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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest Octopus__

Finish this essay then sleep. FINISHHHHHHH. Well trying too but boyfriend was being mean. Just cause I wasn't paying attention to him, he just leaves me.. but I guess that's my fault cause I kept him up.. whatever. Sad.

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Five dollars can buy me a meal that I probably don't need. Five dollars can buy someone else's family a meal for a week. I shouldn't be debating on whether I should spend something on something I want versus something someone else needs. My greed is disgusting. I'm disappointed in myself.

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Guest BossCharisma

You claim you're a bad b itch. But you have no car, you have no house and you have no job. You're not a bad b itch, you doing bad b itch.

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Guest 12stilettos.

The only thing that annoys me more then people who only hit me when they need something...is the fake conversation before they ask.

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Guest adorkableheo

Fuuuuuuuu. Stop setting me up with blind dates. Stop telling me I should date doctors only.

FUUUUUU. Love happens naturally, please stop "trying" or "telling" me that I should date this type of guy or I should act this way...

One day I will find the one, so please stop it. *sigh*

Just stop please...and all you who followed me please stop.

I'm done.I'm done.I'm done.

I'm sick of hearing my girlfriends telling me or thinking I'm a player or a rainbow

And you boys, when I say I'm not interested so please stop following me GTFO...pleaseee :tears:

I seriously just want one person not quantities of guys anymore...just one nice guy who loves me truly will be nice. Not a whole of bandwagon who stick to me and be douchhhhhhhheeeeee when I deny them.

Seriously grow up~ if a girl says nicely that she doesn't feel the same way, tell her okay I'll improve or maybe you're not the one, no you reply her with the meanest comment back. And you expected to be loved. I'm pretty nice to say no nicely, unlike some girls I know they will break your heart worse than what I would do.

And you little ______, you just texted me because you used me and shiii, I'm just so done with all this. I'm just ready to be happy without these little things interfering my life. I need to stop talking to people and giving chances. People keep blowing it for me. fury.gif

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Humans can be very unappreciative that it depresses me thinking of a situation that had occurred the other day, where I "offered" if they wanted any of "those things", to be happy and receive. But they ended up taking more than half of the portion that was there.

Not a thank you was heard.

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Guest akito&agito

Ah bloody... I just want to smash everything to pieces, rip these papers to shreds and just, just john teshing disappear.

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Guest prisonerzero

I have been coming to Barnes and Noble regularly for a few years, and holy crap, this air conditioning thing is really getting on my nerves. They leave that thing on 24/7 even during the winter when it's 40 degrees outside. I'm wearing long sleeve shirts and my face is very cold and stiff right now. I could go outside and it'd be much warmer than this. -___________________________________- And saying something about it doesn't do anything. *shaking fist*

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I should just vent out my irritation when I'm work at my 1st job, it's so annoying most time especially when I'm working alone and stuck with so many things to do. =___= and rude customers ;(

My poor knees are still bruised up after 1 week of falling and a ladder falling on my leg because of an impatient customer. T__T (As I feel, the customer was still trying to get my attention...even after hearing a LOUD 'BOOOM' well more like a clashing sound.........

AH just remember, at my other job, this girl needs to learn to stop talking to her friend who comes in and not help other customers. Yeah your friend is a customer as well, but she works at the owner's other restaurant. There are other customers in the room!! >;O I can't be doing all the work!!

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Guest adorkableheo


This day reminds me of days when I get rejected.

Till this day I'm still hurt from all the pains these guys have caused me.

I don't want to try anymore.

Yesterday, you smiled and waved but why didn't you say anything?

And the other looked at me deeply. I just don't know anything anymore.

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seriously i can't stand my roommates.they are so lazy. the boys only know how to make messes but don't know to clean after themselves. the girl is so lazy that i get so annoyed. she says she wants to make a bank card, but complains that she doesn't have time, but as of right now she's still sleeping and it's already 1 pm. No classes today for her and no work, so why is she always to tired. I CAN'T STAND LAZY PEOPLE AND PEOPLE WHO CAN'T DO THINGS FOR THEMSELVES. Go and get a job or something. klfdjslfdsjkflafjdsklaj...so mad right now...

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Guest toomanytrucks

I'm really trying to raise this dog right but she really needs to stop doing some things. I gotta read up more on how to correct this before it gets out of control.

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