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Your most hated Inuyasha character?

Guest tengteng

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Guest severus


she needs to stay dead <_< .

:( how can anyone hate Sesshoumaru.

that smexxxyyy bastard

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Guest heyitzthatfc

Naraku...because that mofo never died in the series >=[....

I think he is dead already in the latest chapter.

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Guest BlackCrystalRose


Kagome and Kikyo. I REALLY, REALLY DISLIKE THEM >_< Kagome: "Inuyashaaa~ Save me from this... thing! I cannot save myself, I shout your name every single second! D:" ... Kikyo: "You betrayed me D: ... I SHALL NOW KILL YOU! *whine whine*" ... Yeah. That's basically it.

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Guest venus17

I'd never understand why people hate Kikyo... I've always loved her, understood her and sympathesized with her since the beginning. Maybe it's because I have similar personality as her, but I always felt people were being ignorant when they said things like 'OMG I HATE KIKYO'. It really annoyed me. In fact, initially I had a problem with Kagome, she was such a nuisance! But now I like both of them. But I like Kikyo a little better.... I think you should all watch the final series then decide. Kikyo is a tragic character, and something about her just evokes my heart. She's indeed mystical and special. I'll always love that character! :)

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Wow. Lots of Kagome haters. 
Personally, i like her. She is one of my favourite characters. I don't really see why she's so annoying. The only thing i found so annoying about her was the way she constantly called out to Inuyasha. But not annoying enough to make me hate her o_O 
She's always helping people, she's kind and she's friendly to Kikyou even when Kikyou can be so cold to her. She's patient and understanding with Inuyasha when he goes to Kikyou. She doesn't demand him to stay away from her and she encourages him to visit her when she is in trouble. She also helped Kikyou numerous times when she could have easily let her die and stay out of her way. SHE IS USEFUL...She can sense the jewel, she can take down demons with her arrow, and she does a good job at fixing minor injuries the gang have. She may be annoying in a way but her good traits outweigh the bad. 
Lets please not forget that she is shown as a 14(Or is it 16?) year old girl. You can't expect her to be super mature or strong at that point in her life. She's from a modern time and suddenly she's battling demons... if you watch the entire series then you can see how her character develops from a clueless, hopeless 14 year old to a more mature and independent girl. 
Also, the Inuyasha hate is kinda funny too. Yeah, he's a bit bratty and he is "two timing" but i think his attachment to Kikyou is actually a good thing. It shows that he is faithful and is committed to the one he loves. What...should he just go and act careless about the girl he once loved before because a new one came around?  NO. He deserves time to get over her and he eventually did begin to half way through the series. Even if they parted ways and she died, i think he has the right to be concerned for her and feel something for her. As the show goes on and his relationship with Kagome grows, he isn't as attached to Kikyou as before. And it's clear that he loves Kagome far more than he ever loved Kikyou. I don't think he'd end up going with Kikyou over Kagome if he had the chance to...maybe in the beginning but not later on. 
He's bratty but that's just how his character is shown. He is meant to be bratty, selfish and immature. One of the main points of the plot is his character development. How he grows and softens as he has kagome at his side, makes good friends and experiences different situations. 
Also, Shippou isn't all that bad either. He's a little kid...how much is he supposed to even do? He's basically a positive, cute, cheery character to add in funny and cute moments. I don't mind him at all and find him SOOOOO CUTE. 
The only characters i don't like are Rin and the Saimyosho. 

The anime is one of the best animes in my opinion. It has everything and it's epic. Truly a masterpiece. 

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Guest Autumn1430263885

Hmm Idk there's so many characters, but off the top of my head, I can't think of any that i really hated.

I can see why Kagome has a lot of haters, but tbh she didn't annoy me !_! I thought her english voice was really annoying though...soley coz of that i found her less annoying in the japanese version lol.

On the other hand, Kikyou did get on my nerves a bit.. Idk I didn't really see the chemistry between her and Inuyasha.. I thought he and Kagome matched better. But I can't say i hated her since I also see her point of view and pity her..

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