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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest iDance24

i haven't posted on this thread before, but

i have been silently reading all the pages

these past few days and couldn't take it


i really believe in the boys and know that

they will work hard to get what they deserve

and stay together. i hope they don't have to

leave sm because they all have friendships

with their juniors there. i just hope they

are able to teach sm a lesson and that sm

will change :] i prayed at church today for

them ^^

to those people who are BLAMING lee

soo man for this problem, i think u shouldn't

be blaming him exactly. you should be

blaming SM ENTERTAINMENT in general.

he doesn't really control everything dbsk

does. other people have already stated

that he is not the CEO. someone else is.

it's their fault, not lee soo man's. all the

sm artists highly praise LSM so i don't think

he's the reason for all these problems. :]

i just hope all the cassies can calm down so

that the boys don't get even more stressed

over this problem. if we all just support them

and pray for them then i'm sure everything

will work out smoothly. dbsk are grown men.

they can take care of themselves very well.

starting with this lawsuit. we should just show

that we will always be there for them and support

them. <3

always keep the faith....

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In reality, 13 years of contract meant a contract for life.

Even in the case that the contract is canceled when agreed by both parties, the members were required to pay penalty. Therefore, due to the millions of wons required by the contract upon cancellation, contract cancellation was realistically impossible and the members had no choice but to remain in SM

This has got to be the part that boils my blood most.

He'll allow a cancellation to be made but he'll rob em' poor first--the cost for engaging in the case in the first place and then he turns around demanding payment on account of them being freed from that hellish contract of his!!

I guess he feels he deserves some sort of gratitude for meeting their requests <_<

Just goes to show how callous he is--A decent night of sleep and a vacation here and there aren't some sort of bonus to be earned! Basic human rights these are!! And he's long deprived the boys of it and God knows how many of the other artists under SM are silently suffering and for how long!

I'm with you Anthony, at least it can all be brought to light now.

I feel like JaeChunSu speaking out is something that has long been needed.

They are the voices of all the past and present SMer's who have been bound by this all.

Even if the other's don't speak out as well, I know they're silently supporting and cheering the guys on.

"contract cancellation was realistically impossible and the members had no choice but to remain in SM"

And it's all very quite tactful on LSM's part..

he forced them to take action because he wouldn't listen.

They didn't want it to come to this, but clearly LSM's not the type to sit down to a cup of tea and cooperate. They had to make him listen, they had to bring this case about because it just came to a point where they couldn't take his crap anymore and let their dreams deteriorate under his control.

But I feel it all turned back on them. He's just so tactful..

It's as if he's making it plain and clear "I'm the boss here. It's you I've got under my skin."

He knows their weakness and he's using it well. Targeting them as a group!? Trying to bring discord within DBSK because there's no mistaking that for the boys, for Cassiopeia, 5=1.

Nothing more, nothing less.

He knows that no matter how he treats them, they'll refuse to break under it all.

They want to be treated fairly, but not at the expense that he's pent up against them. Not at the expense of a member. Their group.

And that fact is his own dementedly delusional licence to treat them like dirt.

Plays them like pawns to get what he wants.

He has them.

That devil's trapped them in a box and they're sick to death of playing four corners.

But for them, LSM is making that the only game they have to play if they want to win yet stand united.

If they decide to stick with the contract, if LSM refuses to make any changes, my heart tells me the boys will be disheartened with LSM's attempt to make them believe they're fighting a losing battle (and not just them, but all SMers).

That's why we have to never falter and always be strong.

No matter what, we have to always keep the faith.

{I love the boys so much..and all I want for them is to have true heartfelt happiness. And I'll run with them til' they find it.}



j.adore sorry for cutting your post but thanks a lot for this.

You said you'd translate it for us when you had the time and you kept your word : )


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Guest vanelili

Well i've been a silent reader of the forum and i follow all the comments and news that you guys post here and thank you so much for the effort on translating and keeping us update regarding this issue of the lawsuit againts SM and the only thing i can say is that i'm really pissed off :angry: about what SM did to our lovely boys , now i understand why they all look soooooo tired specially the last year in the new year's day presentation it was really painfull and heartbreaking to see them so tired....... seriuosly i hate this kind of treatments that big companies do to their workers is really offensive to see that peolple are not treated as human beens. I know that justice will be done and our boys will get what they deserve for their great effort so lets pray and show them that will always be by their side ^^ ;)

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Guest teenace

I think its just better for DBSK to leave SM.I mean think it about it,

if they win the case and SM changes some things on the contracts and they

stay he might favor homin over jaechunsu.He might hate them(he probably already does)

and it might cause some problems between the members.

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Guest fangirlism

Wow. That's horrible. o.o

But what I really want to know is WHY did they sign to that contract then? I mean they must have known what they were going to do in the future.

sure, they were teenagers at that time and maybe they were too excited at the thought of their dream coming true (it's understandable, SM is a company that will make a star out of you and getting accepted and offered to be in a group is wonderful and life changing) but their parents are included right? since I think the boys were minors that time? x_x

Anyway, any news on that? Did SM change the content of the contract or something when DBSK gained popularity? o.O

If not, then we have to say, it's partly their faults... I do understand but they did sign it.

Otherwise, Dx please tell me, this question has been bugging me for awhile.

always keep the faith~!


edit: thought about it.. and i can see why jaejoong would sign the contract and agree, he has lived a very tough life and i think when SM gave him the opportunity to be a star, he would think that it was his chance to "escape" his old life?

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Guest miss_h

I am shocked with the official statement. Never know that it was this bad...


About HoMin:

I also wonder why HoMin didn't participated in this matter. Then I re-think again..

Imagine if none of them have any on going project in Korea right now? SM will have reason to put more pressure on them and threat them with a disband issue.

With HoMin in drama it sure will limited their movement and cause them unable to participated in the legal movement, but also, them doing a drama will put more pressure for SM since they have a colleges, contract, and business to handle. This more powerful than DBSK (trust me, artist have no voice in the company. Look at HOT, SM just disbanded them since it was only SM Vs the groups).

Yunho and Changmin sign in the drama under the name of U-Know Yunho and Choikang Changmin and not their personal name. So basically, the producer and the investor hire both of them for DBSK name (as low as it sound, but lets be real. The member don't have an acting record to sells). They want them because they are a member of DBSK, a name that guarantee success.

Entertainment business is a dirty business where profit and money come above artist. The member must know from previous case that there's nothing you can do as an artist when you are facing the company. But with all the string that attached to DBSK right now, SM don't have any choice but to listen to them and atleast DBSK can buy time to build opinion and a bigger chance to win this case.

This make SM can't announce a disbandment of DBSK. If they do, they have to pay a ton of money to all the drama investor.

I believe they are all together in this. The method might be different. But before you jump to any of the member throat, please remember that they are family.


about smiling: honestly, I think they know what will happen since months ago. I don't see any stress on YC, JJ, and CM face (they are the easiest one to read) at the airport. They still able to smile since they don't broke the most important thing which is DBSK.



It's not that easy to leave and break the contract with SM. All of their song was licensed under SM name, their stage name, DBSK name, the character, all of it was owned by SM. Breaking with SM mean they will have to start from zero and those 5 years of hardworks will be gone. Even their contract with AVEX is done under SM. ( I hate it but I have to admit how good SM on this)

We say it easy because we will support them no matter what name they have but is not. When you changes your product name, it takes time for people to recognize it. Fans will know it, but general public will not.

This is the best move. Fixed the contract and everybody will be happier.

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Guest kangeroo

I gave SME the benefit of the doubt for DBSK's sake. (+ BoA, SNSD, SJ and SHINee)

I could've swore that after all the issues with H.O.T and Shinhwa, SME had learned their lesson.

How could they do this again and at that, to DBSK. DBSK who are so hardworking and so loyal.

For 5 whole years, DBSK kept this all a secret hoping with time that there would be an optimistic change.

For years, I've been happy thinking DBSK were happy. I feel so cheated. For 5 whole years, I was a

confessed loyal Cassiopeia and now i find out that all these years that DBSK has been carrying this burden

all alone. They couldn't even open their mouths to let us know of their suffering. They would put on

a smile to put our (Cassiopeias) hearts at peace. I couldn't even help them through all their suffering

when I am a so-called Cass. Now I feel horrible for any negative thought and doubt that I've ever

had about the boys. Now i can understand why the least the boys want from the fans is privacy.

And of course for Casssiopeia to buy their albums...it's the least we could do.

DBSK stands united. Homin or no Homin, their hearts are united.

And so should Cassiopeia's heart be united with DBSK.

Do not stir and make up assumptions about the bond of DBSK.

After suffering for this long, it has only made their bonds stronger.

Initially, I didn't want the boys to leave SM.

I love SM Family. And I love how they produce star quality artists.

But after this has been disclosed, I wouldn't care less if the boys just

abandoned SME. Right now, my top priority is for their health and happiness.

I'll follow them wherever they take me.

And to think about how this is affecting SNSD, SJ, Shinee, BoA, Csjh...

my heart hurts. Esp at the new and young stars.

Seeing them suffer like this is inhumane. Seeing their pure innocence tainted by

SM's greed. I know DBSK don't want their SM family to suffer any longer.

Not only are they standing up for themselves, but they want to revolutionize SM

for those is the present and those in the future.

All Sm'ers and their fanclubs should really mobilize together and fight for change.

I'm sorry for the rant.

I've kept my mouth shut for the last few days.

I refused to believe anything except for the boys.

And now that they've finally spoken out, I really just can't stand it.

It's so unjust.

(Also, I've only mentioned SME. As far as i know, LSM treats the boys well.)


It's true the boys signed the contract.

But we don't really know what was spelled out in the contract.

It could've been really vague or misleading esp since the boys were really young.

I mean i can't imagine the contract stating things like:

- You get 3 hours of sleep for 355 days.

- Physical and mental health deterioration.


And what gets to me the most is how clever SME is.

SME makes it impossible to leave the company. (Probably because SME lost H.O.T and Shinhwa)

So even if the boys do regret signing on with SME, they can't even leave and regret this decision.

And the boys have been trying to talk with SME and they get ignored.

Sure SM created DBSK. Sure if they weren't in SM i can conclude that they wouldn't be as big as they are today.

But...don't they deserve something.

Plus, there are new laws in Korea about slave contracts.

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Guys..are we really going to fall into this trap!? Questioning HoMin and possibly building suspicions and blame towards them? Really? When all we're being fed is scraps of information regarding this whole mess you really think we're in the position for finger pointing?

Let's not act smarter then we are about this. There's a lot we don't know.

Fans having mixed emotions and becoming divided in thought between JaeChunSu and HoMin is just the thing LSM would, if he knew, probably sleep peacefully on.

Don't give him more to gloat over than he has right now.

Edit: :dodges bricks:

Reading some previous post, some of you made some really good points regarding who to blame for all the strife in SME.

Made me stop and rethink my own accusations and right now a good amount of hatred I've accumulated for LSM. A lot of us have pointed the finger at him time and time again, and for me this time was no different...but those of you who spoke out against it are right..we can't just pick him out when clearly he doesn't control all of SME. and he isn't the CEO? as iDance24 stated..


As an international fan, clearly I'm ignorant of the finer details of how these companies operate let alone what goes on within the walls.

Ok. I'm done now.

Promise :vicx:


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Guest tigereyez

I'm a little peeved, to be honest with you. Don't to be too fast to attack me because this is how I feel. Yunho & Changmin, are probably doing the right thing.

The contract is a bit long, agreed, but I think it's a little lame that Junsu, Micky, and Hero are attacking SM and wanting to change their contract. They signed it, knowing they had LONG HARD YEARS ahead of them. They signed with SM because SM was the best, because SM believed in them when NO ONE ELSE would. If they were to succeed, SM would reap the money, but if TVXQ were to fail, then SM was also going to fail. It was a gamble with SM's money, and SM won the gamble. They shouldn't publicly criticize SM about it after YEARS OF SUCCESS, considering:

1) SM TRAINED all the boys and put in 5, 6 years of MONEY into these boys training them to sing, dance, act. They paid for the dance instructors, the singing instructions, the performances, the rooms, accomdodations, etc when TVXQ made NO MONEY. When they were NOBODIES, SM invested TONS of money promoting them. For five, six years. That adds up.

2) SM pays for ALL AND EVERYTHING. All their clothes, concert venues, managers, codis, makeup, rooms, houses, transportation, first class airfare, lawyers, they pay music stations, radio stations, EVERYTHING. TVXQ has a huge entourage that SM pays for. TVXQ doesn't need to take in 50%, 60%, when their EXPENSES are ENORMOUS. C'mon now, people are like, OH SM IS TAKING SO MUCH. Uh, do you know how much Jive Entertainment for instance, takes from Britney, Justin, etc? Close to 90%. They just make more because they attract a bigger market. And its not like TVXQ makes nothing. They individually bring in A LOT OF MONEY a year - they drive their nice cars. Don't tell me they are the POORER people in the industry because THEY'RE NOT.

3) American artists only make like, a cent per CD, because HEY they only sing on the album and there is TONS OF STUFF in the background. Producers make a TON of money off of songs, not artists. As unfair as it seems to TVXQ that they dont hardly make any money from their hit albums, his is what its like in the entertainment world. It COSTS MONEY (A LOT OF IT) to put out CDs, hire good producers, good choreographers, and promote them well, and put out albums. Artists don't usually profit from them unless they produce stuff themselves. This is a fact, so you guys can't be like "OH SM IS SO UNFAIR"

4) I understand that TVXQ is upset about the terms of the contract, but it is A CONTRACT for a reason. You can't just be like "OH HEY i'm super successful now I want to make more." There was NO GUARENTEED success when TVXQ signed with SM. SM GAMBLED with them and hey, SM ended up doing a good gamble. SM might reap in the profits now, but they DID TRAIN THE BOYS who were NOBODIES at the time and BELIEVED In them and INVESTED IN THEM WITH TONS OF MOOLAH when no one else would. I enjoy TVXQ's music, but this just sounds like ungratefulness to me.

5) SM bulit them up, SM made TVXQ by giving them great songs, TV shows that promoted their personality, built the group, looking at group dynamics, and made TVXQ not into another Supernova, AST1, etc, because you guys ALL HAVE TO admit, SM does a kick richard simmons job getting promotions, making sure they are TREATED like stars. And now TVXQ is like, "HEY i want to make MORE MONEY and SM is in the way." C'mon boys, I know you're tired, but you're A BIG DEAL now because of SM. YOU MAKE ALL THE MONEY because of SM's tactics. Because they made you work a lot and promote your stuff. THEY PAID TO GET YOU TO WHERE YOU ARE and you're complaining now?

6) If you weren't with SM, you probably wouldn't be as a big deal now. And if you're a nobody, like Paran, etc. you'd be willing to lose a bit of money for TVXQ's fame, for popularity. That's what you did when you signed with SM. YOU WEREN'T GUARANTEED success, but that came with a price of hard work, at a price of making perhaps less. And now, your'e renegading on the TERMS of your contract. WOW. just WOW. I guess money really gets to people.

I know people might not agree with me, because everyone here is like "NO THE BOYS are ALWAYS RIGHT" and i agree...to an extent. Boys should have a right to talk about their contract and discuss it when they think they are being overworked. BUT to expect a change in contract because they are SO SUCCESSFUL and publicly pressuring SM is NOT a good idea because this, believe it or not, will tarnish the image of SM, and also their own image.

Sigh. Honestly, it peeves me that PEOPLE FORGET that SM is a business, a money making machine, but they treat their stars well. LSM is like a father to everyone, so attacking him doesn't do anything. Its probably the financial CEOs who they are pissed at. And remember this again: SM is one of the best companies around because they promote their artists well, they dress them well. They overwork them, sure, but its NOT INHUMAN. Honestly guys, this whole issue just annoys me.

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Guest loveyunho4ever

lol seriously why ppl keeps mention HOmin not helping the other 3 in here ? lolz just think this way . the contract of homin with their drama . they have to suffer alot with the script . co worker ect... if they go with other 3 to sue sm. they have to stop working for maybe 6 month, and what he had to said to their worker , direction and their drama producer . then what if they turn against the boys . and it will be more problem .

Have you ever thought why yunho have to acting good and happy in the drama? it is because of his professional work .. he doesnt want to effect of the drama.. and he doesnt want fans to think and worry about it .and have you ever THInking about after drama they will joins the member ??

Why yunho is lying about sm treat them good ? lolz it is because tvxq were under their sm ent . they have to follow their rule ,and more importantly Yunho DOESNT WANT TO MAKE THE FANS WORRY.

IF YOU ARE A TRUE FANS BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF 5 . DON'T judge them if you dont know them . THEY ARE THE BOND . they stick together till they die.NO MATTER WHAT TVXQ = 5 . AND 5-1 =0

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Guest kashmier

people here are so in denial, the only thing yunho is protecting is his own personal interest

its obvious he doesn't want to give up his own personal affair and dreams

he is afraid of the consequences if ever he will speak up

i may not know his own so called "reasons" for doing this

all i know is this, he is the leader of the group

as the leader who always says that a man should have courage and honesty to fight injustice,

yunho is doing a poor job to protect his members

disbandment or not, i wish jaechunsu the peace of mind that they deserves

people like them who knows how to stand up for their rights regardless of the consequences are truly admirable

people like yunho who knows that he is being treated unfairly and yet chooses to stay with the same company and keep silent is not worthy to be look up too.

i salute junsu, yoochun and jaejoong for being brave and courageous

i wish the three the best.

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Guest OneDayAtATime

"contract cancellation was realistically impossible and the members had no choice but to remain in SM"

And it's all very quite tactful on LSM's part..

he forced them to take action because he wouldn't listen.

They didn't want it to come to this, but clearly LSM's not the type to sit down to a cup of tea and cooperate. They had to make him listen, they had to bring this case about because it just came to a point where they couldn't take his crap anymore and let their dreams deteriorate under his control.

But I feel it all turned back on them. He's just so tactful..

It's as if he's making it plain and clear "I'm the boss here. It's you I've got under my skin."

He knows their weakness and he's using it well. Targeting them as a group!? Trying to bring discord within DBSK because there's no mistaking that for the boys, for Cassiopeia, 5=1.

Nothing more, nothing less.

He knows that no matter how he treats them, they'll refuse to break under it all.

They want to be treated fairly, but not at the expense that he's pent up against them. Not at the expense of a member. Their group.

And that fact is his own dementedly delusional licence to treat them like dirt.

Plays them like pawns to get what he wants.

He has them.

That devil's trapped them in a box and they're sick to death of playing four corners.

But for them, LSM is making that the only game they have to play if they want to win yet stand united.

If they decide to stick with the contract, if LSM refuses to make any changes, my heart tells me the boys will be disheartened with LSM's attempt to make them believe they're fighting a losing battle (and not just them, but all SMers).

That's why we have to never falter and always be strong.


You make some very poignant points girl. They scare me but you're just speaking the truth.

But for some reason i'm just so confident that in the end of this LSM, or whoever is really manipulating this whole ordeal, is going to lose. There is no way that even if they still bound the boys, that SM will continue as successfully as it's been. With the public now having legit knowledge and proof of how these successful artists are being treated? Who is going to just openly buy their record and freely dance to to them or just excitedly request them on a radio show knowing how they're being harmed? My only worry is okay it's almost like even fans would have to be manipulated to purchase DBSK's product shall they lose the case out of fear of how they boy's will be treated if they don't sell this amount of records. But say fans decided not to support because they knew how unfair it was, what would SM and LSM do? They would either have to just let the boys go out of their contracts or in the worst case scenario, make them stay and force them to keep on the way they are. They may make them suffer...but even if it looks like a 'lose-lose' situation I just have a feeling in my gut that this will just not look good for SM no matter the outcome.

But even though LSM has them trapped, he too has trapped himself and his WHOLE fortune as well. Hell, if he wins the case, he might as well retire and walk off with his money because I don't see him doing anything else successfully after this. I feel like if this DBSK thing doesn't get settled SM may as well stop right here because people will not support them with this knowledge of how their artists being treated. Yeah, they were able to slip passed with HOT but now I don't think they will be as successful. They will be hounded by this. All the artists they release, all the artists that are released now, i think the majority of people will always be skeptical to the point where even the THOUGHT of supporting SM as a whole will be deemed disgusting.

And I know the boys thought about the widespread effect this lawsuit would have. Ya'll know how thoughtful these guys are. It's probably included in ONE of their MANY reasons not to resort to this. But something is really wrong here if they are willing to go this far to air out the truth. It's not just for themselves in a way they're doing it for us too to let us know, like yo, this is the deal this is how it really is.

But LSM better just know that karma is a definite *bleep* if he thinks he will walk away from this unscathed, or the rest of those SM executives who have been letting this carry on, they're dumber than I thought. Their evil minds may have worked before but now they should just know they're playing with fire because DBSK's success is not a joke AT ALL.

They better stop playing and just give the boys what they ask for before they make themselves look more dumb, evil, and conniving.

And like someone else said, I think it would be better if they LEFT. How would they conduct business staying in such an awkward place even if they won? I fell SM would constantly hold this over their heads and find other ways to mistreat them and the boys don't need that right now. My only worry with them leaving for another label is all the backdoor bribing that occurs in the industry. SM has a lot of money, and it's like they could basically control which artists/competition they want on shows and such (unless the company has more money or something). The worst scenario is if they start trying to block DBSK from doing stuff simply because they're not even with them anymore. But hell if leaving SM period would make them happier, then I think they should do it.

ok ok sorry this is it for tonight sorry guys!

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Guest vinnietran92

lol seriously why ppl keeps mention HOmin not helping the other 3 in here ? lolz just think this way . the contract of homin with their drama . they have to suffer alot with the script . co worker ect... if they go with other 3 to sue sm. they have to stop working for maybe 6 month, and what he had to said to their worker , direction and their drama producer . then what if they turn against the boys . and it will be more problem .

Have you ever thought why yunho have to acting good and happy in the drama? it is because of his professional work .. he doesnt want to effect of the drama.. and he doesnt want fans to think and worry about it .and have you ever THInking about after drama they will joins the member ??

Why yunho is lying about sm treat them good ? lolz it is because tvxq were under their sm ent . they have to follow their rule ,and more importantly Yunho DOESNT WANT TO MAKE THE FANS WORRY.

IF YOU ARE A TRUE FANS BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF 5 . DON'T judge them if you dont know them . THEY ARE THE BOND . they stick together till they die.NO MATTER WHAT TVXQ = 5 . AND 5-1 =0


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Guest hopeiswaking

I'm a little peeved, to be honest with you. Don't to be too fast to attack me because this is how I feel. Yunho & Changmin, are probably doing the right thing.

The contract is a bit long, agreed, but I think it's a little lame that Junsu, Micky, and Hero are attacking SM and wanting to change their contract. They signed it, knowing they had LONG HARD YEARS ahead of them. They signed with SM because SM was the best, because SM believed in them when NO ONE ELSE would. If they were to succeed, SM would reap the money, but if TVXQ were to fail, then SM was also going to fail. It was a gamble with SM's money, and SM won the gamble. They shouldn't publicly criticize SM about it after YEARS OF SUCCESS, considering:

1) SM TRAINED all the boys and put in 5, 6 years of MONEY into these boys training them to sing, dance, act. They paid for the dance instructors, the singing instructions, the performances, the rooms, accomdodations, etc when TVXQ made NO MONEY. When they were NOBODIES, SM invested TONS of money promoting them. For five, six years. That adds up.

2) SM pays for ALL AND EVERYTHING. All their clothes, concert venues, managers, codis, makeup, rooms, houses, transportation, first class airfare, lawyers, they pay music stations, radio stations, EVERYTHING. TVXQ has a huge entourage that SM pays for. TVXQ doesn't need to take in 50%, 60%, when their EXPENSES are ENORMOUS. C'mon now, people are like, OH SM IS TAKING SO MUCH. Uh, do you know how much Jive Entertainment for instance, takes from Britney, Justin, etc? Close to 90%. They just make more because they attract a bigger market. And its not like TVXQ makes nothing. They individually bring in A LOT OF MONEY a year - they drive their nice cars. Don't tell me they are the POORER people in the industry because THEY'RE NOT.

3) American artists only make like, a cent per CD, because HEY they only sing on the album and there is TONS OF STUFF in the background. Producers make a TON of money off of songs, not artists. As unfair as it seems to TVXQ that they dont hardly make any money from their hit albums, his is what its like in the entertainment world. It COSTS MONEY (A LOT OF IT) to put out CDs, hire good producers, good choreographers, and promote them well, and put out albums. Artists don't usually profit from them unless they produce stuff themselves. This is a fact, so you guys can't be like "OH SM IS SO UNFAIR"

4) I understand that TVXQ is upset about the terms of the contract, but it is A CONTRACT for a reason. You can't just be like "OH HEY i'm super successful now I want to make more." There was NO GUARENTEED success when TVXQ signed with SM. SM GAMBLED with them and hey, SM ended up doing a good gamble. SM might reap in the profits now, but they DID TRAIN THE BOYS who were NOBODIES at the time and BELIEVED In them and INVESTED IN THEM WITH TONS OF MOOLAH when no one else would. I enjoy TVXQ's music, but this just sounds like ungratefulness to me.

5) SM bulit them up, SM made TVXQ by giving them great songs, TV shows that promoted their personality, built the group, looking at group dynamics, and made TVXQ not into another Supernova, AST1, etc, because you guys ALL HAVE TO admit, SM does a kick richard simmons job getting promotions, making sure they are TREATED like stars. And now TVXQ is like, "HEY i want to make MORE MONEY and SM is in the way." C'mon boys, I know you're tired, but you're A BIG DEAL now because of SM. YOU MAKE ALL THE MONEY because of SM's tactics. Because they made you work a lot and promote your stuff. THEY PAID TO GET YOU TO WHERE YOU ARE and you're complaining now?

6) If you weren't with SM, you probably wouldn't be as a big deal now. And if you're a nobody, like Paran, etc. you'd be willing to lose a bit of money for TVXQ's fame, for popularity. That's what you did when you signed with SM. YOU WEREN'T GUARANTEED success, but that came with a price of hard work, at a price of making perhaps less. And now, your'e renegading on the TERMS of your contract. WOW. just WOW. I guess money really gets to people.

I know people might not agree with me, because everyone here is like "NO THE BOYS are ALWAYS RIGHT" and i agree...to an extent. Boys should have a right to talk about their contract and discuss it when they think they are being overworked. BUT to expect a change in contract because they are SO SUCCESSFUL and publicly pressuring SM is NOT a good idea because this, believe it or not, will tarnish the image of SM, and also their own image.

Sigh. Honestly, it peeves me that PEOPLE FORGET that SM is a business, a money making machine, but they treat their stars well. LSM is like a father to everyone, so attacking him doesn't do anything. Its probably the financial CEOs who they are pissed at. And remember this again: SM is one of the best companies around because they promote their artists well, they dress them well. They overwork them, sure, but its NOT INHUMAN. Honestly guys, this whole issue just annoys me.

you do make legit arguments on the business side, but the lawsuit isn't completely about money. it's also about their mental and physical welfare. as a result of the recent changes in korea's entertainment rights for entertainers they had more of a platform to combat against theiir "slave contract".

edit- topped :P








goodies from here and here!!!

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Guest Sunar

Kashmier you dont get it do you?

if he does what he is "supposed" to do then for sure he will lose and for sure he will get sued the hel! out of himself

making him lose a lot of money and not being able to stand with his fellow members after the whole drama thing ends...

your not a fan... nor were you one to begin with if your talking like that....

and SM.E is taking legal action against them??? wtf???

can someone translate that!!!!

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Guest lovejae

I think its good that Homin didn't really involve in the case till now. There's no need to have all of them in every stage of the lawsuit issues. It emphasizes that this is not really a vital problem about the whole group (of course no disbandment as they have stressed over and over again), just about SM to fix the slave contract and give more justice to them (and if its success, this will be a HUGE change for other artists in SM from now on). Dont jump to any conclusion or make any judgement about Homin. We all now that Minnie is the BRAIN of DBSK, and Yunho is the most thoughtful leader I have ever known, so they must have all considered everything carefully before taking action.

#7 They take this as a step to become more mature

The three members are extremely sorry for frightening the fans who care so much about TVXQ with this lawsuit, but they believe this is a step towards a bigger dream. They promise that they will be able to come out of this situation as better people and a better group if they receive support from their fans.

DBSK will be the leader in changing slavery contracts of Entertainment companies.

They are the only one who can do this becoz they have power. They have US.

So hwaiting! And Always keep the faith everyone!

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Guest yukinvn

@the one who blame U-know and Max for not supporting the other 3:

Mina-san, everybody has their own situations. And if you weren't in their position, you won't know why they do that.

Even if you see them smile brightly, it doesn't mean they really enjoy staying at that hell.

Who the hell in this world can be able to content with such slave contract? No-one wants to become a slave. Neither you, me nor our beloved boys...rite?

When they decice to stay aside, there must be a reason.

And in my opinion, despite of what their reason is, the only thing we - true fans - can do is just support them with all my heart.

It's not the first time they go through the mill, rite? Don't you have faith in the boys, do you? Regardingless of whatever they do, I love them and i believe in them.

I'll support and pray for them.

That's all.

@DBSK: Let do whatever is good for you, my boys! Just be careful, so that you won't have to reget later. Dears. You'll have us by your side. Try on your best!!

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