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[Variety] Super Junior Full House 슈퍼주니어의 풀하우스

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aww i jst found out dat subs for ep.8 was on clubbox awhile bak but clubbox doesnt work for mehs....><"

wuld smebody b kind enough to post a direct link for subs for ep.8 pretty pretty plz??

aww..i noe dis is pwetti bad of mehs to nag nag nag esp since im new to this forum...lol...^^ im realliz sorriz

i read around n found out dat noone did subs for ep 10 n so was wonderin whether ne1 hu understood korean n knew how to do soft subs culd do so for ep 10 and ep 8?? i dont noe how long dat wuld take so i apologise if im askin too muchz...><" but i luv suju so muchz dat i wanna understand everything dats happenin otherwise i will go crazi wit curiosity...lol..(o'.'o)

so if ne1 wuld b able 2z - plz plz plz sub for ep.8 and ep.10 n post it onto a direct link??

omg, it wuld b so good if somebody culd - i wuld b so grateful.

fank uz so so muchz...

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Guest SuJuSarang<3

^^ suju subbers are currently subbing eps 8, 9, 10 n 14 i believe

so u have to be patience coz it takes time

and u can hug them later when they finish doin the subs =D

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^^ suju subbers are currently subbing eps 8, 9, 10 n 14 i believe

so u have to be patience coz it takes time

and u can hug then later when they finish doin the subs =D


fank uz so muchz for tellin mehs!! luv uz!! woot - i can't wait!! but havnt dey subbed ep 9 alreadiz?? :huh:

newaz, big hugs for tellin mehs - now i dont hav to b gloomy about not having subs for full house - hahah!! yayes!! :lol:

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Guest SourStrawberry

THANK YOU for the links

and THANK YOU to those who did the subs!! Thank you thank you thank youuuu!! <33333

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Guest raspb3rry

Are there subs for ep12 yet? :D Or is that with the other to-be-released batch? Sorry if it's a repetitive q, but my comp crashed, so I couldn't keep up to date with the epis and subs >.<.

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^^ suju subbers are currently subbing eps 8, 9, 10 n 14 i believe

so u have to be patience coz it takes time

and u can hug them later when they finish doin the subs =D

Ooooh, they are? :w00t: I watched episode 8 without the subs, but if the subs were to come out soon that will be great! Im hugging you for telling me the news :lol:

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Guest kimmster

Are there subs for ep12 yet? :D Or is that with the other to-be-released batch? Sorry if it's a repetitive q, but my comp crashed, so I couldn't keep up to date with the epis and subs >.<.

personally .. i don`t kno where to get the subs for this eps. ... but sooyon DID upload episode 12 w/ subs at youtube

Ooooh, they are? :w00t: I watched episode 8 without the subs, but if the subs were to come out soon that will be great! Im hugging you for telling me the news :lol:

uhm .... from what i kno .. i`m pretty sure you can find the subs for eps. 8&9 at NowNForever`s clubbox .. just don`t take them out of clubbox

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Guest MizJudge.d

bumping this topic so it'll be easy for us to finddddd

Okiezz I'll do what you say hahha what a good Suju fan I am, yes I do check on this thread everyday for the new subs, but I'm in no hurry, subbing dus take time, I'm really impressed that the subbers are taking their time to do this for us. What more can I say. Hwaiting!.hahha fobs.

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Guest shinzenbi

Hi :)

Does anyone know where I can find Full House HQ episodes 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14?

I checked these clubboxes:




but only found the LQ and MQ ones. I can't seem to join this clubbox


I would really like to get all the episodes in HQ so please if anyone can let me... THANKS!!! :D

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