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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Yay~ good chapter <333

I'm so glad you posted... but now I want to read more!! ^ ^"

keke... ^ ^ If JungRoo is the start of their relationship, I wont hate her =PP

Please post soon!


I just realized that on your new poster, it says "I was saved because you kissed me"

!!!! When will that happen? > <

ah~ so curious!! > <!!!

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new reader XD

omgee im addicted to your story XD ! please post soon!

you kno i always have this feeling that one day the sister and her mother's ganna richard simmons her off so BAD shes ganna SNAP and show them XD!

and especially to the 2 girls. HMPH! lol makes me so MAD! i wanted her to punch the HECKout of them T.T hoping for more <3

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JENNYYY ^__^ Hello(:

I am here to post about yoru lovely story again ^^

Yeah I got a bit lazy ^^;; But I still read .__. Sorry :x


I really like this story but it takes quite some time for it to update or it's just me -___-^

But OMGOSHH YuHwan sounds soo nice though(: Making sure she doesn't fall off his knees now huh huh huh???

JungRoo seemed kinda BLERGHHH at ferst but now I luff her<3 LOL XD

I wonder when all the frustrating drama will come along o__o *waiting for drama so she can yell&hate on some kiddies 8)*

Update when you can misss ^__^ I love your stuff<3

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I;m sorry i won't be able to comment till end of nov cause my exams aren't over yet.


I'll catch on soon and comment!!

Real sorry^^"

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Guest jaejoong<3

~new reader~

I was going to reply last night, but I had to go to sleep :x I stayed up until like... 1 a.m reading your story XD I couldn't tear away! <3

Well.... So much writing, such a little post! T.T So... here goes!

1. I think the Pica Bica drawing is the cutest thing on earth! <3

2. You're only... 15? <3 You're so young yet your writing is so good! <3

3. Poor YeKyung <3 She has such a dramatic life (may get harder T.T)

4. (I only now just realized that you wrote Moonlight Walk! <3 I loved that!)

EunHwan sounds hot! XD I really don't like AeRim and HeeJoo ._.

JaeHo sounds pretty cute, besides the fact that he like/d AeRim <3

Does KyungHee play a super major role, or is she just YeKyung's best friend?

Who does EunHwan like? XD What is the black room in his house? His mother and father's room? What happened to his parents?

This sounds as suspenseful as Moonlight walk XD Is YeKyung like EhLim?

(I loved EhLim, because I love the sad endings :x Sorry my reply is so unorganized, I really have bad organizational skills <3)

If you still have room on your PM list, could I be added? My replies may be... a few hours or so late, but I will reply if I get PMed <3 Update soon!

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Guest beIntimate.

sorry havent been replying got back from overseas !

i hope yuwhan and yekyung will kiss soon.. ahhahahs.

they seem to be getting closer .. she sat in his lap !

i wonder what jungroos 'evil plans' are going to be..

update sooon

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“Stop, you’re going to punch your way into the next room.”

He pulled his hand back. “Then let me. It’s none of your business.”

“I would, but you're setting an extremely bad example for men to my cousin. She may be a prodigy, but that doesn't mean she knows how guys behave. Seeing you like this most likely changed her opinion about guys a lot. So if you don't mind, refrain yourself from such barbaric actions around her.”

I walked out of the room and grabbed JungRoo with me. “We’re going home.”

Kissed By You || 21

“Are you pissed?”


‘Yes, you are.”

“I will be if you don’t shut up.”

JungRoo walked beside me with her hand enclosed in my hand. She knew the answer to the questions she asked, but I knew she only asked to make me feel better.

“YeKyung, what’s wrong? You seem to be really moody lately.”

“How would you know? You’ve only been here for five hours,” I muttered.

“Auntie tells me you’ve been really moody.”


“Why do we have to walk anyways? JaeHo could’ve taken us home.” She whined and stomped her feet as we walked.

“He’s busy.”

“YuHwan’s scary when he gets mad.” JungRoo shivered. “Almost as scary as you.”

I looked to the right out of the corner of my eyes. There was a rustling and some hushed voices. Slowly, I stopped and looked at the dark alley way. JungRoo hid behind my back with her arms hugging my leg.

“What is it?” She asked in a hushed voice.

“I don’t know.” Slowly, I started walking towards the sounds.

“YeKyung, let’s go. I don’t like this,” JungRoo whimpered.

“Don’t be such a crybaby.”

Then, there came the most hateful voice I've ever heard in my life. “You should’ve just listened to her YeKyung.”

I turned around quickly and saw HeeJoo and AeRim. Hiding JungRoo more fully behind my back, I glared at them. “What do you want?”

“What do we want? You’ve asked us over and over again and we tell you yet it just goes in one ear and out the other huh?”

“Look, I don’t want anymore trouble. Just leave it at this.”

“Aww, is YeKyung finally scared?”

I wanted so badly to pull a fistful of AeRim’s hair right out of that brainless head of hers.

“Scared?! Su YeKyung, scared of you?! You must be joking,” JungRoo suddenly shouted.

“Shut up,” I hissed.

She ignored me and walked out to stand boldly before them. “You, Barbie look-a-likes, leave my cousin alone. She doesn’t have time to waste on immature fools, so why don’t you take that fifty cent manicured finger and stick it up your as$?”

See what I mean? You can hate and love her. No way in god’s name can you choose to just hate her or just love her. It’s a whole package I tell you.

“How adorable! A mini-me of Su YeKyung. I feel bad for the kid. She could’ve used her time wisely instead of trying to become someone like you.” HeeJoo grinned.

“Why don’t you take her advice? Go fcuk yourself.”

“Why don’t you?”

“I, unlike you, don’t have to lift my skirt for guys to come after me.”

HeeJoo had to hold AeRim back from attacking me. So predictable.

“Let them handle it,” AeRim reasoned.

Who was them? I turned around to face the same ugly as$ guy that I hadn’t beaten last time. This time, he had a whole new crew with him; a new crew that carried bats. HeeJoo and AeRim stood next to the as$hole with huge smiles on their faces.

“Fcuk,” I cursed under my breath.

“Uh oh." JungRoo’s words expressed exactly what I felt.

I decided to stall by talking and insulting them. It should give me enough time to figure out just what to do.

“You again? I can’t believe this. HeeJoo must be fcuking you real good to get you to come back.”

The guy’s face turned red as did HeeJoo’s.

“I hope you don’t expect me to let you off as easily,” the guy spoke roughly.

“Oh, I hope you don’t. I mean, last time was WAY too easy. You didn’t even have the balls to stop me from getting help!”

“YeKyung, I think that was a stupid remark,” JungRoo whispered.

“Shh,” I hushed angrily.

“I hope your little cousin is good at fighting.”

I gaped at AeRim. What the hell was that supposed to mean?! Were they actually that cruel that they’d go after a little eight year old?! Oh hell no!

“Don’t you dare go anywhere near her,” I threatened through clenched teeth.

“Oh, you’re only tempting me.” HeeJoo copied my line. She copied my line!

“Fcuk you richard simmons!” I let my rage out by cussing at her. “I can’t believe you had the nerve to even come back after what happened! Sh!t, I will get through this alive, whether you like it or not.”

“I don’t think so sweetheart." The guy’s eyes twinkled in amusement.

“Don’t call me sweetheart you ugly son of a richard simmons,” I snapped.

“Enough!” HeeJoo shouted. “She’s only stalling. Get her and finish it off. I don’t want to see her come out of this without getting a visit to the hospital or, better, a year's stay."

HeeJoo and AeRim sat down on a fire escape to comfortably watch. I clenched my fists and looked down at JungRoo. “Run.”

And she did just that. I was glad she didn’t disobey me, because I didn’t have time. By the time she was out of my sight, the brawl had started. I tried to conjure as much anger as I could. The only way for me to fight off these guys would be through my anger. I may be blinded by it, but at least I’d make it through alive.

It was easy at first. Just fist against fist. I hardly shed a sweat. It was the bats that made me doubt my strength.

“I can’t believe you’d actually play this dirty,” I said loud enough for the two to hear.

“Well, believe it, because you’re about to look like a fcuked up richard simmons. Say bye-bye to your original face.”

I watched as they all crowded around me. How I hate circles. My first target was the guy nearest to me. Sweeping him off his feet, I grabbed his bat and shielded myself against the other bats hitting down on me. The fight was grueling and tired me out quickly. It was bad enough that the bat was heavy, but to have other bats hit down on it made it weigh a ton.

Falling to the ground, I felt the many hits numb my body. I couldn’t even breathe without having the breath knocked out of me! Thinking of how HeeJoo was laughing her head off while I’m being beaten got me fired up. I grabbed the first leg in my view and pulled them down making them slip.

Quickly getting up, I spit out some blood to the side before going back to whacking them all. Finally going completely blind from my rage, I swung and hit anything I could. It wasn’t long before it was down to five men. They were the biggest of the rest.

Charging towards them, I hit the first one in the neck, though I aimed for the head, and heard a loud crack. The next one came from behind. Using the butt of my bat, I hit him square in the jewels. He fell down screaming and groaning while cradling it. The other three narrowed their hawk-like eyes and slowly circled me. They all ran towards me at the same time with their bats in different positions. The first one hit me in the stomach and made me double over. While bending over, another one hit my back. I screamed at the sound of something cracking, sending a searing amount of pain throughout my body. It was agonizing and made me want to crawl out of my skin and just leave the horrid scene.


I was on all fours with my face an inch from the ground. Breathing hard, I held back the urge to let out another scream.

HeeJoo stood in front of me and clicked her tongue. “The infamous Su YeKyung, kneeling before me? Now, that’s something I never thought I’d see.”

I looked up and came face to face with a gun. AeRim’s face was emotionless as she held it in front of me, taunting me with its shininess.

HeeJoo kneeled down and pulled my head upwards by my hair. I hissed in pain. “You see this beauty here? I could stuff it into your mouth and blow your brains out this instant. Of course, I wouldn’t dare go there because it’s not as much fun. Seeing you suffer slowly makes it more entertaining to watch.”

She let go of my hair and my head fell back down, bowing towards the ground.

“Tell me, YeKyung, what’s it like to have everything you’ve ever wanted?”

Everything I’ve ever wanted? I don’t even have one thing that I want and she’s asking me this for what?

“What’s it like to have everyone look up to you? To have people say you’re the best of the best?”

“Its hell,” I spit out.

“Fcuk this sh!t, HeeJoo, let me finish her off and put her out of her misery,” I heard AeRim say.

“Not just yet. Let her have her fun while it lasts.”


I heard several people running towards us. AeRim dropped the gun and slowly backed away.

“O-oppa! What are you doing here?”

“Fcuk, HeeJoo! What the fcuk is this?!” I heard an angry yell.


I saw JungRoo’s face out of the corner of my eye. She had been crying. Not only is she smart, but she’s just got to be a guardian angel for coming right on time with help.

“Jung…Roo.” I managed to let out a small smile.

“We have to get her to the hospital!” KyungHee screamed.

“You better pray she comes out alive because if she doesn’t, you’re not going to be a happy person.”

I closed my eyes and let my body fall unconscious, hoping they would get me help as quick as possible.



Sophi.e* ehh, yea, it does seem slow to me. Usually stories would be way into it by this chapter =_= I know, I gotta speed it up, heh.

X10DiNGDREAMERxx lol, you're onto something ;]

bbobbo* Eh, his family isn't too big in the story. I really shouldn't have put that whole bit with his father in there =\ I always seem to do that >O<

leebabe007 tch, men are as$holes <_<

sheLLiJiElUn agreed agreed!

ingi.girl^ lol, all girls seem to like violent guys (cause of their show of strength xD)

Sophie LOL, tch, my work doesn't even compare to those other PS queens and kings xP. I gotta get more practice =) Yea, guys really are d!cks though =\ lol, you didn't finish Goong yet? I can't wait for the second season, but I'm not sure it's based on Shin and ChaeGyung (who I wanted it to be based on). It's probably on some other old people T__T

Lisan haha, JungRoo is the bomb~

smileyface(: LMAO! that'd be cute if JungRoo did have a crush on JaeHo, but I have someone else planned for the little girl ;] But yea, YeKyung does care for her younger relatives =P

linnienguyen eck, I'd smack him if my father was making out with some prostitute =_=;;

1tym_kangta haha, definitely hot ;]

lido0LmisSundersto0D lol, both of the people are scared to get deep into relationships, but one'll take the initiative.

dee duckie of course! that's how the story's gotta go x]

lostdesires lol, nah, that's way too easy ;] he's a guy; they don't show their feelings SO easily, heh.

ILostMyTrinket Welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying<3

xchink yea, gay, huh?

winta haha, and I love my reader(s)!

its ginny XD Welcome! lol, there'll be many more surprises in the story (like the fighting scene above!)

kaneki well, guys don't care if they bleed; just that they can get their anger out physically -____-

Sharleen I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

TuBbieCheeKz his dad gives men a bad name~

dakoreanhamster weird, but possible =D

mzclumzie LOL, I so agree! I'd freak out all over the place haha :D

Mae! lol, definitely =] being squished ain't fun, haha.

allyy I agree.

profeminist That'll be explained later =]

baybeeh_bliss When your mother's in pain and your dad's an as$hole, I'd pretty much punch a wall too x]

MizzNana Just a bit more =] it's not all on him though.

mct2dj OMG, I never even thought of that! That'd be nasty if he was kissing ChamSol though >O< she's my "pure" character, haha.

Sweety_x1 Complicated, but hopefully the family will get better~

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* haha, she's got good intentions =)

shronie_x3 It's very nasty. Trust me, YeKyung and YuHwan are getting together soon. It's in a couple of chapters coming up =)

ASiANBABYGiRL evil man >_<

kp4life super strong girl!

xsogorgeliciousx yea, I agree!

baybee || loveLy lol, it's crazy huh?

FlYiNG HiGHx3 it's okay =) I hope you do come back!

moochie No problem =D

Jess Hello~ *waves*. But yea, JungRoo is such a great kid, lol. As for YuHwan's past, it'll be explained in a separate chapter of it's own =D haha, yea, I got Columbus Day off. I <3 3-day weekends! hehe. LOL, credit card overuse..it kills all women xP grr, I gotta get to finish writing ME! lol, I feel like the romance isn't going anywhere between Hiroshi and Naomi, which is killing me T__T but they'll be getting there soon ;] can't make that story TOO long x_x god forbid..lol.

zer moua ahuh =D

minwoo-forever his dad is bad.

brOkenxdestiny I'm glad you were able to come back and tell me though<3 Hopefully your schoolwork lets down soon =]

hyunwoo_luver lol, unexpected huh?

1tym012 Welcome! no problem =]

jocepi haha, don't hate her ;] lol, the kiss will happenn xP

Rea Welcome! Oh, she WILL show them! And thanks for advertising<33

B0B0* Yay! you're back<3 lol, I know I've been taking a while to update, but this update is actually pretty quick for me xD haha, the dramas going to be crazy; might wanna prepare yourself!

Mui Goodluck with studying and school! Thanks for telling me =]

jaejoong<3 Welcome! That makes my day to know my story is so addicting<3 lol. And you were a reader of Moonlight Walk? hee, by all means, I welcome you<3 I love seeing returning readers!

beIntimate. Aw, did you have a good trip? I wanna go overseas T__T ahha, they'll get together soon~~

Welcome to new and returning readers! I hope you guys like my super quick update! It only took 6 days for this one lol. I knew it'd be too cruel to make you wait more than a week for this next chapter since a lot of you have been dying for some action.

So yea, as for YuHwan's family history, I'm not going to make it too much of a big deal in the story. There will be one chapter dedicated to explaining it and what not, but it's not going to be anytime too soon before that comes in.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!


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Guest Sophi.e*

This chapter is one of your better ones!! It sounds like to me it's picking up the pace more noww!!

Great chapter and I hope you post in Mesmerizing Eyes soon!! I miss that fic !

Thanks for the PM!

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Yaay Yaay!!U updated soo fast.I love it and you too hehe<3

Frickin h0es my gosh .

So she did do something to dat b.stard.

A gun?!

Lil crackheads sorry for my excessive profanity,they richard simmons me off too much.

Who in their right minds would do dat?!

I can't wait for their karma ot come mwuahahha.

Me likin' JungRoo right now.Good girl hahah smart too.

I hope she get helped soon too.

YeKyung is one strong gurl.

Good for her sticking it out till the end.

I don't think I would be able to do dat.


.Ahh I can't wait 'till ur next updaaate!

thank you<3

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OMF. lol thats all i could say after reading.. OMF x 10000000

holy crp! she got beaten the crap out of. and adding the other injury! DANG!

of course shes ganna live hehe. oh how i wish to take the gun and shoot it at their arms, not killing them but scaring them to death >=3 ARG ! REVEEEEEEEENGE! XD jung roo is so sweet at times =] and so evil T.T but shes so <3333 hehe. post soon! and if your pm list is available anytime, please add me ^____^

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Guest leebabe007

MAN! why those richard simmons. they must really wanna get their richard simmons kick! GOSH i just wanna kill them.[evn though its onlee a story and yeah i sound evil. lols] aww good job jungroo for finding YuHwan them on time. [well not really when she gotten beaten with bats] thnks for the pm. post soon.

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Guest Bannannaa

ahh no. i think girls like guys with strength cus they're more manlyyy~ the can so protect you hahaha. but then i see a lot of hot skinny guys too +____________+... hooo such a good fighter >< these teo girls are mad crazy arent they

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Guest profeminist

Dude! This is turning so repetitive. Nonetheless, I still like it!! I'm waiting for more development between all the relationships, not just YeKyung and YuHwan's.

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Guest shronie_x3

just when you think they couldn`t get any worse.. :mellow:

this chapter was so actional.. where did yekyung learn to fight like that anyway? haha i dunno if it was mentioned before.. gosh i have such a bad memory. can`t wait for next chapter. thanks for the pm.

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Thanks for the PM!!!

Great chapter <3

I love the action in it.. I was so scared that AeRim would shoot her O___O

I love JungRoo now <33 ^ ^"

And very glad that YuHwan and the rest of the people saved her~ or it would be unfortunate T_T

When YeKyung recovers, I hope she doesn't try to get revenge or they might end up hurting JungRoo. > <

Please post soon~ ^ ^!!

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