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Guest supa'Wanki

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Guest radiant.DOLL

^ Yeaah that was an intense match. Andy was being a bit cocky and arrogant, but I still like him. (:

Anyway I'm really hoping for Novak Djokovic to win!

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Guest Piscesgrl389

^ me2 i really hoping/rooting for djokovic as well~

im also rooting for jankovic wins lol even tho she been having some tough matches

just making it pass the 3rd round. Her 1st round match was so

freaking intense o.o i didnt think she was gonna make it.

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Guest radiant.DOLL

Woah that was an extremely close match! I was rooting for Janko Tipsarevic to win... he played really well against Federer.

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Guest crystal_t33rs

Blake amazed me! I really thought he would be going home, but I'm so happy he pulled through! He didn't panic and kept as calm as possible. Best attitude I've seen from him when he was losing so badly!

Gonzales seemed to have just given up - like he wasn't into it no more and let Cilic win although Cilic did have some awesome shots.

And OMG. The Federer VS Tipseravic match was freaking intense as heck! Holy mother of cows. I sat through the whole darn thing. I can't believe I did that. XD I was so sure Fed was going to lose. Tipseravic was one heck of a player. He did really well where Fed did terribly. But wow, Fed had like 40 aces! O___O Def not Fed's best game, but hopefully he'll rest up and look back on this game and go on from there. Congrats to Fed. ^__^;

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I cant believe i got to witness the federer vs Tipseravic match!!

my heart was beating non top during the 5th set!!

I seriously thought tipsveravis was gonna win!!! ( I could of witnesses history^^)

I wanted him to win haha ...not that i dot like federer..but i just wanted to see him get beaten

GREAT tennos match!! proud to have watched it!!

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Guest crystal_t33rs

OMG, it's like the day of 5-setters or something! Hewitt & Baghdatis match was awesome as well! I love how relaxed Baghdatis can be in the most crucial moments and just break Hewitt. Wonderful, really! I would't have cared who won, they both did well! But congrats to Hewitt! I can't wait to see his match against Djokovic! I don't know who to root for there. XD

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The last three days of tennis have been awesome! Although I don't like Hewitt, I was rooting for him the whole way. Baghdatis is really a great player, especially in those crucial moments... WOW. I stayed up til 4.30ish watching the entire match. :phew: Hahaha, hopefully another great day of tennis! Go Dallecqua!

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Guest Untouchable_M

Woahh Hewitt surprised me!! I went to bed thinking, hes gonna lose for sure, damn. ^Spot on, Ive been loving tennis for the last 3 days!

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Guest aeroshaastranger :)

aussie open has to rock this yr :D

haha all the 5set matches!

was rooting for tipsarevic to win!

it wld have caused a major upset!!

haha but ahh well, he has gained more fans and made headlines (:

soemtimes it sucks though cos tipsarevic hasn't played in a singles final cos i think he keeps meeting top 10 players in the other rounds!

hope cilic progresses far (:

was rooting for hewitt cos i was thinking the aussie fans stayed up this late to catch their local hero so i'm sure he wldn't want to lose.haha but kudos to baghdatis in the 4th set when he came back from 5-1 down!! both are fighters!

so.. rooting for nadal and ivanovic and cilic and hewitt (:

oh anyone knows where i can watch fed vs tipsarevic match?the whole replay? thanks!

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Guest jvchou1316

Grrr. i hate life, have too much studyin going on for midterms and SAT. no tennis!!

lol im frequenting australianopen.com tho lol

i have a love-hate relationship with hewitt. but since it's aussie open; i wish him well. lollll

but nadal will beast. =P

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Guest dying1004

williams vs domachowska now

i dont really like watching females play. haha =X

i was sooo sad when gasquet got knocked out yesterday. i think he's the hottest tennis player evaaa! <333 now i won't be able to see his sexy backhand for the rest of this tournament =(

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Guest enticing

Did anyone else think that Tsonga looks totally like Muhammad Ali? I swear, during the entire Tsonga Gasquet match, that was all I was thinking. :mellow:

I quite like Tsonga though. He is really crafty. I hope he beats Youzhny.

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dying1004: I don't enjoy watching the womens matches as I do with the mens. And yes, I was so sad Gasquet bowed out too, that lovely backhand of his. :wub: He is ONE of the hottest tennis players on the tournament.. haha Safin <3

enticing: I too, think Tsonga resembles Ali, they were mentioning that a bit during the commentary during the match too.

Would like to see Berdych take down Federer, hahah!

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Guest Untouchable_M

I agreeee! Gasquet is so hot on court! With the womens' tennis they grunt too much. ahahha Eg: Maria Sharapova.

Novak vs Hewitt tonight. I think Novak is gonna win -_-

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Guest sorbet6

i can't believe how intense the matches from the past couple of days have been. it's awesome! i just wish i could've seen it all first-hand :(

i'm really hyped up for Hewitt vs Djokovic. i think Djokovic is going to win too.

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Guest Untouchable_M

^ yep. I think we all kind of predicted that Hewitt was gonna lose. But he did do well in the first set. HAHA! I like Hewitt cos hes Aussie, get us Aussies all hyped up. But I like Djokovic better as a player. But credits to Hewitt for that match with Marcos that went from 11.48pm Saturday night till 4.33am Sunday morning. GOSH. That was exellent stuff, he put on that fight!

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