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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest pepsi_twist9

You: -pokeball go!

Stranger: ye

Stranger: !

Stranger: Pidgeotto!

You: yeah

You: FTW

Stranger: Wing attack!

You: Squirtle Water Gun!


You: Oh NOES!

You: Harden!

Stranger: Shackle!

You: Escape

You: Can't escape from trainer...


Stranger: change poke!

You: Take out Charizard, yo

Stranger: john tesh,

Stranger: Back Pidgeotto!

Stranger: hmm

Stranger: Onix go!


You: use ember, go!

Stranger: hmm, john tesh what doest onix do

Stranger: hmm

Stranger: back½!

Stranger: Snorlax go!

You: OMG

Stranger: mohahaha

You: use FLAIL!\

Stranger: use sleep

You: oh SNAP

You: MAke Noise, something?!

You: OMG

Stranger: haha

You: Stomps on you!

Stranger: john tesh

Stranger: back Snorlax!

Stranger: Go ratata!

Stranger: Shackle!

You: Go back, Pidgeotto, come back!

You: Peck!

Stranger: **jump from side to side attack**

You: Dances: Can't touch this

Stranger: haha

Stranger: hmm, back ratata **u suck**

Stranger: go Nidorina!

Stranger: Pounce!

You: Oh noes

You: Just Dance

Stranger: john tesh, i think i have to call my last pokemon

You: Aw, GTG! Good Match. xD

And then:

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: I stare at you with a blank deminishing glare

You: I sit there with popcorn

You: I watch you glare at me

Stranger: You mock me

You: and ponder why 42 is the answer of the universe

You: and then I realize, I am hungry

You: I want a sandwhich

Stranger: Popcorn does not satisfy you?

You: no

You: I cannot put it in my sandwhich

You: It messes up with the mayo

You: what can I do?

Stranger: I must ask how you concluded 42.

You: It is the answer

You: only those in the game would know

You: do you play the game?

Stranger: Am forced as many others.

You: then you are a brother

You: welcome

Stranger: Ah yes. You've revealed me.

You: you cannot hide from the game

Stranger: Let us part I am beginning to feel at loss.

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Stranger: hi

You: arlo

Stranger: from?

You: ur house

Stranger: right

You: im gonna get ya~

Stranger: No.. you won't.

You: yes i will!

Stranger: Do you know where I live?

You: ur house?

Stranger: yeah, but where is my house?

You: where u are right now

Stranger: yeah, but you don't know were excactly, so you won't get me.

You: but im next to you already O.O

Stranger: eek, so my guitar is alive?

You: now u know...

Stranger: okay

Stranger: But, you have to kow that you are pink.

Stranger: know*

You: OMG....

You: im PINK!!

You: Noooo..~~~

Stranger: Because my guitar is pink.

I laughed hard at pepsi_twist9 post and tot i'd tried to do the same >< heres the respond i get

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: I stare at you with a blank deminishing glare

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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LOL, first time on that site. =P

You: hi

Stranger: ho ho ho

You: hey hey hey

Stranger: ITS FAT john teshING ALBERT


Stranger: damn right

You: word.

Stranger: pinkberry I make Frosted flakes from my eyebrows

Stranger: tahts the good mini cooper

You: hahahaha, i make dandruff flakes w/ my scalp. WHAT'S GOOD?

Stranger: mini cooper man thats beast

You: yeaaa son

Stranger: hell yeah

You: uh huh

Stranger: yeah man

Stranger: I got that goat d double g wobble niffles

You: i got that double double animal style fry sonn

Stranger: dude fry cook like spongebib

You: nah man, cashier like squidward

Stranger: dude I pop waffles with a ninja stick

You: well i pop ninjas w/ a waffle

Stranger: OHH mini cooper you are true G

You: wasssupp!

Stranger: not much my nizzle bob chizzle

Stranger: what about you/

You: just chillen homie g skillet biscuit w/ the gravy on the side

Stranger: Nice mini cooper man

Stranger: I get that niglet trio on Wendsday

You: oh? that's what i'm talkin' about man!

Stranger: Hell yeah

Stranger: dude you are awesome so much better then most of the other lame bubble gums on here

Stranger: XD

You: ahhaha thank you. just wonderin, but are you a guy?

Stranger: hell yeah

Stranger: and you?

You: i'm a girl haha

Stranger: DAMN you one hella awesome girl

You: aww ahah thank you =D

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You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: im next to u :D

Stranger: your under my desk

Stranger: acutally

Stranger: my pants are down guess what your doing

You: cutting off your privates?

Stranger: yes

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I'm very disturbed by people out there xD

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Guest My Sweet September

Connecting to server...Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!Stranger: hi my name is dave

You: hi.

You: are you a bot

Stranger: yah

You: cool.

Stranger: so whats it like being human

You: It sucks when you stub your toe

You: But eating is pretty cool.

Stranger: mini cooper yah

Stranger: robots dont stub their toes

You: Do you have toes?

Stranger: of course

Stranger: but we're so coordinated we dont do stupid mini cooper like that

Stranger: superior in every way

You: Except you can't taste.

You: So that sucks

You: and no sex for you

You: that sucks too

Stranger: nah robot sex is pretty awesome

You: You lie.

Stranger: yo stranger, im real happy for you and ima let you finish, but robots are the best creation of all time

You: buwahaha.

You: thanks for that

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

That was fun! HAHAHA he made a Kanye West joke. I laughed.

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Guest Lindoodoo

Stranger: Hi

You: howdy

Stranger: F?

You: wat?

Stranger: female?

You: noo

Then he exited LOL. Why do I have a feeling I was talking to a sex-offender... O_O

I wonder what he/she would have said if I told them the truth that I was a girl. XD

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Guest rawwr_chihari x3

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Matt?

You: Yes ? :D

Stranger: really?

You: Yes

You: :D

Stranger: say something Matt-esque then

You: Yes

You: :D

Stranger: are you a fod?

You: No :D

Stranger: do you even know what that is?

You: No :D

Stranger: Friend of Dorothy

You: Yes :D

Stranger: you're creepy

You: Yes :D

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or save this log or send us feedback.

ahaha .. I was being random :D

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Guest TeddiBare

Convo 1:

Stranger: oi tudo bem ?

You: o___o

Stranger: au revoir.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Convo 2:

Stranger: ronweasley69?

You: Wtffff.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Convo 3:

You: Hello.

Stranger: hey.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Convo 4:

Stranger: hi!

You: Hello

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Convo 5:

Stranger: Hi!

You: Do you think Draco Malfoy is hot?

Stranger: I'm a guy.

You: -facepalm-

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I have thought of a conclusion... They all hate me.

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Guest lanatrocity

You: sup hello kitty!

Stranger: heeey

You: so um. have you eatin any shoes today.. filled with baileys.

Stranger: no, i dont believe i have

Stranger: have you seen some pictures lately...of bailes?

Stranger: baileys*

You: oh yes. they're quite lovely.

You: especially when you drink them in a shoe. unserwater

You: underwater*

Stranger: mangiiiinaaa

You: downstairs mix up. lol

Stranger: haha

You: so, what's your farming rank. Mines 98. Because I grow GROUND BEEF

You:......you best answer me.

You: Catch'em n' kill em'!!!!!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

lol, my partner was lame.

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Guest .:daRkwinGs:.

mine was a regular chat...

You: hi

Stranger: hello

You: wat time is it ova thea

Stranger: 12

You: whoa...pm or am?

Stranger: am

You: arent u sleepy?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: haha

You: u shuld sleep.

Stranger: that is quality advice

You: which side of the planet are u frm?

Stranger: the happy side

You: lol...totally cool.

Stranger: oh i agree

Stranger: and thou?

then i disconnect...

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this is my best one ever.......

Stranger: wanna help me fap?

You: no

You: you help me fap

You: thats the way it goes

Stranger: lers change things up. ill be patrick starr. you be kate winslet. chance meeting. go!

You: baby lets go to the bedroom and take off those tight pants


Stranger: you dont know how tight these pants are. they are full of /b/rothers


You have disconnected.

some others, but not as good as the first one xD...

Stranger: is it 2012 yet?

You: no, its 2011 december 31

Stranger: :D

Stranger: awsome!


Stranger: HEH!

Stranger: YEAH!

You: spend time with your family. go eat steak.

Stranger: go eat sum pussie

You: stop wasting time online on your last day. bye.

You have disconnected.

Stranger: Hey.

You: This world is sad

You: I'm going to kill myself

Stranger: Tell me about iy.

Stranger: it*

Stranger: I'm not gunna stop ya.

You: Thank you

You: tell mama, papa, that i love them

You: but I hate this world

You: they've been kind to me

Stranger: I can't do that.

You: oh

You: see

You: i hate this world

You: it's so unfair

You: im going to hang myself

You: dont look for me

You: i love you too

You have disconnected.

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