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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest Tropical Paradise x3

DOUBLE POSTS :blink::blink:

MY HERO! TT____TT <333

That was so awesome!

Dude someone has GOT to freakin kick those bxtches butts. If no one else does I WILL! :ph34r: Muahahahaha :phew:

That was so sad when she cried :tears: ...mistake. How could the word affect her so much? That was a really sad part..

And WHOOOHOO she took her shirt off for him :w00t::lol:

Lol jk jk but it was so funny when she was about to take her shirt off when he said to, then it's like " *senses start working* *brain adds 2+2* and then " *CLICK* HEY! HE'S A BOY" haha

But he wants to be a doctor?! Awwww how awesome! ^0^ He probably gets it from his uncle aka her doctor! Lol which was surprising too.

It's so sad how the other one (cant remember his name >.<) likes AeRim. And YehKyung's like "there are plenty of fish in the sea" LOL but what was really sweet was when she said she doesn't wanna see him get hurt. ^-^ it just shows that if you hang around people who you hate/annoy you; you become fond of their company and care for them ^_____^

Now I HAVE to ask you.... when the crap is Yuhwan and YeKyung going to freakin kiss already?!?!?! *pulls out hair* xD

Hehe uhhh sorry this is so long >.< I type a lot about nothing-in-particular and want to include every part that I can remember hehe :sweatingbullets::vicx: just ignore this post then.

OH and update soon! I love your fanfic! It just gets better and better ^0^

Thanks for the PM & double post! <3333

(fyi: I LOVELOVELOVE your LMW avatar ^0^) :wub:

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yay another chapter =D but you're taking longer to post your chapters >.< hope school isnt stressing you out i'm always eager to read your chapters ^^ i hope the next chapter wont be a long wait aswell >.<

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Guest tainted.skies

Hahas, yay I'm back :D A double post! =D Cool. Mmmh.. AeRim can go dieee lol, such a i can't read. Poor YeKyung! I feel sad for her. Rawrrs. Thanks for all the pms though I was away :D You're awesome.

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Guest in0centvtgrl

double post! yayyy. buht yehs i finally got to read it. haha he will be one hot doctor yes innnndeed. he can fix me up any day LOL. post wen you can

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Guest cHoCoLo

OMG i love you! double post! woot XD

o.O yuhwan is dr ji's nephew? well i wouldnt mind having yuhwan fix me up =P kekeke

well post more soon and i'll love u even more =]

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Guest greymoose

OMG IM SO SORRY. I TOTALLY FORGOT YOU PMED ME! LOL(: sorrryy!.. ohh i thought that they just hated gher for nothgin hahah(: omg wait im kinda confused. whos yuhwan again? and whos jaeho or something like that again=o= sorry its just that i didnt read this story in a whille..=o= IM SOO SRRRYYY!!!. help me out pleasse! thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! eheh man yuhwan is hot. PHEWWWWW!and hes a "doctor" too(:



EDIT. ahah you dont have to tell me who they are anymore i read your post thingy LOL(: oh and can you help me? i want to put a banner thingy of your story in my signature. but i dotn know how too=o=... HELP(: LOL thankss okay byee!!!


=o= IM SOOO FREAKING SORRY. LOL i saw your banner thingy so i think i know how to do it. i could put it in my signature right? well im oging to and if you dont want me too you can tell me and ill take it off! well sorry i think im beign a littlew annoying right now. so yeah. once again SORRRYYYY!!!!!

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Pulling out a large grey sweatshirt, he handed it to me. “You can wear that.”

I took it into his bathroom and took off the towel. It was going to feel weird wearing just a sweater without a shirt underneath. Slipping on the sweater, I found to my annoyance that it was a tad bit too big. One side of the shirt kept slipping off my shoulder. Sighing, I walked out and placed the towel on his bed.

Kissed By You || 17

“So, you’re not damaged for life right?” I asked ChamSol Unnie.

“Not physically anyways.” She shrugged.

“Good, because that’d give me another reason to hate HeeJoo.”

“Are you okay? I heard about what happened.”

“I’ll survive. It’s AeRim that’s got to watch her back now.”

ChamSol Unnie sighed. “YeKyung, I think you should really stop this. If you keep going with this war, neither one of you will be free from this curse.”

“She deserves what’s coming Unnie. Don’t try and protect her because you think she doesn’t deserve it. She’s totaled my gym, humiliated me, and keeps trying to turn everyone against me. Why aren’t those good enough reasons to hate her?”

“Because she’s never had that much attention from her parents. The only attention she gets is from school and you’re taking it away from her.”

I looked away. “I don’t do it intentionally.”

“I think you do YeKyung. You do take the attention for yourself because you don’t get any from your parents as well.”

A small smile found it’s way to my lips. “You’re so smart Unnie. I wish I was like you.”

“I wish KyungHee was like you.” She giggled.

We smiled at each other.

“You better get some more rest. You still don’t look too good.”

“Oh, I will.”

I gently closed the door behind me and headed towards the living room where a loud racket was slowly becoming louder as I approached it.

“You idiot! I told you not to touch it!”

“Stop blaming me! Sh!t, I don’t know how YeKyung even puts up with you.”

“I don’t know how YuHwan puts up with you! You freak!”

“Fcuk! Stop calling me a freak, you monster.”

“You’re really asking for it!”

I watched as KyungHee and WooRi bickered back and forth. Sitting down between JaeHo and YuHwan, I joined in on the spectator sport.

“What are they arguing about?”

“WooRi broke this thing called a Pica Bica. Now she’s yelling at him because she told him not to touch it,” informed JaeHo.

I laughed. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me. “KyungHee! You still have that damned Pica Bica?!”

She blushed and hid her face behind her hands. “Stop laughing!”

“It’s so damn funny though! I thought you threw that thing away years ago!”

She shook her head and gave me a huge smile. “I could never throw it away! It was the best present I ever got!”

“Plus the cheapest,” I pointed out.

“What the hell is a Pica Bica?!” YuHwan burst in frustration.

“It’s this.” I got up and walked over to KyungHee. Snatching it out of her hand, I showed it to him only to pull it back towards me in horror.

A Pica Bica is a small mouse character that she and I created when we were seven. It had huge ears and a big body. The arms and legs were small and it’s tail was pretty long for it’s body. The eyes were the biggest attribute of its face and the whiskers were the longest, measuring about the same length as the tail. KyungHee’s uncle, who was a toy manufacturer, had made her one for Christmas. It was a wind up toy that would run back and forth with its tail and ears moving back in real life motion.

“Pica Bica!" I cried out sorrowfully. The mouse toy that she and I used to have hours of fun watching it run back and forth was broken in two. The head was springing back and forth and the legs were lifeless. I looked up. “Did WooRi do this?!”

KyungHee nodded.

“Choi WooRi! Look what you’ve done!” I felt like crying.

It was pathetic really. Two seventeen year olds crying over a small wind up toy. Sounds dumb, huh? But we’re two seventeen year olds who don’t act their age. KyungHee and I would still be amused by the little mouse that would run back and forth with total confusion, bumping into things and falling off the edge of tables.

“Poor Pica Bica! The poor thing!” I sniffled.

“YEKYUNG!!” KyungHee wailed.

We hugged each other and cried. The three guys stood their frozen stiff, unable to help comfort our loss.

“Sh!t, stop crying.” WooRi awkwardly patted KyungHee’s back.

“Um, do-do you girls want some boba tea?? Maybe…maybe some um, candy?” YuHwan offered.

“PICA BICA!” We cried even louder.

JaeHo took the toy from my hand causing me to cry harder.

“Here. The toy’s fixed.” He tossed it back into my hand carelessly.

KyungHee and I stopped our crying and looked at the fixed mouse. Carefully, we sat down in front of the coffee table and placed the mouse on it. Winding it up, KyungHee and I watched in amazement as it started up.

“Yay!” We both shouted with glee.

Jumping up, we went over to JaeHo with huge smiles on our faces. He looked up, a hint of fear on his face. “What?”


At the same time, we pecked him on either cheek and sat back down with our toy.

His face was all red and flustered.

“How the hell did you do that JaeHo?!” WooRi laughed and patted JaeHo’s back.

“How the hell does that small mouse get them so amused?”

I smiled. They’ll never know.

“Hey! I thought you hated kisses!” YuHwan complained.

I looked up at the three agreeing guys. “I have limits.”

“And they are?”

“One, no lip to lip kisses. Two, no one can kiss me, cheek or lips or anywhere for that matter. Three, I can kiss them but the only place would be the cheek.”

“You’re weird.”

“I’m not weird. I’m just different.”

“You got that right.”

“Hey! Don’t get mad at me just because I’m special.”

*Bee lee da dee doo dee

“What?” I answered my cellphone while watching Pica Bica and KyungHee.

“Why don’t you go learn some manners for once?”

I cringed at that voice. It was Su JungRoo, my little cousin. The only person I despise and love at the same time.

“JungRoo? What do you want?”

Su JungRoo. How do I describe her? One word. Prodigy. She’s good at everything. Music, academics, sports, you name it and she’ll prove you she’s good at it. I never once saw a kid that could stand up to her. For an eight year old, she’s got pretty tough genes, like me.

And her appearance? She’s absolutely adorable. People have mistaken her for a famous child movie star. She’s got black shoulder length that sometimes looks like its blue in the light. Her large eyes and small lips give people the impression of a little angel. She's an angel my as$.

“I find you extremely late of picking me up, Su YeKyung. Your little cousin has been waiting for over an hour and you’re probably fcuking some guy.”

I puffed my cheeks up. This girl...when did she learn how to cuss?!


“I have money. I’m not stupid. If you don't pick me up, I can get my own ride you know.”

I rubbed my temple in annoyance. “Fine, just wait there. I’m coming to pick you up.”

“JungRoo’s in Korea?!” KyungHee jumped up and down.

“Yea, we have to pick her up. Which means YuHwan, you need to give me a ride.”

“The fcuk do I look like?! Your chauffeur?”

“Nah, you look like a fluffy haired freak, but I’ll let you pass for that.”

He glared. “Who’s this JungRoo anyways?”

“Her cousin,” KyungHee answered.

I sighed. “Prepare to meet hell.”



starbucks<3 surprising, eh?

xchink unexpected, haha.

X10DiNGDREAMERxx lol, well, I do tend to bring tragedy about in my stories, but the dying won’t be too painfully bad *pray* right?

profeminist LOL, not much but maybe *damn that girl’s got a nice stomach* xD

kiki lol, g`luck on your project Kiki! I’m starting school soon T__T

Lisan Once in a while, I’ll do double posts ;]

xsilentangel grr, lol. I’d so hire you as my teacher to learn breaking ;] What? You wanted YuHwan to be something other than a doctor? Haha, you sounded so disappointed in his career xD

dee duckie LMAO, aren’t all the relatives of the main character good looking? ;]

crazy_korean You’ve answered yourself exactly x) YeKyung’s a stubborn donkey :P

Sweety_x1 Yes, indeed. I can just imagine the doctor… ;]

jocepi The girl is too much of a tomboy girl (haha)

iamkt ahah, hope you liked this chapter!

lido0misSundersto0d haha, everyone laughs at YuHwan’s career choice LOL

kaneki Even I shudder at the thought of all the alcohol used to clean up the wound >O<

kp4life LMAO, skinship<3 hha. It’s loverly, don’t you think? x) I think you’re right about the perfect couple thing! I never even thought of that!

asian_chic Welcome! I’m glad to see you here too x) And I’m definitely working on updating the other story, lol. Very sorry about that to you and the other readers<3

xlilvietgrl Welcome! Lmao, I think he’d be thinking ~sexy~!

Symphony lol, dear, I’m loving our random PM chats<3 Don’t worry about that not being able to pm. I give you breaks every now and then ;]

o__xmonii keke, YuHwan is mine :X

Sophie lol, I hope you’re feeling better! Ack, I’d rather do hands then feet =\ just cause feet are more sensitive to tickli-ish :X haha. Oh, I haven’t danced in forever T_T I miss dancing<3 it’s one of the best things, lol. I haven’t had starbucks for like..a month now o_o lol, I used to be so addicted, but it’s not good to have so much >O< lol, stunting the growth!

sgwannabe haha, double the pleasure! X)

phat mole haha, I love my dear readers too ;]

shukumei Yea, the internet at my house sometimes makes me send two PMs =_= stupid machine *whacks it*. LOL, as for the updating, well, summer is when I’m off and about shopping and spending money like crazy (we all do<3) But while school’s in, I’m stuck at home, so what better way to not do homework then to post? Lol, so yea, we’re procrastinating xD (JAECHUNNIE<3 WOOT WOOT ^(^O^)^ )

smileyface(: lol, after reading my stories, you know how I tend to want to put some dramatic sadness into my writing :X haha, can’t stay away from the teariness!

sarah.xp haha, you make it sound like YuHwan is dumb…xP

mzclumzie Yea, but she’ll get her revenge ;]

Mae! haha, reminds me of ‘I’m Sorry, I Love You’ drama x) except without the kisses!

xxdianabui Unexpected relationships, hehe.

TuBbieCheeKz LOL, it just popped into my mind when I was writing it haha. Who said he wasn’t perverted though? :X hehe.

baybeeh_bliss Mistake were the words that made her cry. You’ve yet to know why though =)

shronie_x3 That’s how much they’re to be hated =_=

xsogorgeliciousx LOL, fits, eh?

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* haha, KyungHee’s crush is strange eh?

beIntimate. lol, definitely hot ;] But the doctor is the uncle xD

stardust_x Welcome! And you’ll find out the mystery of the word mistake later on =]

leesterrr Sorta typical, except the situation is uncliche, haha.

s0urp@tchk!d hahaha, plain and simple eh?

lostdesires Action shall come indeed! Just introducing more characters that are vital in the story =D

xx_lost_love_xx Welcome! But of course! It’s all apart of the romance =)

ldyxcomplicated I definitely won’t disappoint you!

Sharleen lol, no burden =) Hot eh? YuHwan in a lab coat with glasses *glomps*

ahna I hope your church retreat was good! Lol, ChamSol isn’t such a big part of the story, but so many people like her, lol. As for the kissing, YuHwan will try throughout the story, but distractions are evil <_<

sheLLiJiElUn Welcome! I hope you enjoy =)

riku Welcome! You’ll have to check in the clarification section for the kissing part!

zer moua No problem xD

Mui lmao, if YuHwan kissed her everytime YeKyung get’s hyper, they’ll be sharing lots of lips ;] And yes, action shall come soon!

linnienguyen Yea, lots of blood =\ I get queasy at the thought. But she’s strong, so looking at it is like red paint to her X_X

lilmizserena367 LOL, it’s not so bad x]

xx—lunatic Welcome! Nah, they have to become friends x) The dark room’s mystery is to soon be revealed!

minwoo-forever She’s stubborn though! So going to the hospital wouldn’t be fast enough. Plus, it’s a pretty long ride x)

Tropical Paradise x3 LOL, you make the part where she took off her shirt sound like she was trying to jump him :D hahaha. Ah<3 your reply is hilarious x) I’m glad it’s getting better! I was worried I was boring everyone with the actionless scenes, lol. But it’s not all about action! Yea, I love LMW :wub: he goes with the same category as LeeJunki in my book xD

winta I’m sorry about that! I’m actually just working that’s why I’m busy. But I’ll quicken my posts more =)

ASiANBABYGiRL Welcome back! I hope you had a good time =)

in0centvtgrl haha, I wouldn’t mind him fixing me up either ;]

shooshi I hope you catch up soon ^^

cHoCoLo lol, I agree~!

FairyWater oh, don't worry~ I'm super busy with school too T_T

greymoose lol, you're so funny x) I can be super forgetful too! Thanks for advertising so sweety<3 means a lot to me =) teehee, special readers*<3

windy_vang Welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying this story!

Hey everyone! I know this is like, a CRAZY late post, but I hope you guys don't mind. School started (NOOO T__T *dies*) and I'm so packed with homework. My biology teacher is a crazy guy =_='' but anyways, at least I posted no matter how late, eh?

This last chapter just introduced someone new into the story! You’ll definitely love her, because I do<3 hehe. Also, many of you have been asking when the main characters will kiss. Please check my PM list and Author’s Post link on the front page for updates on that.

Also, I drew (more like doodled) a picture of PicaBica on Paint xD LOL, trust me, it’s so retarded you might not want to see it. I was playing around with it teehee. CLICK HERE to see little Pica Bica xP

Also, to anyone who lost a family member, relative, or friend today, feel better =) Bless you all<3 and hope that there's never another attempt like that again (though there was recently, it was stopped I think so =])


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Guest mzclumzie


Pica Bica is cute lol. yekyung and kyunghee are so

cute lol. jaeho blushed when they kiss him i can

just picture it ... wonder what would happen next?

this chapter was pretty peaceful than the other ones.

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Guest starbucks<3

aww, the mouse is too cute ^^ ooh, jungroo, that pretty ulzzang girl that looks like a doll ? i bet no one can ever win an argument against her xP post soon.

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Guest shronie_x3

haha pica bica. i found that name so amusing lol is it just me? i want some love connection between yuhwan and yekyung :P

thanks for the pm


aahahaha i just clicked the link for the pic of the pica bica. oh mannnn don`t worry it`s awesome but it has like really long whiskers hahaha.

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YAYY! AN UPDATE!!! ^______________^

aw~ the pica bica sounds cute ^o^

I want something to happen between YeKyung and YuHwan... ^___^

Please post soon!


do you have any more room on your PM list?

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DAMN! I missed chapter 15&16..I didnt see it T_T..I kept on wondering when you were going to post! AHH!

Nice chapters. I really liked them. Areim is one bratt..Yekyung is pretty bratty, but she's a nice brat.

And their so cute about their Pica Nica or w/e...how did you come up with it?

You have great writing! I want to read more! AHH I'm dying!

I also love the main song..I used to be obsessed with teh song.

What happened to your character Chart BTW?

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Guest TuBbieCheeKz

YOU finally posted. ^__^


ahahaha who0oies!!

GASP That little girl is already cussing?!?! o_0!!

Tisk Tisk.. lol

I don't even cuss >__<

hahaha well, nice chapter

And thanks for the Pm!!

Post soon!1 ^____^


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jaeho blushed x]

so cute^^.. i can imagine thatt..


i'm so happy you postedd!!

school... ... x__x;;;

roar. haha..

well thanks for the pm and post soon~~!

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