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Guest radenayu

REVIEW : Makarizo MK 3 Color Revive Shampoo & Conditioner

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Guest cyndie x3

Hello everyone!
I've been following Soompi forums for a long time, and I used to be very active online (in the kdramas thread mainly), but I think it's my first time commenting in years.
I'd greatly appreciate it if you could spare 2-3 minutes to complete an anonymous survey about a (hypothetical) YouTube book publishing company. I am a graduate student in a master's in publishing program at New York University (NYU), and I'm collecting demographic data for my project. 
I apologize in advance, as I know things like this are annoying, but I would appreciate all your help! I wouldn't normally do this, but since this is a thread dedicated to sharing your favorite beauty blogs, I figured the chances of people following Youtube beauty gurus were pretty high. Even if you aren't a heavy YouTube user, the answers you provide would still be helpful to my overall research projections. 
*Please note that this data will only be used for the purposes of my project. LINK TO THE SURVEY:  https://nyu.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_8BmF9voApvobGkJ 
Thank you so much!!

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Guest eatingrice

Hi guys, I've been contemplating whether or not I should make a beauty blog for about a year and a half..I finally decided why not!
It's not really style-advanced and a bit under construction (It's very simple lol) however the general idea is finally down and ready to go.I plan on updating every week, so please pay a visit leave a comment, etc^_^

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Guest radenayu

Just posted a new article on my blog. Oscars Red Carpet Beauty Trend 

Don't forget to check'em out >> http://imaginarymi.blogspot.com/2014/03/news-oscars-red-carpet-beauty-trend.html

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Guest Janie Lee

i have a blog but i mainly make makeup tutorials online ^__^ i just did a kpop makeup tutorial !
it's SNSD jessica's makeup from their new MV MR MR. :)

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Guest eatingrice


First review is finally up. Please so check it out ^^

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Guest radenayu

Hello hello~ I just updated my blog with another product review.

Go visit the post >> http://imaginarymi.blogspot.com/2014/03/review-lucido-l-triple-beauty-vitamin.html

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Guest radenayu

REVIEW : Etude House Lovely Cookie Blusher no.9 (Sweetberry Muffin)


Review here >> http://imaginarymi.blogspot.com/2014/03/review-etude-house-lovely-cookie.html
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Guest radenayu

Hey guys, I just posted new skin care review on my blog.

Full review here >> http://imaginarymi.blogspot.com/2014/03/review-lancome-advanced-genifique.html

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Guest radenayu

Hey  guys, today I have another makeup review on my blog.


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Guest thepigs

I follow back beauty blogs if you drop your URL in the comment section ^^

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