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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest benchi101


They kissed!!!!


Yes! YES! *Jumps around for joy* :w00t:

This is like the best chapter!

And girl, I didn't even know you updated!

YeKyung and YuHwan FOREVER!

PLEASE continue! and SOON!

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Guest lovetoday.

her birthday? hahahahahahahahah! how can she not remember that?

and i remember her past bday her bestfriend bought her lots of iceream, ah yum ! <3

anyways, omggggg finally they kissed! sooooooo happy!


and new reader here! :D

can i be on the pm list pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee! <3

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ahhhhhh new reader here!

they finally kissed! hehehehe

it's about time! i was like

pls don't tell me that they're

gonna kiss at the absolute end!

oooooohhhh it's getting better

and better each chapter! =)

please add me to the pm list!

post again soon! thanks!

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Guest DBSK_lollipop

Yay ^___^ they kissed ^-^ Btw, are you on haitus or something? i wanted to know since you havent posted for more than a month ^___^ Anyways, i love this fanfix so i hope you update soon. Thanks and may i please be added to the pm list? Thankies ^^

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Guest QUEEENx3


this is to cute.

wasn't it her birthday about 10 er 20 chapters back?

lol one year already D;

im loving this fic haha & it was worth reading all day just to catch up

to all the chapters haha.


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Guest haloob

omo, im hooked.

im loving your story. i swear.

and im guilty for ignoring it

all the while. kill me now. haha :D


“Stop!” He growled. “Go eat breakfast like normal people!”

that was too cute. haha.

post soon. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest kooshie

New reader. I know I'm a bit late but better late than never...

I really like how this fic started out. Will be back to comment somemore after reading further.

Btw, I lurve Edward Cullen too~!!! :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest <enter name here>

woo! new reader ! i'm finally update to date! :D

especially cool cos the other 70 chapters were on word , so i chained read. lol .

hmm, didnt she already have a birthday , where yuhwan had flower petals and stuff like that and then it got interrupted by heejoo or something ? and kyunghee also bought her ice cream. or was that a totally different story? LOL . yeah, i've been reading too many stories lately.. :D!

anyways.. YAY! he finally got to kiss her. whats gonna happen next? cant wait!

well, toodles for now, but... i'll stalk this! :)

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Arm around waist. Hand grasping hair. Skin on skin.

Then it happened.

His lips were on mine.


Kissed By You || 75

The moment YuHwan and I pulled away, I felt sparks shoot between us. I was breathless and my body felt tingly all over. He didn’t pull all the way back so he placed another kiss on my forehead. Everyone came up to us with huge smiles on their faces.

“You did it! YeKyungie isn’t afraid of kisses anymore!” KyungHee cheered, throwing confetti everywhere.

I looked around at them, now a little confused. My birthday already passed. What is this?

“It’s your real birthday,” YuHwan answered. “Your aunt and uncle had changed your birthday to their unborn child’s supposed due date.”

I sighed loudly. “This is so exasperating. Nothing about me seems to be real.”

“Stop being such a grouch and get over here! I’d die to be able to celebrate my birthday so soon again! Let’s go!”

We all situated ourselves at the benches. I blushed as I looked at the cake. KyungHee had gotten the caterer to decorate a white cake with a cartoon YuHwan kissing a cartoon version of me. It was extremely adorable and yet, made me wonder if I was that predictable. What if I didn’t kiss him? What would she do then?

“You’re thinking too much again,” JaeHo said with a smirk. “It’s your birthday, stop analyzing and start having fun.”

“So this means I’m just turning 18?” I asked, unable to help but feel a little stupid. Now I’d have to change my birthday…?!

“Well, we can keep your old birthday for documents. But as friends, we’ll celebrate your real one,” KyungHee said.

We passed out pieces of cake and while they ate, I opened each of the presents. They were all nice gifts, nothing too exciting since I’ve already had a pretty eventful year. Their gifts are all things I could use; they are all practical and useful, exactly what I need.

All throughout the night, I sat in a slightly dazed fashion. It was hard to grip my head around the fact that my virgin lips are fortunately not pristine anymore. A few months ago, if someone had told me I'd be fluttery over a kiss, I'd have punched and admitted them into a mental hospital.

While we laughed, drank a bit, and ate to our stomach's desire, YuHwan was always touching me in some form. Whether it was his arm around my shoulder, his thigh against mine, or simply holding my hand, he kept me close to him the entire night. The feeling of importance, not in an intimidating way but rather in equality, welled up inside of me and I couldn't help but lean towards him unconsciously.

After we were all done eating and settled down, YuHwan pulled me away from the group to walk along the beach. Our locked hands gently swung back and forth as we walked in comfortable silence.

When we reached a decent distance from the group, he turned to me with a twinkling look in his eyes. The longer he stared, the more awkward I felt. It felt uncomfortable to have him staring.

"Where's my present?" I asked, finally remembering that he hadn't given me one. If that kiss was supposed to be my present, I was going to pout. Honestly, though it was a damn good kiss, I want a present to remind me of this day!

"I was wondering when you'd ask," he said with amusement laced in his words. "I'll give you eighteen wishes."

"Eighteen wishes?"

"They can be a list of what you want me to do, what we should do together, whatever. As long as it's within reason, I'll do it for you," he replied.

This list of eighteen wishes suddenly looked extremely valuable. I could do so many things with just three wishes. Now I had eighteen!

My smile turned devious as I asked, "Are you sure about this? No take backs!"

He nodded his head. "Of course. I'll keep my word. But remember, only within reason."

I nodded excitedly and took his hand, about to skip back to the group when he suddenly pulled me back against him. We ended up hugging each other. His smell attacked my senses with a vengeance and I fell prey to his soft embrace. It's hard to think straight when someone this gorgeous is holding you.

"You're amazing," he murmured into my forehead.

I couldn't help but snort at his comment. Okay, so it totally ruined the romantic mood, but me, amazing?!

He pulled back with an amused smile on his face. "What's so funny?"

"Sorry to break it to you, but this "amazing" girl you talk of must be an illusion." With my hands on my hips and my stance a little defensive, I knew I must come off a little hostile. Letting my hands drop, I walked forward and hugged him again.

"If anything, I'm just a lucky girl with an amazing boyfriend," I told him.

Looking up, I gazed at his lips, slightly parted and about to say something. Ever since that kiss, I swear I was watching his lips more. Despite having been kissed only hours ago, I wanted to kiss him again. And that's exactly what I did.

I jumped forward in his arms and he caught me just as I pressed my lips against his. He seemed slightly surprised, but fell right into the kiss once he caught himself slacking.

All I have to say is that he's one hell of a kisser. I can't believe I've been missing out!


When we got home, SeungHoo greeted me at the door with that sneaky little grin of his.

"So...?" He started off, not too subtly.

"Yep," YuHwan answered for me with a sneaky grin of his own.

SeungHoo lit up and started running around the place, yelling 'YeKyung Noona was kissed!' over and over again like some kind of cheer. I groaned and caught him by the waist as he passed me, determined to put an end to his behavior.

I nuggied him until he finally gave him, realizing that his hair was a whole lot more important than the piece of information he'd just been given.

Once he was on the floor again, he grinned up at me with pride. "My Noona is the bravest Noona!"

I blushed. "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything."

"You're not scared of the dark and you're not scared of kisses! All of your fears are gone!"

I laughed, pulling him close to me for a hug. "SeungHoo, everyone has fears, some odder than others."

"But you're not afraid of anything, are you?"

The question was innocent and without any hidden meanings, but I knew there were things I was afraid of. Things that, though not ridiculous, are very possible.

"SeungHoo, there are things I'll always be scared of. But if I have the courage to fight for or against them, then I'll be brave. If I wasn't scared of anything, then I wouldn't be able to be brave."

He nodded, still a little confused obviously, but knowing that I wanted to leave the subject alone. We all decided to head off to bed, not forgetting to call JaeHo to tell him that the door was left unlocked so he could come in whenever.

Tomorrow, I'm going to have KyungHee help me with my eighteen wishes.


"You're so freaking lucky!" KyungHee squealed as we sat at the table outside of a little café.

I had told her about the eighteen wishes and she lost control right then and there. She kept whining about how WooRi wasn't as romantic and how I didn't know how lucky I was. Damn richard simmons! I know how lucky I am! She's overreacting way too much.

"You're making a scene," I told her with a glare.

She finally stopped, but that mischievous glint in her eyes remained. "You have so much power over him with just these wishes; you do know that, right?"

I grinned. "Of course, which is why I intend to use them to their fullest potential."

"Oh my, what should we do first? There are so many things that would be so entertaining."

"I think that I should make him go out of his way a little. I mean, he's my boyfriend yea, but giving me the reins on what we should do? That’s the biggest mistake he's ever made," I laughed.

KyungHee nodded. We both looked at the blank notebook paper in front of us numbered from 1-18.

"How about a trip somewhere?"

"When could we take time off though? It has to fit into school."

KyungHee looked at me like I had five heads. "School? Screw school! Eighteen wishes. They could have an expiration date. We have to figure out what to do and do it! No time to waste on petty things like school."

She was overdoing it and she knew it, but we did have a short break coming up. I'm sure I could fit a trip into there.

"Okay, so where should we go? I've always wanted to go to New York. Or just some big city. Seoul is nice, but nothing compared to those other places."

"I wonder if he'll have money for this..." KyungHee pondered.

I shrugged. "Well, I'll just put it down. It's not like I'll be extremely crushed if I can't go."

We spent our afternoon throwing out ideas and possibilities. KyungHee even went as far as suggesting I kiss JaeHo for the fun of it and demand YuHwan not do anything about it. Of course I struck down that idea. This girl is such a sexual deviant, I wonder how WooRi even keeps up with her.

I looked down at the list and took a sip of my iced tea. Perfect! It included everything I'd ever wanted to do and some others that were just for fun.

My list consisted of these exact things:

1. Go to New York, Tokyo, or Paris

2. Publicly announce his affections for me (Me and my romantic notions...its cliché, but honestly, who can resist this?)

3. Get a tattoo together (of what, this is yet to be decided)

4. Serenade me

5. Go Sky Diving

6. Wear a matching outfit/couple's outfit

7. Play a role in SeungHoo's school play

8. Make-out in front of HeeJoo and AeRim (This was KyungHee's idea. Not that I didn't find it a great way to get revenge...)

9. Go to a club and dance wildly/let go of all inhibitions (This was obviously another one of KyungHee's ideas. She added "sexily" but I had to change it. Rampant hormones, that one.)

10. Ask me out on a real date

11. Let me ride his motorcycle (He has one but he hardly ever lets me touch it. This will teach him; nothing is ever kept from me!)

12. Have dinner with my mom, SungHwan, and SeeDuk

13. Take me to a DongBangShinGi concert (hell yea!)

14. Take couple pictures

15. Get a haircut

16. Set up a surprise apartment for JaeHo

17. Plant a tree

18. A secret (this I'll tell him after he finishes all of the previous wishes)

"This is the best list I've ever seen," KyungHee decided. "It doesn't focus on anything in particular and reaches a wide range."

"I wonder how he'll react..." I mused, laughing at some of the odd expressions I had in mind.

"Well, go find out! Give him the list tonight and see if he'll agree to them."

I nodded, finishing off my iced tea and waving goodbye to KyungHee as I ran towards the PC Bang. The guys had decided to hang out there while KyungHee and I had gone to have lunch. It's been a while since we've all just hung out without much drama happening. Feels almost normal.

Walking into the PC Bang, a lot of the people wished me a belated birthday or simply greeted me. I missed this place.

"Done?" YuHwan asked as he turned his chair around to face me. I nodded with a smile on my face. "I hope there's nothing too graphic," he mused. "Knowing KyungHee, I'd better be holding onto my clothes."

"It's not that bad," I replied. “Just a little costly I suppose.”

He smirked. “YeKyung, though I don’t flaunt my wealth, it doesn’t mean I’m poor.”

“You’re such a cocky jerk,” I mumbled and handed him the list.

He went down it, chuckling at some and frowning at others. When he was done, he folded up the list and stuffed it in his back pocket.

“What do you think?”

“I think we need to start packing,” he told me.

Even though he had already assured me that he wouldn’t take back what he said, I had still thought he’d disagree to some of it. Instead, he’d simply given me a smile and pushed me to get to packing.

God, I really thank you for this blessing.


School couldn’t have gone by any faster. I was so excited for the long weekend that KyungHee had to smack me around a bit before I jumped out of my seat in class.

Once school let out, I ditched KyungHee and headed straight for YuHwan. He was in a crowd I noticed and seemed a bit ticked off by the expression on his face. I also noticed that the crowd started to clear a path for me, as though I was apart of whatever mess was going on.

In the center, YuHwan was standing there with a stoic expression and HeeJoo was opposite of him with her whole body trembling. In anger or fear, I’m not sure.

“You promised. Eun YuHwan, you fcuking PROMISED!” HeeJoo shrieked.

Standing on the side, I felt extremely out of place. What was going on here? HeeJoo overreacts quite frequently, but this doesn’t seem like a drama queen charade. She’s seriously upset with whatever it is.

“I promised no such thing,” he answered back stiffly. “You’re deluded. She may have been your cousin, but I had no obligation to her. My friendship with her was purely out of my own choice, not by some forced promise.”

“Your friendship? Is that what you fcuking call it? Friendship?!”

“What the fcuk is going on here?” I yelled, unable to stand aside any longer. I was supposed to be getting ready to catch a plane! God damn these dramatic hoes and secrets!

HeeJoo shot knives at me with her eyes. Of course, when does she not? But enough of that, I digress.

“Why don’t you tell her YuHwan? I bet you left out family relations on this one,” She sneered.

YuHwan’s back stiffened and his eyes grew hard. “Shut the fcuk up Han HeeJoo,” he told her harshly with the jagged edge of a threat laced in his words. “You need to learn when to stop with your lies.”

She laughed coldly; just as stand-offish as he was acting. “Eun YuHwan, Su YeKyung is not that weak. She’ll live, with or without you.”

YuHwan clenched his fists. “It’s not a matter of whether she’ll live with or without me. It’s if I’ll live with or without her.

I could feel my heart rapidly beating in my chest and heard all of the girls in the crowd sigh. That has got to be the most romantic line he’s ever said indirectly to me.

Obviously, HeeJoo didn’t feel the same way because her jaw dropped open. “YuHwan, you can’t do this.” All of her anger had dissipated. Now she was simply pleading to him about whatever it is that started this whole argument.

“You have no right to tell me what I can or can’t do.” With that said he walked forward, grabbed me by the arm and swung me against him into a kiss that left me breathless and mindless.

Chaos broke out all around me. I could hear everyone gasping in shock and surprise. The infamous Su YeKyung, girl jjang with a phobia of kisses, was kissing Eun YuHwan and not even putting up a struggle.

I couldn’t help but feel my ego grow bigger. This occurrence is sure to make everyone realize that fear is conquerable and I am indeed capable of overcoming my fears.

In the background, HeeJoo was spouting off curses and it sounded like she was being held back by some people because she kept demanding they let her go. YuHwan pulled back from me and gave me a small smile before turning me around so that I was by his side. His hand held mine tightly and he made a show to make sure everyone saw it.

“Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a plane to catch,” he told HeeJoo and pulled me off into the crowd.

I followed him, slightly dazed and a little fluttery inside. He seemed to be saying something that was amusing and egotistical but I didn’t catch it in my blithe mood.

“Well, we can cross number two off of the list.”

“What?” I asked, not quite out of the clouds yet.

He smiled. “Number two on your list.” He pulled it out of his back pocket and held it out to me.

I looked at it and I couldn’t help the giggle that burst through my lips. He was so sly! I looked up at him and he cheekily grinned back.

“Hey, it was a great way to get rid of her,” he admitted. “And we need to get to that plane!”

He took my hand and we headed off, ready for our big adventure and my now seventeen wishes yet to be fulfilled.


Kissed By You || 76

Surprisingly, YuHwan didn’t choose just one place to go, but he got tickets for Tokyo, Paris, and New York! I do feel a little guilty making him spend so much and had told him to return the tickets, but he refused, saying it was a good experience and that he’d wanted to go visit these places as well. Looks like I’ll be missing a day of school!

We went to Tokyo first, since it’s the closest. I was so amazed by the lifestyle. Sure, a lot of it is similar to Korea, but the fashion style on the streets? Way different. They had their own style called Ganji and also some Lolita, which reminded me a lot of cosplayers. We went to an area full of cosplayers and I was so tempted to buy a costume just to keep as a souvenir. Then again, with all of the money I’ll be spending, I think I’d better save it for something better.

The view from our hotel room was amazing. This place is full of lights and so busy; so lively.

Turning around, I jumped onto my bed and, while lying on my side, stared at YuHwan’s still figure. He was probably really tired. I’d dragged him everywhere the moment we left the plane. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d already been here before, because he didn’t seem as excited as I was…

“You’re staring,” he murmured.

I jerked up from my relaxed position and sat cross-legged on my bed. He opened his eyes and mirrored my movements but with more poise.

“So?” I asked. “I can stare if I want to.”

He slowly got off of his bed and prowled towards me. I swear my heart leapt up into my throat. With his hands on both sides of me and his face only inches from mine, I had that slight sensation of dizziness.

“I don’t appreciate other people staring at me without a reason. It bugs me,” he mumbled. His minty breath lightly caressed my cheek.

“Well, I’m not other people,” I replied snootily. My outward appearance was calm, but inside, I was a jumble of emotions.

He chuckled lowly and moved to rest his head against my neck. I stiffened slightly but gradually relaxed when he didn’t do anything but breathe gently against my skin.

“Bo SooJin is HeeJoo’s cousin,” he told me quietly.

I didn’t really have much of a reaction to this. This piece of information did explain how HeeJoo and YuHwan seemed to know each other so well. It also explained the fight they’d had before we left Korea.

“I don’t want you to hate her,” YuHwan started. “She’s nothing like HeeJoo. SooJin would never hurt someone so intentionally and without good reason.”

“She seems nice,” I replied. From my tone of voice, I know he sensed that I really didn’t care much for SooJin. Yea, I know I’m being a richard simmons about it, but it helps to keep the doubt at bay. SooJin is YuHwan’s past, not mine. I don’t really want to bring it back up again.

He shifted so that he was sitting beside me and his arms encircled me, pulling me against his chest as we fell onto the bed, lying side by side.

“You’re not very good at lying,” he told me.

I sighed. “I’m not trying to be mean about it. I just…don’t want to bring it up.”

“You’re avoiding it,” he suggested.

“No, not avoiding it. Just not bringing up things I feel aren’t relevant,” I replied. “SooJin is your past. The past is a memory that is to be cherished. I just don’t want to be apart of the past. I want to be your now.”

He nodded, his hair tickling my cheek with the movement. “Understandable.”

Hesitantly, I wondered if I should ask him my question. There are times when it’s okay to continue on topic, but this question might put a minor stop to the bliss we’ve been experiencing. Still, my curiosity couldn’t help but question him.

“Do you…ever wonder what would happen if she came back?” I asked.

“I thought you didn’t want to discuss her,” he asked, that air of amusement in his voice again.

“I just wanted to know,” I said grumpily.

There was a pause and he sighed while shifting to lay flat on his back with one arm draped across his stomach.

“Yea, sometimes I do. But it’s a normal thing to wonder about what ifs. I just try not to linger on them too much.”

I nodded my head, understanding him. The past is what makes us. Changing it would completely change who we are now.

“Get to bed. We have an appointment tomorrow,” he told me as he got into bed.

I was going to question him about this appointment, but he had already turned out the lights.


The next morning, YuHwan woke me up and we both went to breakfast. He seemed sort of distracted but I thought nothing of it seeing as how I was too busy inhaling my food.

Finally, he brought me to where we had an appointment. I stood in front of the tattoo parlor and then back at him. He grinned cheekily before pulling me inside.

The place was very clean and had a bunch of designs on the walls for us to look at. The lady that greeted us had a tattoo sleeve on both of her arms, but was otherwise really friendly.

While YuHwan looked at the tattoos, I kept looking at him. Where would he get one? It sort of seemed wrong to mar his body now that I rethought this idea over.

“How about you choose one for me and I choose one for you?” He asked.

I agreed without hesitation.

“Are you two ready?” The lady asked.

We both nodded and walked into a room with the tattoo artist seated on a chair.

“So, who is going first?”

YuHwan and I looked at one another before pointing at each other in unison. The tattoo artist laughed; his laugh rumbling through his body.

“Look, there’s nothing to be scared of. Do you each know what sort of design you want?”

We both nodded our heads and once again, caused the tattoo artist to laugh.

“How about you go first,” he pointed at me. “You look like you can handle the needle.”

YuHwan seemed offended, but otherwise, agreed. I walked over to the chair and took a seat, looking over my body as I tried to figure out just where would be a good place to put a tattoo.

“What are you getting done?”

“He’s got the idea,” I said, jerking my thumb in YuHwan’s direction.

YuHwan came over and pulled the guy away from me to discuss the tattoo. I squirmed a bit on the chair while waiting for them to decide.

“Alright girly, lay down,” he instructed and I did just that.

YuHwan had chosen the tattoo be placed on the back of my neck, just below where my hair started and slightly towards the left. I laid with my cheek on my hand facing YuHwan as the artist started his machine.

“So, what am I getting?” I asked him.

He smiled. “You’ll see.”

Shrugging, I closed my eyes and dozed off. There were little pricks of pain now and then, but otherwise, it wasn’t too bad. Once he was done, I got up and walked over to the mirror, holding a hand mirror to project the image.

Slowly, I raised the hand mirror and centered the tattoo. I was amazed. It was a small heart with wings that seemed to cradle it. In the heart, there was the letter Y engraved. There was nothing special about it, but the representation of what it meant touched me.

“Do you like it?” He asked.

I turned around and nodded, hugging him tightly. “I love it.”

“Alright, let’s get started on you now,” The man said after he bandaged me up.

I took the pencil and paper in my hand, thinking of what to give him. It was so hard, especially when it’s permanent.

Slowly, I started to draw the outline of two Y’s intertwined at the upper tips. It was a small but effective design. I told the artist to add whatever else he wanted to spice it up since I seem to lack artistic ability.

He went to work, setting YuHwan’s left bicep up so he could start. YuHwan turned to talk to me as the man worked.

“So, when we get back, do you want to pack then eat or eat then pack?” He asked.

“Eat first. I’m starving!”

He smirked. “I’m sure you are. You looked like you were this morning too. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, well, I just happen to be two months pregnant, so I’ve been—Of course I’m okay!” I told him with sarcasm.

He laughed then winced when a particular spot pinched him. “Well, we’re going to Paris next, so be prepared for a bit of wining and dining, eh?”

I smiled. “If you can charm me that is.”

The challenge was in his eyes as he simply gave me a grin.


I don’t know if a person can be sick of planes, but me, I personally am. After being on that plane for so many hours, I’m ready to call this little world tour quits!

We lugged our luggage into the hotel in Paris. I was awed by the gorgeous city. As soon as I stepped out of the airport, I was in love. This place is amazing! Paris is where the heart is!

YuHwan amazingly knew French. Honestly, I think there’s a lot about him that I have yet to know. I’m pretty sure he knows English too. Well, less work for me!

I was just about to go peek at a fountain when YuHwan came back with a grim look on his face.

“What’s wrong?”

“They somehow mixed up the hotel rooms.”

“So…we don’t have a room?” I asked.

“No, we do. The only problem is that it’s a single room.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Meaning…one bed?”

He nodded his head. I rolled my eyes. “Well, since I’ve already had the displeasure of sharing a bed with you once, I’m sure I won’t die if I do again. It’s only going to be one or two nights, right?”

Before he could answer, I took my luggage and started for the elevator. Honestly, the guy acts as though we’re such saints.

In the room, I shoved my luggage to the side and jumped onto the bed, boneless from exhaustion. YuHwan was busy putting things to the side and freshening up before he joined me a few minutes later.

“So what are we doing first?” I asked.

“How about a nap before we go get something to eat?” He suggested.

I pulled myself upward and leaned on one elbow, facing him. Raising an eyebrow, I asked, “Just a nap?”

He mirrored my stance, his expression one of pure mischief. “Unless you have something else in mind.”

I grinned, just to humor him. “Actually, I do.”

“And…?” He leaned forward.

“Shopping,” I told him.

He groaned and flopped back onto the bed. “Are you serious? YeKyung, I honestly didn’t pin you for the type to go shopping.”

I frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean? I’m a girl, I like to shop sometimes. And when I’m in one of the biggest cities known for harboring great stores, I can’t resist!”

He sighed, reluctantly pulling himself up. “Do we have to go now?”

Sympathy filled me as I looked over his rather disheveled appearance. Maybe a nap wouldn’t hurt. He didn’t get any sleep on the plane after all. Come to think of it, he was rather busy on the laptop he had brought along. Strange…

“Alright, just a little nap then,” I agreed.

He let out a sigh of relief and started to settle back onto the bed, his eyes closing the moment his head hit the pillow. I lay beside him, letting sleep slowly take me over.


When I opened my eyes, it wasn’t because of a fulfilled sleep. To be honest, all throughout the nap, I kept tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position with YuHwan hogging most of the space. Now, I realized I felt extremely confined. And there was something heavy on me!

“YuHwan,” I grumbled, pushing at his body. His arm and leg were thrown over me and his head was making a niche in the crook of my left shoulder and neck.

He simply shifted a little and went right back to sleep.

I rolled my eyes. Now, there’s so nothing cute about this. With all my might, I pushed him off of me. He ended up rolling off of the bed. My hand immediately came up to my mouth as I crawled over to his side.

“YeKyung!” He groaned as he rolled around. Finally, he sat up with his hair flat on one side. I couldn’t help the giggle I let out.

“Ready for food?” I asked cheekily. He grumbled and got up, walking into the bathroom and slamming it shut.

Well, now I know not to be too perky in the morning. He’s likely to kill me one of these mornings.


“So, American or Italian?”

“I thought I was supposed to get charmed!” I protested.

He smirked. “Choose one.”

I crossed my arms and glared ahead at the two places. Well, I’ve already had enough American back home, so why not Italian, though I fail to see how this connects to anything.

“Italian,” I grumbled.

He smiled, took my hand, and led me into the restaurant.

Inside, there were people all around and waiters and waitresses busily attending to them. My frown deepened as I realized just how not romantic this atmosphere was. When we didn’t stop at an empty table and continued on into the kitchen, I tugged on YuHwan’s hand to question him.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“You’ll see.”

We walked out the back to a narrow alley with the garbage can surrounding us.

“Oh, this is REAL romantic. I think I prefer inside,” I told him.

He shook his head. “Up here.”

I watched as he pulled down the stairs on what looked like a fire escape. Well, going up is better than staying down here.

Slowly, I crawled up, not caring that YuHwan seemed to be scrambling for his life to get there first. Honestly, what is up with him?

After I got up, I turned around to pull it up and then turned back around to find complete darkness. Great, I’m standing on the roof of an Italian restaurant in the absolute darkness.

“YuHwan,” I started, feeling not too happy with our eating arrangements now.

The lights came on and my breath got caught in my throat. All around, there seemed to be a lattice-like gate that had lights weaving in and out, accentuating the flowers that grew on the vines. As I walked towards YuHwan, I looked down at the ground to see rose petals scattered all over the roof. How did he have time to do this all?!

My mind flashed back to the laptop and I smiled. So that’s what he’d been doing. Eagerly, I made my way to the table to see a whole dinner set up already. He pulled out the chair for me, a cheesy smile on his face. I played along, sitting down daintily and looking at the meal.

It was full of things I’d never seen before. They all looked edible though, so I had no worries about trying any of it.

“So, charmed yet?” He asked.

I laughed. “Surprised, yes. Charmed? That’s a bit too strong of a word I think.”

He smiled. “Look behind you.”

Slowly, I turned around in my seat. This time, I definitely stopped breathing. The scene before me was breathtaking! It was overlooking a river with a bridge in the distance. I could make out the Eiffel tower a little behind the bridge, its angular shape like a beacon in the darkness.

“Okay, I’m charmed,” I whispered. Then I turned back to him. “Not by you though!”

He smirked. “Please, I charm you on a daily basis. There’s no need for anymore than you can handle.”

Oh, the cockiness in his voice almost made me vomit. If he wasn’t so good-looking, I probably would’ve!

“Eat your food, it’s getting cold.”

“So, are you going to tell me just how fast you plan on completing this list of wishes?” I asked as I took a sip of some soup.

He smiled. “As fast as humanly possible. I’ve already crossed off four things on the list.”

I frowned. “We’ve only done three things.”

“This is your date,” he said as his hands gestured to everything.

I was about to protest when I realized, it indeed is a date. Pouting, I said, “You’re supposed to ask me.”

“I did.”


“I asked what you wanted to eat.”

“That’s not the same as a date,” I protested.

He smiled. “It is to me.”

I was about to put up a rebuttal but he silenced me with a gesture. “YeKyung, you’re ruining a perfectly good date.”

His stern expression made me shut up. Fine, I’ll let him slide with this one, but we’ll see if he gets away with it again.

As I ate sulkily, he got up and walked over to my side. “Stop pouting, it’s not pretty.”

“I’m not pouting.”

“You’re being childish then.”

“You’re cheating.”

“YeKyung, you have me doing things I wouldn’t normally do already. Are you really going to push me further?”

Sighing, I knew he was right. My behavior was childish and if I really looked closely at it, annoying.

“Sorry,” I smiled. “It’s perfect. I don’t want anything else.”

“But me, right?”

I couldn’t help but flame his ego. “Of course.”

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. The rest of the night was history.


Kissed By You || 77

So after a wonderful day of shopping in Paris, we’re headed to New York now. This is the longest trip so I decided to try and make myself comfy.

“Are you okay?” YuHwan asked me as he sat down.

I nodded my head. “I’ll just watch some movies and whatever. I mean, I’m going to New York. No complaining there.”

He chuckled. “Alright. Just don’t watch too many movies or you’ll start feeling sick.”

“Yes mother,” I mockingly said.

With that I began my movie fest. I watched all kinds of things, from dramas to movies, Korean to American with subtitles. I was just getting to the climatic part in Penelope when all of a sudden, all of the movie screens turned off. I looked up and to my side to alert YuHwan, but he wasn’t there. Instead, he was standing up at the front of the plane, a microphone in hand and a cheeky smile on his face. Oh god…

“Excuse me for the interruption,” he told everyone nervously. I could tell he was hoping no one would throw a suitcase at him for interrupting their movies. “My girlfriend just had her birthday a couple of days ago and I have eighteen wishes to fulfill. This is one of them and I’m hoping you all would be kind enough to help me in serenading her.”

Everyone on the plane clapped politely, some whistling in encouragement. I felt my face flush hotly as the song filled the earphones and YuHwan picked up a microphone.

It was “SarangIngol”, aka “It’s love”, by Mose. This is one of my favorite songs and I couldn’t believe he’d paid that much attention to it. Listening to the familiar melody, I was able to sort of forget that I was the center of this performance.

His voice started out soft and gentle, like a soothing hum. Slowly, gradually, it became a part of the song, growing stronger and filling my ears with the words that made my heart start to flutter anxiously.

“…It's love, it's love, even if I erased it, it'd still be love.

No matter how hard I try to clear my mind,

only you live in my heart.

Only you, it's only you I want to remember.

At night I take your picture and fall asleep looking at it.”

I could hear some of the girls squealing as they gushed over how lucky his girlfriend was. A sense of pride filled me. YuHwan was just as great of a singer as he was a boyfriend.

As the song started to near the end, YuHwan made his way down the aisle, his gaze focused on me. People started to take notice and turned their curious eyes towards me, making me extremely uncomfortable. I’d asked him to serenade me, not put on a public performance. Though it was very sweet, I didn’t want another public confession. I wanted to keep this moment to myself, not share it! Silly YuHwan…

“I only saw you, only knew you, only love you,” he sang as he kneeled beside me and took my hand in his.

I was unsuccessfully trying to pull my hand away, feeling torn between happiness and sudden shyness. He knew exactly what I was doing, so he forced me to stand up by pulling me up as he stood up. Now, everyone knew exactly who to look at as he finished the song with his voice gently falling into a softer pitch.

Pulling me close to him, he said, “Even today, I believe in love.”

That last line of the song made me start to tear up, knowing that it applied almost perfectly to us. After everything that’s happened, he still stood by me, supported me and gave me so much.

Everyone cheered as he gently pulled me into a hug, laughing when I started to cry against his shoulder.

“You’re being sentimental,” he murmured to me as he pressed a soft kiss against my cheek.

I lightly slapped his shoulder. “You surprised me.”

“That’s what I’m here for,” he said, smiling cockily.


We arrived in New York with loads of energy after having rested on the plane for so long. I skipped out of the airport, ready to roam the streets of the big apple.

“Let’s stop by the hotel first and then we’ll go shop a little,” YuHwan suggested.

I agreed immediately. Traveling is definitely his field of expertise it would seem.

We both got to the hotel room and I was shocked. Everything was amazing! Manhattan sure has a lot of nice attractions. The buildings were at least.

“Ready?” he asked.

I looked up from my view out the window and giggled. He’d run water through his hair and made it, if possible, stick out even more. I walked over to him and patted my hand in his hair, effectively flattening some of it. He pouted slightly, running his hand through his hair and causing it to stick up a little more.

“Ready,” I told him, taking his hand in my playfully and running out of the hotel room.

We roamed the streets, taking in the different lifestyle the Americans had. There were so many people, though that’s not too much of a difference. The shops and their style were different though. The jewelry stores are especially pretty. Tiffany & Co. had a lot of nice necklaces as well as bracelets. Though I’m not a normally girly person, I found these sterling pieces to be quite cute. I pulled YuHwan from shop to shop, determined to see everything, even if I didn’t get a thing on the trip. He forced me to buy at least one thing however. I ended up getting some shoes I found were irresistible. I also bought some clothes to bring home as souvenirs for KyungHee and the boys.

As the day turned to night, we both tiredly made our way back to the hotel. YuHwan collapsed on his bed, almost knocked out with sleep.

I lay down, throwing my bags to the side with a grunt. Looking up at the ceiling, I said, “I’m never doing this again.”

YuHwan chuckled from where he was. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

“Why did you do all three places?! This is the most insane trip ever,” I groaned as I turned from my position to look at him.

“So you’d get to see them all.”

“But at the same time?! That’s too much.”

“Well, you won’t have to go again then.”

I glared at him. “You did it on purpose.”

He turned to look at me with an innocent look. “What ever do you mean?”

Oh, he is such a faker. “Psh, watch, few days after we get back home, I’ll want to go back.”

“And you can,” he responded.

I knew he was being serious too. There was no insincerity there. He would definitely pack up and take me the instant I wanted to go. It made me feel so spoiled and yet, I loved it.

“You’re too good to me,” I whispered.

He turned on his side, smiling at me. “You deserve every bit.”

Turning to lay on my back, I let out a big sigh. “Don’t say that. I don’t deserve any of this. Look at me. I’m here, wasting my life away. My Uncle—“

YuHwan stopped me from saying another word when he suddenly took my hand in his. I sat up, moving over to give him room.

“Your Uncle would want you to be happy. You know that none of that was your fault. Now, stop being all angsty; you’ve got a big day tomorrow,” he told me, smacking a kiss on my forehead and jumping back to his bed.

I didn’t even have time to question him before he was out, snoring and all. A small smile grew on my lips as I turned to my side, falling to sleep in a blur of thoughts.


“Where are we headed again?”

“Calverton, New York.”

“For what?” I asked, shifting in my seat. He’d woken me up pretty early and I’m getting restless now.

“Your wish,” he replied.

“Why is it taking so long?” I whined.

He smirked. “You’re the one that made these wishes. Want to change them now?”

“Which one are you doing?” I asked, leaning towards him as he drove.

“One of the more dangerous ones.”

I thought about it, finding only two of my wishes extremely dangerous. Looking at the rather large area of land, my eyes widened.

“Sky diving?!” I shrieked.

He nodded his head. I excitedly looked out the window, finding we were nearing the area now. This is quite a surprise! I didn’t know we’d be doing it so soon.

As he entered the parking lot, I couldn’t help my excitement. I jumped out of the car before it was even fully parked, causing YuHwan to yell my name in worry and anger.

I looked around me, amazed and anxious for the challenge I would soon face. YuHwan walked up to me, that expression of anger on his face as he took me by the shoulders and shook me lightly.

“Are you crazy?! I could’ve killed you!” He yelled.

My body felt like it was floating. He was yelling at me, but I didn’t feel the slightest bit unhappy or worried about what he was telling me. It’s like a child, when they’re yelled at, all they can think about is that fun toy just waiting for them. I was the exact same at that moment. My body felt like floating away from him and towards the building holding the keys to my new adrenaline rush.

YuHwan sighed, rolling his eyes as he took my hand and dragged me towards the building. “You are so childish.”

I giggled and we both entered the building, talking to the people real quick as they checked for our appointment. We both went to get a little bit of training as they told us how to prepare ourselves for the jump. The gear was a little heavy, but I was so hyped, I hardly noticed.

By the time we were on the helicopter, the instructor had to literally hold me down for fear that I would jump out suddenly. YuHwan listened carefully to the instructor while I looked out as we flew higher and higher. It was so clear up here. The sky was bright blue and the clouds looked thin and wispy. Finally, after what seemed like hours, we were ready to jump. YuHwan took my hand, leading me towards the jump door.

“Are you ready?” He yelled over the roar of the helicopter.

“More than you know,” I yelled back.

The instructor started to count down waiting for the right moment so that we could jump.

“5…4…3…2…JUMP!” He yelled.

My stomach flipped as YuHwan and I jumped out of the window. I could feel the wind pressure against my face as my body felt spread out like a pancake, pressed flat by the pressure. YuHwan’s hand was tight on mine as we swirled down into the large countryside.

With amazing strength, YuHwan managed to pull my other hand into his, our arms forming a circle as we continued to fall. He was laughing, I could hear some of it, but otherwise, I was too absorbed with the whole experience. Adrenaline rushed through me as I felt fear and excitement continue to swirl in my system.

YuHwan started to gesture to open the parachute and I followed his movements, letting go of his hand so that we’d have enough room for each of our parachutes to open up.

I pulled the string and suddenly, I was starting to slow down. The numbness in my face started to slowly go away as I massaged my cheeks gently, determined to stop this monstrous botox from the air. At my side, YuHwan was trying to fix his hair, a mess that was unfortunately looking to be permanent. I laughed at him, watching as he glared back at me.

“Yah, your hair is like a porcupine’s!” I laughed, pointing at him teasingly.

“Yeah? Well, you should take a look at your own hair,” he retorted, a smile playing on his lips.

I patted my head, trying to find out what was wrong. He must be lying; there’s no way I have anything in my hair!

We gently caught ourselves on the ground, stumbling a bit from the exciting encounter. Taking my hand, he helped me get back to the instructor, who had landed just a bit before we had.

He talked to YuHwan in English. His expression was pleasant enough that I didn’t have to worry about anything. At least I didn’t do anything wrong!

“Alright, let’s go,” YuHwan said. “I’m sick of New York.”

I pouted. “What do you mean? Are we leaving already?!”

We both got into the car before he would answer me. “Yes, and don’t give me that pout. I’m homesick. You should be too.”

I sighed. “I guess…”

He stopped, looking over at me. “You want to stay?”

We looked at one another in the car, one helpless and the other childish.

“I miss home too…” I admitted.

He got back on the road, seemingly satisfied with my answer.

“…but I like having you to myself,” I confessed.

He didn’t say anything. The only gesture that assured me he had heard was when he took my hand in his, intertwining his fingers with mine. I smiled.



pheonix Welcome! Lol, yea, finally!

hopexfaithx3 Welcome! Definitely been waiting for it eh

aznbadgrloxox lol yea

liltoazndevil finally JaeHo stands up.

AzureBlue123 lol, she knows her birthday. It’s the oddness of the whole situation is all

reesilove lol, everyone’s been waiting for it

babyboo` I was afraid I drew it out too long

x3Yesung very childish, but soooo them =)

berry_x.2 finally haha

XoxoSarang you’re welcome

Miss_van he’s slowly healing

krnxlover94 lol, JaeHo would probably look so hot, pissed off and just telling it straight up =X hahah

jellyace695 LOL, yep!

kawaii999 np =) and yes, kiss on the lips

K-PopFighting LOL, nahhh, it’s her “real” bday hahah.

delusionalfairie lol shock hahah

Gullwings finally!

tlatnwks yes, we should kill them off soon.

x Sim pli city x it was about time he stood up to her!

HYPERGURLY^^ lol, cuteness

encore. Welcome! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story!

LoveItLiveIt lmao, I’ve never heard of Prole, but that sounds oddly cool hahaha.

babyvivi Welcome! Thanks so much for your comment, makes me feel better haha

dakoreanhamster yep, definitely more courageous

cathyy LOL, girl scene =]

chng234 yep, just for her

ShootingStarX thanks for starting a new page ;]

smileyface(: LOL, yes, hot, sensual = YUHWAN <3

Helena_hue getting over her for sure

xstrawberriesx yep haha sucks for AeRim

sharleen they’re cute, huh?

ntts LMAO, hahahah skin on skin. Well….hahah, not too graphic I hope lol. JaeHo’s cussing was a product of my viciousness at my own characters lol. I just wanted to hate AeRim so much.

phat mole thanks for your consideration =)

blaise7259 yep!

MaYa^^ lol, I do hope I surprise them every time with something new/different

randomzero.loves.dbsk thank you

pinkpuffipillows I’m glad you caught that! Lol, yes, indeed her birthday did happen earlier in the story. Of course, that was before she knew of the whole adoption thing

lil_mixed_cutie619 hahah yes!

jusplainmeh I think you said it all

` Cookieemonster I’ll try, but we’ll see

bubblestar22 Welcome! And much thanks!

always_kay lol thanks

-SK glad you caught that.

ASiANBABYGiRL lol, cuteness eh

MyHeaven08 Thank you very much =)

M_JJang thank you!

cLuMsyGal lol finally !

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* lol, cute kids

michika thanks!

swe3tdreamz lol, I see your shock!

xsweeetzx the courage one feels when let down too many times is amazing

twist&fall- yea, well, I had to choose SOME kind of important date haah

Mady Welcome! I’m glad you found a good NG story. I try lol

sarahILa thanks!

Twilight54 Welcome! I’ll try my best to fit a spot for you on the PM list =)

T34rSoFBLoOd thank you!

angelicXD LOL, it’s very late actually. As for SooJin, who knows? She might still be out there…;]

myxlove101 Welcome! I’m sorry for such a late update! So much has gone on…

Whatevers yep!

leebabe007 lol, the excitement everyone feels is like that.

kusolu93 Welcome! LOL, kissed and everything better? Not likely, but it helps ;]

dumdumgrl Welcome! They’re psychos

yayy jamiee x3 Welcome! LOL, thanks! I’ll check for the PM

dbxxsk Welcome! I’ll have to see about the PM

xsmiley Welcome! Of course ;] I’ll check the PM

raven lol, it is inevitable.

MisS_SuJu nah, SooJin can’t bring EVERYTHING down all the time =)

tranguyen =X I’m sorry for the long wait!

-anya- I’ll check

benchi101 lol thanks.

tab_byeyo93 I’ll check =D

boa_sarangeh thanks!

angielyn;s2 lol, she’s silly. I’ll check for ya

shortee28 Welcome! I’ll have to check for you

DBSK_lollipop I’m sorry for the long wait. Nah, family problems…

LOVE.lies Welcome! Lol, not one year yet guys!

kayti lol, it’s addicting, eh?

haloob Welcome! Thank you =D

o__xmonii it’s not!

kooshie Welcome! Lol, I LOVE Edward Cullen. If I could find a guy like that, my live would be heaven =)

<enternamehere> yea, the word usually makes it easier to read it all. Lol, you’re right, don’t worry =)

♥„~“Cleopatra“~„♥ lol, yep

Hey guys, I’m extremely sorry for the late update. Honestly, lately it's been extremely hectic. My dad has cancer, so a lot of things have been going on. I'm trying my best right now, so don't hate me for having been on such a long slight hiatus. Thank you so much for sticking with me and this story for so long. I will finish it no matter what. Welcome new and returning readers<3 Love you guys!

Also, some of you questioned the birthday incident. You are all right =) She definitely had a birthday earlier in the story. It has not been a year already. Close to it, but not yet. And as you can see, the reason for this birthday celebration is because of the adoption thing. Makes it all very confusing lol.

Once again, I thank you guys. I do hope that I haven’t disappointed you guys with these chapters. I’m trying hard to find my muse and to continue to write. Work, school, and family drama becomes hard to handle all at once sometimes…=)

*credits to Aheeyah for the lyrics. I've also never been sky diving, so I'm simply making up the sensations one feels =X lol. And are my Japan style notes alright? =___= so many countires, too little time to research!


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You updated with 3 chapters. Ily.

Don't worry, I'm not disappointed with your update with 3 chapters. I love it.

I wish I knew a guy who was like YuHwan. Haha. So sweet and caring. x]

YeKyung is lucky.

Sky diving sounds utterly scary, which I will never try at all.

I hope that things will be okay with your father and family.


Please post on your free time, I believe we all can wait.

btw, I love your signature. Twilight<3

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I'm claiming

yay an update, a triple one! woohoo!


That was so cute. I'd be one of those girls squealing on the plane about how lucky the 'girlfriend' was. xD Aha. And O_O she has two birthdays! Lucky her? Kind of. I LOVE her list. Except for maybe the tattoos. I would never get a tatt :x Even if they looked really cool. I'm way too chicken to get one <_< x)

All I have to say is that he's one hell of a kisser. I can't believe I've been missing out!
Nice. Her phobia is definitley gone.

8. Make-out in front of HeeJoo and AeRim

11. Let me ride his motorcycle

13. Take me to a DongBangShinGi concert

16. Set up a surprise apartment for JaeHo

17. Plant a tree

18. A secret

8. Oh, I can't wait.

11. Lucky her!

13. LUCKY, LUCKY GIRL!!!!!!!

16. He MUST be loaded. ;;;T___T

17. ...HUH?! That's strange, unless I totally forgot something important that happened...

18. I CAN'T wait to find out. Make it good? Thanks :lol:

Thank you for the PM!

And, I hope the best for you, your father, & your family.

I'll be praying for him.

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brb to edit! ^^


ahhhhhh soooo cute!!!

he did how many of her wishes so far..

awww... and i can't believe heejoo and soojinwere cousins...

dammnnn......bah..... yekyung got soo sooo girly though...

ohh man.. never thought i'd see it.. haha

3 chaptersss wowwww...

thanks for adding me to the pm list! =)

greatly appreciated!

can't wait till next chapter or chapters..


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