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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest miss betty

i think micky's 'depression' is just a mild one like how people once in a while feel sad, melancholy, a little depressed but not extreme like leeteuk who has been known to make public of his feelings.. i'm sure the rest of the members have felt or are feeling this way too..

perhaps yoochun joined the club with the intention of being surrounded by poeple who share similar feelings and helping others who are feeling the same way..

it's nothing to be anxious about.. i'm sure he knows he's loved and is lucky to have great people and great memories.. i personally feel it's what everyone goes through.. like 'it's just one of those days' kind of feeling.. it might drag on but then a good day or a couple of good days will come to replace that.. it's like a cycle..

i don't agree that leeteuk should make this public.. if he wants to inform other celebrities who are feeling the same way (which i'm sure is mostly everyone else) he should have done it privately.. there's no need to publicize it even though his cyworld is like a diary.. imagine the response from the public and fans.. it might create a rollercoaster of reactions..

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Guest shineecockroach

I usually just lurk and never post here but the yoochun depression posts kinda irked me a little.

Why did these celebs sign contracts and audition to be famous if they're gonna become depressed over being famous? The whole point in auditioning and training is to become successful and famous, which they have all achieved. Yet, now that they're famous, they're complaining about not being able to live life as a normal human being and such. Why bother auditioning and training then! Yes, I know it's tiring to put on a mask all day, everyday, but they should have known that fame and fortune comes with a price. That price is their freedom. If they were unwilling to give up their freedom, then they shouldn't have signed the contracts. Did they really think that once they become famous, they can come and go as they please, do whatever they want, and still have many adoring fans following them?

Don't misunderstand, there's nothing wrong with forming a group as an outlet of relieving their emotions. I just don't want them to regret becoming famous and grow to despise the life they created. Plus, in psychology there's a term called group polarization, which refers to the enhancement of a group's prevailing tendencies through discussion. If they're all gonna sit around and talk about how depress they are, chances are they will become even more depress and bitter.

Please don't bash, I'm just simply expressing my opinion. I love the boys and I admire all the obstacles they have to (every artists, not just dbsk/tvxq) overcome to achieve what they have, I just think it's kinda unreasonable to play the victim role when they, themselves signed the contract knowing that this is price of fame.

I don't know if I should worry too much about the matter, my friends and I once created "Forever Single Ladies" almost ten years ago and we have drinking sessions every now and then throughout the years to 'celebrate' the road to becoming old spinsters xD We still get together when I go back home and do the same thing, even though one of our members is married now with a kid ^^ My point is, their club could very well be not as serious as we think it is... they might feel lonely and sad sometimes, but being with friends and talking about problems would help them. Yoochun is with his mother and brother now and I bet he's loads happier than when they were in the States separated from him. Maybe 'depressed' is too strong of a word to describe what they're feeling, we can't really know for sure but I don't want to be too quick to judge. Also, I don't think the cyworld entry mentioned anything about becoming depressed over being famous? It could or it could not have something to do with their depression, but there are also insecurities, family matters and love problems going on in a celebrity's life. They are people like us, after all, no matter how famous they are. I'm not trying to raise an argument though because I very much agree with you that a celebrity should be aware of the repercussions that come with being famous and be prepared when it hits them but of course knowing fame and living it are two different things.

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Guest tohoblaq

I don't know if I should worry too much about the matter, my friends and I once created "Forever Single Ladies" almost ten years ago and we have drinking sessions every now and then throughout the years to 'celebrate' the road to becoming old spinsters xD We still get together when I go back home and do the same thing, even though one of our members is married now with a kid ^^ My point is, their club could very well be not as serious as we think it is... they might feel lonely and sad sometimes, but being with friends and talking about problems would help Yoochun. He's with his mother and brother now and I bet he's loads happier than when they were in the States separated from him. Maybe 'depressed' is too strong of a word to describe what they're feeling, we can't really know for sure but I don't want to be too quick to judge. Also, I don't think the cyworld entry mentioned anything about becoming depressed over being famous? It could or it could not have something to do with their depression, but there are also insecurities, family matters and love problems going on in a celebrity's life. They are people like us, after all, no matter how famous they are. I'm not trying to raise an argument though because I very much agree with you that a celebrity should be aware of the repercussions that come with being famous and be prepared when it hits them but of course knowing fame and living it are two different things.

You're right. Maybe it really isn't as serious as we think. Just like G-Dragon case not long ago. Whatever it is, no lame man will ever be able to understand the life of a superstar who has to constantly please people, not only their loved ones and the people around them, but also us fans who seem to expect a lot more from them whenever they achieve something better. Yoochun probably just needs a space to clear his head, I'm glad he does incorporate his music as well to solve his internal conflicts. And I'm really happy that the SM family is coming together to help each other out. I hope Yoochun will get through this and I hope that it's nothing serious.

Always keep the faith, Yoochun! We have faith in you. :)

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Guest Red Little Dot

Well, we're not just talking about Yoochun now are we? There are a ton of celeb listed above who are depress, which, no doubt have to do with the fact that they're famous. They all signed contracts agreeing that they will fork over a piece of themselves to the world. Now they have to abide with their agreements. Unless they were too immature to realize the significance of the contracts they signed, then they shouldn't play the victim role. You said it may not be that serious, but I think it's pretty serious when a bunch of famous celebs form a group to express how they are feeling. If it's only a short time thing, I think it's wiser to not have form this group and cause unnecessary drama. But since these are famous people we're talking about, then it's no doubt that they want to get the attention of the public.

oh yeah I didn't think well like you.

I may not agree what they did and feel but I don't want to blame them..

You are thinking serious and wise which is good.. :P

well I just hope everything is fine...

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Guest siwonlove

i think micky's 'depression' is just a mild one like how people once in a while feel sad, melancholy, a little depressed but not extreme like leeteuk who has been known to make public of his feelings.. i'm sure the rest of the members have felt or are feeling this way too..

perhaps yoochun joined the club with the intention of being surrounded by poeple who share similar feelings and helping others who are feeling the same way..

it's nothing to be anxious about.. i'm sure he knows he's loved and is lucky to have great people and great memories.. i personally feel it's what everyone goes through.. like 'it's just one of those days' kind of feeling.. it might drag on but then a good day or a couple of good days will come to replace that.. it's like a cycle..

i don't agree that leeteuk should make this public.. if he wants to inform other celebrities who are feeling the same way (which i'm sure is mostly everyone else) he should have done it privately.. there's no need to publicize it even though his cyworld is like a diary.. imagine the response from the public and fans.. it might create a rollercoaster of reactions..

I totally agree with you. Maybe he's just having one of those days where he feels insecure and all. I'm like that too. I'm a happy kid, with great family and friends, just like how Micky has his family and the members. But there are a few days in a year where i'll go emo and go a little depress, but it's just over small things, things that doesn't really affect my life. Maybe he is just the same, he feels happy with his life now, he's famous with many great friends and his family behind him, supporting him. But he just feels a little insecure about his life now? I hope this doesn't really affect him. He's my favourite! I don't want anything to happen to him.

And i too, agree that Teuk shouldn't make this public. I know he's feeling a little depressed for quite a while now, and everyone's worried. But making this public? I wouldn't want to imagine the consequences after SM knows about it.

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Guest ayuu.919

I don't know if I should worry too much about the matter, my friends and I once created "Forever Single Ladies" almost ten years ago and we have drinking sessions every now and then throughout the years to 'celebrate' the road to becoming old spinsters xD We still get together when I go back home and do the same thing, even though one of our members is married now with a kid ^^ My point is, their club could very well be not as serious as we think it is... they might feel lonely and sad sometimes, but being with friends and talking about problems would help them. Yoochun is with his mother and brother now and I bet he's loads happier than when they were in the States separated from him. Maybe 'depressed' is too strong of a word to describe what they're feeling, we can't really know for sure but I don't want to be too quick to judge. Also, I don't think the cyworld entry mentioned anything about becoming depressed over being famous? It could or it could not have something to do with their depression, but there are also insecurities, family matters and love problems going on in a celebrity's life. They are people like us, after all, no matter how famous they are. I'm not trying to raise an argument though because I very much agree with you that a celebrity should be aware of the repercussions that come with being famous and be prepared when it hits them but of course knowing fame and living it are two different things.

Yep, my point exactly. Since you created a group that is centered around playfulness, then playfulness is what you get. But since they created a group centered around depression, then it is likely their depression will heighten. Another example, if I created a group that is centered around how much I dislike Paris Hilton, then our dislike for Paris will heighten because we're all contributing our reasons why we dislike her. If they all sit around talking about how they're depressed, then they'll become more depressed.

For those who are saying this may not be as serious as we think, then I think it's pretty unwise of them to create such a group if they're not serious. Not only will it create unnecessary drama, it will also make the group themselves look bad because depression is a very serious issue and many people have died from it.

I’m not bashing and I might be in the minority but it's frustrating when people are offended that celebrities are not allowed to be depressed because their lives are good (this coming from a girl who dislikes Hollywood). I’m sure Yoochun of all members knows that life is not about sunshine and rainbows; he did have a difficult childhood.

Yoochun wasn’t the one who mentioned it so he wasn’t “complaining” about his depression and how hard being famous is. If it wasn’t for Leeteuk’s post, people wouldn’t even know about it. The boys mostly complain about the fans following them around and being a nuisance for them and others and not being able to date openly (I’m sure that they do date though. Just in secret). They really don’t whine about working too much and they all seem so grateful for being in DBSK. And if they do talk about how hard being famous is, I feel like they've accepted it.

I'm not saying that Yoochun isn't allowed to feel depressed. Of course it's natural to feel depressed at certain times in your life regardless of whether you're a celeb or not. But like you said, it's many celebs who are feeling this way and it's no doubt because of the fact that they're famous. They aren't allow to date openly and go wherever they please without fans following them around. But this is one of the consequence of becoming famous. If they knew they wouldn't be able to handle the fame, then they shouldn't have signed the contract. No point in playing woe is me when they knew this is going to happen. I just get the feeling he's depressed because of the life he chose. Noticed how in most of the UFOs, it's mainly Changmin, JJ, Yunho who replies to fans. They appreciate the fans and they doesn't seem to take it as hard as Yoochun.

Does anyone else think Leeteuk's position as a leader is questionable? It's surprising that he have won some polls against Yunho as best leadership when he can't really even handle his emotions in the best way possible. Leayuri, he lost twice in that leadership poll. The second time he lost by 100 or so votes.

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Guest LeaYuri

^ I think the poll is biased decision.Most of cassie never knew abt the matter.And when allKpop (A very well-known site for Kpop lovers) made re-survey,Yunho topped the ranking.

Yoochun@Milk Club And I agreed miss betty for major points.Yoochun might not really stress but he needs to share his problems (everyone would face the hardship of life) and decided to join the club maybe because he finds it's more comfortable to share everything with label-mates (in case if the club was formed and dedicated to SM Artists).

All cassie love you,Yoochun!!Tohoshinki Fighting!!


Yunjae!! :w00t: Lol..He was joking and some fans even gave him pressure to admit the truth whether they're dating or not.But,It's weird because I'd see the same conservation/replies for 3 times.Is this the most recent replies from them?I've read the same questions and replies before.For example,Yunho is mine and Jae replied "He's a little expensive".And to be frank,Im actually still hesitate to believe whether if it's really replied by themselves.Could it be done by their pals/staffs?

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Guest universe

Since you created a group that is centered around playfulness, then playfulness is what you get. But since they created a group centered around depression, then it is likely their depression will heighten. Another example, if I created a group that is centered around how much I dislike Paris Hilton, then our dislike for Paris will heighten because we're all contributing our reasons why we dislike her. If they all sit around talking about how they're depressed, then they'll become more depressed.

For those who are saying this may not be as serious as we think, then I think it's pretty unwise of them to create such a group if they're not serious. Not only will it create unnecessary drama, it will also make the group themselves look bad because depression is a very serious issue and many people died from it.

yea i agree. i was quite shocked that leeteuk decided to go public with this. whether their depressions are serious or not, this will cause netizens to talk and speculate, and things may end up worse. now whenever i see any performance or shows that the Milk Club members are on, i will immediately start to look out for any signs of depression. they will get even more unwanted attention from the public coz everyone will be curious and its not like we can help it. i hope that group will do them more good than causing them to fall even deeper into depression. all the best to them.

and i also wonder how SM will take to this haha. this definitely isn't good publicity. IMO i think leeteuk is the one who needs serious help soon, to post that entry without thinking of the consequences and how the rest might have felt

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Guest kashmier

i wish leeteuk did not post this matter publicly. the fans now in korea are getting distress over this matter.

i feel pity to the fans because we all know how reactive they can be.

leeteuk shouldn't toy with the fan's feelings. he knew beforehand that if he post this kind of entry, the fans would eventually try to intervene and get involve.

people now are speculating why yoochun is depressed. the nitizen said maybe dbsk will disband thats why yoochun is depressed. this is getting out of hand in terms of speculation for the real reason why yoochun is depressed.

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Guest Kasumi08

I usually just lurk and never post here but the yoochun depression posts kinda irked me a little.

Why did these celebs sign contracts and audition to be famous if they're gonna become depressed over being famous? The whole point in auditioning and training is to become successful and famous, which they have all achieved. Yet, now that they're famous, they're complaining about not being able to live life as a normal human being and such. Why bother auditioning and training then! Yes, I know it's tiring to put on a mask all day, everyday, but they should have known that fame and fortune comes with a price. That price is their freedom. If they were unwilling to give up their freedom, then they shouldn't have signed the contracts. Did they really think that once they become famous, they can come and go as they please, do whatever they want, and still have many adoring fans following them?

Don't misunderstand, there's nothing wrong with forming a group as an outlet of relieving their emotions. I just don't want them to regret becoming famous and grow to despise the life they created. Plus, in psychology there's a term called group polarization, which refers to the enhancement of a group's prevailing tendencies through discussion. If they're all gonna sit around and talk about how depress they are, chances are they will become even more depress and bitter.

Please don't bash, I'm just simply expressing my opinion. I love the boys and I admire all the obstacles they have to (every artists, not just dbsk/tvxq) overcome to achieve what they have, I just think it's kinda unreasonable to play the victim role when they, themselves signed the contract knowing that this is price of fame.

I’m not bashing and I might be in the minority but it's frustrating when people are offended that celebrities are not allowed to be depressed because their lives are good (this coming from a girl who dislikes Hollywood). I’m sure Yoochun of all members knows that life is not about sunshine and rainbows; he did have a difficult childhood.

Yoochun wasn’t the one who mentioned it so he wasn’t “complaining” about his depression and how hard being famous is. If it wasn’t for Leeteuk’s post, people wouldn’t even know about it. The boys mostly complain about the fans following them around and being a nuisance for them and others and not being able to date openly (I’m sure that they do date though. Just in secret). They really don’t whine about working too much and they all seem so grateful for being in DBSK. And if they do talk about how hard being famous is, I feel like they've accepted it.

Idk about the others but in Yoochun’s case, I don’t think he’s depressed because he’s a celebrity but more because of his personal issues. He doesn’t like to be alone and it’s pretty obvious that he is a sensible and fragile guy. Actually, people are not that surprised about him being in the MILK thing. I mean he had to move to another country, had to work at a young age, witnessed his parents divorce, had to leave his mother and his brother in America… Even if he has his family with him now, he still has a lot of emotional baggage. We don’t even know all the other issues, insecurities and pressure that he must have as a member of Asia’s top idols. And yes they want to be celebrities but we have to admit that our boys work a lot and might end up having a couple of burnouts. I’m sure they didn’t expect to be THAT big.

That being said, I don’t think he may have a serious depression. It might be mild…or he might be bipolar. And I think that the MILK thing is more like a support group where they try to make each other feel better. I mean Teuk’s entry made me go D: and lol at the same time so I don't know how serious it's supposed to be. I still think he shouldn’t have mentioned the names of the other parties though. It's going to create speculations. It's propbably going to get delete.

Goes back to lurking

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For those who are saying this may not be as serious as we think, then I think it's pretty unwise of them to create such a group if they're not serious. Not only will it create unnecessary drama, it will also make the group themselves look bad because depression is a very serious issue and many people have died from it.

Yeah,if they made it for fun then LSM needs to talk to them,like seriously! It was unnecessary just causing some fans to worry.I do worry becoz the word "depression" is a strong word,it takes lives :( Im gonna think that Yoochun is just tired w/ the series of concerts they made & now A-nation.Good thing Yunho's back to Japan maybe he can talk to him.

Goes back to lurking

Come back! :lol: Its always nice to have so many people around here.

DBSK Fanart by a 7 year Old Fanboy!











His Fave member is Yunho ~

credit: TVXQbaidu

shared by: DBSKnights

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Guest ciarain

i don't get why yoochun be depressed, i saw his recent fancams, he looks happy there and he is with his friends all the time and they hang out. his mom and his bro are always there supporting him. dbsk is so successful now, he is one of the popular member in japan. if there are artists that are prone to get depressed, its the underrated ones who also work hard and yet they are not successful. he has so much to be thankful for. what micky says that he is depressed and what i saw on tv is so different. i hope they are not doing this for attention. :mellow:

Well we're not himself and we also can't stalk him 24/24. We will never know what he and other boys are thinking. Recently I just realized how clueless most of us international fans are when it comes to the boys in Korea and Japan. Korean fans are very protective and they hide a lot of DBSK's secrets that we don't know. We only know about THSK's on-screen and what media feeds us. I won't be surprised if the rest of DBSK are also gonna join or already joined Milk Club secretly lol :lol:

Anyway I have a feeling that we're talking about LeeTeuk's issues too much here. YC was only announced as Milk Club's member. We don't know exactly what makes YC depressed or if YC really feels depressed or not (He might just have some bad days and joined it for fun). Either we or LeeTeuk is taking the issue too seriously.

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Guest fattie8701

first of all, i honestly personally think Leeteuk shouldnt have put up the names of the celebrities in this MILK club of his, but he knows why he did it and me barely knowing anything about his life cannot judge or question him for that decision.

second having read all the responses to this MILK discussion, and agreeing with some and naturally disgreeing with others, will put my two cents in :). I honestly always got the loner/depressed feeling from yoochun; heck i have seen interviews (mnet mission impossible i think) were yoochun was like 'sometimes i just want to be alone' and more recently i read an article where they were asking about yoochun's christmas and he mentioned how he didnt do much just 'went drinking and on christmas eve he spent it in his room, because he didnt feel like socializing even though his mom, yoohwan and yoohwan's gf were in the kitchen cooking and whatever'. And come on watching all these shows he doesnt take much to notice how melancholic yoochun can get.

Now as for the reasons why yoochun is depressed...ONLY yoochun knows and understands. I think most people often forget that depression is not often situational. by that i mean it doesnt need to have a reason, in fact go to a doctor and say to them 'these i days i am sad for no reason' and i guarantee you you will walk out of there with anti-depressant prescriptions!! With yoochun, it may have something or nothing at all to do with the stress of fame. And as we all know yoochun has the hardest time dealing with overbearing overly crazed fans and their antics, just recently in one of their thank you mails yoochun was like 'please resist coming to our apartments' (LMAO btw). The thing is yoochun has the personality were he cant hide how he feels, he wears his emotions on his shoulders, hate him or love him for it its just the way he is!, we cant expect him to be like e.g. Yunho who come hell or high water will smile to fulfill responsibility.

And who knows maybe this MILK group can help them get through it, cuz sometimes all people need is to be surrounded by others who can relate to what they are going through, or like ayu.919 said it could make it worse (God forbid). But reading Leeteuks cyworld, i didnt get that dark am about to jump over a cliff feeling, i think if anything he just wanted us to know they are human, like you and me not exempt from lifes misfortunes. And the entry had a little humour in it, if it was that serious the tone would have been very dark and i am not getting that from it.

I dont think anyone should be worried about Yoochun at least, not sure about the remaining MILK members cuz i dont really follow their lives. He has 4 boys around him, who will always make sure he is ok. And he will definitely get depressed maybe rarely or maybe often, but at the end of the day as long as he has his music and DongBang brothers yoochun will be just fine!

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Guest miss_h

I want to be silence about this MILK club matter before, but since there's so much contorversi around the three thread and everybody here kinda put Yoochun in bad notice, so I must say something that probably will sound very biased but I hope not.

This is not the first time Leeteuk make a roar like this. As much as I love the boy, he really is an attention seeker (like the Kim YunAh accident), and as SJ member says, love to have people looking sorry for him. His CY has been in depressed mood for some months now.

Probably Yoochun is depressed at one time and talk about it, for we don't know what reason, but all we can see is he is enjoying his live. Maybe he was complaining about not having so much freedom, but yet, we saw his fancam and stalking pics around Seoul playing with his friend so carefree. He just have his vacation, probably feeling a little bit lonely after a week full of friend in Korea than suddenly go back to Japan. I don't really know it actually.

But someone in SHINee thread make a really good point that there's a lot of sentence that was lost in translation. So it's not sound as depressed as it should be. Probably someone with good korean and english can check it if they want and confirm the real content to us (not blaming the first one who translate it btw. Just a suggestion)

What I mean is, don't make a judgement toward Yoochun based on this CY alone. Maybe he was depressed at one time, but for what we know, he done all his works, and sometimes probably he is in bad mood, but I usually blame it to the sun (being in the morning or late in the evening) :lol:


I don't want this thread become soo gloomy.

Come on... Yoochun have his Jun-chan to chear him up and Jaejoong to talk and drink with. Don't be worry to much about this.

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Guest shineecockroach

Yep, my point exactly. Since you created a group that is centered around playfulness, then playfulness is what you get. But since they created a group centered around depression, then it is likely their depression will heighten. Another example, if I created a group that is centered around how much I dislike Paris Hilton, then our dislike for Paris will heighten because we're all contributing our reasons why we dislike her. If they all sit around talking about how they're depressed, then they'll become more depressed.

For those who are saying this may not be as serious as we think, then I think it's pretty unwise of them to create such a group if they're not serious. Not only will it create unnecessary drama, it will also make the group themselves look bad because depression is a very serious issue and many people have died from it.

I'm not saying that Yoochun isn't allowed to feel depressed. Of course it's natural to feel depressed at certain times in your life regardless of whether you're a celeb or not. But like you said, it's many celebs who are feeling this way and it's no doubt because of the fact that they're famous. They aren't allow to date openly and go wherever they please without fans following them around. But this is one of the consequence of becoming famous. If they knew they wouldn't be able to handle the fame, then they shouldn't have signed the contract. No point in playing woe is me when they knew this is going to happen. I just get the feeling he's depressed because of the life he chose. Noticed how in most of the UFOs, it's mainly Changmin, JJ, Yunho who replies to fans. They appreciate the fans and they doesn't seem to take it as hard as Yoochun.

Oh no we did not create that group because we were playing around, we seriously thought we were all gonna be old maids xD But that aside, my point is that I think the "milk club" is more of a club created by a group of friends than a group of depressed people. It isn't always a bad thing to create a group based on a problem too, anorexics, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc . they form discussion groups to talk to others and try overcome the problem. If they created the group to wallow in depression then that is unacceptable for me, but I think they formed the group because they strive to solve their depression, if that is what they really have. As long as they have the will and intention to be out of depression and the help of each other, I believe they will benefit from the group rather than it worsening their problems. I do agree that the whole thing should have been kept non-public, but sometimes the public themselves blow everything out of proportion when in truth it really should not have been a cause for worry. Depression is a serious matter, but until things are clarified and proven, I will keep to my initial impression that this should not be something to be concerned about.

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Guest toki114


Oh seriously?

I think he may be happy at times but there is sadness in his heart or something?

He can now reunite his family and done everything for his mom and bro.

But still feel lonely and depressed?

May be his health is a part of the reasons for his depression, coz as a busiest group in Asia and being sick almost everytime is not good right?

When I watched the Anation clip where JJ, CM. YH eating and fooling around at front he was like leaning the table at the back and looked so sick :(

ok I've been more into YC these days and hope he's fine.

Sorry to cut your post. When i read about this milk club, i tried to think about the real reasons behind his depression too and i came up with only reason that u mentioned. His health is really a big issue for him. I feel sad every time i talk about this though. Usually i will try to avoid talking about this. He's like sick all the time and never be seen as healthy. Asthma alone is unable to be cured, not to mention weak stomach prob, anemia and others. :tears: :tears: He also got bad comments about poor performances, low stamina, lack of singing ability and all that jazz. I kinda worrying about his health the most but there's nothing i can do just to pray for him. *sobs*

I saw that that channel a for a-nations clip too. I feel so sad seeing him like that. I feel like he himself doesnt want to talk about this too. He never complains about it and just pretends that everything is alright No matter what, we still can see he suffers from it. I hope he's fine too and i will always positive about this.

i wish leeteuk did not post this matter publicly. the fans now in korea are getting distress over this matter.

i feel pity to the fans because we all know how reactive they can be.

leeteuk shouldn't toy with the fan's feelings. he knew beforehand that if he post this kind of entry, the fans would eventually try to intervene and get involve.

people now are speculating why yoochun is depressed. the nitizen said maybe dbsk will disband thats why yoochun is depressed. this is getting out of hand in terms of speculation for the real reason why yoochun is depressed.

I couldn't agree more. I dont want to bash him but i dont think its the right thing to do, sending such message to plublic for sth like this. now what people may think of them? Even cassies trying to relate this to those rumors going around. Dont want more depression out there.

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Guest miss_h

Quoting Q_park from Heading to The Ground thread..

The cast for Yunho drama is announce. He will play against these people. If this not related tell me and I will delete it.

All Cast Members Released:

(Though the other actors/actresses are confirmed to be in the drama, we don't know what roles they are going to play except for Yunho's younger sister and the rival.)

Ara and Kang Hye Bin:


Yunho as Cha Bong Kun:


Lee Sang Yoon as ???:


Lee Yoon Ji as Oh Yeon Yi:


Kim Jae Seung as rival soccer player Dong Ho


Kim Na Joo as Cha Bong Kun's younger sister


Lee Jae Yoon as a soccer player


Hong Jung Hyun as a soccer player?



Kim Jae Song as Dong Ho, the rival soccer player

Lee Jae Joon as a soccer player?

Ricky Kim as a soccer player?

Yoon Won Suk as a soccer player?

Hong Jung Hyun as a soccer player?


- Kyu

Can spazz, but restrict your self from spamming with disscussion over the drama.

Yunho + little girls = always win in my book :);)

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Guest Heaven2100

First of all, I think we all need to CALM DOWN!!! Really.. You don't really know why, who, where right? So I suggest no to Jump to conclusion really..

Second of all, Who said that he's feeling depressed because of his job? his popularity and everything..? You don't know that for sure.. Maybe and maybe not.. We don't know what's really happening in his life right? Right! Maybe family problems, maybe other PERSONAL problems.. SO please don't judge before you know it for sure..

I agree.. That if it's because the popularity he shouldn't be really depressed.. because he chose it.. He can't complain about his choice.. but still.... It's really a hard job.. All of you agree with me right? And basically.. let's think about it.. they barely see their family.. barely see their friends because all of this CRAZY schedule.. and all!! Maybe he just fell bad.. or a little down and decided to join see his friends and talk about it.. Does he need to keep it inside? I think not.. And really.. I can have a good mood someday and on another day I'm depressed.. I don't even know why... and it's not just because I'm a girl... All people have this days.. And we all know that Yoochun is a really sensitive guy.. So please eveyone stay cool:)

Yoochun? AJA AJA FIGHTING!!! B):D;)

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Guest Moon_Sprinkles

Geez, you guys are completly over reacting, Teukie's MILK club is just him being playful and don't forget that DBSK and SJ are very good friends, perhaps Yoochunie was having a bad day and called Teukie and then when Teukie did this MILK club thing he added him in. None of ELF seem to be taking any notice. Do you know how many club thingys Heechul has done? I don't think Teukie is even being serious. I can't believe there is so much about this in the DBSK thread when the SUJU thread is not even taking any notice LOL maybe we are just used to our emoTeuk ^__^

Anyway i came to spazz about Yunho in his new drama, eeeeeeeeeeeeee there could not be a better part for him huh? His acting was great in Vacation and that was about 3 years ago, his gonna be much better now!

are the boys back in Korea? and is Heavens postman out yet?

ow poopie i'm the first post on page 666 T.T how unlucky...

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Eeteuk expressing how he feels on his CYworld is fine, its his own business. I don't know whether he was joking or not but i don't think he should have name dropped others. And naming a member in each group in SM (besides The Grace) doesn't look too good on the company either lol. Anyway if he is bein serious then i hope they can all overcome it soon.

are the boys back in Korea? and is Heavens postman out yet?

They are all in Japan now and Heavens Postman is not out yet.

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