in unison.

I smirked. “I’ll tell you how it goes!”

Before they could pile questions on me, I walked into my room and locked it. It didn’t take long for me to get dressed since I wasn’t wearing any make-up or doing my hair up fancy or anything. There was just a simple white headband in it. I turned sideways in front of the mirror and examined my hair. It was quite long now; definitely time for a trim.

I walked out and ran right into YuHwan, who looked quite stunning in his suit, I must say. We playfully hooked arms and walked out to surprise everyone.

Surprise indeed! They were all bug-eyed. SeungHoo was the only one that reacted with a high pitched shriek. He ran over and ran his hands over my dress, exclaiming how beautiful I looked. I bent down and kissed him on the cheek. What a sweet boy.

“You guys are going to have to fend for yourselves tonight,” YuHwan told them as we headed out the door.

The protests were still heard as we took our time going down the stairs.

“You know, we could consider this a date,” YuHwan mused. “Maybe we could ditch the engagement party?”

I scowled. “You know I can’t do that!”

He laughed. “Fine. But can’t we get a little alone time?”

His request made me roll my eyes. “God knows how much alone time we have already and you want more?!”

“What alone time?” He asked incredulously. “We’re always flanked by other people! There is never alone time.”

“Well, what about at night?” I told him.

He stopped in place, staring at me with wide eyes. I continued on, looking behind me to wink at him as I ran into his car. It took him a moment to catch up with me and get into the car.

“You minx,” he growled. “There’s perverted!”

“Psh, and I thought boys were the only ones that thought like that. It’s a rather obvious solution seeing as how I’m only a few steps away from your room!” I told him as he started the car and was on the road.

He chuckled. “I’m trying to be a gentleman.”

“Then don’t complain about alone time.”

We continued the trip to the restaurant, playfully bickering the entire time. Once we arrived, we had about ten minutes to spare. It was a nice, private restaurant located in an upper-scale shopping center.

When I stepped out, I could see SungHwan and SeeDuk standing inside of the restaurant. YuHwan took my hand and together, we walked into the restaurant.

When the brothers noticed our arrival, they turned to us. SeeDuk tensed, as did I. It was the first time we’d seen one another since the incident. SungHwan took no notice in it, instead telling us where the table was.

“YeKyung, can I talk to you?” SungHwan requested.

I nodded and told YuHwan to go ahead. SungHwan and I walked to a private part of the restaurant, in front of a fish tank. I watched the fishes as SungHwan stuck his hands into his pockets and sighed.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” I asked him.

He didn’t say anything. I looked up and saw him deep in thought. He seemed rather agitated. Well, engagements are rather hard, especially when they’re forced.

“Why?” I blurted out.

“What?” He asked, turning to me with confused eyes.

“Why are you marrying HeeJoo?”

At this, he threw his head back and clenched his eyes shut before turning to face me. “YeKyung, I don’t want to marry her!”

“Then why?” I asked. My mother can’t be forcing him into an arrange marriage! Surely she’s not one of those people.

“We’re…in debt,” SungHwan answered. “This is a way to repay them.”

My shock wasn’t hidden. In place, I felt anger start to fill me. How dare they use marriage as a business arrangement! How dare they?!

“YeKyung, calm down,” SungHwan said as he placed his hands on my shoulders. “Don’t do anything stupid! Please, hear me out.”

“Hear you out on what?! They’re forcing you to marry that richard simmons just because of money? Why don’t you work to pay it off? Fcuk them! They think just because they’re rich, they can prance around and order people to repay debts the way they want them to be paid?” I was fuming in anger. What I wouldn’t give to knock these people off of their high horses.

SungHwan hung his head. “YeKyung, it’s either me or SeeDuk.”

I quieted down. Either way, they would’ve been stuck with someone marrying off.

“I convinced them that I was the one fit to marry. SeeDuk tried to take my place, but…I couldn’t let him. I…I just wanted to tell you to try and behave. Try not to reject them when they start to list terms. Please. This is hard enough already,” he pleaded.

I crossed my arms, feeling irritable that there was no way I could fix this. Nodding my head stiffly, he sighed in relief and led me to the private room we had booked.

Inside, HeeJoo and her parents were already seated across from my mom, SeeDuk, and YuHwan. We took a seat and tried to settle in for the dinner.

Most of the dinner went by with light conversation. I kept my glare placed directly on HeeJoo, who looked smug throughout the whole dinner. It took all of my restraint not to reach up and slap that smirk off of her face.

My mother looked ghastly pale. I could only imagine the pain she must be going through to have to sacrifice her son to repay a debt. And what’s worse, she has no other way to repay the debt! It just angered me too much to think about this whole situation. What a mess!

When dessert arrived, Mr. Han cleared his throat and we all looked up. I sneered at him. He obviously felt like he was better than everyone else with his disgusting air of superiority about him. His wife was no different. She stuck her nose up like she was some goddess to be worshipped.

“There are some terms we need to go over for the wedding,” Mr. Han started.

Before he could finish, Mrs. Han broke in. “I don’t want a single person from your family there! This is to be my daughter’s moment. You can only invite the people in this room. Otherwise, keep the rest out! I have the whole wedding planned already, so don’t worry about it. All I want you to do is to show up on time and be ready,” she spat out.

We just glared at her. What a stuck up richard simmons! Probably where HeeJoo got her so-called confidence.

“Visiting rights are limited. He will be a Han the moment he marries our daughter. You will have once a month to see each other. He will help me run my business…”

Mr. Han’s voice continued to drone on and on with pointless orders. I felt extremely stuffy as I sat there. SungHwan looked utterly miserable. It was just so hard to simply sit here and let it happen!

“Make sure she gets to the wedding early. I need to have her prepped up. Look at the way she dresses! Horrible!” Mrs. Han shrieked with her finger pointed at me.

My face turned red as I clenched my fists. In a cold voice, I said, “The same can be said of you.”

All eyes turned to me. Mr. Han looked flustered as his wife gaped at me. HeeJoo glared and I returned it back to her.

“I’m sorry, excuse my daughter,” My mom told them hesitantly. “She’s just returned from living with her aunt and uncle. It’s…complicated.”

Mrs. Han sneered at me. “I can only imagine. With that kind of attitude, sending the little richard simmons off is a good choice.”

Unable to take her belittling, I stood up and stared down at the Han family. “You are a bunch of despicable creeps,” I spat out. Screw SungHwan’s plea! I wasn’t going to sit here and let them talk about my family like this!

“YeKyung!” My mother called out pleadingly. “Take a seat!”

“No! How can you sit here and let them order you around?! Money be damned! I won’t stand for it. SungHwan is my brother. If I want to visit him, I will! You have no say over that!” I said as I pointed my finger at Mr. Han. “Marriage isn’t the only way to fix this debt! Fcuk, if you really want to repay a debt with a human life, I’ll work for you! But you will not take my brother and use him for your own business arrangements.”

Mr. Han stood up, his face extremely red. “How dare you?! What is the meaning of this child? She completely lacks respect! You’ve raised a hoodlum!”

I sneered at him. “Please, I’m civilized if not for this situation I’ve been put into. The uncivilized ones are you. To use this marriage to your advantage the way you are…barbaric!”

Mrs. Han got up and dragged HeeJoo up as well. “Enough!” She yelled in her shrilly voice. “I can’t take this anymore. Off! The engagement, this whole thing is off! I will not have this rainbow join my family! She will not share our family name!”

The feeling of smugness entered my body as I watched them clamber out of the room in a fussy mess. SungHwan was free! No more engagement deals!

I turned to look at him. He was relieved indeed. Slumping in his seat, he threw his head back and let out a deep breath. My mother looked at me with disappointment.

“YeKyung dear, they won’t leave us alone either way,” she told me softly. “That was one of the easier ways to repay them.”

“We have the money,” YuHwan suddenly spoke up. “I can help you repay whatever you owe them.”

My mother wrung her wrist nervously. “I…it’s too—I can’t ask you for money.”

I shook my head. “No. I’ll work for it. Since I got you into this mess, I’ll pull you out. There are plenty of jobs, nothing I can’t do.”

My family started to protest but I shook my head. “I’m not hearing anymore on it! That’s it; I’m working to repay it. Now, let’s get out of here!”


“That was an interesting night,” YuHwan commented as we parked the car and got out.

I shrugged. “Better because of how we ended it.”

YuHwan didn’t say anything, but continued to swing my hands as we walked up the stairs. Suddenly, he got this wicked gleam in his eyes and he stopped.

I turned to look at him and felt my breath knocked out of me as he pinned me to the wall. “YuHwan!”

He grinned. “Alone time.”

A snort escaped me as I glared at him. “You must be kidding me.”

He nuzzled his head in my neck and placed a light kiss on my collarbone. I squirmed under his ministration and he chuckled against my neck.

“You’re such a kid,” he murmured.

“Am not!” I argued.

He pulled back and gave me a twinkling gaze. “Oh yea? When it comes to anything remotely romantic or mushy, you get embarrassed immediately and yet, when it’s something competitive, you’re ready to fight. Unlike a child you tell me?”

I blushed. “It’s good to be a child at heart.”

“At heart,” he whispered as his face moved closer to mine. “But there are times when you need to stop being a kid.”

My heart started to pound rapidly as I widened my eyes. He was so close I could smell his faint aftershave. My palms felt sweaty pressed against his chest as he moved even closer.

When I felt his breath on my cheek, I whispered, “Stop.”

He froze. I felt disappointed that he’d stopped, but then again, I did just tell him to. He moved away and raised an eyebrow at me. I opened my eyes and stared at him, feeling sheepish.

“Not here,” I told him.

He rolled his eyes. “Well, not here. And when we get back to the apartment, not there either.”

“That’s not true,” I protested weakly.

We continued our ascent on the stairs as he complained and I tried to argue.

“Leave poor YuHwan deprived of any love from his girlfriend. He’d rather sit around with all of his friends instead,” He mumbled.

I laughed as he grumpily walked into the apartment and hid in his room. Everyone looked up at me from a card game with amusement.

“I daresay, YuHwan got the tougher chick,” WooRi snickered. KyungHee smacked the back of his head.

Closing the door behind me, I calmly walked to YuHwan’s room. He was lying on his bed with a pillow under his head as he pouted. I chuckled.

“Honestly, do you have to look so cute when you do that?” I mused while taking off my shoes.

He glanced in my direction but kept his pout on his face.

Sitting on the bed, I laid down next to him. “Are you going to keep being like this?”

Instead of answering, he pulled me closer to him and rested his head against my shoulder.

“YeKyung, it’s not fair,” he whined.

I smirked. Who’s the kid now?

“I’m a guy! I have needs.”

I rolled my eyes. “And I’m a girl. We’re not horny, sex-crazed teenagers.”

He mumbled against my skin, still pouting.

“Stop being stubborn,” I said as I gently tugged on his hair. I’d always wanted to do that. He had hair that stuck out all of the place but always made your hands just itch to tug on it!

“Stop,” he complained, shaking his head out of my grasp. “Your hair fetish isn’t helping.”

I laughed at this. “Poor YuHwan. Suffering from withdrawal are we?”

“No!” He argued. “I’m suffering from a lack of love!”

Looking at him, I said, “You’re not lacking from love at all! Eun YuHwan, let’s face it: You’re a pervert.”

He smirked. “And being with you doesn’t help, does it?”

I gaped at him, unable to believe he wasn’t denying it! “Why you little—“


I laughed as his hair became even messier from my attempts to tug it out of his roots.

“YeKyung,” he growled and started to tickle me.

“Stop—I SURRENDER!—hahha…stop!”

He stopped and looked down at me. “Surrender, do you?”

I nodded, wiping a tear from the strain of laughing. “Yes, I do.”

He leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to my cheek. My skin tingled as he slowly kissed a trail from my cheek to my ear. Breathing against me, he said, “its useless surrendering.”

“Why?” I breathed out.

“Because…you’re already mine.”

And all I could think was, You’ve got me…heart and all.



twist&fall- LOL, sarcastic. Thanks =) Junior year going on Senior =X haha, I’m crazy busy.

jellyace695 haha agreed

chng234 Yep, faith is what you really need in a relationship as well as other things.

Whatevers Girls and Guys can make each other suffer in different ways =) haha, we always blame the other sex though =X haaha, SeeDuk’s tragic love is rather hard to get over.

pinkslippers haha, yes, the kids are coming back soon =) I keep neglecting the multiple characters I’ve created =__= haha. I wish you luck with your fanfic! It is a very hard subject to approach =)

xsilentangel np

Sophi.e* haha, some people… =X

HYPERGURLY^^ thanks for a new page ;]

x Sim pli city x lol, but maybe under that angelic face was really her attitude now…!

liltoazndevil aha, it’s hard when she’s such a richard simmons lol. Haha, I really should stop making them so lovable x)

smileyface(: yep, always something. One-sided love is always hard. It sucks too cause there’s not even a chance.

TheShyGirl WooRi and KyungHee can’t stay mad at each other x)

&MiCHELLe lol, YuHwan likes to play the clown at times =) his bipolar attitude adds to the story =__= hahaha. As for AeRim’s attitude, she changes her mind too quickly =) JaeHo really was her interest, but then WooRi caught her and she just completely turned 180 on JaeHo.

jocepi they are =)

mangolover lol, they’re still not all finished x)

blaise7259 hard to believe, huh?

x f l y ` haha of course I’ll join your circle of awesomeness. Then we’ll create a square of amazingness too! xD

sharleen haha, yep, she MIGHT. Of course, YeKyung and Fighting go two and two =)

x_JaeHee puahhaah, a jelly fish tank, how unique! Haha. Lol, I actually took parts of names. So I took Woo and Ri and just put it together =X hahaha. I was going for something unique but flowing too. SeeDuk was a rather odd name I made. I thought it was good though, because it wasn’t used a lot, so it makes him a different one =D

jusplainmeh lol, they will soon =) It’s actually coming very soon… =X

Miss_van yep, girls need to figure out their own problems.

snookie831 haha, I hoped to include some fun/touching lines/moments in that chapter.

reesilove he has. More than I would elaborate on in this story x)

eunhyung She was nice, but it was all an act

cathyy haha, acting =) she’s rather good LOL

tlatnwks np. Lol, going to jail for killing them isn’t worth it x)

yelinoh haha, I wanted to show his softer/tortured side. Thanks!

TuBbieCheeKz haha, girliness is coming through

lilliannnnn ahuh!

a nice day. LOL, me too<3

heejaeun I always try to end my chapters with suspense or killer lines =) makes it good hahaa

Azureblue123haahha, YeKyung might’ve even KISSED him ;]

dakoreanhamster WooRi’s serious about KyungHee =) I want to show that he and her aren’t just a loose relationship that’s there because their friends are dating.

delusionalfairie they’ll get punishment ;]

Gullwings no one does ;] haha

MaYa^^ Welcome! haha thanks =D

pink<3 Welcome! Yea, she changed a lot.

LonelyGurlo they’ll be just fine =)

xsweeetzx aha gross huh?

ASiANBABYGiRL lol, exams were tough, huh? I was so tired when they ended.

leebabe007 haha, both sexes sacrifice when they’re in a relationship =) and yea, I hoped that last line would be good for valentine’s day since I knew I wouldn’t post in time for it =X haha

xo_hyeseung yea, to a poor kid =\

bery_x.2 She’s not too psycho now haha. YeKyung’s temper has actually lessened.

raven it’s all good =) I take longer to pose =_= lol

JaeJoongLover hahaha, she does keep him deprived xD

Sweety_x1 They’re very good together

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* exactly, she’s an actress

wfl hahaha, he is eh? lol, a seeduk supporter I see…ahah =X

MizzNana Of course he needs her<3 hehe

mzclumzie wanted to lighten it up a little =)

msxadina she’s just falling deeper and deeper

LoveItLiveIt lol, exactly!

22__mandy Welcome! Thanks for your in depth comment! I’ll have to check the list =)

.swirliee lol, more than once would’ve had her on the ground! haha

ice_door yes, you do make a point there =)

iPanda Welcome! Thank you for your comment =) I didn’t think I could tear anyone up! Haha, I find it a huge compliment when I can tear people up x) but yea, the drama is rather ridiculous, eh? lol. As for your lent, goodluck! Lol, I’m so hooked on the computer, it’s a surprise that I can even tear myself away from it for studying =_=

K-PopFighting LOL, yea, rather odd. It seems to throw everyone off haah.

kaneki haha, she’s very calm in that last chapter. Love does change her but for only a short amount of time ;]

_starxkiss36 Welcome! I’ll have to check the list.

COOKEED Welcome! Haha, wow you’re fast! Cool~~ us Jennys gotta stick together lol

JungPilGyo he was really laid back in this chapter =)

sheLLiJiElUn glad I gave you a smile

phat mole haha, every one seems to almost love him xD

Mae! lol, it’s fine =) I understand with school and all. As for the kiss, that’s coming rather soon ;] lol, if these characters existed in real life, the area they live in would be REALLY hectic haa

cream1004 Welcome! He found out YeKyung was his sister AFTER he realized he loved her. Haha, I’m glad you’re hooked ;] it’s a great story to write.

SHaZZy Welcome! Lol, it’s coming soon ;] I’ll have to check it for you.

indelible_sin Thanks =) it’s no problem! School is just getting everyone in the butt hehe

crazy for youu Welcome! Lol, I hope you read it when it’s completed then =) If you choose to read it now, that’s fine too. I’ll have to check the list =)

khmer_chick2010 lol, a lot of people have come back! I realize school’s a rather big distraction x)

KoReAnSaReSoSeXy very cute

1tym012 you’re welcome!

PiXiE_STiX Welcome! Lol, if you have any questions, I can try to answer them for you. I’ll check the list.

forever-smiling Welcome! Lol, your comment was entertaining. A lot of different things to comment on in my story heh. Characters too =)

yay, updation! lol. This chapter was too cute to write<3 I like, killed off SungHwan's engagement pretty quick =___= LOL. But just shows to what extent and how evil HeeJoo's parents are. She gets it from them! Anyways, enjoy that chapter you guys! I just finished all of my large projects for school and am relaxing for a few hours before it starts all over again heh. Enjoy!


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First ^-^

I'm so glad that the marriage is off

I can't believe HeeJoo's mom, she sounded so dare I say that word? Btchy?

Haha, I wonder the same as everyone else, when will YeKyung get her first kiss from

YuHwan? XD

*waits patiently* YuHwan is a patient guy to kiss her on the lips xD

They're so cute kekeke!

post soon

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Guest reesilove

thanks for the pm;

i wanna push heejoo && her parents off a building;


so disgusting.

i mean..eveyone knows that heejoo CAN'T get anyone to marry her;

so they have to MAKE someone;

how pathetic.



he's so cuteee <33


post soon pleaseee~

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Guest berry_x.2

thanks for the pm...=D

lol wow

heejoo's family is just like her..>> a bunch of as*es = =

glad yekyung stood up for her family tho..=D


wonder when yuhwan and yekyung will finally kiss..x)

-berry <3

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Guest tlatnwks

ooohhhh snap.

thank goodness she canceled the engagement.

i wouldnt want to see sunghwan die from having to see heejoo everyday.

and oh jeez. i hope those two arent gonna do the "nasty" ;]


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Guest chng234

thanks for the update n pm.

i m quite happy that SungHwan did not have to marry hee joo. i believe there are other ways for YeKyung's mum to pay off their debt. i dont like mr n mrs han. they r so rude.

YuHwan n Yekyung r so sweet to each other.

pls update soon

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Guest Miss_van

YAH!!!!you updated!!!what a butthead family!!!!!how much does herfamily owe them any way/like mother like daughter, Heejoo and her mother is both the same.

YuHwan and Yekyung is so cute together.

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Guest dakoreanhamster

ahhh yekyung and yuhwan are so freaking cute. haha. yuhwan is a kid at heart too! or maybe it's only when it comes to yekyung. i'm so happy that sunghwan doesn't have to marry heejoo but now yekyung is most likely going to suffer. oh no....heejoo gets it from her parents...wow :o

thanks for the pm!

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i loved this chapter!

cute indeed :) AWW!! hehe

oh, i was just wondering, why is her family in debt to the han family?

and when will yekyung ever get her first kiss?

or did she already? i forgot lol

anyway post soon!

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