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Do You Ask Your Parents For Permission?


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Guest nobody knows

I'm 19 ..

I don't really "ask permission" but I'll just state it to my mom "I'm going out on ____" etc.

sometimes I'll purposely promise things so my mom can't say I can't go.

it's because I'm a girl that my mom's more protective of me v__v if I was rebellious or something, I could break free, but I don't really mind being cared for or not having the freedom of going where I want so it's not an issue

I was talking to my mom about traveling overseas (alone) and my mom was like "your dad will say no way"

and I was like "he lives in China, what's he gonna do?"

especially if I pay for the trip myself, I don't see why I can't go, and if I go after I'm done with school, that means I'll be at least 23 .. they can't really shackle me down at that age. all i can do at this moment is plan for it

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I'm 17 years old and somewhat ask my parents for permission.

I will just tell them I will be going out on a particular day and they will commence with the following:

1. Who you going with?

2. Where you going?

3. What time will you be home?

These days, they're a little protective, but once I'm of age, it's all up to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Eun_neptune_Him

Until I was 18 I had to ask first before going out. If I didn't my parents would be worried sick. I rarely go out though, except go shopping and work. But they always want to know where I am going so that they know I wasn't kidnapped of something haha. It get annoying at times. Even my older siblings get worried if they don't know where I'm at.

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Guest nana★

I'm 18 now, and I moved out for uni so obviously I don't ask anymore lol

but when I was younger... ummm I think the latest age I had to ask for permission before going somewhere was like 14? After grade 9 I didn't really ask for permission per say more like... I'd just tell my parents a day or so before that I was going out and they've almost always said yes. My parents know none of my friends are too crazy so I guess they were never really worried.

funny thing is, now that I've moved out they call me like 3 times a day to ask me where I am, who I'm with, what I'm doing, etc. lol

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Guest Dollfie

Some people might find this pretty absurd. I was only 13 years old when I have stopped asking my parents for permission and I still don't now. Perhaps its because I basically go out everyday. They are fine with it, my parents don't ask who I am going out with or what time I'd be back. I don't even tell them the date I'd be heading out. Most of the time I just get dressed and when I happen to bump to them at the hallway, they would just ask if I am heading out and tell me to not to skip my meals. Haha, and the weird thing is my parents are the typical Asian parents, just wayyyy more open and laid back. :lol:

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Guest moo_lah

I have no parents to ask permission from and I'm 16 years old :mellow:

So I can go wherever I want whenever I want. But, if you want to get good grades and such, don't follow my example x]

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I think it depends on whether or not you still live with your parents. Even if you're 18+ (or 21+) and still live with your parents, I think it's a good idea to give them a (general) idea of where you're going for safety reasons.

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Guest Blissiursa

Yes I do. However, because i'm not responsible and really lazy, I usually ask them for permission at the last minute... x3

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Guest JiN.x

I'm 15 and I ask permission even though they 99% of the time do say yes. I feel as though it's necessary especially since I don't know if they're busy or not. happy.gif

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Guest LienCobbs

i call informing that i'll be home late so they wont be worried.

well, actually it's just my mom. my dad doesn't care

home video security

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Guest dot.1430279747

The only times I ask my mum for permission is when it is already late (9-10pm) and I want to go out, she will say no because she knows that means I will be home at ridiculous hours in the morning.  She will go on to say no, you can't go out and then I will say thanks mum, and leave.  

She doesn't try to stop me, but she certainly doesn't like it! 

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Since I'm over 18 now, I just let them know where I'm going and who I'm gonna be with.. if anything they can always call to check up on me but it's not like they're going to interrogate me on every little thing each time I step out of the house after 8pm.

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Guest iyagi

I'm 19, turning 20 this year. So I usually just tell my parents I'm going wherever and they ask for details and I answer and that's it. I usually give them good 24 hours notice though instead of throwing it in their face 5 minutes before I leave. I do live at home, so I still have rules to follow but my parents are pretty good about giving me freedom. Especially since they're off at work and I have a license and a car, they can't really control what I'm doing during that 8-hour time period.

I don't really go out much anyways. At least I don't party or go clubbing or any of that. If I stay out late, it's till like, maybe 11pm-12am. But still I don't have a set curfew or anything.

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Guest misty88

hehe.. I'm 27y.o and yes i still ask for permission..  Its because I still live with them and i think they have the right to know my whereabouts. Not everything though. :) 

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Guest JaruJaru

Ever since I finished high school, I never asked permission to do anything. I would get the occasional text asking where I am, but not often. My parents don't get mad when I just leave for a few days either, they know I'm a good kid and wouldn't do anything dumb.

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Guest strawbearru

I tell them ahead of time so they'll be aware and they've never been strict on me. It's just a way of showing them respect. I'm already 20.

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I am now 24 and I still have a habit of asking my mother if I can go out or not. She tells me that she does not care and that I can do whatever I want since I am not at the age where I need to be supervised and I do have my own job and car. I guess I really do it out of habit and because I want to make sure that I did not forget a promise with her and/or my family. I can go out as late as I want, but I used to send her a text or call her ahead of time if I will be heading home late. I do not do it as often now, which results in her getting annoyed and sending me, "where are you?" text messages. Like if it is midnight or so, I do not bother letting her know. But if it is past 1 a.m., I usually do let her know. I do not let her know just so that she can keep track of where I currently am (I do not tell her where I am exactly, but area which area), but for safety. When you drive and park it in a lot that is far away from subway stations, it is always best to let someone know where you are so they can time approximately how long it will take you to get home.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

when i was 13, yes, i did
cuz by that time, they'd FREAK OUT if i didn't tell them EVERY SINGLE DETAIL

then, when i turned 15, it became a normal thing that i always left the house
and they started being cool with it

now that im 20, i only tell them "mom, dad, im going out, bye~"
and there's like "*shrugs* alright~"
and the conversation ends there LOL

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